The Rich Are Getting Richer!

nice job of proving his statements to be untrue.

Nothing has been proven untrue, you people are just really good at manipulating the facts and history to suit your memes. This works particularly well on idiots and morons who don't have a grasp of reality or understand history. Again, I will point out, you are doing an awful lot of arguing for Marxist Socialism here, to NOT be a Marxist Socialist.
Nice write up. Clean and valid answers. But boss is a tool. Probably a paid tool. He is far from interested in truth. He is here to do as he always does: Post Dogma.
Boss, and a number of others like him on this board, have one purpose only. It is to push the far right agenda. They are NOT interested in data, or facts, and never back their dogma with links. Because they can not.

Here's the thing, "Rush" ....I am not going to respond to ad homs and personal denigration. I understand this is your refuge when someone attacks your precious Marxism, because you lack any level of intellectual sophistication, and simply can't defend your own blather, but I don't have to participate.

The only "agenda" I have is to restore freedom, where you and your Marxist sympathizers have destroyed it. You're absolutely right, I am not interested in links to blogs which spout propaganda from every orifice, in order to advance Marxist Socialism and kill freedom.
Great. If you are not going to respond, why are you responding.

Sorry. You are a libertarian by the statements you make. Which makes you a fool. Since there has never, ever been a libertarian economy that made it to any level of success. In fact, it is questionable that any economy ever started as one. So, anyone who supports an economic/political system that has never worked needs to be ignored. Cause it shows you are a fool. Just as stupid as those who supported the concept of communism as an economic system. Every bit as stupid.

Then there is the calling everyone a marxist. Jesus, does not come close to passing the giggle test. Does anyone take you seriously??? Jesus.

then there is the concept that your opinion is of any value. No way to prove anything. Because you are incapable of looking at data. If it is not what you want to believe, you simply call the source marxist. No way, me poor ignorant con, to ever learn anything. You just go on believing what you want to believe and spouting it as gospel. See any problem there???? Didn't think so.

Great answer. If you are not going to respond, why are you responding? I almost spilled coffee on my keyboard laughing. I hope "Boss" appears regular here. He's great for a morning chuckle.
nice job of proving his statements to be untrue.

Nothing has been proven untrue, you people are just really good at manipulating the facts and history to suit your memes. This works particularly well on idiots and morons who don't have a grasp of reality or understand history. Again, I will point out, you are doing an awful lot of arguing for Marxist Socialism here, to NOT be a Marxist Socialist.

How do you know so much about marxists, socialists, communists? Ever meet one?
nice job of proving his statements to be untrue.

Nothing has been proven untrue, you people are just really good at manipulating the facts and history to suit your memes. This works particularly well on idiots and morons who don't have a grasp of reality or understand history. Again, I will point out, you are doing an awful lot of arguing for Marxist Socialism here, to NOT be a Marxist Socialist.
Presenting information that disproves your claims that are the basis for your argument is not a manipulation of the facts; they are the facts. How can you expect anyone to accept claims that the temperature rarely get's above freezing in Scandinavia or that 20 million immigrants stream across our boarders or Scandinavia is composed of SMALL ISOLATED COMMUNES? Your posts aren't manipulation of the facts because you don't present any facts.
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nice job of proving his statements to be untrue.

Nothing has been proven untrue, you people are just really good at manipulating the facts and history to suit your memes. This works particularly well on idiots and morons who don't have a grasp of reality or understand history. Again, I will point out, you are doing an awful lot of arguing for Marxist Socialism here, to NOT be a Marxist Socialist.

