The Rich Are Getting Richer!

Right. And by 1941, just before the us entered wwII, the ue rate had dropped to 9%.

Well, when you take out the people who took jobs picking fruit for $1 a ton, the few fortunate ones who landed WPA jobs, and the tens of thousands who starved to death, it's not surprising it dropped. It's just like today, Obama is out there crowing about creating 7 million jobs, but at the same time, 14 million more are now on food stamps. Numbers and statistics can prop up virtually anything you want to prop up, if you know how to present them. Your dumb ass is fortunate to have a solid network of propagandists who know how to do this, because you'd never be able to do it on your own.
So, good, boss. That is an improvement. You now admit that the ue rate dropped. You have really no idea why, but you admit it did drop to under 9% before we entered the wwII. Good for you. Admitting you lied is good for you. Now, about those other lies.......

Hey dickwad, where the hell did I ever mention the UE rate? It's damn convenient when you can just conjure up lies I've told from things I haven't posted. And I just told you why, are you too retarded to read? Tens of thousands of people who were literally starving to death, took jobs picking fruit for $1 a ton, have you never watched Grapes of Wrath? Seems like you would have, it's the ultimate Liberal tearjerker. Many more, simply died of starvation, waiting for FDRs programs to work.

The UE rate today is less than it was a year ago... are people "better off?" Is our economic malaise over? Are Happy Days here again? Or do the UE numbers simply not have much to do with the economic status? People who were counted as unemployed a year ago, now work part time jobs for minimum wage, because that's all they can find. They are no longer counted as unemployed, but they may as well be, they don't make enough to pay their bills, and most of them are getting some kind of government assistance. For every JOB your jackass of a president has "created" there are two more people on food stamps. But hey, the UE numbers are declining, so everything is peachy, right?

What other lies? That Socialist Marxism FAILS every time it is tried in a largely populated nation? That when it does FAIL, as it always has FAILED, it generally results in tens of millions being executed by the Government that can no longer afford to take care of them? No... this hasn't happened in Denmark, but Denmark doesn't have 350 million people. Nor does Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Norway, or any other socialist country you can reel off.
Well, when you take out the people who took jobs picking fruit for $1 a ton, the few fortunate ones who landed WPA jobs, and the tens of thousands who starved to death, it's not surprising it dropped. It's just like today, Obama is out there crowing about creating 7 million jobs, but at the same time, 14 million more are now on food stamps. Numbers and statistics can prop up virtually anything you want to prop up, if you know how to present them. Your dumb ass is fortunate to have a solid network of propagandists who know how to do this, because you'd never be able to do it on your own.
So, good, boss. That is an improvement. You now admit that the ue rate dropped. You have really no idea why, but you admit it did drop to under 9% before we entered the wwII. Good for you. Admitting you lied is good for you. Now, about those other lies.......

Hey dickwad, where the hell did I ever mention the UE rate? It's damn convenient when you can just conjure up lies I've told from things I haven't posted. And I just told you why, are you too retarded to read? Tens of thousands of people who were literally starving to death, took jobs picking fruit for $1 a ton, have you never watched Grapes of Wrath? Seems like you would have, it's the ultimate Liberal tearjerker. Many more, simply died of starvation, waiting for FDRs programs to work.

The UE rate today is less than it was a year ago... are people "better off?" Is our economic malaise over? Are Happy Days here again? Or do the UE numbers simply not have much to do with the economic status? People who were counted as unemployed a year ago, now work part time jobs for minimum wage, because that's all they can find. They are no longer counted as unemployed, but they may as well be, they don't make enough to pay their bills, and most of them are getting some kind of government assistance. For every JOB your jackass of a president has "created" there are two more people on food stamps. But hey, the UE numbers are declining, so everything is peachy, right?

What other lies? That Socialist Marxism FAILS every time it is tried in a largely populated nation? That when it does FAIL, as it always has FAILED, it generally results in tens of millions being executed by the Government that can no longer afford to take care of them? No... this hasn't happened in Denmark, but Denmark doesn't have 350 million people. Nor does Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Norway, or any other socialist country you can reel off.
Thanks so much for the profound post. I needed a morning laugh.

Ah, so that's where you get your economics. Grapes of wrath. I was wondering.
Yes, and of course, you keep conveniently forgetting that it was republican presidents that took the ue rate from under 3% to over 24% before fdr took office. So you blame fdr for that. because you are a con tool. But I understand. You are a congenital idiot. It is not your fault. Just bad luck.

