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The Right wants to keep this country the way it is and hate change. They live in the 19th century

Ah another liberal 'hate the rich' thread. lol These drones on the left believe everything that's spoon fed to them. Democratic party leaders who are owned by Wall Street must laugh at these fools, look fooled another one. :laugh:
Got you buried with facts , so all you got is bullshit, I don't hate the rich, in fact I grew up in one of the richest suburbs in this country. I have had friends that were billionaires. You have nothing obviously otherwise you wouldn't have thrown out something that is that stupid.

You have no facts, you have propaganda. Without the top 5% you people would be fighting in the streets over scraps of food and running from rape gangs that's a fact.
Buddy I got all the facts and they are available for you to show that I'm wrong but stupid mindless Fox crap puppets just come in and say profound unimportant things like it is only propaganda, tell us all what specifically that I said is propaganda. I gave you dates numbers and facts. so idiot respond to them.

You got jack shit fool, and apparently Fox News lives rent free in your head. Why don't you take a time out and try to compose yourself.
So hot shot what of the points I made can be argued , support it , No Fox Crap News or the fat guy. Don't you think your should support your bullshit , you hate me and I'm wrong, we need a little more then that.
Why do they want to keep it this way, simple this is how the perceive this country, Right now the controllers of the regressive party are more then happy, they have achieved what they wanted. All the new wealth of this country in the last 30+ years has gone to the top top tier, while at the same time putting the middle class and poor deeper and deeper in dept to guess who. It's to a point now that people are feeding their families with credit card debt.
I'll remind you people that capitalism can't exist without the promise of advancement, the ability to get ahead. That is the promise of this country. Without it we will implode from the inside.
How is this done, tax policy. What did they expect would happen when The worst president in our History Reagan, gave us the trickle down lie. How about changing the upper tier tax level from 72 to 28% what did they think was going to happen. This , what is happening now, is what they thought was going to happen ,a trickle up economy that moves every increased wealth of this country to the top. Thats what Reagan wanted and he has achieved that.

Oh please the left always wants to drag us back to the 1950s, with high taxes, No EPA, no regulations and the world in ruins..
I think you don't know what your talking about, you don't even know the Right or lefts direction that they want to go in. You have a few things ass backwards and I'm afraid both sides know this.

Upset much? I know exactly what I am talking about since I have been in manufacturing for over 35 years now

Only a little tween like You don't have a clue.
Ding Dong , you write the weirdest goofiness. What would you being in manufacturing make it so you have a better perspective of anything.
Lets take a look at that Reagan's trickle down since that is what we are talking about . top bracket dropped from 70% to 28% and where they really make their money Cap gains from 21% to 9% . Phased-in increase in the real estate tax exemption from $175,625 to $600,000 . And lowering the inheritance tax rate. Also add in the fact that he lowered corporate rates from 46 to 34%the lowest bracket he raised and the rest was negligible. So who got Reagans 81 tax cut 90% went to the top. There is nothing to compare that to in all our history for giving the wealthy a free ride.

They really got you hook, line and sinker, don't they?

If you took every last dollar from every American that makes over one million dollars a year, guess how much that would help you or I? If you guessed not one bit, that would be correct.

Why do you suppose they keep the capital gains taxes down? That's right, to encourage people to invest in our market. You know, that market that likely has your IRA (if you are responsible enough to have one) in it, that stock market that promotes financial growth in this country, that market where anybody could invest in to make their money grow? Increase taxes, and those filthy evil rich people pull their money out and place it in tax deferred investments and you can kiss your retirement fund goodbye.