How do you know so much about marxists, socialists, communists? Ever meet one?
the really funny thing is that he lies like a rug, then changes subject, then points to something else, lies again, is proven to have been wrong, and repeats. Kind of like a pin ball game, in which boss is the ball. He has NO substance, never proves anything, lies all the time, and expects people to believe what he says.
I think you have it. We just need to see the humor in him. He is funny. Though of course he thinks he is serious.
Yeah. That is the ticket. His value really is simply in the humor he brings to his posts.
As I said, in SMALL ISOLATED COMMUNES... COMMUNism works, it's the only way it has ever worked, and I'm sure they have greater EVERYTHING than the US, because small, tight-knit groups can utilize socialism to their advantage. We can't do that here because we are a nation of 350 million people, of all walks of life, no one knows or trusts each other, we are consumer driven and mobile, on the go. We have millions of illegal immigrants flooding our emergency rooms and schools, that a socialist system simply can't afford...HELL, a Capitalist system can't even afford it!

You seem to be fixed on the idea that size matters Mr Boss, so why don't we go straight to the big enchilada? China is a country that has amazed many over the past few years, by going from a poor backwater to the number 2 economy in the world within a couple of generations. This has been done through state controlled capitalism, ie: bureaucrats making all major economic and financial policy. This is Scandinavia on steroids, not a high tax, high service economy, but a controlled economy. It is a form of government control that would have had even FDR looking at the ground and scuffling his shoes. Yet they have taken off. All 1.4 Billion. And yes, they still have terrible problems with poverty and environmental destruction. But so did Britain when industrializing in the 19th century, as did the US also in the early 20th.

You are making the stereotypical mistake of assuming social programs are unafordable, a luxury to be instigated only after the "real" economy is taken care of. In fact, they are an artifact of philosophy, not of economics. Communist or capitalist, there is only so much produced in a given time frame, and people will still need and want certain things. In some cases, private direction seems to make sense. In others, public ownership makes better sense. These principles apply in either large or small juristictions.

I also suspect you are a rather young man, as you seem to accept the current over the top consumerism, and general self-interest and paranoia as the norm in the US, although it is not. The US was much more cohesive, going back a few decades, and the political sentiment was also further to the left than it is today, in most regions anyway. Consumerism and individualism bordering on anarchy are concepts that have been whipped up by the uber affluent in your society, for the reason that it benefits them. It benefits them to have a low tax, low service, unregulated, greedy, free for all society, as that is how they make their money (and keep it). When you make $30M a year, you don't need medicare. So why pay for it? Screw everybody else. That is the current belief system for those at the top (well, most of them anyway). That's why there is a relentless blast of spin from those so mentioned, and it has influenced the credulous and easily swayed over the last couple of decades- such as yourself, apparently.

For the most part, not in all cases, but mostly, the wealthy people got to be wealthy because they had the motivation and drive to succeed, more drive and motivation than poorer people. They were smart with money, they made wise decisions, worked hard and didn't squander resources, made the most of what was available to them, and prospered. While they were doing all of this, the poor people sat in their chairs and blamed their condition on others, made excuses for why they couldn't achieve, or just became content and complacent about the status of their wealth, in return for happiness in the moment. There is nothing wrong with either perspective, but the wealthy person tends to continue gaining more wealth over time, just by nature of their drive and ambition to succeed.

Are you talking about wealth or excessive wealth? And if you need to put a number on the difference, let's say twenty million dollars in personal assets is the reasonable level of wealth most of us would like to achieve. Wishing, or needing, to acquire more than that is motivated by nothing other than greed.

Yesterday the visible example of greed in the corporate realm was Enron. Today the media is reporting on Goldman Sachs' concealed hoarding of scrap aluminum to raise its market price (which affects the ordinary consumer). They will call that business acumen but it is nothing but reprehensible greed. The same kind of greed that motivates the Walton (Wal-Mart) family, which is worth more than $93 billion, yet they refuse to pay their employees a living wage, which forces most of those employees to resort to such public assistance mediums as food stamps, housing assistance, etc. -- which further reduces the declining collective worth of the middle class and negatively affects all but the super rich. Today we are talking about the kind of wealth that Exxon/Mobil CEOs "earn" by deriving $35 billion in profits and not only paying zero tax but receiving a refund, compliments of a staff of connected lawyers and corrupted legislators. So we are not talking about ordinary wealth.