And of course, you do not understand that under fdr, over a period of 7 years, the ue rate went from about 25% to under 9%. Just too difficult for a congenital idiot to understand. Why, in the mind a comic congenital idiot, it would be better to follow those policies that the repubs used: Let the economy go, keep the gov out of it, and it will do what it wants. Like, uh, it did. As in rose from under 3% to over 24%. The ue will just keep going up, and stay there. BUT, your masters will be happy. Because they will get rich. Because they love low worker wages, and low, low taxes, And NEVER, EVER admit that the policies of stimulus spending worked. Those crazy economists are all wrong. Just because the ue rate went down, year after year, when stimulus spending occurred, was just a coincidence. Because as any congenital idiot comedian like boss can tell you, doing nothing and letting the ue rate go from 3% to over 24% is a much better idea.
And yes, you should indeed blame fdr for the great republican depression of '29. I mean, just because the mess occurred during repub admins, and was cured by fdr's policies, does not mean that you should not continue with your congenital idiot comic thought process. Perfect.

And boss, the congenital idiot comic, would have us believe that we are no better off with more jobs. Why, I would suggest that we follow the repub concept of refusing to do any stimulus. To hell with more jobs. Better to not have jobs. Just keep taxes as low as possible. So the wealthy can get more so. Makes for a perfect world.

And as a congenital idiot comic, who lies a lot, boss believes that all should believe him when he says that I am a socialist Marxist. Funny, I could not find a socialist Marxist if my life depended on it. And I have always said that communism has no chance of succeeding. And as a congenital idiot comic, boss continues to argue stupid concepts about socialist leaning capitalist countries like those of Scandinavia. (you made the profound statement that Scandinavia was made up of 4 countries. Have you yet found out it is 5 countries? I tried to educate you on that, but I am not at all sure that it took). Boss has, of course, NO proof of anything. Just his opinion. And he has no clue of what he is talking about. But everyone should be interested in the opinion of a congenital idiot comic liar. Perfect logic. Who has NO links to support the drivel he spouts. Who is constantly proven wrong by the links of others. Because boss has an opinion.
You may not be believable, but you are pathetic. I do feel sorry for you.
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Ah, so that's where you get your economics. Grapes of wrath. I was wondering.

No, I get my economics from looking out into the real world, where people with college degrees in hand, are working at the grocery store, and people with 20-year careers in their field are now working part time for minimum wage at Dollar General, because there are no full time jobs anymore. Groceries are 40% higher than 6 years ago, and just keep going up. I see things getting worse and worse by the day, because you and the rest of your economically illiterate cabal have decided to ram Keynesian and/or Marxist-Socialist policies down our throats because you won a goddamn election.

I don't care how much time you want to waste, sitting here thinking up cute little names to call me, in an attempt to ridicule and insult me personally. Your last post shows us two things; 1) You can't argue your economic philosophy on it's own merit, and 2) You lack the imagination to come up with any better insult than "congenital idiot comic." My little sister was better at coming up with insults than you.

Yes, you are a Marxist Socialist waterboy. You are too stupid to know you are, which is very typical these days, but that's what you are. By the way, speaking of stupid... How many paragraphs can you incorrectly start with the word "And?" Did you fail English as bad as you obviously failed History and Economics? I guess so, but it leaves me to wonder what the hell you were good at in school.

NO proof of anything. Just his opinion.

Sorry, I don't have a list of blogs to plug here like you. I don't have to rely on propagandists to tell me what I should think. I stay informed by reading a lot of stuff that isn't posted on a blog or on the Internet at all.... you do realize there are other sources of information, right?

I do feel sorry for you.

Don't feel sorry for me, feel sorry for the generations to come, who will have to deal with the consequences of the mess you've left them.
Ah, so that's where you get your economics. Grapes of wrath. I was wondering.

No, I get my economics from looking out into the real world, where people with college degrees in hand, are working at the grocery store, and people with 20-year careers in their field are now working part time for minimum wage at Dollar General, because there are no full time jobs anymore. Groceries are 40% higher than 6 years ago, and just keep going up. I see things getting worse and worse by the day, because you and the rest of your economically illiterate cabal have decided to ram Keynesian and/or Marxist-Socialist policies down our throats because you won a goddamn election.

I don't care how much time you want to waste, sitting here thinking up cute little names to call me, in an attempt to ridicule and insult me personally. Your last post shows us two things; 1) You can't argue your economic philosophy on it's own merit, and 2) You lack the imagination to come up with any better insult than "congenital idiot comic." My little sister was better at coming up with insults than you.

Yes, you are a Marxist Socialist waterboy. You are too stupid to know you are, which is very typical these days, but that's what you are. By the way, speaking of stupid... How many paragraphs can you incorrectly start with the word "And?" Did you fail English as bad as you obviously failed History and Economics? I guess so, but it leaves me to wonder what the hell you were good at in school.

NO proof of anything. Just his opinion.

Sorry, I don't have a list of blogs to plug here like you. I don't have to rely on propagandists to tell me what I should think. I stay informed by reading a lot of stuff that isn't posted on a blog or on the Internet at all.... you do realize there are other sources of information, right?

I do feel sorry for you.