We are fighting tooth and nail to keep jobs in this country, and liberals are trying to discourage job creators every chance they can with tax increases, more regulations and Commie Care. As for giving our wealthy a "free ride" the top 10% of wage earners in this country already pay 70% of all collected income taxes. That's what you call a free ride?
First your every dime from the wealthy routine is a lie and it has been proven so for years now. There are two taxes that the wealthy in this world over want, Low cap gains and low inheritance tax and they love a step up basis of cap gains at the time of death,(about a Trillion of taxes a decade lost)
Everyone that invests invest on a risk reward basis and cap gains taxed the same as income wouldn't change that, there is nothing even at that rate that would have a better risk reward then American stocks, so what you said is simply bullshit. The sending of jobs over seas is easily fixed. It would just stick it to the people who move those jobs but those are the people that control the hate party.
Everything you said is bullshit. Just your normal bullshit.
over half of the benefits of the cap gain tax goes to the top 1/10 of a percentage point and 97% goes to the top 3%. So who do you think this free ride was written for.
If we want to keep this country the way it is, and we live in the 19th century, then doesn't that mean we want to progress two centuries?
I've thrown out a lot of stuff here , prove me wrong. The regressive party is the enemy of this country they are worse then any terrorist group that exist. I'll repeat myself for you dumb fucks if you take away the incentive of the capitalistic system it will collapse. You have done that by every dime of increased wealth going to the top few since 1981.

Wealth doesn't "go" to the top. Wealth is created at the top. Nobody is taking your money and "giving" it to the wealthy. Democrats do take your money and give it to the people that don't want to work. That's the problem. Every one of your so-called facts have been disproven. You just don't understand it yet and probably never will.
Simply answer one question in the last 35 years all new wealth has gone to the top of the wealth ladder. So what is it, they got smarter all of a sudden they worked harder all of a sudden , they invested better all of a sudden. Of course not, they got it with laws and tax laws . They didn't earn it, deserve it or need it.
Again you just saying what I said is wrong is bullshit and you know it, show us, hero, what that I said specifically is wrong. And support it . No Fox crap news or the fat guy, real facts. Your just another wacko bull shitter.
Why do they want to keep it this way, simple this is how the perceive this country, Right now the controllers of the regressive party are more then happy, they have achieved what they wanted. All the new wealth of this country in the last 30+ years has gone to the top top tier, while at the same time putting the middle class and poor deeper and deeper in dept to guess who. It's to a point now that people are feeding their families with credit card debt.
I'll remind you people that capitalism can't exist without the promise of advancement, the ability to get ahead. That is the promise of this country. Without it we will implode from the inside.
How is this done, tax policy. What did they expect would happen when The worst president in our History Reagan, gave us the trickle down lie. How about changing the upper tier tax level from 72 to 28% what did they think was going to happen. This , what is happening now, is what they thought was going to happen ,a trickle up economy that moves every increased wealth of this country to the top. Thats what Reagan wanted and he has achieved that.

Oh please the left always wants to drag us back to the 1950s, with high taxes, No EPA, no regulations and the world in ruins..
I think you don't know what your talking about, you don't even know the Right or lefts direction that they want to go in. You have a few things ass backwards and I'm afraid both sides know this.

Upset much? I know exactly what I am talking about since I have been in manufacturing for over 35 years now

Only a little tween like You don't have a clue.
Ding Dong , you write the weirdest goofiness. What would you being in manufacturing make it so you have a better perspective of anything.

I know import export, I know back in the 1970s and before, anyone could start a manufacturing empire from a garage.I knew the late Mr. Deming.

W. Edwards Deming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Why do they want to keep it this way, simple this is how the perceive this country, Right now the controllers of the regressive party are more then happy, they have achieved what they wanted. All the new wealth of this country in the last 30+ years has gone to the top top tier, while at the same time putting the middle class and poor deeper and deeper in dept to guess who. It's to a point now that people are feeding their families with credit card debt.
I'll remind you people that capitalism can't exist without the promise of advancement, the ability to get ahead. That is the promise of this country. Without it we will implode from the inside.
How is this done, tax policy. What did they expect would happen when The worst president in our History Reagan, gave us the trickle down lie. How about changing the upper tier tax level from 72 to 28% what did they think was going to happen. This , what is happening now, is what they thought was going to happen ,a trickle up economy that moves every increased wealth of this country to the top. Thats what Reagan wanted and he has achieved that.

This is why I say there are only 2 or 3 Left wing individuals who post at USMB using dozens of sock accounts. If you block out the poster and had to guess you could say it was Rdean or Matt or Guno that posted it.

They "think" exactly the same thing, they all say the exact same things
Matthew would make almost as many spelling and grammatical mistakes.

