The Right Wing had better be right about this "Deep State" stuff.

What concerns me as much as anything on this, is that if (bolded, underlined) this is found to be largely fantasy, it won't matter. The response from the Right will be that the Deep State was able to cover it up, or something like that.

It is apparent that radical partisanship exhibited by both parties WORKS. It keeps the American people divided while the political and transnational capitalist class (the.1%) continue to enrich and empower themselves.

We keep hearing about this Deep State ,especially everytime something doesn't go the way folks want Gub'Mit to

But we never hear just who or what 'they' are.

CIA? Area 51? Illuminati......?


well maybe there's no deep state at all, it simply IS the state providing evidence it doesn't work for it's people

There is a Deep State and it has been around for a long time. It was instrumental in the murder of JFK, over 55 years ago.

It includes members of the CIA and all the other many intelligence agencies. It is the Military Industrial Complex. HELL!!! Eisenhower warned of it’s influence in his farewell address in 1961.

It is sad so many Americans are duped by powerful forces into believing the Deep State doesn’t exist, for the benefit of the Deep State.

If true, then any given potus is their puppet Gip, along with Congress ,along with foreign and domestic policie(s)

for the last 3 generations,,,,

That is correct. If a potus strays too far from the wishes of the Deep State, they get reminded of what happens should they continue. AKA Dallas 1963.

You might recall Schumer warning Trump of this, some time ago.
Remember the intruder that got into the White House during Obama's term.
If there is truly nothing to the failed coup being investigated then why are Dems and snowflakes who demanded the illegal release of information so against legally Declassifying other reports...and why are the 'conspirators' freaking out and pointing fingers at each other?

If nothing illegal was perpetrated them why are snowflakes so against the investigations?
That doesn't mean that the accusations aren't true. And I agree, let's get to the Big Reveal and whatever the hell else is going to happen. Let's get to it.

The Left was gleefully spiking the ball over Mueller, too. I just don't see an intelligent reason to make big assumptions here.

The President is building up suspense on this. He'll make the Big Reveal when the time is ripe, although I don't think it will be too long.

Just like when NBC and the Bush Family held on to Access Hollywood tapes until Election Eve 2016, or Dan Rather and Mary Mapes held on to the Killian letters until the eve of the 2004 election.

I don't think we'll have to wait until next year, but this does require timing.

Further, holding off on the Big Reveal keeps Obama, Brennan, Lynch and others in paralysis, as they don't know when Trump will unveil it. Remember they too know what's in it.
You've made up your mind, for obvious reasons..

Yeah, it's called ACTUAL EVIDENCE.
And THAT is where the rubber’s gonna meet the road when it comes to the Horowitz report re the FISA warrants and other investigations by Barr, et al. Paper trails and tons of audio/video of the various persons of interest dots just waiting to be connected, and pointing/leading to....

Stay tuned. We’re gonna show you clowns how to celebrate report results.

It will be interesting to see if President Trump does the Big Reveal on the EIB Network or Hannity's program--or instead chooses to preempt regular broadcasting and go on all the networks simultaneously like Obama did with the announcement of Ladin's death.
The Democrats are every bit as crooked as the Republicans... just in different ways.

Consequently, I would not be overly surprised, if a Left-leaning illegal effort unfolded, to hamstring The Creature.
What concerns me as much as anything on this, is that if (bolded, underlined) this is found to be largely fantasy, it won't matter. The response from the Right will be that the Deep State was able to cover it up, or something like that.

It is apparent that radical partisanship exhibited by both parties WORKS. It keeps the American people divided while the political and transnational capitalist class (the.1%) continue to enrich and empower themselves.

We keep hearing about this Deep State ,especially everytime something doesn't go the way folks want Gub'Mit to

But we never hear just who or what 'they' are.

CIA? Area 51? Illuminati......?


well maybe there's no deep state at all, it simply IS the state providing evidence it doesn't work for it's people

There is a Deep State and it has been around for a long time. It was instrumental in the murder of JFK, over 55 years ago.

It includes members of the CIA and all the other many intelligence agencies. It is the Military Industrial Complex. HELL!!! Eisenhower warned of it’s influence in his farewell address in 1961.

It is sad so many Americans are duped by powerful forces into believing the Deep State doesn’t exist, for the benefit of the Deep State.