Don't feel sorry for me, feel sorry for the generations to come, who will have to deal with the consequences of the mess you've left them.
Right. You are SOOOOOOO smart that you do not need to study the economy. And all of those economists, who make you look like the fool you are, are simply marxists if they do not agree with you.
Any rational person would realize how stupid your argument is. You are pushing an economic agenda that you do not understand. But if you simply looked at history, you would find that decreasing taxes and doing no stimulus spending during times of a bad economy has never, never, ever worked. But that would be beyond you, would it not, boss. Because you just look around.

By the way, the reason I call you a liar is because you have been proven to be one. You EARNED it. Would you like me to repost your lies and the reason that they were lies??? And the reason you are a comic (actually, you are just attempting to be a comic) is that you post statements that are so ignorant that they are amusing.

And the reason that you are a congenital idiot is that you can take history, and completely ignore the time line and what ACTUALLY happened and come up with occurrences totally different from what really occurred. And, of course, by whom you associate with. As in ed, perhaps the most well known congenital idiot on this board.

Boss, you are obvious as hell. You just do not pass the giggle test. Your posts align with, and repeat perfectly, those statements made in the bat shit crazy con web sites. Perfectly. You are a con tool. And con tools do not believe in rationality.

So, what I refer to you as has rationality behind it. Not like dickwad. Your chosen name. Juvenile, eh boss.

I do worry about the future generation. Because of the clowns like you who are in power who are pushing the middle class out of existence. Here, another post you based on actual data. You will want to call this MARXIST:
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened - Bloomberg

You know, boss. Anything that does not agree with your economic philosophy that you get by looking around (oops, I almost spit my coffee) must be marxist. By the way, I am still looking for that marxist I am supposed to be listening to. (See why you are a comedian??).
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Ah, so that's where you get your economics. Grapes of wrath. I was wondering.

No, I get my economics from looking out into the real world, where people with college degrees in hand, are working at the grocery store, and people with 20-year careers in their field are now working part time for minimum wage at Dollar General, because there are no full time jobs anymore. Groceries are 40% higher than 6 years ago, and just keep going up. I see things getting worse and worse by the day, because you and the rest of your economically illiterate cabal have decided to ram Keynesian and/or Marxist-Socialist policies down our throats because you won a goddamn election.

I don't care how much time you want to waste, sitting here thinking up cute little names to call me, in an attempt to ridicule and insult me personally. Your last post shows us two things; 1) You can't argue your economic philosophy on it's own merit, and 2) You lack the imagination to come up with any better insult than "congenital idiot comic." My little sister was better at coming up with insults than you.

Yes, you are a Marxist Socialist waterboy. You are too stupid to know you are, which is very typical these days, but that's what you are. By the way, speaking of stupid... How many paragraphs can you incorrectly start with the word "And?" Did you fail English as bad as you obviously failed History and Economics? I guess so, but it leaves me to wonder what the hell you were good at in school.

Sorry, I don't have a list of blogs to plug here like you. I don't have to rely on propagandists to tell me what I should think. I stay informed by reading a lot of stuff that isn't posted on a blog or on the Internet at all.... you do realize there are other sources of information, right?

I do feel sorry for you.

Don't feel sorry for me, feel sorry for the generations to come, who will have to deal with the consequences of the mess you've left them.
Right. You are SOOOOOOO smart that you do not need to study the economy. And all of those economists, who make you look like the fool you are, are simply marxists if they do not agree with you.

You've not posted anything from any economist that I am aware of, it has all been links to Marxist propaganda blogs, with ginned up statistical data and distortion of facts. Other than this, all you've done is insult, ridicule and denigrate.

Any rational person would realize how stupid your argument is. You are pushing an economic agenda that you do not understand. But if you simply looked at history, you would find that decreasing taxes and doing no stimulus spending during times of a bad economy has never, never, ever worked. But that would be beyond you, would it not, boss. Because you just look around.

History shows one President Ronald Reagan, who dropped the top marginal rate to 28%, giving us essentially a 28% and 15% income tax rate, which generated the longest period of peacetime economic prosperity in history, lasting until 1990. There was no "stimulus" spending, he did increase defense spending, and ended the Cold War without firing a shot.

Of course, your Marxist propagandists have distorted the hell out of the facts with this as well, as I am sure you are about to pontificate, but that is the facts of history. Yes, all I have to do is look around and see thousands and thousands of corporations laying off full time employees and hiring part timers, so they don't have to comply with Obamacare. People are losing their jobs, their homes, their savings and retirement accounts. But you don't really give a shit, because your propagandist masters tell you that things are just lovely. I suppose this is true, for people who are hell bent on destroying free market capitalism.

By the way, the reason I call you a liar is because you have been proven to be one. You EARNED it. Would you like me to repost your lies and the reason that they were lies??? And the reason you are a comic (actually, you are just attempting to be a comic) is that you post statements that are so ignorant that they are amusing.