Rdean and guno, on the other hand, have advanced a little, at least to the ninth grade level.
Why do they want to keep it this way, simple this is how the perceive this country, Right now the controllers of the regressive party are more then happy, they have achieved what they wanted. All the new wealth of this country in the last 30+ years has gone to the top top tier, while at the same time putting the middle class and poor deeper and deeper in dept to guess who. It's to a point now that people are feeding their families with credit card debt.
I'll remind you people that capitalism can't exist without the promise of advancement, the ability to get ahead. That is the promise of this country. Without it we will implode from the inside.
How is this done, tax policy. What did they expect would happen when The worst president in our History Reagan, gave us the trickle down lie. How about changing the upper tier tax level from 72 to 28% what did they think was going to happen. This , what is happening now, is what they thought was going to happen ,a trickle up economy that moves every increased wealth of this country to the top. Thats what Reagan wanted and he has achieved that.

Blame REAGAN! Blame Buuuuuush!

So much uneducated nonsense creamed with hard left talking points in this post. Please try again.
OK I'll try again, In 1981 when Reagan introduced the trickle down lie, we at that moment at the smallest disparity of income in history. so what did the trickle down lie do, it moved us to one of the top two disparity of income in our history, Since 81 we have massively increased production , we are at the highest level of GDP and the largest profits by corporations and the largest percentage of profit by corporation. Since 81 Every dime of the increase in wealth, which has been massive,has gone to the top top tier. Argue these facts or screw off.

I would say this is the result of both political parties, who put their re-election and their power above the interest of this country.

Wall Street and our politicians are and have been feathering their nests at out expense.

Brought to you by K Street lobbyists.

Do you really think any of them care about anyone but themselves?

Reagan has been out of office for what... 27 years? You think Reagan has that much power that he still controls the levers of DC?
Listen , tell me why you would bring up anything to do with controlling the levers in DC. The reason that Reagan influence is alive is because 75% of his taxes that he implemented are still being followed and because of that he has achieved exactly what he intended to achieve , it is called trickle down because it's a philosophy of sending all the wealth to the top and it was suppose to trickle down, thats not what happened. thats not the facts , the facts are all of the increased wealth of this country since 1981 has gone only to the top. This increase has been massive, the economy in this country is on fire and no one is gaining from it other then the people Reagan wanted to gain from it. Those are the facts , why would you want this to be done this way. Why?????
We've had two Democrat Presidents since Reagan.

Are you suggesting they've had no ability to change what you believe or that they are participating in this redistribution to the top?

If so, you can't just blame Reagan.

BTW, what makes you think I accept it?

I'm not a Republican and never have been.
They both did change what they could."The Clinton years showed the effects of a large tax increase that Clinton pushed through in his first year, and that Republicans incorrectly claim is the "largest tax increase in history." It fell almost exclusively on upper-income taxpayers." Obama could have taken a chance when dem controlled the senate but he put through Obama care and billed households making over $250,000.00 to pay for it.
What your not taking into account is one tax that will have to be changed the wealthiest tax rate he changed from 70% to 28% . That is massive. but really just part of Reagan's Tax cuts. Reagan was able to sell his lie to the public and the government, Dem are also to blame. But the sales job to this country got major support from a population that believed in that piece of shit.
Why do they want to keep it this way, simple this is how the perceive this country, Right now the controllers of the regressive party are more then happy, they have achieved what they wanted. All the new wealth of this country in the last 30+ years has gone to the top top tier, while at the same time putting the middle class and poor deeper and deeper in dept to guess who. It's to a point now that people are feeding their families with credit card debt.
I'll remind you people that capitalism can't exist without the promise of advancement, the ability to get ahead. That is the promise of this country. Without it we will implode from the inside.
How is this done, tax policy. What did they expect would happen when The worst president in our History Reagan, gave us the trickle down lie. How about changing the upper tier tax level from 72 to 28% what did they think was going to happen. This , what is happening now, is what they thought was going to happen ,a trickle up economy that moves every increased wealth of this country to the top. Thats what Reagan wanted and he has achieved that.

So, it's 19th century thinking to want national security? Really? Just because we want people vetted so they can't import their 14th century barbaric thinking, you are going to bash us?

Meanwhile, Muslims are welcomed with open arms by liberals and none of them care that they still deny women's rights and the majority want to impose strict sharia law on the entire world. Wow, such modern thinking, huh? Forcing women, under threat, to cover their shameful bodies from head to toe is just the kind of progressive thinking that the left can get behind. You must be so proud to pick on Republicans and support the barbarians who declare that women are property.
What the hell does national security have to do with this thread , your Islam phobia is showing. By the way Muslims are just as welcome in this country as anyone else. Your hate party is showing through your comments.
Stuck on Reagan, still.

