The Right To Bear Arms

The ballistics fingerprint is to stop a criminal from wanting to use the weapon in a crime.

but also stop conservatives and libertarians from using it as intended,i.e., to protect themselves from liberals

Your revolutionaries would get blown off the planet, so dream on, fool!

thats what the British thought too and the US in Vietnam. Sorry

I'm not interested in your fucking fantasies. Go find some idiots and talk to them!

dear, the American Revolution, Vietman, Iraq, Afghanistan, Algeria, Indo china were not fantasies. Sorry

The tactics of guerrilla warfare were used successfully in the 20th century by—among others— the Soviet partisans and the Polish Home Army[13] and the OSS in Burma[14] in World War II; Mao Zedong and the People's Liberation Army in the Second Sino-Japanese War and Chinese Civil War. Fidel Castro, Che Guevara and the 26th of July Movement in the Cuban Revolution. Ho Chi Minh, Vo Nguyen Giap, Viet Cong and select members of the Green Berets in the Vietnam War (and the First Indochina War before that). The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in the Sri Lankan Civil War, the Afghan Mujahideen in the Soviet war in Afghanistan, George Grivas and Nikos Sampson's Greek guerrilla group EOKA in Cyprus, Aris Velouchiotis and Stefanos Sarafis and the EAM against the Axis occupation of Greece during World War II, Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck and the German Schutztruppe in World War I, Josip Broz Tito and the Yugoslav Partisans in World War II, and the antifrancoist guerrilla in Spain during the Franco dictatorship,[15] the Kosovo Liberation Army in the Kosovo War, and the Irish Republican Army led by Michael Collins (considered to be the founder of modern guerrilla warfare) during the Irish War of Independence.[16
- Stolen gun.
- Felon ineligible to posses a gun.
- Committing a crime of violence with a gun.

All we lack is a ballistic fingerprint law which is the deterrent which will stop the criminal.


Stolen guns will get reported and they still will have ballistics tests on file.

So the person will steal or unlawfully acquire the gun.......... but the ballistic test on file registered to its lawful owner will stop them from using it ?

Getting your ass burnt big time will stop a thief from taking a gun and selling it. Do you really think all criminals are connected? A burglar will get a little bit of time, but let's say someone is just shot with that gun and identifies the shooter. The shooter rats out the burglar, so now the burglar isn't going to do a little bit of time for a burglary, because he's an accessory to attempted murder. That makes stealing guns a big taboo. Since guns require registration and it's a serious offense to have an unregistered gun, the market to sell a stolen gun is going to be very limited and it isn't now. There would be a lot more involved than recieving stolen property.
but also stop conservatives and libertarians from using it as intended,i.e., to protect themselves from liberals

thats what the British thought too and the US in Vietnam. Sorry

I'm not interested in your fucking fantasies. Go find some idiots and talk to them!

dear, the American Revolution, Vietman, Iraq, Afghanistan, Algeria, Indo china were not fantasies. Sorry

The tactics of guerrilla warfare were used successfully in the 20th century by—among others— the Soviet partisans and the Polish Home Army[13] and the OSS in Burma[14] in World War II; Mao Zedong and the People's Liberation Army in the Second Sino-Japanese War and Chinese Civil War. Fidel Castro, Che Guevara and the 26th of July Movement in the Cuban Revolution. Ho Chi Minh, Vo Nguyen Giap, Viet Cong and select members of the Green Berets in the Vietnam War (and the First Indochina War before that). The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in the Sri Lankan Civil War, the Afghan Mujahideen in the Soviet war in Afghanistan, George Grivas and Nikos Sampson's Greek guerrilla group EOKA in Cyprus, Aris Velouchiotis and Stefanos Sarafis and the EAM against the Axis occupation of Greece during World War II, Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck and the German Schutztruppe in World War I, Josip Broz Tito and the Yugoslav Partisans in World War II, and the antifrancoist guerrilla in Spain during the Franco dictatorship,[15] the Kosovo Liberation Army in the Kosovo War, and the Irish Republican Army led by Michael Collins (considered to be the founder of modern guerrilla warfare) during the Irish War of Independence.[16

Trust me, you aren't a warrior and how are you going to identify liberals? Liberals have guns too, so don't think you can shoot it out with them.