Let's get something clear, punk... a LIE is when someone deliberately gives false information, knowing it is false information at the time. It is NOT when someone makes an error or mistake. I incorrectly stated Scandinavia has 4 countries when it actually has 5... that is an error, a mistake, not a LIE. Making errors and mistakes is also not "ignorance," if that were true, you have been ignorant since birth. So let's stop with the "gotcha" bullshit, and personal insults, and start discussing the topic of the thread... unless you are incapable of doing so?

Do you have ANYTHING to contribute other than 18th Century memes from Marxists?
UE rate in 1933 was 25%. UE rate in 1937 was 14%. UE Rate in 1941, before our entry into WWII was 9.2%. The Great Depression Statistics

The Obama team has been lauded for emulating Franklin Roosevelt's bold response to the Great Depression of the 1930's.
****Here's what Henry Morgenthau, FDR's Secretary of the Treasury (the man who desperately needed the New Deal to succeed as much as Roosevelt) said about the New Deal stimulus: "We have tried spending money.We are spending more than we ever have spent before and it does not work... We have never made good on our promises...I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started... And an enormous debt to boot!"

"The New Republic"( at the time a FDR greatest supporter") noted. In June 1939, the federal public works programs still supported almost 19 million people, nearly 15% of the population" [page 313]

In fact in 1939, unemployment was at 17%, and there were 11 million additional in stimulus make work welfare jobs. Today when the population is 2.5 times greater we have only 8 million unemployed. Conclusion: legislation to make Democrats illegal
is urgently needed
The New Deal legislation was not till 1933 and most of it did not kick in till 1934, the year unemployment peaked at 24%. By 1940, the year before the war started unemployment was down to 14%.

AFTER bumping back up to 19% in 38, as the new deal leg. hit snags or was spent....
No, I get my economics from looking out into the real world, where people with college degrees in hand, are working at the grocery store, and people with 20-year careers in their field are now working part time for minimum wage at Dollar General, because there are no full time jobs anymore. Groceries are 40% higher than 6 years ago, and just keep going up. I see things getting worse and worse by the day, because you and the rest of your economically illiterate cabal have decided to ram Keynesian and/or Marxist-Socialist policies down our throats because you won a goddamn election.

I don't care how much time you want to waste, sitting here thinking up cute little names to call me, in an attempt to ridicule and insult me personally. Your last post shows us two things; 1) You can't argue your economic philosophy on it's own merit, and 2) You lack the imagination to come up with any better insult than "congenital idiot comic." My little sister was better at coming up with insults than you.

Yes, you are a Marxist Socialist waterboy. You are too stupid to know you are, which is very typical these days, but that's what you are. By the way, speaking of stupid... How many paragraphs can you incorrectly start with the word "And?" Did you fail English as bad as you obviously failed History and Economics? I guess so, but it leaves me to wonder what the hell you were good at in school.

Sorry, I don't have a list of blogs to plug here like you. I don't have to rely on propagandists to tell me what I should think. I stay informed by reading a lot of stuff that isn't posted on a blog or on the Internet at all.... you do realize there are other sources of information, right?

Don't feel sorry for me, feel sorry for the generations to come, who will have to deal with the consequences of the mess you've left them.
Right. You are SOOOOOOO smart that you do not need to study the economy. And all of those economists, who make you look like the fool you are, are simply marxists if they do not agree with you.

You've not posted anything from any economist that I am aware of, it has all been links to Marxist propaganda blogs, with ginned up statistical data and distortion of facts. Other than this, all you've done is insult, ridicule and denigrate.

Any rational person would realize how stupid your argument is. You are pushing an economic agenda that you do not understand. But if you simply looked at history, you would find that decreasing taxes and doing no stimulus spending during times of a bad economy has never, never, ever worked. But that would be beyond you, would it not, boss. Because you just look around.

History shows one President Ronald Reagan, who dropped the top marginal rate to 28%, giving us essentially a 28% and 15% income tax rate, which generated the longest period of peacetime economic prosperity in history, lasting until 1990. There was no "stimulus" spending, he did increase defense spending, and ended the Cold War without firing a shot.

Of course, your Marxist propagandists have distorted the hell out of the facts with this as well, as I am sure you are about to pontificate, but that is the facts of history. Yes, all I have to do is look around and see thousands and thousands of corporations laying off full time employees and hiring part timers, so they don't have to comply with Obamacare. People are losing their jobs, their homes, their savings and retirement accounts. But you don't really give a shit, because your propagandist masters tell you that things are just lovely. I suppose this is true, for people who are hell bent on destroying free market capitalism.

By the way, the reason I call you a liar is because you have been proven to be one. You EARNED it. Would you like me to repost your lies and the reason that they were lies??? And the reason you are a comic (actually, you are just attempting to be a comic) is that you post statements that are so ignorant that they are amusing.

