The Right To Bear Arms

Burger was a lifelong Republican. But, as we’ve known for some time, they don’t make ‘em like they used to... The late U.S. Supreme Court chief justice, named to the court by President Richard Nixon in 1969, said after leaving the bench that, contrary to views espoused by gun groups, the Second Amendment “doesn’t guarantee the right to have firearms at all.”

Chief Justice Warren Burger quote on the Second Amendment - Democratic Underground
the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

What's so hard to understand?

That part is easy to understand - until you connect it to the word "militia"...

It's not connected.
It's in addition to.

Here, I'll post it in it's entirety so you can see the comma:

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

What's so hard to understand?

That part is easy to understand - until you connect it to the word "militia"...

It's not connected.
It's in addition to.

Here, I'll post it in it's entirety so you can see the comma:

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.


Hmm all one sentence, starts out as A well regulated militia....
Now if you understand grammer one sentence means....
That part is easy to understand - until you connect it to the word "militia"...

It's not connected.
It's in addition to.

Here, I'll post it in it's entirety so you can see the comma:

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.


Hmm all one sentence, starts out as A well regulated militia....
Now if you understand grammer one sentence means....

A well staffed kitchen, being necessary for good guest service, the right of the cooks to keep clean spatulas, shall not be infringed.

So cooks wouldn't have the right to keep clean spatulas, according to your logic?
So, lacking a definition of tyranny, is it safe to assume that such fears of tyranny and the need to arm against it is nothing more than an esoteric rant with all the credibility and potential of the fears ginned up over fluoridation from way back in the 1950s?

The calls to arms to resist tyranny are empty and ridiculous because no one can say how tyranny manifests itself in modern America. The fact is you idiots know NOTHING of tyranny. You can't even cite examples of American tyranny, in spite of the fact that anyone reading this who is over 55 years old has seen tyranny in action here in America.
the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

What's so hard to understand?

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

nothing can be understood when using only a part of an Article.
Chief Justice Burger was a smart man. He clearly articulated why the 2nd Amendment is obsolete.

I knew you wouldn't bother to read it.

As for Burger's opinion that the 2nd amendment is obsolete, the foresight of those that wrote the Constitution predicted there would come a day when others would want to change suit their own fucking opinions.

Just as Obama is no Lincoln reincarnated, Warren Burger does not come anywhere close to possessing the intelligence and wisdom of Thomas Jefferson.

Lots of things have changed since 1791...

the original intent of the Constitution & the 2nd Amendment has not.
So, lacking a definition of tyranny, is it safe to assume that such fears of tyranny and the need to arm against it is nothing more than an esoteric rant with all the credibility and potential of the fears ginned up over fluoridation from way back in the 1950s?

The calls to arms to resist tyranny are empty and ridiculous because no one can say how tyranny manifests itself in modern America. The fact is you idiots know NOTHING of tyranny. You can't even cite examples of American tyranny, in spite of the fact that anyone reading this who is over 55 years old has seen tyranny in action here in America.

I am not clear on what you are requesting? You want a definition of tyranny? Do you think tyranny is something that works like a light switch?
the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

What's so hard to understand?

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

nothing can be understood when using only a part of an Article.



  • A punctuation mark (,) indicating a pause between parts of a sentence. It is also used to separate items in a list and to mark the place...
  • A minute interval or difference of pitch.
So, lacking a definition of tyranny, is it safe to assume that such fears of tyranny and the need to arm against it is nothing more than an esoteric rant with all the credibility and potential of the fears ginned up over fluoridation from way back in the 1950s?

The calls to arms to resist tyranny are empty and ridiculous because no one can say how tyranny manifests itself in modern America. The fact is you idiots know NOTHING of tyranny. You can't even cite examples of American tyranny, in spite of the fact that anyone reading this who is over 55 years old has seen tyranny in action here in America.

I am not clear on what you are requesting? You want a definition of tyranny? Do you think tyranny is something that works like a light switch?
No, i don't think there's instant tyranny. But if the justification to keep a cache of weapons and ammunition so a citizen can hold off tyranny in a three hour fire fight, perhaps we should know what we'
re supposed to be so damn fearful about.

What is tyranny? How does it manifest itself? What is there to fear?
So, lacking a definition of tyranny, is it safe to assume that such fears of tyranny and the need to arm against it is nothing more than an esoteric rant with all the credibility and potential of the fears ginned up over fluoridation from way back in the 1950s?

The calls to arms to resist tyranny are empty and ridiculous because no one can say how tyranny manifests itself in modern America. The fact is you idiots know NOTHING of tyranny. You can't even cite examples of American tyranny, in spite of the fact that anyone reading this who is over 55 years old has seen tyranny in action here in America.

I am not clear on what you are requesting? You want a definition of tyranny? Do you think tyranny is something that works like a light switch?
No, i don't think there's instant tyranny. But if the justification to keep a cache of weapons and ammunition so a citizen can hold off tyranny in a three hour fire fight, perhaps we should know what we'
re supposed to be so damn fearful about.

What is tyranny? How does it manifest itself? What is there to fear?
As long as the right top bear arms is not infringed, there is little to fear about tyranny.
I am not clear on what you are requesting? You want a definition of tyranny? Do you think tyranny is something that works like a light switch?
No, i don't think there's instant tyranny. But if the justification to keep a cache of weapons and ammunition so a citizen can hold off tyranny in a three hour fire fight, perhaps we should know what we'
re supposed to be so damn fearful about.

What is tyranny? How does it manifest itself? What is there to fear?
As long as the right top bear arms is not infringed, there is little to fear about tyranny.
So, the only way to suppress tyranny is at the barrel of a gun? Citizens cannot, nor have they ever, in this country faced real tyranny and freed themselves of it without armed resistance?
So, lacking a definition of tyranny, is it safe to assume that such fears of tyranny and the need to arm against it is nothing more than an esoteric rant with all the credibility and potential of the fears ginned up over fluoridation from way back in the 1950s?

The calls to arms to resist tyranny are empty and ridiculous because no one can say how tyranny manifests itself in modern America. The fact is you idiots know NOTHING of tyranny. You can't even cite examples of American tyranny, in spite of the fact that anyone reading this who is over 55 years old has seen tyranny in action here in America.

I am not clear on what you are requesting? You want a definition of tyranny? Do you think tyranny is something that works like a light switch?
No, i don't think there's instant tyranny. But if the justification to keep a cache of weapons and ammunition so a citizen can hold off tyranny in a three hour fire fight, perhaps we should know what we'
re supposed to be so damn fearful about.

What is tyranny? How does it manifest itself? What is there to fear?

I am sorry I am going to be abrupt here but I have to go at this time but I have to ask you this:

Why do you seemingly fear an armed citizenry?

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