Your propaganda seeks to elude the well-known fact that behind most great fortunes lie great crimes. But your effort succeeds with none but the few brainwashed morons who haven't a pot to piss in but who believe defending greed will serve their interests.
Boss says we are mis quoting him. That must mean he does not lie.

So lets check a few boss lies. He says he does not lie, it is just us marxists distorting what he says.
I will be really careful not to miss-quote boss. Because I think he is simply an aspiring comic.

So. Another boss quote proving he is a comic:
But you want to combine statistics of 4 countries and compare with our country. To show "diversity" you say the Scandinavians speak 4 different languages, well... they are 4 different countries!
"Scandinavia is a large region of Northern Europe that is mainly made up of the Scandinavian Peninsula. As such, it includes the countries of Norway and Sweden. In addition, Denmark, Finland and Iceland are also included in Scandinavia."
Geography of Scandinavia - List of Scadinavia's Five Countries
Maybe boss can not count above 4.

And another boss quot proving he is a comic:
I say it RARELY gets above freezing
In no month of the year is the average temperature below freezing in Copenhagen. And only one month when the lowest temp of the day is below freezing.
Scandinavia Average Temperatures
Maybe he just does not know of the freezing level. Or, perhaps he is unaware that as you go into the mountains, you can actually find snow and freezing temps. Really. It is not his fault that boss is stupid. It is just bad luck.

And another boss quot proving he is a comic
Yeah, try jumping to the 1940 election, when the Great Depression was entering it's 12th year, and his 2nd term policies had not worked. He nearly lost....

...Another huge win for FDR. FDR won with 449 electoral votes to the repub's 82 electoral votes.
Presidential Election of 1940
this, after saying FDR very nearly lost the '32 election, which he won by record levels.
Maybe boss thinks elections are scored like golf. So, fdr's 449 electoral votes are bad, his opponents 82 electoral votes are good. Yeah. That's the ticket!!!

And another boss quot proving he is a comic
It wasn't until WWII, when every able-body man was shipped overseas, and the women were left to man the factories, that we began to recover from the Great Depression......
UE rate in 1933 was 25%. UE rate in 1937 was 14%. UE Rate in 1941, before our entry into WWII was 9.2%. The Great Depression Statistics
So, you are apparently saying that the ue rate DROPPING is a bad thing??? In which case you would think that the repubs watched the ue rate go from under 3% to over 24% during the repub administrations leading up to the great depression was a good thing. You are a comic, Boss. Really. Very funny. No wonder you love those hands off policies of the repubs, and hate the new deal so much. You are just mixed up.

Please boss, post some more so we can fact check your lies. You have a ways to go to catch ED, but you are working on it.
all I know is when the DOW hit the 14k peak in October of 07, Bush got pummeled, the rich getting richer the po' getting po' Happy days are here again.....GTFOH.....:rolleyes:
As I said, in SMALL ISOLATED COMMUNES... COMMUNism works, it's the only way it has ever worked, and I'm sure they have greater EVERYTHING than the US, because small, tight-knit groups can utilize socialism to their advantage. We can't do that here because we are a nation of 350 million people, of all walks of life, no one knows or trusts each other, we are consumer driven and mobile, on the go. We have millions of illegal immigrants flooding our emergency rooms and schools, that a socialist system simply can't afford...HELL, a Capitalist system can't even afford it!

You seem to be fixed on the idea that size matters Mr Boss, so why don't we go straight to the big enchilada? China is a country that has amazed many over the past few years, by going from a poor backwater to the number 2 economy in the world within a couple of generations. This has been done through state controlled capitalism, ie: bureaucrats making all major economic and financial policy. This is Scandinavia on steroids, not a high tax, high service economy, but a controlled economy. It is a form of government control that would have had even FDR looking at the ground and scuffling his shoes. Yet they have taken off. All 1.4 Billion. And yes, they still have terrible problems with poverty and environmental destruction. But so did Britain when industrializing in the 19th century, as did the US also in the early 20th.