Let's get something clear, punk... a LIE is when someone deliberately gives false information, knowing it is false information at the time. It is NOT when someone makes an error or mistake. I incorrectly stated Scandinavia has 4 countries when it actually has 5... that is an error, a mistake, not a LIE. Making errors and mistakes is also not "ignorance," if that were true, you have been ignorant since birth. So let's stop with the "gotcha" bullshit, and personal insults, and start discussing the topic of the thread... unless you are incapable of doing so?

Do you have ANYTHING to contribute other than 18th Century memes from Marxists?
Reagan. Really? Lets take a look:
Unemployment when reagan took office was 7.4%. A bit high, but manageable. His Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 was passed August 13, 1981. The ue rate at that point was still 7.4%. What you conveniently ignored was that after this very large income tax decrease, the ue rate ROSE, month after month, for 15 months. To 10.8% by DEC of 1982. So, he achieved the highest ue rate EVER short of the great republican recession of 1929. Want to suggest what I am distorting???
Part way through the 15 months or faising ue rates, panic set in. Reagan's folks raised taxes 11 times in an effort to generate revenue and allow stimulus spending. And, he spent more than all of the presidents before him COMBINED. And increased the size of government considerably. Tripled the national debt. Tripled it. That had never been done before.

So, after he began stimulus spending the economy got much better. So, you like stimulus spending. Good for you. Perhaps you learned something from Reagan.
Historical Unemployment Rates in the United States

And boss, me poor ignorant con, I did not say you lied about how many countries were in Scandinavian. Or how non diverse they are. That is just ignorance. How about the lies about how fdr almost lost his second and third elections? Are you that ignorant, or did you lie. Because those statements are WRONG. As I pointed out to you. Is any of my effort at educating you helping???

As fir Obama, you are all over the place. You are apparently of the opinion that his stimulus did no good. But I can either believe you, who gets his information by looking around, or I can believe the cbo, who say much the opposite. You fail to mention that in the months leading up to obama taking office, the ue rate was rising like a rocket. And stimulus helped a great deal. Though he never drove the ue rate to as high a level as Reagan, he was saddled with a very high rate. You seem to have missed that. Odd.
As predicted, here he is with the twisted propaganda on Reagan! Damn, I am good!

Any self respecting Obama supporter should never mention another president's unemployment rates OR deficit spending, since Obama has set all-time records for both. But then, you're not very self-respecting.
As predicted, here he is with the twisted propaganda on Reagan! Damn, I am good!

Any self respecting Obama supporter should never mention another president's unemployment rates OR deficit spending, since Obama has set all-time records for both. But then, you're not very self-respecting.
No, Boss. You are not good. You ARE delusional. So, you doubt the numbers??? Really??? Sorry. The numbers are what they are. RR has the second highest ue rate EVER. Yes, indeed, the predecessor to Obama did try to drive the rate over that number. It was on the way, over 700K jobs per month lost in the great repub runup before Obama. But if you think that anyone but Hoover managed to see ue numbers go over what RR did, then you just proved yourself a congenital idiot. The source I provided you simply serves up the numbers of the us dept of labor. So, do you have some proof of your really, really ridiculous statement. Or is it simply more nonsense? More comedy. You are a clown. Kind of funny. Kind of sad.

Oh, I know. You looked around. And we should believe you. So, here is the deal, boss. You really do not pass the giggle test. You spend way too much time in the bat shit crazy con web sites. And it makes you, yourself, bat shit crazy. Now I know you do not want to believe this, and you will hate actual studies, but they all come out the same:
Study: Watching Fox News Actually Makes You Stupid | Jillian Rayfield | Politics News | Rolling Stone
You, me boy, are a perfect example. Perfect. So, is ignorance bliss??
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Hey dickwad, where the hell did I ever mention the UE rate? It's damn convenient when you can just conjure up lies I've told from things I haven't posted. And I just told you why, are you too retarded to read? Tens of thousands of people who were literally starving to death, took jobs picking fruit for $1 a ton, have you never watched Grapes of Wrath? Seems like you would have, it's the ultimate Liberal tearjerker. Many more, simply died of starvation, waiting for FDRs programs to work.
My parents suffered badly through the Great Depression, which was caused by approximately the same kind of scheming, market manipulations and money hoarding which has caused today's economic troubles. What saved them was FDR's WPA and CCC make-work programs, which sent my father to work on roads in upstate New York and enabled him to send money home.

Much of the cost of these programs were financed by a progressive tax, part of FDR's New Deal, which imposed a 91% rate on the highest incomes. The overall effect of the New Deal was a redistribution of wealth, transferring hoarded money into the hands of working people, who desperately need it, and who spent it, thereby producing the kind of circulation a healthy economy cannot exist without.

