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The Right wants to keep this country the way it is and hate change. They live in the 19th century

Lets take a look at that Reagan's trickle down since that is what we are talking about . top bracket dropped from 70% to 28% and where they really make their money Cap gains from 21% to 9% . Phased-in increase in the real estate tax exemption from $175,625 to $600,000 . And lowering the inheritance tax rate. Also add in the fact that he lowered corporate rates from 46 to 34%the lowest bracket he raised and the rest was negligible. So who got Reagans 81 tax cut 90% went to the top. There is nothing to compare that to in all our history for giving the wealthy a free ride.

They really got you hook, line and sinker, don't they?

If you took every last dollar from every American that makes over one million dollars a year, guess how much that would help you or I? If you guessed not one bit, that would be correct.

Why do you suppose they keep the capital gains taxes down? That's right, to encourage people to invest in our market. You know, that market that likely has your IRA (if you are responsible enough to have one) in it, that stock market that promotes financial growth in this country, that market where anybody could invest in to make their money grow? Increase taxes, and those filthy evil rich people pull their money out and place it in tax deferred investments and you can kiss your retirement fund goodbye.

We are fighting tooth and nail to keep jobs in this country, and liberals are trying to discourage job creators every chance they can with tax increases, more regulations and Commie Care. As for giving our wealthy a "free ride" the top 10% of wage earners in this country already pay 70% of all collected income taxes. That's what you call a free ride?
Getting rich is not a reality no matter how great your work ethic. Unless you have money already, the odds of getting ahead one iota is not very good. Join the rest of the working class....paycheck to paycheck...its your fault. So they say. No candidate is going to make it an ounce better. Labor is looked upon as bad by corporate standards. But at least we have some freedom to drink a few cold beerson the weekend.

So how do you suppose wealthy people became wealthy? Just sitting home talking on their Obama phone? Living on food stamps? Going to work and living check to check?

Look at what we Americans consider necessities today: cell phones with internet service, cable or satellite television, newer automobile, video games galore, internet service in your home, fast food, pay-per-view or NetFlix. We spend our money on so much crap its' unbelievable.

Unless you're putting lottery winnings in the mix, money just doesn't pop in your wallet and wealth is not given to certain people. If you really focus on wealth from young on, you too can eventually become wealthy. But you have to work hard and sacrifice a lot of things in life. It has to be an obsession.

If you take one penny and double it, you now have two pennies. Do that 23 more times, and you are a millionaire.
Why do they want to keep it this way, simple this is how the perceive this country, Right now the controllers of the regressive party are more then happy, they have achieved what they wanted. All the new wealth of this country in the last 30+ years has gone to the top top tier, while at the same time putting the middle class and poor deeper and deeper in dept to guess who. It's to a point now that people are feeding their families with credit card debt.
I'll remind you people that capitalism can't exist without the promise of advancement, the ability to get ahead. That is the promise of this country. Without it we will implode from the inside.
How is this done, tax policy. What did they expect would happen when The worst president in our History Reagan, gave us the trickle down lie. How about changing the upper tier tax level from 72 to 28% what did they think was going to happen. This , what is happening now, is what they thought was going to happen ,a trickle up economy that moves every increased wealth of this country to the top. Thats what Reagan wanted and he has achieved that.

Why does every new troll think their troll thread is somehow clever and original? The DNC has got to start writing some new programming material.
OK I'll try again, In 1981 when Reagan introduced the trickle down lie, we at that moment at the smallest disparity of income in history. so what did the trickle down lie do, it moved us to one of the top two disparity of income in our history, Since 81 we have massively increased production , we are at the highest level of GDP and the largest profits by corporations and the largest percentage of profit by corporation. Since 81 Every dime of the increase in wealth, which has been massive,has gone to the top top tier. Argue these facts or screw off.

Automation and outsourcing play a pretty big part in that. Yes, we have more manufacturing than ever, but not by human beings or Americans like we used to.

It has nothing to do with Reagan. Reagan is just the leftists scape goat. But remember that Reagan jump started our economy, and we had a pretty good run of financial fortunes in the 90s as well. If Reagan did so much damage, those economies could have never happened.

Also note what happened since the early 80s: the American consumer became cheap. Cheap everything. The American consumer opted for foreign made products due to price. American companies were never able to compete with that, so wages didn't increase like we would have liked them to. But don't blame the companies, blame us, the consumers.
Importing the world's poor and expanding poverty is not doing this country any good. It's destructive.

