The Right To Bear Arms

I'm not a nut, but you are.
Again which came first gun registration or gun confiscation?

this guys a real dipshit aint he Reb.....notice how he wont answer your simple question......i wonder why?.....maybe LaKunta hasn't PM'd him what to say yet....

Both you OCD right-wingers are as fucked up as they come. How can I answer the question of a fool I have on ignore. Since you are worthless, too, and I can't neg you then you might as well join the fool.

If you retards want questions answered, go to Yahoo Answers and stop wasting people's time, you fucking Retards!

Yeah, but we don't feel the need to lie about prior military service and make abject fools of ourselves when caught in those you.
this guys a real dipshit aint he Reb.....notice how he wont answer your simple question......i wonder why?.....maybe LaKunta hasn't PM'd him what to say yet....

Both you OCD right-wingers are as fucked up as they come. How can I answer the question of a fool I have on ignore. Since you are worthless, too, and I can't neg you then you might as well join the fool.

If you retards want questions answered, go to Yahoo Answers and stop wasting people's time, you fucking Retards!

Yeah, but we don't feel the need to lie about prior military service and make abject fools of ourselves when caught in those you.

oh no.....not another phony Vet.....well so far what i have seen of this jerk and what i have been told by some posters who apparently know him from somewhere else.....the guy apparently is just another loser......
this guys a real dipshit aint he Reb.....notice how he wont answer your simple question......i wonder why?.....maybe LaKunta hasn't PM'd him what to say yet....

Both you OCD right-wingers are as fucked up as they come. How can I answer the question of a fool I have on ignore. Since you are worthless, too, and I can't neg you then you might as well join the fool.

If you retards want questions answered, go to Yahoo Answers and stop wasting people's time, you fucking Retards!

Yeah, but we don't feel the need to lie about prior military service and make abject fools of ourselves when caught in those you.

You feel the need to troll and that's all you are good for. Since you have proven yourself worthless, join the idiots who are only a named blank line, who don't know how to post anything of substance and waste people's time with their mindless ad hom posts.
Well said Lakhota!
1. to provide that, to acquire a firearm, an application be made reciting age, residence, employment and any prior criminal convictions?
2. to required that this application lie on the table for 10 days (absent a showing for urgent need) before the license would be issued?
3. that the transfer of a firearm be made essentially as with that of a motor vehicle?
4. to have a "ballistic fingerprint" of the firearm made by the manufacturer and filed with the license record so that, if a bullet is found in a victim's body, law enforcement might be helped in finding the culprit?
This is pretty much exactly what Ive been saying. There is no logical reason NOT to do the things you suggest here. I dont want people to give up their guns. All I ask is for responsible gun ownership!
Well said Lakhota!
1. to provide that, to acquire a firearm, an application be made reciting age, residence, employment and any prior criminal convictions?
2. to required that this application lie on the table for 10 days (absent a showing for urgent need) before the license would be issued?
3. that the transfer of a firearm be made essentially as with that of a motor vehicle?
4. to have a "ballistic fingerprint" of the firearm made by the manufacturer and filed with the license record so that, if a bullet is found in a victim's body, law enforcement might be helped in finding the culprit?
This is pretty much exactly what Ive been saying. There is no logical reason NOT to do the things you suggest here. I dont want people to give up their guns. All I ask is for responsible gun ownership!

Let's put those same restrictions on those planning to exert other rights, such printing a paper, giving a speech, aborting a baby, ect.
Both you OCD right-wingers are as fucked up as they come. How can I answer the question of a fool I have on ignore. Since you are worthless, too, and I can't neg you then you might as well join the fool.

If you retards want questions answered, go to Yahoo Answers and stop wasting people's time, you fucking Retards!

Yeah, but we don't feel the need to lie about prior military service and make abject fools of ourselves when caught in those you.