FDR's New Deal, combined with the union movement, initiated the near half-century of the most prosperous and productive years in our history, the late 40s through to the mid-80s, when Reaganomics' so-called "trickle-down" deception reversed that success by siphoning-up the Nation's wealth resources to that segment of the population known today as the One Percent. Reaganomics transformed the horizontal distribution of the Nation's wealth resources to vertical distribution, thereby impeding the circulation of money which is as critically necessary to the health of a national economy as is the circulation of blood to a living organism.

Until that circulation is restored by redistribution the U.S. Economy hasn't a chance of recovering. And the only visible way to do that is to impose a massive, confiscatory tax on the hoarders and use that money to put America to work repairing and rebuilding our badly decomposing infrastructure. In other words, another New Deal.

And in case you're wondering where all that money is being hoarded, go here: Super Rich Hide $21 Trillion Offshore, Study Says - Forbes

Hey dickwad, where the hell did I ever mention the UE rate? It's damn convenient when you can just conjure up lies I've told from things I haven't posted. And I just told you why, are you too retarded to read? Tens of thousands of people who were literally starving to death, took jobs picking fruit for $1 a ton, have you never watched Grapes of Wrath? Seems like you would have, it's the ultimate Liberal tearjerker. Many more, simply died of starvation, waiting for FDRs programs to work.
My parents suffered badly through the Great Depression, which was caused by approximately the same kind of scheming, market manipulations and money hoarding which has caused today's economic troubles. What saved them was FDR's WPA and CCC make-work programs, which sent my father to work on roads in upstate New York and enabled him to send money home.

Much of the cost of these programs were financed by a progressive tax, part of FDR's New Deal, which imposed a 91% rate on the highest incomes. The overall effect of the New Deal was a redistribution of wealth, transferring hoarded money into the hands of working people, who desperately need it, and who spent it, thereby producing the kind of circulation a healthy economy cannot exist without.

FDR's New Deal, combined with the union movement, initiated the near half-century of the most prosperous and productive years in our history, the late 40s through to the mid-80s, when Reaganomics' so-called "trickle-down" deception reversed that success by siphoning-up the Nation's wealth resources to that segment of the population known today as the One Percent. Reaganomics transformed the horizontal distribution of the Nation's wealth resources to vertical distribution, thereby impeding the circulation of money which is as critically necessary to the health of a national economy as is the circulation of blood to a living organism.

Until that circulation is restored by redistribution the U.S. Economy hasn't a chance of recovering. And the only visible way to do that is to impose a massive, confiscatory tax on the hoarders and use that money to put America to work repairing and rebuilding our badly decomposing infrastructure. In other words, another New Deal.

And in case you're wondering where all that money is being hoarded, go here: Super Rich Hide $21 Trillion Offshore, Study Says - Forbes
Nice response. Boss will not care, of course. And he will not look at the study you provided. So, here are a few more for him not to look at:

Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened - Bloomberg

In the U.S., the Rich Are Getting Richer While the Poor Get Poorer - ABC News

The Rich Are Getting Richer And Everyone Else Is Getting Hosed - Business Insider

State of Working America preview: The rich get richer | Economic Policy Institute

Haves and have nots: America's rich get richer

A Look at the Numbers: How the Rich Get Richer | Mother Jones

In This Recovery, the Rich Get Richer | Smart Charts, What Matters Today |

Why the Rich Are Getting Richer | Foreign Affairs

There are hundreds of studies all saying the same basic thing. You will have a really hard time finding a non-partial source that does not agree with these studies. Those who read, and study, and have an open mind, know that you, and I for that matter, are correct. We are watching the middle class become extinct. The right wing is working as hard as possible to get people to believe their own demise is the fault of efforts of policies designed to help them. And Boss is a perfect example. No interest at all in understanding anything, because he wants to believe what he wants to believe. Sad.
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As predicted, here he is with the twisted propaganda on Reagan! Damn, I am good!

Any self respecting Obama supporter should never mention another president's unemployment rates OR deficit spending, since Obama has set all-time records for both. But then, you're not very self-respecting.
I think we should dispose of this notion you have that we believe Obama is a good President. Speaking for myself, he isn't.

Obama is the negro chosen by the shadow government, whose campaign and ultimate success was financed by the banks and Wall Street for the express purpose of defusing the volatile political climate created by tactless fop who preceded him. Obama succeeded in doing this by effectively lying and making false promises. Neither McCain nor Romney could have done it because they are much too "White" -- like George W. Bush is.


Obama is a con artist. He is every bit as slick and glib as a Broadway pimp -- and he got over superbly. He has done nothing but keep the lid on while maintaining the status quo and even advancing the right-wing agenda a notch or two. But Obama is by no means a good President or a friend of the American People. He is nothing but a glorified community organizer, as is the wooden indian Attorney General he appointed whose interest is limited to civil rights issues.
As predicted, here he is with the twisted propaganda on Reagan! Damn, I am good!