Not falling for it.

BTW. How much, in your view, of a person's income is the Government entitled to?

Even as a Democrat, I still, and always will think that income should not be taxed, except to defend this nation.

Pull back the military and let these other nations defend themselves, at their expense, but who would pay for their social welfare programs?
Getting rich is not a reality no matter how great your work ethic. Unless you have money already, the odds of getting ahead one iota is not very good. Join the rest of the working class....paycheck to paycheck...its your fault. So they say. No candidate is going to make it an ounce better. Labor is looked upon as bad by corporate standards. But at least we have some freedom to drink a few cold beerson the weekend.
Nope your wrong, through tax policy and laws in general the massive new wealth of this country can be distributed to everyone and not just the top tier as it has been for 35 years.
The biggest thing I have noticed this scandal-plagued election year for Democrats is they have been overwhelmingly accusing Republicans of doing things....that THEY are doing, to distract people from the FACT they are doing it.

This OP is another fine example:

'The GOP wants to keep things the same."
- Yeah, that's why Trump is out there telling blacks he wants to help them, is offering them help, and declaring, "You KNOW what you're going to get with Hillary - NOTHING NEW....so why not take a chance for better?!'

The fact is the DNC, just exposed by their own words in their own emails as a bunch of racists, have not done anything for blacks since LBJ convinced blacks to trade their votes for free stuff. One Civil Rights passed, thanks to the GOP, the power they had just acquired, the progress they were making, the momentum they had...all just STOPPED!

Blacks have not made true progress in 50+ years since putting their trust in Democrats! 5-+ YEARS! Oh, they've been given more FOOD STAMPS, more WELFARE, more FREE STUFF ('OBAMA-PHONES'), but they haven't been given opportunities, given help to become more independent, opportunities to progress and improve and prosper.

Black unemployment is twice that of whites, the 1st Black President abandoned his people by not offering 1 SINGLE program to improve the plight / status of blacks, and he has focused more and put more effort into bringing illegals and 'refugees' into the country, getting THEM hooked up with free housing, getting THEM hooked up with jobs, getting THEM...hooked up. The blacks are not the DNC's favorite minorities anymore...

The fact is the Liberals already know that they HAVE the black vote so they don't have to do hardly anything else to keep it. They can throw them a few scraps (while laughing at them and mocking them in their private emails), keep them divided, and focus on bringing in millions more poor immigrants to get addicted to govt handouts in exchange for their new, fresh votes.

AND YOU THINK THE DNC WANTS THINGS TO CHANGE? They haven't changed for blacks in 50+ years...but they keep holding on, believing, because their 'massahs' keep promising and keep handing out food and 'shiny-shinies'. Now they are being betrayed - the 'massah' has a NEW 'favorite slave' now - illegals from Mexico, from Samalia, Syria.... Blacks are being asked once again to sit in th4 back of the DNC bus to make room for the illegals and the 'refugees' up front.

Don't blame the GOP! It's not the GOP who is doing it to you.
Hey we aren't chi na where the middle class is being annihilated. Here its a slow process of getting rid of it. The facts are indisputable. Corporate influence will kill the middle class.
Our first economist Adam Smith in 1776 said That at times wages aren't controlled by the market , that corporation control it for lengths of time.
It's changed by tax law taking away control from these corporations of paying pennies for their workers. And regulation stop them from eating our children for the bottom line.
Why do they want to keep it this way, simple this is how the perceive this country, Right now the controllers of the regressive party are more then happy, they have achieved what they wanted. All the new wealth of this country in the last 30+ years has gone to the top top tier, while at the same time putting the middle class and poor deeper and deeper in dept to guess who. It's to a point now that people are feeding their families with credit card debt.
I'll remind you people that capitalism can't exist without the promise of advancement, the ability to get ahead. That is the promise of this country. Without it we will implode from the inside.
How is this done, tax policy. What did they expect would happen when The worst president in our History Reagan, gave us the trickle down lie. How about changing the upper tier tax level from 72 to 28% what did they think was going to happen. This , what is happening now, is what they thought was going to happen ,a trickle up economy that moves every increased wealth of this country to the top. Thats what Reagan wanted and he has achieved that.