You are making the stereotypical mistake of assuming social programs are unafordable, a luxury to be instigated only after the "real" economy is taken care of. In fact, they are an artifact of philosophy, not of economics. Communist or capitalist, there is only so much produced in a given time frame, and people will still need and want certain things. In some cases, private direction seems to make sense. In others, public ownership makes better sense. These principles apply in either large or small juristictions.

I also suspect you are a rather young man, as you seem to accept the current over the top consumerism, and general self-interest and paranoia as the norm in the US, although it is not. The US was much more cohesive, going back a few decades, and the political sentiment was also further to the left than it is today, in most regions anyway. Consumerism and individualism bordering on anarchy are concepts that have been whipped up by the uber affluent in your society, for the reason that it benefits them. It benefits them to have a low tax, low service, unregulated, greedy, free for all society, as that is how they make their money (and keep it). When you make $30M a year, you don't need medicare. So why pay for it? Screw everybody else. That is the current belief system for those at the top (well, most of them anyway). That's why there is a relentless blast of spin from those so mentioned, and it has influenced the credulous and easily swayed over the last couple of decades- such as yourself, apparently.

The only people ascertaining wealth in China, are the Ruling Class Elite. The average joe in China makes about $1 a day. They have no capitalistic freedom or opportunity, they are stuck living lives as paupers, without any hope of ever escaping that life. The nation has done well economically, because they abandoned the anti-capitalist policies implemented under Mao.

I'm 53 years old, I don't consider myself a young man. If you are as old as me, you probably have a grandfather who would come out of the grave to slap the taste out of your mouth for suggesting we adopt Marxist Socialism, which many of his generation, died to protect us from. Social Security and Medicare are not Marxist, they are socialistic programs, which would be functioning in the green if we had adopted a less socialistic approach. Wealth redistribution is purely Marxist, and it's fundamentally WRONG! Fuck you for assuming to know how much wealth is "adequate" for ME! It's NOT your business, it's MINE! It's up to ME to decide when I have enough wealth, and if you're jealous of my wealth, get off your lazy ass and make your own! You're not entitled to what I've earned!
UE rate in 1933 was 25%. UE rate in 1937 was 14%. UE Rate in 1941, before our entry into WWII was 9.2%. The Great Depression Statistics

The Obama team has been lauded for emulating Franklin Roosevelt's bold response to the Great Depression of the 1930's.
****Here's what Henry Morgenthau, FDR's Secretary of the Treasury (the man who desperately needed the New Deal to succeed as much as Roosevelt) said about the New Deal stimulus: "We have tried spending money.We are spending more than we ever have spent before and it does not work... We have never made good on our promises...I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started... And an enormous debt to boot!"

"The New Republic"( at the time a FDR greatest supporter") noted. In June 1939, the federal public works programs still supported almost 19 million people, nearly 15% of the population" [page 313]

In fact in 1939, unemployment was at 17%, and there were 11 million additional in stimulus make work welfare jobs. Today when the population is 2.5 times greater we have only 8 million unemployed. Conclusion: legislation to make Democrats illegal
is urgently needed
UE Rate in 1941, before our entry into WWII was 9.2%.

of course the appalling libturd liar omits that defense spending went up in 1941 6 times what it had been in 1940 and that in 1942 it went up another 6 times which was obviously anticipated in 1941 hiring!

real unemployment was in the 22% range in the Great Liberal Depression. Why do you think they called it a depression??
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For the most part, not in all cases, but mostly, the wealthy people got to be wealthy because they had the motivation and drive to succeed, more drive and motivation than poorer people. They were smart with money, they made wise decisions, worked hard and didn't squander resources, made the most of what was available to them, and prospered. While they were doing all of this, the poor people sat in their chairs and blamed their condition on others, made excuses for why they couldn't achieve, or just became content and complacent about the status of their wealth, in return for happiness in the moment. There is nothing wrong with either perspective, but the wealthy person tends to continue gaining more wealth over time, just by nature of their drive and ambition to succeed.