Any self respecting Obama supporter should never mention another president's unemployment rates OR deficit spending, since Obama has set all-time records for both. But then, you're not very self-respecting.
I think we should dispose of this notion you have that we believe Obama is a good President. Speaking for myself, he isn't.

Obama is the negro chosen by the shadow government, whose campaign and ultimate success was financed by the banks and Wall Street for the express purpose of defusing the volatile political climate created by tactless fop who preceded him. Obama succeeded in doing this by effectively lying and making false promises. Neither McCain nor Romney could have done it because they are much too "White" -- like George W. Bush is.


Obama is a con artist. He is every bit as slick and glib as a Broadway pimp -- and he got over superbly. He has done nothing but keep the lid on while maintaining the status quo and even advancing the right-wing agenda a notch or two. But Obama is by no means a good President or a friend of the American People. He is nothing but a glorified community organizer, as is the wooden indian Attorney General he appointed whose interest is limited to civil rights issues.
Sorry. I do not agree with much of anything you just said. I do disagree with a lot of what he has done, no question. But you have to be aware of what any pres can do. If you do not have a filibuster proof majority, you as a pres have little ability to do meaningful things. Unfortunately, this is not the 60's, The republican party has learned how to filibuster everything. So, I could list a number of things I do not like. But I do think that he tried to get a good stimulus package, and it did a good deal of good. But he had to carry a few repubs in dem clothing, which hurt the bill. Beyond that, yup, he has been largely poor on human rights. But I do not dig the prejudice stuff. My opinion is that his race hurt at least as much as helped him.
As predicted, here he is with the twisted propaganda on Reagan! Damn, I am good!

Any self respecting Obama supporter should never mention another president's unemployment rates OR deficit spending, since Obama has set all-time records for both. But then, you're not very self-respecting.
I think we should dispose of this notion you have that we believe Obama is a good President. Speaking for myself, he isn't.

Obama is the negro chosen by the shadow government, whose campaign and ultimate success was financed by the banks and Wall Street for the express purpose of defusing the volatile political climate created by tactless fop who preceded him. Obama succeeded in doing this by effectively lying and making false promises. Neither McCain nor Romney could have done it because they are much too "White" -- like George W. Bush is.


Obama is a con artist. He is every bit as slick and glib as a Broadway pimp -- and he got over superbly. He has done nothing but keep the lid on while maintaining the status quo and even advancing the right-wing agenda a notch or two. But Obama is by no means a good President or a friend of the American People. He is nothing but a glorified community organizer, as is the wooden indian Attorney General he appointed whose interest is limited to civil rights issues.
Sorry. I do not agree with much of anything you just said. I do disagree with a lot of what he has done, no question. But you have to be aware of what any pres can do. If you do not have a filibuster proof majority, you as a pres have little ability to do meaningful things. Unfortunately, this is not the 60's, The republican party has learned how to filibuster everything. So, I could list a number of things I do not like. But I do think that he tried to get a good stimulus package, and it did a good deal of good. But he had to carry a few repubs in dem clothing, which hurt the bill. Beyond that, yup, he has been largely poor on human rights. But I do not dig the prejudice stuff. My opinion is that his race hurt at least as much as helped him.
What has been going on in Washington is a game and Obama, like a number of Democrat congressmen and women, is playing according to the script. He was delivered to the Presidency by the finance industry and it should be obvious to a smart fellow like yourself that the banks and Wall Street are calling the shots. The Attorney General he appointed formerly represented Goldman Sachs -- whose "employees" contributed well over $1million to Obama's campaign.

I know it's an unpleasant concept to deal with and a hard reality to accept but I suggest you take a closer look at this guy, Obama. Give some thought to the things he could have done without the cooperation of the right-wing Congress but didn't do. Such as appoint an Attorney General who would have investigated and prosecuted the Bush crime family and the bankers and Wall Streeters who looted our Treasury. His failure to do that has set a precedent of impunity that ensures the same things will happen again.

Obama is a player.
RR has the second highest ue rate EVER.

Impossible, because both FDR's 24% and Obama's 11% are higher than Reagan's ever was. So you weren't very good with math and statistics in school either, huh?

Unemployment fell from a high of 10.8 percent to 5.3 percent under Reagan. But your Marxist propagandists want to lay much of Carter's "stagflation" UE on Reagan, as it spiked after the election and before Reagan could implemented a single policy. Reagan also inherited double-digit inflation and prime interest rates of 21%. This was all due to the economically illiterate policies of price controls and freezes.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened - Bloomberg

In the U.S., the Rich Are Getting Richer While the Poor Get Poorer - ABC News

The Rich Are Getting Richer And Everyone Else Is Getting Hosed - Business Insider

State of Working America preview: The rich get richer | Economic Policy Institute