This is why I say there are only 2 or 3 Left wing individuals who post at USMB using dozens of sock accounts. If you block out the poster and had to guess you could say it was Rdean or Matt or Guno that posted it.

They "think" exactly the same thing, they all say the exact same things
It's called being consistent
Something conservatives are for the most part not.
Their is only one party that will raise taxes needed for People of this country and one party that wants to lower the taxes from 72% to 28% and lower taxes on corporations that are doing fantastic without those lower taxes, all their numbers for those corporations are at historic highs. One party will raise the taxes of the wealthy and one party only wants to lower taxes of the wealthy. Big Big Difference. unless you live in the Fox controlled world of the right.

Not true.

Many Republican governors have built a reputation for cutting dozens of taxes, and vetoing dozens of tax increase proposals. The idea that Republicans have only been cutting taxes for the wealthy is way off, and I am surprised you gave credit to Democrats whose governors have raised taxes on everybody in most states.

Anyways, every ruler has some sort of government initiative they want to fund, and it almost always correlates with higher taxation.
Lets take a look at that Reagan's trickle down since that is what we are talking about . top bracket dropped from 70% to 28% and where they really make their money Cap gains from 21% to 9% . Phased-in increase in the real estate tax exemption from $175,625 to $600,000 . And lowering the inheritance tax rate. Also add in the fact that he lowered corporate rates from 46 to 34%the lowest bracket he raised and the rest was negligible. So who got Reagans 81 tax cut 90% went to the top. There is nothing to compare that to in all our history for giving the wealthy a free ride.

Lets look at the 1980s fool, that's when the world caught up to America...again no matter how you click your slippers together we are not going back to the 1950s

Their is only one party that will raise taxes needed for People of this country and one party that wants to lower the taxes from 72% to 28% and lower taxes on corporations that are doing fantastic without those lower taxes, all their numbers for those corporations are at historic highs. One party will raise the taxes of the wealthy and one party only wants to lower taxes of the wealthy. Big Big Difference. unless you live in the Fox controlled world of the right.

Not true.

Many Republican governors have built a reputation for cutting dozens of taxes, and vetoing dozens of tax increase proposals. The idea that Republicans have only been cutting taxes for the wealthy is way off, and I am surprised you gave credit to Democrats whose governors have raised taxes on everybody in most states.

Anyways, every ruler has some sort of government initiative they want to fund, and it almost always correlates with higher taxation.
Lets take a look at that Reagan's trickle down since that is what we are talking about . top bracket dropped from 70% to 28% and where they really make their money Cap gains from 21% to 9% . Phased-in increase in the real estate tax exemption from $175,625 to $600,000 . And lowering the inheritance tax rate. Also add in the fact that he lowered corporate rates from 46 to 34%the lowest bracket he raised and the rest was negligible. So who got Reagans 81 tax cut 90% went to the top. There is nothing to compare that to in all our history for giving the wealthy a free ride.

Lets look at the 1980s fool, that's when the world caught up to America...again no matter how you click your slippers together we are not going back to the 1950s

I don't have a lot of time but I'll give you a couple of minutes. first I can't read your graph but it has to do with import export, I have no Idea what happened 1980 by the chart and I don't have a clue what you think it means. Import exports major control is the value of the dollar, you can massively increase exports as Obama did by printing money , which lowers the interest rate , which lowers the value of the dollar in the world market. What this does is two fold, in Obama 's case, it lowers the interest rate needed to recover from the Bush/regressive almost total destruction of our economy and country, second worse in our history. What it also does is increase exports and lowers imports.. Which is also good for a economy that the right destroyed. The lower dollar value makes out exports that much more competitive but the price is us having increased price on all that is imported.
Doing this there is only one thing that has to be watched closely and that is inflation, which hasn't been a problem and that is good luck for us.
Now I don't have a clue what your point was but this is how it works.
Why do they want to keep it this way, simple this is how the perceive this country, Right now the controllers of the regressive party are more then happy, they have achieved what they wanted. All the new wealth of this country in the last 30+ years has gone to the top top tier, while at the same time putting the middle class and poor deeper and deeper in dept to guess who. It's to a point now that people are feeding their families with credit card debt.
I'll remind you people that capitalism can't exist without the promise of advancement, the ability to get ahead. That is the promise of this country. Without it we will implode from the inside.
How is this done, tax policy. What did they expect would happen when The worst president in our History Reagan, gave us the trickle down lie. How about changing the upper tier tax level from 72 to 28% what did they think was going to happen. This , what is happening now, is what they thought was going to happen ,a trickle up economy that moves every increased wealth of this country to the top. Thats what Reagan wanted and he has achieved that.

