The Right To Bear Arms

A statist and a liberal are too different ideologies, just like conservative and libertarian are. Moderate is another ideology.

“Liberals” — Ayn Rand Lexicon
The goal of the “liberals”—as it emerges from the record of the past decades—
was to smuggle this country into welfare statism by means of single, concrete, ...

Statism : The only option you're being given
Liberal Statism emerged as the Welfare State: a place where everyone was
equal, where the poor were supported, everyone could go to ...
Statism : The only option you're being given

Yes, Duby is an illiterate, but that is 100% typical of a liberal
A statist and a liberal are too different ideologies, just like conservative and libertarian are. Moderate is another ideology.


Liberals have consistently advocated for the rights of individuals and restriction of the state, such as privacy rights with regard to abortion, equal protection rights concerning same-sex couples, and due process rights for minorities and immigrants.
A statist and a liberal are too different ideologies, just like conservative and libertarian are. Moderate is another ideology.

“Liberals” — Ayn Rand Lexicon
The goal of the “liberals”—as it emerges from the record of the past decades—
was to smuggle this country into welfare statism by means of single, concrete, ...

Statism : The only option you're being given
Liberal Statism emerged as the Welfare State: a place where everyone was
equal, where the poor were supported, everyone could go to ...
Statism : The only option you're being given

Yes, Duby is an illiterate, but that is 100% typical of a liberal

Do you know what a scumbag Ayn Rand was?

Statists will kill off the liberals as their first target, because statists can't deal with individual liberty. A libertarian also hates liberals, because they compete ideologically on issues of individual liberty.
Do you know what a scumbag Ayn Rand was?

who cares???? as if she's the only one who thinks statists and liberals are the same??

Why do you think BO wants that state to control health care and why do you think the liberals spied for Stalin??,

do you want 1000 more links??????

See why we are 1000% positive a liberal will be slow??

We are Statists in Classical Liberal Clothing | Bleeding Heart ...
May 30, 2012 ... The problem with premise 2 in this argument is that, if it's true, almost every
libertarian and classical liberal thinker ever counts as a left-statist.
Reminder: The Media Isn't Liberal, It's Statist | The Agitator
Nov 5, 2012 ... The Boston Globe today editorializes against medical marijuana and physician-
assisted suicide today, both of which are on the ballot in ...
Reminder: The Media Isn?t Liberal, It?s Statist | The Agitator
Statist vs. Liberal : What a crock
I'm really tired of hearing about Liberals and change. Let's see how they really
stack up.
Statist vs. Liberal : What a crock
Statism : The only option you're being given
Liberal Statism emerged as the Welfare State: a place where ... Liberals don't
care about the poor, they don't care about minorities, they don't ...
Statism : The only option you're being given
A statist and a liberal are too different ideologies, just like conservative and libertarian are. Moderate is another ideology.


Liberals have consistently advocated for the rights of individuals and restriction of the state, such as privacy rights with regard to abortion, equal protection rights concerning same-sex couples, and due process rights for minorities and immigrants.

Total fucking bull shit
you're version of immigrates is illegals immigrates and they have no rights because they broke the law.
Abortion has two people affecting it, when the mother introduces another life into her body sahe lost the right too privacy.
There are no protected rights for a perversion act of same sex
Liberals have consistently advocated for the rights of individuals and restriction of the state, such as privacy rights with regard to abortion

got it!! killing a baby is advocating for the individual?????

equal protection rights concerning same-sex couples, and due process rights for minorities and immigrants.

wow thats trivial stuff, meanwhile libturds advocate for the individual by unemploying 24 million, taking half of everyone's income, and constantly attacking the businesses we work for that provide the goods and services we need to survive.
Do you know what a scumbag Ayn Rand was?

who cares???? as if she's the only one who thinks statists and liberals are the same??

Why do you think BO wants that state to control health care and why do you think the liberals spied for Stalin??,

do you want 1000 more links??????

See why we are 1000% positive a liberal will be slow??

We are Statists in Classical Liberal Clothing | Bleeding Heart ...
May 30, 2012 ... The problem with premise 2 in this argument is that, if it's true, almost every
libertarian and classical liberal thinker ever counts as a left-statist.
Reminder: The Media Isn't Liberal, It's Statist | The Agitator
Nov 5, 2012 ... The Boston Globe today editorializes against medical marijuana and physician-
assisted suicide today, both of which are on the ballot in ...
Reminder: The Media Isn?t Liberal, It?s Statist | The Agitator
Statist vs. Liberal : What a crock
I'm really tired of hearing about Liberals and change. Let's see how they really
stack up.
Statist vs. Liberal : What a crock
Statism : The only option you're being given
Liberal Statism emerged as the Welfare State: a place where ... Liberals don't
care about the poor, they don't care about minorities, they don't ...
Statism : The only option you're being given

What about history? This is the same nonsense like claiming Nazis are socialists, so the argument goes why did all those socialists and communists in Europe go fight against the fascists in Spain. History refutes this bullshit attempt to rewrite it. How can someone buy that fascism is the same as socialism and socialists have historically fought against it?