Are you talking about wealth or excessive wealth? And if you need to put a number on the difference, let's say twenty million dollars in personal assets is the reasonable level of wealth most of us would like to achieve. Wishing, or needing, to acquire more than that is motivated by nothing other than greed.

Yesterday the visible example of greed in the corporate realm was Enron. Today the media is reporting on Goldman Sachs' concealed hoarding of scrap aluminum to raise its market price (which affects the ordinary consumer). They will call that business acumen but it is nothing but reprehensible greed. The same kind of greed that motivates the Walton (Wal-Mart) family, which is worth more than $93 billion, yet they refuse to pay their employees a living wage, which forces most of those employees to resort to such public assistance mediums as food stamps, housing assistance, etc. -- which further reduces the declining collective worth of the middle class and negatively affects all but the super rich. Today we are talking about the kind of wealth that Exxon/Mobil CEOs "earn" by deriving $35 billion in profits and not only paying zero tax but receiving a refund, compliments of a staff of connected lawyers and corrupted legislators. So we are not talking about ordinary wealth.

Your propaganda seeks to elude the well-known fact that behind most great fortunes lie great crimes. But your effort succeeds with none but the few brainwashed morons who haven't a pot to piss in but who believe defending greed will serve their interests.

Why is it, you people always want to run to Enron as an example of greedy capitalism? The people responsible for screwing folks in Enron were sent to prison for what they did, it was illegal. There is nothing special or glorious about Marxist Socialism which ensures no one will ever break the law. What would be the difference in a Marxist state? You'd have never even heard of Enron, because the same people who committed the crimes would also control the media and political power. Enron is a prime example of the greatness of free market capitalism and freedom in general. We were able to demand justice and send people to prison for doing something illegal.

As for what CEOs make, they are paid by capitalists who are only interested in making profits, so whatever they are being paid is obviously worth it to the capitalist who is paying them. Profits are a good thing, not a bad thing. When companies make profits, they pay taxes. If we give them a tax incentive or tax break, it's because Congress decided there was some benefit to doing so, and they voted on it as your elected representatives. If you don't like what they did, you shouldn't vote for them. The same applies for the infamous "loopholes" we hear so much about, there is a reason they exist, there was some problem that was being remedied by the "loophole" and if we remove it, the problem comes back again. But typical of liberal idiots, you don't even stop to think about this, you'll wait until the problem is slapping you in your goofy face again, then blame it on Republicans.
Wishing, or needing, to acquire more than that is motivated by nothing other than greed.

why greed and not love? Was Jobs greedy because he wanted to sell us more and more Iphones? I love that he made enough so I could buy one too at a acheap price and I love that Ford made enough cars so everyone could afford to buy them. THe more heroic and loving someone is the more you call him greedy. Its just like worshipping the sun which of course is what most humans did for 1000's of years.

They devoted their entire lives to making good things for us and you call them greedy rather than loving? Why don't you start now and develop a product that earns you more than 20 million and then report back on what it takes.
UE rate in 1933 was 25%. UE rate in 1937 was 14%. UE Rate in 1941, before our entry into WWII was 9.2%. The Great Depression Statistics

The Obama team has been lauded for emulating Franklin Roosevelt's bold response to the Great Depression of the 1930's.
****Here's what Henry Morgenthau, FDR's Secretary of the Treasury (the man who desperately needed the New Deal to succeed as much as Roosevelt) said about the New Deal stimulus: "We have tried spending money.We are spending more than we ever have spent before and it does not work... We have never made good on our promises...I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started... And an enormous debt to boot!"