It's called "making crime pay"

And it's never a good policy
Totally stupid remark, back that up with facts, no opinions facts. You so blind you can't see that your doing the bidding of your masters against your own best interest. That makes you a regressive.

Dude, my own best interest IS a LAW ABIDING SOCIETY!

Are you nuts?
Back up your bullshit("It's called "making crime pay"), It has nothing to do with you at all does it. Stupid remark.

^^^^ Speaking of bullshit

If your house was broken into by a complete stranger, should you be compelled to allow him to stay, feed him, educate his children and eventually make him part of your family?

Are you seriously that stupid?
So this is what happened and it has nothing to do with your bullshit you are sending back , this is the sequence first comment from who cares "Importing the world's poor and expanding poverty is not doing this country any good. It's destructive.[/QUOTE]

It's called "making crime pay"" That last bullshit is yours , I said it is just bullshit and asked you to back it up, you can't so your trying to move the conversation to something that has nothing to do with the bullshit that you wrote , so back up your bullshit or go away.
Why do they want to keep it this way, simple this is how the perceive this country, Right now the controllers of the regressive party are more then happy, they have achieved what they wanted. All the new wealth of this country in the last 30+ years has gone to the top top tier, while at the same time putting the middle class and poor deeper and deeper in dept to guess who. It's to a point now that people are feeding their families with credit card debt.
I'll remind you people that capitalism can't exist without the promise of advancement, the ability to get ahead. That is the promise of this country. Without it we will implode from the inside.
How is this done, tax policy. What did they expect would happen when The worst president in our History Reagan, gave us the trickle down lie. How about changing the upper tier tax level from 72 to 28% what did they think was going to happen. This , what is happening now, is what they thought was going to happen ,a trickle up economy that moves every increased wealth of this country to the top. Thats what Reagan wanted and he has achieved that.
Preposterous bullshit
Ah another liberal 'hate the rich' thread. lol These drones on the left believe everything that's spoon fed to them. Democratic party leaders who are owned by Wall Street must laugh at these fools, look fooled another one. :laugh:
Got you buried with facts , so all you got is bullshit, I don't hate the rich, in fact I grew up in one of the richest suburbs in this country. I have had friends that were billionaires. You have nothing obviously otherwise you wouldn't have thrown out something that is that stupid.

You have no facts, you have propaganda. Without the top 5% you people would be fighting in the streets over scraps of food and running from rape gangs that's a fact.
What a pile. So do you grovel at their feet when you see them , or maybe Pray to them as Gods or just bath them in bullshit, like if the didn't exist the world would end, How do you spell stupid,
Ah another liberal 'hate the rich' thread. lol These drones on the left believe everything that's spoon fed to them. Democratic party leaders who are owned by Wall Street must laugh at these fools, look fooled another one. :laugh:
Got you buried with facts , so all you got is bullshit, I don't hate the rich, in fact I grew up in one of the richest suburbs in this country. I have had friends that were billionaires. You have nothing obviously otherwise you wouldn't have thrown out something that is that stupid.

You have no facts, you have propaganda. Without the top 5% you people would be fighting in the streets over scraps of food and running from rape gangs that's a fact.
Buddy I got all the facts and they are available for you to show that I'm wrong but stupid mindless Fox crap puppets just come in and say profound unimportant things like it is only propaganda, tell us all what specifically that I said is propaganda. I gave you dates numbers and facts. so idiot respond to them.
I've seen Barry's 'Hope and CHANGE'. No Mas! The vast majority of people think the country is heading in the wrong direction.
So where does that leave the hate party when the population says they are worse then the democrats. Funny!
Why do they want to keep it this way, simple this is how the perceive this country, Right now the controllers of the regressive party are more then happy, they have achieved what they wanted. All the new wealth of this country in the last 30+ years has gone to the top top tier, while at the same time putting the middle class and poor deeper and deeper in dept to guess who. It's to a point now that people are feeding their families with credit card debt.
I'll remind you people that capitalism can't exist without the promise of advancement, the ability to get ahead. That is the promise of this country. Without it we will implode from the inside.
How is this done, tax policy. What did they expect would happen when The worst president in our History Reagan, gave us the trickle down lie. How about changing the upper tier tax level from 72 to 28% what did they think was going to happen. This , what is happening now, is what they thought was going to happen ,a trickle up economy that moves every increased wealth of this country to the top. Thats what Reagan wanted and he has achieved that.

If you can't get ahead, you're just a loser. Get off your ass and learn a trade. No one is stealing your money.
Return to the good old days of the pre-Reagan tax rates? So that the government can do what? Redistribute the new tax income to the poor and finally establish income "Equality"?

BWAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm going to let you in on a little secret. When the government gets more tax money, they piss it away and you don't get any.
Why do they want to keep it this way, simple this is how the perceive this country, Right now the controllers of the regressive party are more then happy, they have achieved what they wanted. All the new wealth of this country in the last 30+ years has gone to the top top tier, while at the same time putting the middle class and poor deeper and deeper in dept to guess who. It's to a point now that people are feeding their families with credit card debt.
I'll remind you people that capitalism can't exist without the promise of advancement, the ability to get ahead. That is the promise of this country. Without it we will implode from the inside.
How is this done, tax policy. What did they expect would happen when The worst president in our History Reagan, gave us the trickle down lie. How about changing the upper tier tax level from 72 to 28% what did they think was going to happen. This , what is happening now, is what they thought was going to happen ,a trickle up economy that moves every increased wealth of this country to the top. Thats what Reagan wanted and he has achieved that.

How do you justify taking 72% of someone's income?
Well first I have to explain something to you, like all countries in the world we have a progressive tax system, So your Gods pay more , percentage wise then the poor , for obvious reason, When the top income earners in this country get 90% of their income from cap gains and if the worse president in our history Reagan lowers it from 29% to 20% and if tax laws make a massive part of their income not being categorized as income, so they are paying only on a percentage of what they really make. So for instance ,if you make $100.00 but only have to pay on 1/2 that amount. All these benefits are only for your Gods.
Ok lets throw in the fact that step up basis at the time of death erases all taxes that they accrued. So it is transfered tax free. That a trillion dollars a decade in free ride for the wealthy. Or lets throw in the 401K that was only for the wealthy during much of it's history, thats another trillion dollar per decade free ride for the wealthy. The we will add th net exclusion of net imputed rental income. Thats over 600 billion over a decade for the free riders. and of course the cap gain free ride were over half goes to the top 1/10 of a percentage and 97% goes to the top 3% , it is income and it should be taxed as income. thats trillions more. So that is a very small part of the free ride that is given to the wealthy.
Why do they want to keep it this way, simple this is how the perceive this country, Right now the controllers of the regressive party are more then happy, they have achieved what they wanted. All the new wealth of this country in the last 30+ years has gone to the top top tier, while at the same time putting the middle class and poor deeper and deeper in dept to guess who. It's to a point now that people are feeding their families with credit card debt.
I'll remind you people that capitalism can't exist without the promise of advancement, the ability to get ahead. That is the promise of this country. Without it we will implode from the inside.
How is this done, tax policy. What did they expect would happen when The worst president in our History Reagan, gave us the trickle down lie. How about changing the upper tier tax level from 72 to 28% what did they think was going to happen. This , what is happening now, is what they thought was going to happen ,a trickle up economy that moves every increased wealth of this country to the top. Thats what Reagan wanted and he has achieved that.
Another I-hate-Republicans-and-I-won't-stop-lying-about-them-until-everyone-else-does-too thread?

Is this all he ever has to say?
I've thrown out a lot of stuff here , prove me wrong. The regressive party is the enemy of this country they are worse then any terrorist group that exist. I'll repeat myself for you dumb fucks if you take away the incentive of the capitalistic system it will collapse. You have done that by every dime of increased wealth going to the top few since 1981.
If your house was broken into by a complete stranger, should you be compelled to allow him to stay, feed him, educate his children and eventually make him part of your family? Are you seriously that stupid?

There are not enough 'Winners' I can give you for this comment!

I seem to kill a lot of threads with that lately.

Call me Buzzkill
Idiot , why would it kill this one when your stupid comment has absolutely nothing to do the the thread. what a fucking idiot.
States have historically stayed relatively the same during peace.
Both parties want the political process to stay the same. They will throw out worthless cultural chump change to appease the uneducated voters with no mind for the proceedings of actual politics.

If you are under the impression that the Democratic party does not consist of aristocrats, elitists, and self-minded ambition seekers, then you have been deceived.
Their is only one party that will raise taxes needed for People of this country and one party that wants to lower the taxes from 72% to 28% and lower taxes on corporations that are doing fantastic without those lower taxes, all their numbers for those corporations are at historic highs. One party will raise the taxes of the wealthy and one party only wants to lower taxes of the wealthy. Big Big Difference. unless you live in the Fox controlled world of the right.


Yup I was right, we are not going back to the 1950s no matter how you bitch and cry about it.

You seem confused.