You feel the need to troll and that's all you are good for. Since you have proven yourself worthless, join the idiots who are only a named blank line, who don't know how to post anything of substance and waste people's time with their mindless ad hom posts.

oh shit.....your not going to start crying are ya?.....let me get the Kleenex....
Well said Lakhota!
1. to provide that, to acquire a firearm, an application be made reciting age, residence, employment and any prior criminal convictions?
2. to required that this application lie on the table for 10 days (absent a showing for urgent need) before the license would be issued?
3. that the transfer of a firearm be made essentially as with that of a motor vehicle?
4. to have a "ballistic fingerprint" of the firearm made by the manufacturer and filed with the license record so that, if a bullet is found in a victim's body, law enforcement might be helped in finding the culprit?
This is pretty much exactly what Ive been saying. There is no logical reason NOT to do the things you suggest here. I dont want people to give up their guns. All I ask is for responsible gun ownership!

1. Already in place (save for employment)
2. Most States have waiting periods.
3. Registration ? How does knowing what I have stop a criminal ?
4. How does a ballistic fingerprint of my lawful gun stop or help solve a crime ?
Well said Lakhota!
1. to provide that, to acquire a firearm, an application be made reciting age, residence, employment and any prior criminal convictions?
2. to required that this application lie on the table for 10 days (absent a showing for urgent need) before the license would be issued?
3. that the transfer of a firearm be made essentially as with that of a motor vehicle?
4. to have a "ballistic fingerprint" of the firearm made by the manufacturer and filed with the license record so that, if a bullet is found in a victim's body, law enforcement might be helped in finding the culprit?
This is pretty much exactly what Ive been saying. There is no logical reason NOT to do the things you suggest here. I dont want people to give up their guns. All I ask is for responsible gun ownership!

1. Already in place (save for employment)
2. Most States have waiting periods.
3. Registration ? How does knowing what I have stop a criminal ?
4. How does a ballistic fingerprint of my lawful gun stop or help solve a crime ?

as a radical conservative I'd be ok with all except the ballistic fingerprint. Let's not forget we were given guns to kill liberals if they ever get really out of hand. If and when the revolution starts we don't want liberals to be able to track down the first brave revolutionaries do we??
Both you OCD right-wingers are as fucked up as they come. How can I answer the question of a fool I have on ignore. Since you are worthless, too, and I can't neg you then you might as well join the fool.

If you retards want questions answered, go to Yahoo Answers and stop wasting people's time, you fucking Retards!

Yeah, but we don't feel the need to lie about prior military service and make abject fools of ourselves when caught in those you.

You feel the need to troll and that's all you are good for. Since you have proven yourself worthless, join the idiots who are only a named blank line, who don't know how to post anything of substance and waste people's time with their mindless ad hom posts.

:lol::lol: You're the asshole who claims to have been a Marine and can't tell us how you qualified. All you can claim is that you shot bullseyes at 500 yards. Here's a heads up for you nimrod, the Marines don't shoot at 500 yards!

They qualify at 600 meters. Next time you lie about your service you might want to do some basic research to at least attempt to get your fucking story right. You are a loser of the first order that's for sure. You lie about your prior military service (of which you clearly have none), you lie about your scientific credentials, and you are simply a internet troll.

Good job asshat, we've got your number now.
Well said Lakhota!
1. to provide that, to acquire a firearm, an application be made reciting age, residence, employment and any prior criminal convictions?
2. to required that this application lie on the table for 10 days (absent a showing for urgent need) before the license would be issued?
3. that the transfer of a firearm be made essentially as with that of a motor vehicle?
4. to have a "ballistic fingerprint" of the firearm made by the manufacturer and filed with the license record so that, if a bullet is found in a victim's body, law enforcement might be helped in finding the culprit?
This is pretty much exactly what Ive been saying. There is no logical reason NOT to do the things you suggest here. I dont want people to give up their guns. All I ask is for responsible gun ownership!

I would like the registration with background checks and renewed each year to make sure the gun is still in the possession of the owner. Selling the weapon from the time it's in a gun store requires transferring the registration and I want it to apply to all firearms, including the cops and military. Of course, only rifled firearms need ballistics tests and the test should be done periodically. The sale of rifled firearm barrels should also be registered. Every gun in a gun store is registered to an owner. The manufacturer has to register the gun once assembled.

