The Right Wing had better be right about this "Deep State" stuff.

So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.
Snowflakes refused to accept the 2016 election results.

Snowflakes refused to accept the results of 3 investigations that proved no crime.

Snowflakes refused to believe Mueller's final report that rested in zero indictments or convictions for collusion or obstruction tion

Snowflakes refused to accept FBI Director Comey's deflation that Hillary broke laws...

Snowflakes refused to accept Comey's testimony that Hillary lied to Congress.

Snowflakes refused to accept Ohr's testimony that Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey lied under oath and committed fisa Court abuses.

Snowflakes refused to accept the evidence of the exposed failed Obama administration coup attempt.

Snowflakes did not have any problem with Nancy Pelosi and Nadler demanding us AG break the law and had no problem when they held him in contempt of court for refusing to break the law.

And now snowflakes are having a cow because of the ongoing us IG and USAG investigations of the investigators... who are panicking and throwing each under the bus as they begin to point fingers...

The Deep state has already been exposed... and still the snowflakes are saying, "The right had better be right about its existence."

If snowflakes would have dropped the partisanship and the irrational hatred for Trump just because he defeated Hillary that would have noticed the obvious by now.
Then I'm sure things are going to go your way here.
Something definitely was wrong, I hope they route the corruption out of the government.

Personally, I am an advocate for firing squads/hangings for Capital crimes.

It saves the taxpayers a lot of money.

What's a way to bloat the judicial system exponentially to where to where it's 3x larger than needed and mired in muck to the waist in red tape?

Do away with speedy trial and the death penalty shortly thereafter.
There is no doubt the Deep State exists. It has been in place for decades. However I would question just about anything promoted by Hannity and Levin. Partisans of either party can’t be trusted.

There is no doubt you're full of shit. There is no Deep State. That's a lie Putin tells Trump and you believe it.
It wasn't that long ago that the deep state was understood by the left. Then, along comes Trump, who hi jacks the concept and the cognitive ability of Democrats and the left's concept is effectively neutralized. It is scary how easily persuaded the American populace is.

The Deep State Hiding in Plain Sight | Season 3 Episode 8 | Moyers & Company
So right.

The left once knew and feared the Deep State. They also were very much anti-war, knowing full well the dangers the Deep State caused for world peace. All this has been abandoned, because the MSM tells the rank and file Left to abandon it.

Sadly, many on the Left are lemmings.
The left/right dichotomy is a media and pop culture generated mirage...If the Chimpola Bush regime (foreign wars, spending and expanding bureaucracy faster than his "liberal" predecessor) didn't prove that, I don't know what would.
Considering everything is based on sworn congressional testimony and peoples actions, it would be hard to prove it a fantasy. The only question is was it due to nefarious intent or was it justified. Comey signed a FISA warrant application which included the Steele dossier, saying it was verified and less than 2 weeks later told Trump it was salacious and unverified. McCabe told congress, without the dossier there would have been no FISA warrant. Steele told a British court that the dossier was raw intelligence and was unverified. This isn't rocket science.

"Comey signed a FISA warrant application which included the Steele dossier, saying it was verified and less than 2 weeks later told Trump it was salacious and unverified."

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

No, ya lyin' pos, Comey never said the dossier was "salacious and unverified." He said, "some personally sensitive aspects," of it were. Which we came to learn he was talking about the portion of the dossier claiming trump paid prostitutes to perform a golden shower.

So you don't pay attention AND you lie. That makes you a typical conservative.
Do you believe Trump paid hookers to perform a golden shower on the bed Obama slept on?
So where did that nasty crap come from?
Don't know.
Of course. You probably do know, and you don't care. That's why you're the problem in our politics.
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"Comey signed a FISA warrant application which included the Steele dossier, saying it was verified and less than 2 weeks later told Trump it was salacious and unverified."

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

No, ya lyin' pos, Comey never said the dossier was "salacious and unverified." He said, "some personally sensitive aspects," of it were. Which we came to learn he was talking about the portion of the dossier claiming trump paid prostitutes to perform a golden shower.

So you don't pay attention AND you lie. That makes you a typical conservative.

If that is an example of the best lies you Stalinists can come up with - you fuckers are toast. :thup:

{During an appearance on Fox News earlier this week, Republican Congressman Mark Meadows laid down the timeline for when declassified documents about the FBI's spying during the 2016 presidential campaign will be released for public consumption.