There is a history of communists taking over countries and doing away with the liberals that lived there. That means they can't be the same and all the rhetoric in the world isn't going to change that fact.

It's a fact that Ayn Rand had a hair up her ass about liberals and she's a biased source that isn't designed for the truth.
This is the same nonsense like claiming Nazis are socialists,

dear, the Nazis were National Socialist. Our liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin!! Coincidence???

so the argument goes why did all those socialists and communists in Europe go fight against the fascists in Spain. .

too stupid. It like asking why did one monarchy fight against another when both believed in the devine right of kings!!

See why we are 1000% positive a lberal will be slow??
Last edited:
By Matt Ferner

After a full day Tuesday of listening to testimony from gun control advocates and opponents, Colorado Democrats passed two bold new bills aimed at curbing gun violence in a state that has the dubious distinction of being the home to two of the bloodiest mass shootings in American history -- Columbine and Aurora.

First, the House Judiciary Committee passed House Bill 1229, on a 7 to 4 party line vote, which requires universal background checks on all private gun sales in Colorado. Read the full text of HB-1229 here.

Then, late Tuesday night, the committee passed a bill that bans the sale of high capacity gun magazines that hold more than 15 rounds or more than five shotgun shells. A person who already owns a high-capacity magazine fitting the description would be able to continue to own the magazine but would have to maintain continuous possession of it. Late Tuesday, HP-1224 was amended to increase the amount of rounds in a magazine to 15, instad of 10, and was also passed on a party line vote of 7 to 4, read the full text of the bill here.

Both bills now head to the House floor for another vote.

Recent polling from Project New America/Chris Keating and The Denver Post found that a majority of Coloradans' favor stricter gun control.

Fox31 first reported on a survey from PNA/Chris Keating which asked 905 Colorado voters, in general, if they favor stricter gun control -- 55 percent of Colorado voters said they favor of stricter gun control, while only 40 percent were opposed.

The same poll also asked Colorado voters about specific gun law proposals and the margin of support was wide for nearly all the measures in question, according to PNA/Chris Keating:

95 percent of voters agree that people with "serious mental health problems" should be prevented from owning a gun.
80 percent of voters agree that judges should be able to order someone who is "convicted of domestic violence or given a restraining order" to surrender their guns to the court.
80 percent of voters agree that all private gun sales should go through a licensed dealer and be subject to a background check.
65 percent of voters agree that guns should be banned on college and university campuses.
61 percent of voters agree that the sale and possession of semi-automatic guns and assault rifles should be banned.
61 percent of voters agree that the sale and possession of high-capacity ammunition clips, which allow some guns to shoot more than 10 bullets before reloading, should be banned.

More: Colorado Democrats Pass Bold New Gun Control Measures In House Committee
Exactly HOW would these proposed Colorado gun control laws have stopped Columbine or Aurora from happening?

Once again, the Democrats are putting lipstick on a PIG, and calling it "saving lives".
I am encouraged that Colorado is seeing the light.

just say are happy anytime something progresses towards gun banishment....and don't give me this shit about you being for gun rights.....that's a bunch of shit.....the stuff you post is pretty anti-gun.....especially... when you are replying to a pro-gun rights person....
I am encouraged that Colorado is seeing the light.

just say are happy anytime something progresses towards gun banishment....and don't give me this shit about you being for gun rights.....that's a bunch of shit.....the stuff you post is pretty anti-gun.....especially... when you are replying to a pro-gun rights person....

I'm very pro-gun and very anti-NRA extremist gun nuttery. I don't ride the NRA crazy train. It ain't that complicated...

Ask yourself this question: Why doesn't everyone who owns a gun belong to the NRA? The NRA claims to have around 4 million members (which experts believe is much lower) - but even 4 million would only be a very small fraction of gun owners.

Does the NRA Really Have 4 Million Members?
I am encouraged that Colorado is seeing the light.

Colorado has 20 Democrats and 15 Republicans in their state Senate and they have a Democrat as Governor. I would think it would pass and be signed.
I am encouraged that Colorado is seeing the light.

just say are happy anytime something progresses towards gun banishment....and don't give me this shit about you being for gun rights.....that's a bunch of shit.....the stuff you post is pretty anti-gun.....especially... when you are replying to a pro-gun rights person....

I'm very pro-gun and very anti-NRA extremist gun nuttery. I don't ride the NRA crazy train. It ain't that complicated...

Ask yourself this question: Why doesn't everyone who owns a gun belong to the NRA? The NRA claims to have around 4 million members (which experts believe is much lower) - but even 4 million would only be a very small fraction of gun owners.

Does the NRA Really Have 4 Million Members?

LaKota your posts are pretty anti-gun when you are answering one of these so called "nutters".......maybe you should do something about that......

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