Since people may have multiple weapons, I suggest a date randomly decided should be selected for renewal or periodic ballistics tests. If someone has very many guns, they can select more than one date of the year. Gun shops in the area could be used for renewal and ballistics testing and the bullets should be sent to the FBI, so they can be quickly scanned and placed in a data base. The gun shop can hold off sending the bullets for testing for a short period to avoid excess postage. The gun shops can get a modest fee, but there isn't much required for a renewal. If an area has problems with guns disappearing, photos can be taken to assist law enforcement.

I suggest confiscation and heavy penalties for possession of an unregistered weapon, which includes losing the right to own a gun.
Since people may have multiple weapons, I suggest a date randomly decided should be selected for renewal or periodic ballistics tests. If someone has very many guns, they can select more than one date of the year. Gun shops in the area could be used for renewal and ballistics testing and the bullets should be sent to the FBI, so they can be quickly scanned and placed in a data base. The gun shop can hold off sending the bullets for testing for a short period to avoid excess postage. The gun shops can get a modest fee, but there isn't much required for a renewal. If an area has problems with guns disappearing, photos can be taken to assist law enforcement.

I suggest confiscation and heavy penalties for possession of an unregistered weapon, which includes losing the right to own a gun.

Does nothing to stop criminals.
Well said Lakhota!
1. to provide that, to acquire a firearm, an application be made reciting age, residence, employment and any prior criminal convictions?
2. to required that this application lie on the table for 10 days (absent a showing for urgent need) before the license would be issued?
3. that the transfer of a firearm be made essentially as with that of a motor vehicle?
4. to have a "ballistic fingerprint" of the firearm made by the manufacturer and filed with the license record so that, if a bullet is found in a victim's body, law enforcement might be helped in finding the culprit?
This is pretty much exactly what Ive been saying. There is no logical reason NOT to do the things you suggest here. I dont want people to give up their guns. All I ask is for responsible gun ownership!

I would like the registration with background checks and renewed each year to make sure the gun is still in the possession of the owner. Selling the weapon from the time it's in a gun store requires transferring the registration and I want it to apply to all firearms, including the cops and military. Of course, only rifled firearms need ballistics tests and the test should be done periodically. The sale of rifled firearm barrels should also be registered. Every gun in a gun store is registered to an owner. The manufacturer has to register the gun once assembled.

Since people may have multiple weapons, I suggest a date randomly decided should be selected for renewal or periodic ballistics tests. If someone has very many guns, they can select more than one date of the year. Gun shops in the area could be used for renewal and ballistics testing and the bullets should be sent to the FBI, so they can be quickly scanned and placed in a data base. The gun shop can hold off sending the bullets for testing for a short period to avoid excess postage. The gun shops can get a modest fee, but there isn't much required for a renewal. If an area has problems with guns disappearing, photos can be taken to assist law enforcement.

I suggest confiscation and heavy penalties for possession of an unregistered weapon, which includes losing the right to own a gun.

and would any of that stopped Sandy Hook??
Well said Lakhota!

This is pretty much exactly what Ive been saying. There is no logical reason NOT to do the things you suggest here. I dont want people to give up their guns. All I ask is for responsible gun ownership!

1. Already in place (save for employment)
2. Most States have waiting periods.
3. Registration ? How does knowing what I have stop a criminal ?
4. How does a ballistic fingerprint of my lawful gun stop or help solve a crime ?

as a radical conservative I'd be ok with all except the ballistic fingerprint. Let's not forget we were given guns to kill liberals if they ever get really out of hand. If and when the revolution starts we don't want liberals to be able to track down the first brave revolutionaries do we??

The ballistics fingerprint is to stop a criminal from wanting to use the weapon in a crime.

Your revolutionaries would get blown off the planet, so dream on, fool!
The ballistics fingerprint is to stop a criminal from wanting to use the weapon in a crime.

Your revolutionaries would get blown off the planet, so dream on, fool!

- Stolen gun.
- Felon ineligible to posses a gun.
- Committing a crime of violence with a gun.

All we lack is a ballistic fingerprint law which is the deterrent which will stop the criminal.