"I can tell you, there's information coming that will curl your hair. I can tell you that the reason why it's so visceral - the response from the Democrats is so visceral right now is because they know - they've seen documents. Adam Schiff has seen documents that he knows will actually put the finger pointing back at him and his Democrat colleagues, not the President of the United States," Meadows said. "We're talking about days, not weeks. So very soon."}

Mark Meadows: We're Going to See 'Hair Curling' Declassified Info on the FBI's Spying...Within Days
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Do you realize that the "information" presented by the party press is, shall we say, less than reliable?
Sure, on both ends. That's why I always try to wait for clear, independent proof and corroboration.

The proof is overwhelming, and you have been presented it hundreds of times on hundreds of occasions.

An example: Did Mark Levin fabricate the text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page? Why did it take the DOD using analysts to drill into FBI servers to get those? Isn't the coverup by the FBI a crime?

You're not waiting for anything - you are just being a partisan, that which you accuse others of. The facts are known. Now the media will not be able to bury them.
Okie dokie!

Still playing make believe, huh?

{"Today, at the request and recommendation of the Attorney General of the United States, President Donald J. Trump directed the intelligence community to quickly and fully cooperate with the Attorney General’s investigation into surveillance activities during the 2016 Presidential election," the White House released in a statement Thursday evening. "The Attorney General has also been delegated full and complete authority to declassify information pertaining to this investigation, in accordance with the long-established standards for handling classified information. Today’s action will help ensure that all Americans learn the truth about the events that occurred, and the actions that were taken, during the last Presidential election and will restore confidence in our public institutions."}

BREAKING: Trump Approves Declassification of Documents Related to 2016 Election Spying
Whether the right is right or whether the left is right, we the people have been cheated. This kind of nonstop bullshit is exactly why I live way out on the way to nowhere. Its exactly why I have my own power, water and the means to feed myself.
Given the way this country is in the process of completely losing its shit, I don't really blame you.
Gee, almost like we are in a civil war, huh Mac?
Damn near.

You mocked me two weeks ago for pointing out this fact.
That's because being in this condition is a CHOICE that WINGERS are making.

The rest of us, the majority, would rather see the wingers find another hobby.

Yeah, it's not like you leftists refused to accept the 2016 election and have staged a 2 year attempted coup or anything, nah it's those Republicans and their crime of defeating Hillary that is the problem.
Do you realize that the "information" presented by the party press is, shall we say, less than reliable?
Sure, on both ends. That's why I always try to wait for clear, independent proof and corroboration.

The proof is overwhelming, and you have been presented it hundreds of times on hundreds of occasions.

An example: Did Mark Levin fabricate the text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page? Why did it take the DOD using analysts to drill into FBI servers to get those? Isn't the coverup by the FBI a crime?

You're not waiting for anything - you are just being a partisan, that which you accuse others of. The facts are known. Now the media will not be able to bury them.
Okie dokie!

Still playing make believe, huh?

{"Today, at the request and recommendation of the Attorney General of the United States, President Donald J. Trump directed the intelligence community to quickly and fully cooperate with the Attorney General’s investigation into surveillance activities during the 2016 Presidential election," the White House released in a statement Thursday evening. "The Attorney General has also been delegated full and complete authority to declassify information pertaining to this investigation, in accordance with the long-established standards for handling classified information. Today’s action will help ensure that all Americans learn the truth about the events that occurred, and the actions that were taken, during the last Presidential election and will restore confidence in our public institutions."}

BREAKING: Trump Approves Declassification of Documents Related to 2016 Election Spying
Great. Let's see what it says. Then I'll listen to the other side of the story. That's what most people do when their critical thinking skills are still intact.

This sure as hell would be historic if true. When all of the information is in, we'll know.

It blows my mind that I even have to say this stuff.
When the US AG and the DOJ confirm the crimes the Democrats / traitors engaged in...

...are the Democrats and snowflakes going to accept it or continue to engage in the same denial of reality / Facts they have for the last 3 years now?

You know they won't. We already know what the democrats did. but Mac, a supposedly rational democrat, is here playing make believe that nothing really happened.

EXCLUSIVE: Read The Strzok-Page Texts The DOJ Handed Over To Congress
Given the way this country is in the process of completely losing its shit, I don't really blame you.
Gee, almost like we are in a civil war, huh Mac?
Damn near.