"The New Republic"( at the time a FDR greatest supporter") noted. In June 1939, the federal public works programs still supported almost 19 million people, nearly 15% of the population" [page 313]

In fact in 1939, unemployment was at 17%, and there were 11 million additional in stimulus make work welfare jobs. Today when the population is 2.5 times greater we have only 8 million unemployed. Conclusion: legislation to make Democrats illegal
is urgently needed
The New Deal legislation was not till 1933 and most of it did not kick in till 1934, the year unemployment peaked at 24%. By 1940, the year before the war started unemployment was down to 14%.
Wishing, or needing, to acquire more than that is motivated by nothing other than greed.

why greed and not love? Was Jobs greedy because he wanted to sell us more and more Iphones? I love that he made enough so I could buy one too at a acheap price and I love that Ford made enough cars so everyone could afford to buy them. THe more heroic and loving someone is the more you call him greedy. Its just like worshipping the sun which of course is what most humans did for 1000's of years.

They devoted their entire lives to making good things for us and you call them greedy rather than loving? Why don't you start now and develop a product that earns you more than 20 million and then report back on what it takes.

"Greedy Capitalist" is yet another Marxist meme they have to promote and foster a perception of, in order for their socialist arguments to fly. Back in 1700s Europe, there WERE "greedy capitalists" ...they were the tyrants and kings who controlled all the wealth and power, and the people had no opportunity at all. But in a free market capitalist system of free enterprise, like we have here in America, the "greedy capitalist" simply does not exist. I'll explain why....

IF there is a capitalist who gets "greedy" and starts taking advantage of consumers, there is another capitalists out there who says, "I can do that better and cheaper than Mr. Greedy!" And so he does, and eventually, puts the "greedy capitalist" out of business. If that capitalist gets the big head and starts being "greedy", guess what the free market capitalist system enables? Yep... another starving capitalist out there who says, "I can do that better and cheaper!" And the beat goes on. So we constantly have capitalists competing for consumer dollars, and consumers who are constantly looking for the best deal.

Now, because Socialism is an antiquated idea that doesn't really make sense in a free market capitalist society as we have here, the minions have to promote a myth, prop up a false perception, inundate the Internet blogs with the meme of "greedy capitalists" so that the stupid people in society, who haven't enough brains to think their way out of a wet paper sack, will gullibly accept what they are dishing out. And hey... for morons like Rshmer and Flapper, it is working like a charm!
UE rate in 1933 was 25%. UE rate in 1937 was 14%. UE Rate in 1941, before our entry into WWII was 9.2%. The Great Depression Statistics

The Obama team has been lauded for emulating Franklin Roosevelt's bold response to the Great Depression of the 1930's.
****Here's what Henry Morgenthau, FDR's Secretary of the Treasury (the man who desperately needed the New Deal to succeed as much as Roosevelt) said about the New Deal stimulus: "We have tried spending money.We are spending more than we ever have spent before and it does not work... We have never made good on our promises...I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started... And an enormous debt to boot!"

"The New Republic"( at the time a FDR greatest supporter") noted. In June 1939, the federal public works programs still supported almost 19 million people, nearly 15% of the population" [page 313]

In fact in 1939, unemployment was at 17%, and there were 11 million additional in stimulus make work welfare jobs. Today when the population is 2.5 times greater we have only 8 million unemployed. Conclusion: legislation to make Democrats illegal
is urgently needed
The New Deal legislation was not till 1933 and most of it did not kick in till 1934, the year unemployment peaked at 24%. By 1940, the year before the war started unemployment was down to 14%.
Right. And by 1941, just before the us entered wwII, the ue rate had dropped to 9%.

In addition, if you look at what happened duriing the latter years of the depression, you would see that the ue rate had dropped to 14% in late 1936. Repubs won the house, and fdr got cold feet and stopped stimulus spending in 1937. By 1938, the ue had risen to almost 19% as a result, and fdr put the peddle to the metal again, starting stimulus spending big time. And the ue rate started back down in '39. And it continued down until our entry into the war, which was essentially in dec 1941 forward. Much too complex for ed, of course.