Tell it to your Shrink!
Getting your ass burnt big time will stop a thief from taking a gun and selling it. Do you really think all criminals are connected? A burglar will get a little bit of time, but let's say someone is just shot with that gun and identifies the shooter. The shooter rats out the burglar, so now the burglar isn't going to do a little bit of time for a burglary, because he's an accessory to attempted murder. That makes stealing guns a big taboo. Since guns require registration and it's a serious offense to have an unregistered gun, the market to sell a stolen gun is going to be very limited and it isn't now. There would be a lot more involved than recieving stolen property.

You smoke a lot of weed ?
Punish gun criminals severely is the answer.

You don't have an answer and just like that trickle down bullshit, your ways never works. That's why America doesn't want anything to do with your stupid "do nothing" solutions. We want problems solved and you don't.
Getting your ass burnt big time will stop a thief from taking a gun and selling it. Do you really think all criminals are connected? A burglar will get a little bit of time, but let's say someone is just shot with that gun and identifies the shooter. The shooter rats out the burglar, so now the burglar isn't going to do a little bit of time for a burglary, because he's an accessory to attempted murder. That makes stealing guns a big taboo. Since guns require registration and it's a serious offense to have an unregistered gun, the market to sell a stolen gun is going to be very limited and it isn't now. There would be a lot more involved than recieving stolen property.

You smoke a lot of weed ?

Here is your choice! Either discuss the subject which is not me or go on ignore. Find someone else who wants to put up with your childish nonsense, because I won't! Once I can neg again, then I'll take you off ignore, because then there is a reason to read your shit.
Getting your ass burnt big time will stop a thief from taking a gun and selling it. Do you really think all criminals are connected? A burglar will get a little bit of time, but let's say someone is just shot with that gun and identifies the shooter. The shooter rats out the burglar, so now the burglar isn't going to do a little bit of time for a burglary, because he's an accessory to attempted murder. That makes stealing guns a big taboo. Since guns require registration and it's a serious offense to have an unregistered gun, the market to sell a stolen gun is going to be very limited and it isn't now. There would be a lot more involved than recieving stolen property.

You smoke a lot of weed ?

Here is your choice! Either discuss the subject which is not me or go on ignore. Find someone else who wants to put up with your childish nonsense, because I won't! Once I can neg again, then I'll take you off ignore, because then there is a reason to read your shit.

It says in the forum guidelines that your ability to add or subtract rep. is gone permanently. Unless of course you come back as your daughter.
Here is your choice! Either discuss the subject which is not me or go on ignore. Find someone else who wants to put up with your childish nonsense, because I won't! Once I can neg again, then I'll take you off ignore, because then there is a reason to read your shit.

I choose: Go on ignore.

Your notion that a ballistic fingerprint is going be the final legislative magic bullet to stop an already well committed criminal in possession of an already illegal gun is patently laughable.
Yeah, but we don't feel the need to lie about prior military service and make abject fools of ourselves when caught in those you.

You feel the need to troll and that's all you are good for. Since you have proven yourself worthless, join the idiots who are only a named blank line, who don't know how to post anything of substance and waste people's time with their mindless ad hom posts.

:lol::lol: You're the asshole who claims to have been a Marine and can't tell us how you qualified. All you can claim is that you shot bullseyes at 500 yards. Here's a heads up for you nimrod, the Marines don't shoot at 500 yards!

They qualify at 600 meters. Next time you lie about your service you might want to do some basic research to at least attempt to get your fucking story right. You are a loser of the first order that's for sure. You lie about your prior military service (of which you clearly have none), you lie about your scientific credentials, and you are simply a internet troll.

Good job asshat, we've got your number now.
shame on you Dumbya....if Gunny was still the Admin he would ask you to prove it to him or else he would kick your lowlife ass out...your lucky these new people dont care....
Here is your choice! Either discuss the subject which is not me or go on ignore. Find someone else who wants to put up with your childish nonsense, because I won't! Once I can neg again, then I'll take you off ignore, because then there is a reason to read your shit.

I choose: Go on ignore.

Your notion that a ballistic fingerprint is going be the final legislative magic bullet to stop an already well committed criminal in possession of an already illegal gun is patently laughable.