That would be you , who don't have a clue about history...1945~1980 was a fluke in world history when one country's alone manufacturing dominated the globe.
What the fuck are you talking about. no one said anything that has anything to do with that stupid comment.
I have handed out numbers, dates, facts lots of direct information and the best anyone of you can do is just say you hate me and I'm wrong. Where are we at now, 70 comments and not one comment arguing the facts just I hate you and your wrong.
You fucking looser are idiots, why are you here in my thread and just sucking each others cocks and not arguing the facts that I have presented. If you don't agree bring in a fact to show me that I'm wrong.
I mean really this is how blind fucks from the right operate can't argue facts so revert to I hate you.
This is why your party is dying. because all you offer is hate. bigotry all things hateful.
Why do they want to keep it this way, simple this is how the perceive this country, Right now the controllers of the regressive party are more then happy, they have achieved what they wanted. All the new wealth of this country in the last 30+ years has gone to the top top tier, while at the same time putting the middle class and poor deeper and deeper in dept to guess who. It's to a point now that people are feeding their families with credit card debt.
I'll remind you people that capitalism can't exist without the promise of advancement, the ability to get ahead. That is the promise of this country. Without it we will implode from the inside.
How is this done, tax policy. What did they expect would happen when The worst president in our History Reagan, gave us the trickle down lie. How about changing the upper tier tax level from 72 to 28% what did they think was going to happen. This , what is happening now, is what they thought was going to happen ,a trickle up economy that moves every increased wealth of this country to the top. Thats what Reagan wanted and he has achieved that.

Blame REAGAN! Blame Buuuuuush!

So much uneducated nonsense creamed with hard left talking points in this post. Please try again.
OK I'll try again, In 1981 when Reagan introduced the trickle down lie, we at that moment at the smallest disparity of income in history. so what did the trickle down lie do, it moved us to one of the top two disparity of income in our history, Since 81 we have massively increased production , we are at the highest level of GDP and the largest profits by corporations and the largest percentage of profit by corporation. Since 81 Every dime of the increase in wealth, which has been massive,has gone to the top top tier. Argue these facts or screw off.

I would say this is the result of both political parties, who put their re-election and their power above the interest of this country.

Wall Street and our politicians are and have been feathering their nests at out expense.

Brought to you by K Street lobbyists.

Do you really think any of them care about anyone but themselves?

Reagan has been out of office for what... 27 years? You think Reagan has that much power that he still controls the levers of DC?
Listen , tell me why you would bring up anything to do with controlling the levers in DC. The reason that Reagan influence is alive is because 75% of his taxes that he implemented are still being followed and because of that he has achieved exactly what he intended to achieve , it is called trickle down because it's a philosophy of sending all the wealth to the top and it was suppose to trickle down, thats not what happened. thats not the facts , the facts are all of the increased wealth of this country since 1981 has gone only to the top. This increase has been massive, the economy in this country is on fire and no one is gaining from it other then the people Reagan wanted to gain from it. Those are the facts , why would you want this to be done this way. Why?????
Ah another liberal 'hate the rich' thread. lol These drones on the left believe everything that's spoon fed to them. Democratic party leaders who are owned by Wall Street must laugh at these fools, look fooled another one. :laugh:
Got you buried with facts , so all you got is bullshit, I don't hate the rich, in fact I grew up in one of the richest suburbs in this country. I have had friends that were billionaires. You have nothing obviously otherwise you wouldn't have thrown out something that is that stupid.

You have no facts, you have propaganda. Without the top 5% you people would be fighting in the streets over scraps of food and running from rape gangs that's a fact.
Buddy I got all the facts and they are available for you to show that I'm wrong but stupid mindless Fox crap puppets just come in and say profound unimportant things like it is only propaganda, tell us all what specifically that I said is propaganda. I gave you dates numbers and facts. so idiot respond to them.

You got jack shit fool, and apparently Fox News lives rent free in your head. Why don't you take a time out and try to compose yourself.
I've thrown out a lot of stuff here , prove me wrong. The regressive party is the enemy of this country they are worse then any terrorist group that exist. I'll repeat myself for you dumb fucks if you take away the incentive of the capitalistic system it will collapse. You have done that by every dime of increased wealth going to the top few since 1981.

Wealth doesn't "go" to the top. Wealth is created at the top. Nobody is taking your money and "giving" it to the wealthy. Democrats do take your money and give it to the people that don't want to work. That's the problem. Every one of your so-called facts have been disproven. You just don't understand it yet and probably never will.

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