So, it's 19th century thinking to want national security? Really? Just because we want people vetted so they can't import their 14th century barbaric thinking, you are going to bash us?

Meanwhile, Muslims are welcomed with open arms by liberals and none of them care that they still deny women's rights and the majority want to impose strict sharia law on the entire world. Wow, such modern thinking, huh? Forcing women, under threat, to cover their shameful bodies from head to toe is just the kind of progressive thinking that the left can get behind. You must be so proud to pick on Republicans and support the barbarians who declare that women are property.
What the hell does national security have to do with this thread , your Islam phobia is showing. By the way Muslims are just as welcome in this country as anyone else. Your hate party is showing through your comments.

So, you're defending the radicals coming in with refugees? You, like other libs, refuse to say anything about the slaughter of Christians in Syria and other countries, the practice of sharia law that often means death or cutting off hands for stealing and you must be defending the treatment of many Muslim women who are treated like property. You liberals ignore what so many Muslim women have stated after they escaped a life of hell. I know you guys don't listen to them or take them seriously, something they are used to in Muslim countries.

Why shouldn't we insist on a vetting process that weeds out these radicals and assholes that think they can mistreat women and children?
Importing the world's poor and expanding poverty is not doing this country any good. It's destructive.
What a joke. What you have described is EXACTLY how this country was founded and has grown and developed over the centuries. The poor coming to this country to achieve the American dream. That's what this country is all about: multiculturalism, diversity, immigrants achieving 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.' My God, you people are just the limit. LMAO

The immigrants of old may have been poor upon arrival but they were productive and hard-working. Can the same be said of the many newer immigrants?

"High welfare use by immigrant-headed households with children is partly explained by the low education level of many immigrants. Of households headed by an immigrant who has not graduated high school, 80 percent access the welfare system, compared to 25 percent for those headed by an immigrant who has at least a bachelor’s degree. "

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children
In the early days, we didn't have statistics regarding the economic situation of all immigrants. The fact is, many families took a few generations to blend into the social and economic norm in this country. Those are the fact. You need to study your history more carefullly. To say immigrants today are not on the level iwth immigrants of the past is incorrect.

You are so very ignorant. The height of immigration to the US ran from the late 1800s to the early 1900s. From the Library of Congress:

"..Most of the immigrants chose to settle in American cities, where jobs were located. As a result, the cities became ever more crowded. In addition, city services often failed to keep up with the flow of newcomers. Most of the immigrants did find jobs, although they often worked in jobs that most native-born Americans would not take. Over time, however, the immigrants succeeded in bettering their condition."

Immigrants in the Progressive Era - American Memory Timeline- Classroom Presentation | Teacher Resources - Library of Congress

During this period immigrants took industrial and manufacturing jobs that were often difficult and where conditions were hard and required long hours.

"Immigration was crucial to the development of the U.S. economy and the workplace in the 20th century. In 1900, 448,572 individuals passed through immigration control, and for the decade as a whole (1900-9) there were 8.2 million. Those of work age had come to find employment and a stake in a better job."


Too many immigrants coming to the US today are on welfare - sad but true.

Importing the world's poor and expanding poverty is not doing this country any good. It's destructive.
from the blind regressive who is only here because they let in the poor, the hypocrisy is amazing. as a choice i wish they had decided that when your family came up to the check in they would have chose at that time to lock the gate. then there would be one less hater populating the regressive party. Also I told you directly why poverty is being expanded. You want to find a way that it isn't because of you and your party. Sorry it is you and your party.

When the place is full you gotta close the gates, jackoff.
If the only concern is whether it's good for the country then the gates being closed right when your forefathers came to the gate would have been for the best as far as this country is concerned

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