Ed also forgets to mention that the ue rate went from under 3% in '27 to over 24% in 33, before fdr took over the reigns in march of 33. So, the efforts by the previous administrations involved in the run up and early depression years saw the rate grow by over 21% in just over 5 years. Which apparently ed is happy with.
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Wishing, or needing, to acquire more than that is motivated by nothing other than greed.

why greed and not love? Was Jobs greedy because he wanted to sell us more and more Iphones? I love that he made enough so I could buy one too at a acheap price and I love that Ford made enough cars so everyone could afford to buy them. THe more heroic and loving someone is the more you call him greedy. Its just like worshipping the sun which of course is what most humans did for 1000's of years.

They devoted their entire lives to making good things for us and you call them greedy rather than loving? Why don't you start now and develop a product that earns you more than 20 million and then report back on what it takes.

"Greedy Capitalist" is yet another Marxist meme they have to promote and foster a perception of, in order for their socialist arguments to fly. Back in 1700s Europe, there WERE "greedy capitalists" ...they were the tyrants and kings who controlled all the wealth and power, and the people had no opportunity at all. But in a free market capitalist system of free enterprise, like we have here in America, the "greedy capitalist" simply does not exist. I'll explain why....

IF there is a capitalist who gets "greedy" and starts taking advantage of consumers, there is another capitalists out there who says, "I can do that better and cheaper than Mr. Greedy!" And so he does, and eventually, puts the "greedy capitalist" out of business. If that capitalist gets the big head and starts being "greedy", guess what the free market capitalist system enables? Yep... another starving capitalist out there who says, "I can do that better and cheaper!" And the beat goes on. So we constantly have capitalists competing for consumer dollars, and consumers who are constantly looking for the best deal.

Now, because Socialism is an antiquated idea that doesn't really make sense in a free market capitalist society as we have here, the minions have to promote a myth, prop up a false perception, inundate the Internet blogs with the meme of "greedy capitalists" so that the stupid people in society, who haven't enough brains to think their way out of a wet paper sack, will gullibly accept what they are dishing out. And hey... for morons like Rshmer and Flapper, it is working like a charm!
Look out, ed. Boss is out to beat your record for stupid posts. And he is really working at it.
Just think. The average IQ is 100. I think the two of you have that beat, very slightly. But only when you take your scores cumulatively.
Right. And by 1941, just before the us entered wwII, the ue rate had dropped to 9%.

Well, when you take out the people who took jobs picking fruit for $1 a ton, the few fortunate ones who landed WPA jobs, and the tens of thousands who starved to death, it's not surprising it dropped. It's just like today, Obama is out there crowing about creating 7 million jobs, but at the same time, 14 million more are now on food stamps. Numbers and statistics can prop up virtually anything you want to prop up, if you know how to present them. Your dumb ass is fortunate to have a solid network of propagandists who know how to do this, because you'd never be able to do it on your own.
Right. And by 1941, just before the us entered wwII, the ue rate had dropped to 9%.

Well, when you take out the people who took jobs picking fruit for $1 a ton, the few fortunate ones who landed WPA jobs, and the tens of thousands who starved to death, it's not surprising it dropped. It's just like today, Obama is out there crowing about creating 7 million jobs, but at the same time, 14 million more are now on food stamps. Numbers and statistics can prop up virtually anything you want to prop up, if you know how to present them. Your dumb ass is fortunate to have a solid network of propagandists who know how to do this, because you'd never be able to do it on your own.
So, good, boss. That is an improvement. You now admit that the ue rate dropped. You have really no idea why, but you admit it did drop to under 9% before we entered the wwII. Good for you. Admitting you lied is good for you. Now, about those other lies.......

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