The crap that he has been spouting about his breakthrough gun-control ideas is laughable :D What an ignorant bastage.
1. Already in place (save for employment)
2. Most States have waiting periods.
3. Registration ? How does knowing what I have stop a criminal ?
4. How does a ballistic fingerprint of my lawful gun stop or help solve a crime ?

as a radical conservative I'd be ok with all except the ballistic fingerprint. Let's not forget we were given guns to kill liberals if they ever get really out of hand. If and when the revolution starts we don't want liberals to be able to track down the first brave revolutionaries do we??

The ballistics fingerprint is to stop a criminal from wanting to use the weapon in a crime.

Your revolutionaries would get blown off the planet, so dream on, fool!

probably from an Ex Marine like yourself....right?.....
The ballistics fingerprint is to stop a criminal from wanting to use the weapon in a crime.

but also stop conservatives and libertarians from using it as intended,i.e., to protect themselves from liberals

Your revolutionaries would get blown off the planet, so dream on, fool!

thats what the British thought too and the US in Vietnam. Sorry

I'm not interested in your fucking fantasies. Go find some idiots and talk to them!

watch out start asking questions that back him in a corner the Ex Marine will put you on ignore.....and call you a "fool".....
You smoke a lot of weed ?

Here is your choice! Either discuss the subject which is not me or go on ignore. Find someone else who wants to put up with your childish nonsense, because I won't! Once I can neg again, then I'll take you off ignore, because then there is a reason to read your shit.

It says in the forum guidelines that your ability to add or subtract rep. is gone permanently. Unless of course you come back as your daughter.

Then I guess being on my ignore list is permanent for those idiots.
Punish gun criminals severely is the answer.

You don't have an answer and just like that trickle down bullshit, your ways never works. That's why America doesn't want anything to do with your stupid "do nothing" solutions. We want problems solved and you don't.
are you for real?......punishing the Criminal severely is a foolish thing to do?....and never works?....whats your solution?....a 30 year sentence and let them out in 5 for good behavior?...... yea you are solving problems.....
Getting your ass burnt big time will stop a thief from taking a gun and selling it. Do you really think all criminals are connected? A burglar will get a little bit of time, but let's say someone is just shot with that gun and identifies the shooter. The shooter rats out the burglar, so now the burglar isn't going to do a little bit of time for a burglary, because he's an accessory to attempted murder. That makes stealing guns a big taboo. Since guns require registration and it's a serious offense to have an unregistered gun, the market to sell a stolen gun is going to be very limited and it isn't now. There would be a lot more involved than recieving stolen property.

You smoke a lot of weed ?

Here is your choice! Either discuss the subject which is not me or go on ignore. Find someone else who wants to put up with your childish nonsense, because I won't! Once I can neg again, then I'll take you off ignore, because then there is a reason to read your shit.

hey ANYBODY GOT ANY KLEENEX?....this fucker is starting cry ....again....or i should say some more.....
Here is your choice! Either discuss the subject which is not me or go on ignore. Find someone else who wants to put up with your childish nonsense, because I won't! Once I can neg again, then I'll take you off ignore, because then there is a reason to read your shit.

I choose: Go on ignore.

Your notion that a ballistic fingerprint is going be the final legislative magic bullet to stop an already well committed criminal in possession of an already illegal gun is patently laughable.

What's laughable is knowing this country has so much gun related crime and not doing something about it. It reminds me of that trickle down nonsense, when the CBO is telling them it will cost revenue. How many times does someone have to try the same thing before they realize it won't work?

Common sense should tell you it will reduce crime and aid law enforcement in catching a criminal. Most homicides by guns are not planned assassinations.
Here is your choice! Either discuss the subject which is not me or go on ignore. Find someone else who wants to put up with your childish nonsense, because I won't! Once I can neg again, then I'll take you off ignore, because then there is a reason to read your shit.

It says in the forum guidelines that your ability to add or subtract rep. is gone permanently. Unless of course you come back as your daughter.

Then I guess being on my ignore list is permanent for those idiots.

Lucky bastards!
Common sense should tell you it will reduce crime and aid law enforcement in catching a criminal.

A registered gun which is stolen is still registered to the lawful owner and does nothing to identify the thief whole stole and/or the criminal who used it.

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