Haves and have nots: America's rich get richer

A Look at the Numbers: How the Rich Get Richer | Mother Jones

In This Recovery, the Rich Get Richer | Smart Charts, What Matters Today |

Why the Rich Are Getting Richer | Foreign Affairs

Proving my point yet again, that this is a MEME perpetrated by Liberals who have adopted Marxist Socialism. The Rich ALWAYS get Richer, it doesn't matter what kind of system, they always will get richer. The question is, do you want the rich to control all the political power and authority, or do you want them to be free market capitalists in competition for the consumer dollar? You obviously prefer to have a Ruling Class who control it all, where no one has any opportunity to escape poverty or enjoy economic prosperity. I prefer freedom.
[ame=]Wealth distribution In America - YouTube[/ame]
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened - Bloomberg

In the U.S., the Rich Are Getting Richer While the Poor Get Poorer - ABC News

The Rich Are Getting Richer And Everyone Else Is Getting Hosed - Business Insider

State of Working America preview: The rich get richer | Economic Policy Institute

Haves and have nots: America's rich get richer

A Look at the Numbers: How the Rich Get Richer | Mother Jones

In This Recovery, the Rich Get Richer | Smart Charts, What Matters Today |

Why the Rich Are Getting Richer | Foreign Affairs

Proving my point yet again, that this is a MEME perpetrated by Liberals who have adopted Marxist Socialism. The Rich ALWAYS get Richer, it doesn't matter what kind of system, they always will get richer. The question is, do you want the rich to control all the political power and authority, or do you want them to be free market capitalists in competition for the consumer dollar? You obviously prefer to have a Ruling Class who control it all, where no one has any opportunity to escape poverty or enjoy economic prosperity. I prefer freedom.

What point did you think the links proved, Boss. Your statement does prove one thing, of course. That you are incapable of independent thought. My bet would be that you read none of the articles in these links.

Boss, problem is, you do not understand WHY the rich are seeing all the gains. You are either too stupid, or you simply are a con tool who believes what they want.

Here is the deal, boss. If you were not so unable to see evidence, you would understand that only in the US is the distribution of wealth anywhere near as much given to the upper income level individuals. And only in the us is it continuing to get more so. And only in the us is there the level of control of out government by the wealthy. We are the joke of the rest of the world. And you are the poster child of that joke.

Maybe since you are incapable of looking at studies, you can find a few minutes to look at the video linked by Old Rocks and in your glorious brilliance explain to us why our economy is just fine the way it is. Dipshit.

So, it is fine with you that the working class get the left overs. As long as the wealthy get what they want. Ain't trickle down great.
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Nice video. Proof of that saying that a picture (or video) is worth a thousand words. This is what is driving this country toward revolution. Hopefully peaceful revolution, but revolution none the less. The phenomenon is not new. It has happened in pretty much every country that has led the world economically, over time. Eventually, there is economic collapse. And always, one of the main indicators is the type of income distribution issues that we have in our own country, caused by the wealthy and their power over the politics of the nation. It is not necessary. It can be stopped. But here is the deal: Too many of the wealthy do not care. They are SO wealthy that they can live anywhere. And that $500M home in Dubai will always be there.
And this is a video that the conservatives do not want you to see. The way right nut cases like boss do not want anyone to see or believe the information presented on this video. But, for free thinking people, those without an agenda who are interested in truth, this is what they are slowly learning. It is taking time, as it always does. And the conservative machine is trying to keep people from knowing what is contained in the literature out there. But they will lose, as more and more people get the facts.

The video is based on data gathered by an economist. Those economists out there, who are not in the pocket of the wealthy who like things the way they are, are all saying what this video says, and much more. But the cons on this board will all say that the video is nonsense. Though for the most part, they will try to ignore it. And they will bring forth statements to try to negate what is being said. Without any studies to back them up. Funny and sad.
Look, I'll go over this again slowly for Rushmr and OldRocks; Wealth disparity exists because rich people do tend to become richer, while poor people stagnate and remain poor. This is not the fault of the rich, it is the fault of human nature. Rich people (for the most part) are rich, because they have more drive and determination to make money than others. Poor people, who lack said drive and determination, tend to not gain wealth, but remain relatively the same. Again, not the fault of the rich, just human nature. There will always be a widening gap between rich and poor, the same reason there is always a widening gap in altitude between airplanes and cars. Grounding airplanes does nothing to increase the ability of a car to gain altitude.

There is no such thing as "wealth equality" in this universe. It does not and cannot exist. There will, forever and always, be a Top 1% who control most of the wealth. The ONLY question, is whether these are free market capitalists who compete in a free market system, or whether they are Ruling Class elites who control all means of political power and lawful authority. Your mistake is the assumption that if we destroy capitalism and turn it all over to the government, we will achieve this Utopian Wealth Equality, and that will never happen. Those whom you cede your freedoms to, will then control all the wealth, and continue becoming wealthier, while your opportunity to ever become wealthy, is GONE!

Here's another opinion on the Top 1%:
[ame=]Thomas Sowell - That Top 1% - YouTube[/ame]

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