The ballistics fingerprint is to stop a criminal from wanting to use the weapon in a crime.

but also stop conservatives and libertarians from using it as intended,i.e., to protect themselves from liberals

Your revolutionaries would get blown off the planet, so dream on, fool!

thats what the British thought too and the US in Vietnam. Sorry
Well said Lakhota!

This is pretty much exactly what Ive been saying. There is no logical reason NOT to do the things you suggest here. I dont want people to give up their guns. All I ask is for responsible gun ownership!

I would like the registration with background checks and renewed each year to make sure the gun is still in the possession of the owner. Selling the weapon from the time it's in a gun store requires transferring the registration and I want it to apply to all firearms, including the cops and military. Of course, only rifled firearms need ballistics tests and the test should be done periodically. The sale of rifled firearm barrels should also be registered. Every gun in a gun store is registered to an owner. The manufacturer has to register the gun once assembled.

Since people may have multiple weapons, I suggest a date randomly decided should be selected for renewal or periodic ballistics tests. If someone has very many guns, they can select more than one date of the year. Gun shops in the area could be used for renewal and ballistics testing and the bullets should be sent to the FBI, so they can be quickly scanned and placed in a data base. The gun shop can hold off sending the bullets for testing for a short period to avoid excess postage. The gun shops can get a modest fee, but there isn't much required for a renewal. If an area has problems with guns disappearing, photos can be taken to assist law enforcement.

I suggest confiscation and heavy penalties for possession of an unregistered weapon, which includes losing the right to own a gun.

and would any of that stopped Sandy Hook??

It's possible some woman wouldn't have weapons around with only a small amount of shootings in the country each year. The woman should have had better sense and kept weapons away from her son. I've suggested using local armories to store confiscated weapons which may be returned in the future, or use the armories for weapons people want to safely put up.

When it comes down to it, your gun nut talking points about Sandy Hook are meaningless, because this shit has went on too long. Sandy Hook is just one incident, but the problem is our country has turned into an open market for guns and that has to stop. Your gun nut ways are causing the violence that you need a gun to protect yourself against. It's time to solve these problems and stop acting like children.
The ballistics fingerprint is to stop a criminal from wanting to use the weapon in a crime.

but also stop conservatives and libertarians from using it as intended,i.e., to protect themselves from liberals

Your revolutionaries would get blown off the planet, so dream on, fool!

thats what the British thought too and the US in Vietnam. Sorry

I'm not interested in your fucking fantasies. Go find some idiots and talk to them!
The ballistics fingerprint is to stop a criminal from wanting to use the weapon in a crime.

Your revolutionaries would get blown off the planet, so dream on, fool!

- Stolen gun.
- Felon ineligible to posses a gun.
- Committing a crime of violence with a gun.

All we lack is a ballistic fingerprint law which is the deterrent which will stop the criminal.


Stolen guns will get reported and they still will have ballistics tests on file. The person who steals that gun can be considered an accessory to the crime that it's used on and criminals will rat you out.
The ballistics fingerprint is to stop a criminal from wanting to use the weapon in a crime.

Your revolutionaries would get blown off the planet, so dream on, fool!

- Stolen gun.
- Felon ineligible to posses a gun.
- Committing a crime of violence with a gun.

All we lack is a ballistic fingerprint law which is the deterrent which will stop the criminal.


Stolen guns will get reported and they still will have ballistics tests on file.

So the person will steal or unlawfully acquire the gun.......... but the ballistic test on file registered to its lawful owner will stop them from using it ?
The ballistics fingerprint is to stop a criminal from wanting to use the weapon in a crime.

Your revolutionaries would get blown off the planet, so dream on, fool!

- Stolen gun.
- Felon ineligible to posses a gun.
- Committing a crime of violence with a gun.

All we lack is a ballistic fingerprint law which is the deterrent which will stop the criminal.


Stolen guns will get reported and they still will have ballistics tests on file.

So the criminal will steal or unlawfully acquire the gun but the ballistic test on file registered to its lawful owner will stop the criminal from using it ?

You are indeed an onion of geenus.

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