You mocked me two weeks ago for pointing out this fact.
That's because being in this condition is a CHOICE that WINGERS are making.

The rest of us, the majority, would rather see the wingers find another hobby.

Yeah, it's not like you leftists refused to accept the 2016 election and have staged a 2 year attempted coup or anything, nah it's those Republicans and their crime of defeating Hillary that is the problem.
You clearly don't know my politics.

But I know - anyone who isn't an obedient Trumpster is a radical pinko commie socialist Hitler Stalinist Maoist Nazi commie commie.

You folks are silly.
When the US AG and the DOJ confirm the crimes the Democrats / traitors engaged in...

...are the Democrats and snowflakes going to accept it or continue to engage in the same denial of reality / Facts they have for the last 3 years now?

You know they won't. We already know what the democrats did. but Mac, a supposedly rational democrat, is here playing make believe that nothing really happened.

EXCLUSIVE: Read The Strzok-Page Texts The DOJ Handed Over To Congress
I am?


I wonder how many times I have to say this would be huge if true.

Then I'm sure things are going to go your way here.

Big difference between us and you, we would prefer that we actually had an honest government. The Marxist democrats desperately wanted Trump to be guilty, they hold party above country and would happily have a president who actually did collude with Russia in order to defeat their enemy, the American people.
Then I'm sure things are going to go your way here.

Big difference between us and you, we would prefer that we actually had an honest government. The Marxist democrats desperately wanted Trump to be guilty, they hold party above country and would happily have a president who actually did collude with Russia in order to defeat their enemy, the American people.
Another straw man argument.

If you have to lie to make a "point", perhaps you should re-assess your point.

I'll believe what the conclusion is. Those of us who can think for ourselves can do that.
When the US AG and the DOJ confirm the crimes the Democrats / traitors engaged in...

...are the Democrats and snowflakes going to accept it or continue to engage in the same denial of reality / Facts they have for the last 3 years now?

You know they won't. We already know what the democrats did. but Mac, a supposedly rational democrat, is here playing make believe that nothing really happened.

EXCLUSIVE: Read The Strzok-Page Texts The DOJ Handed Over To Congress
I am?


I wonder how many times I have to say this would be huge if true.


You mean you are not supposedly rational? :dunno:
When the US AG and the DOJ confirm the crimes the Democrats / traitors engaged in...

...are the Democrats and snowflakes going to accept it or continue to engage in the same denial of reality / Facts they have for the last 3 years now?

You know they won't. We already know what the democrats did. but Mac, a supposedly rational democrat, is here playing make believe that nothing really happened.

EXCLUSIVE: Read The Strzok-Page Texts The DOJ Handed Over To Congress
I am?


I wonder how many times I have to say this would be huge if true.


You mean you are not supposedly rational? :dunno:
Just honest. You wouldn't understand.
So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.
I expect nothing to come from this.....but I sense a great fear by you and the rest of the left.
Now the shoe is on the other foot and the guilty are wailing to anyone who will listen.
So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.
I expect nothing to come from this.....but I sense a great fear by you and the rest of the left.
Now the shoe is on the other foot and the guilty are wailing to anyone who will listen.
Well, you can certainly interpret whatever you want based on your ideology. I know how important that is to wingers. My positions have been continually distorted and fabricated all through this thread.

The only emotion I actually feel is embarrassment and shame because of the behavior of our partisan zombies, but you can run with whatever makes you feel good.
So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.
I expect nothing to come from this.....but I sense a great fear by you and the rest of the left.
Now the shoe is on the other foot and the guilty are wailing to anyone who will listen.
Well, you can certainly interpret whatever you want based on your ideology. I know how important that is to wingers. My positions have been continually distorted and fabricated all through this thread.

The only emotion I actually feel is embarrassment and shame because of the behavior of our partisan zombies, but you can run with whatever makes you feel good.
You try to give everyone the impression you're non-biased......but it's clear you're not.
You're just another part of the Global cabal, using deception and misinformation to muddy the waters.
If you were objective you could see this for what it attempt by traitors to overturn an election .
Traitors who have repeatedly conspired with foreign governments to undermine our sovereignty and steal our wealth. We know what they have done. It has been reported countless times....but now we are able to see the proof of these crimes.

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