If true, then any given potus is their puppet Gip, along with Congress ,along with foreign and domestic policie(s)

for the last 3 generations,,,,

That is correct. If a potus strays too far from the wishes of the Deep State, they get reminded of what happens should they continue. AKA Dallas 1963.

You might recall Schumer warning Trump of this, some time ago.
Remember the intruder that got into the White House during Obama's term.
Who knows? Could be. Nothing surprises when dealing with big unlimited corrupt government. It is after all, a criminal enterprise much like the Mafia.
.yeah but....who watches the watchers Mac? ~S~
This country is now so divided that we can't even agree on FACTS. We've done this to ourselves, while all along pointing the finger at the other guy and refusing to communicate with them like adults.

We've asked for this. So if nothing comes from this, it's our own fault.
No one ASKED for Obama to protect Hillary from her crimes (except maybe Hillary), & no one ASKED the Obama administration to perpetrate treason / a coup attempt (except, again, maybe Hillary).
You've made up your mind, for obvious reasons..

Yeah, it's called ACTUAL EVIDENCE.
And THAT is where the rubber’s gonna meet the road when it comes to the Horowitz report re the FISA warrants and other investigations by Barr, et al. Paper trails and tons of audio/video of the various persons of interest dots just waiting to be connected, and pointing/leading to....

Stay tuned. We’re gonna show you clowns how to celebrate report results.

It will be interesting to see if President Trump does the Big Reveal on the EIB Network or Hannity's program--or instead chooses to preempt regular broadcasting and go on all the networks simultaneously like Obama did with the announcement of Ladin's death.
HE should go out on live tv to the entire nation. Every American deserves / needs to hear it...
Lol, neither they nor I have anything to fear.
What is your take on all this? Do you think it's much ado about nothing? Some of the facts they're using appear to be verified, so it deserves to be examined, no?
I have no problem with them examining it. I have serious doubts bordering on convictions that any of it will amount to anything. They've been pushing this narrative for a couple of years and it's come to nothing each time. It's will fade away for a few weeks soon and then pop back up next time they need a distraction.
Do you remember the old show "Crossfire" on CNN? Robert Novak and Michael Kinsley, two smart guys, would fire away at each other, calling each other immediately on any bullshit, exposing talking points, etc.

I sure wish we could go back to that, so that each side of an issue could be fairly and equally represented, and so that bullshit could be burned to the ground right away.

that will never happen because today's left knows that when both sides are given equal time, they always lose. They lose because their ideology is based on emotion not reality. They want to repeat the failures of the past rather than learn from them.
I'd think that if this goes into some kind of legal proceeding, all the facts will have to come out and the Left will have to defend itself. An accusation his huge, this historic, will have to be examined from every angle.

I agree, bringing an attempted coup to light will be very intense and if not done right could do serious damage to our country. BUT, if overlooked the damage would be much greater.
I'm not interested in what Trump has to say


and that is part of the problem. you assume he is wrong so you refuse to listen. Get off your high horse, admit that the clintons are criminals and lets close this sad chapter in our history.
We keep hearing about this Deep State ,especially everytime something doesn't go the way folks want Gub'Mit to

But we never hear just who or what 'they' are.

CIA? Area 51? Illuminati......?


well maybe there's no deep state at all, it simply IS the state providing evidence it doesn't work for it's people

There is a Deep State and it has been around for a long time. It was instrumental in the murder of JFK, over 55 years ago.

It includes members of the CIA and all the other many intelligence agencies. It is the Military Industrial Complex. HELL!!! Eisenhower warned of it’s influence in his farewell address in 1961.

It is sad so many Americans are duped by powerful forces into believing the Deep State doesn’t exist, for the benefit of the Deep State.

If true, then any given potus is their puppet Gip, along with Congress ,along with foreign and domestic policie(s)

for the last 3 generations,,,,

That is correct. If a potus strays too far from the wishes of the Deep State, they get reminded of what happens should they continue. AKA Dallas 1963.

You might recall Schumer warning Trump of this, some time ago.
Remember the intruder that got into the White House during Obama's term.
Who knows? Could be. Nothing surprises when dealing with big unlimited corrupt government. It is after all, a criminal enterprise much like the Mafia.
At the time some people suggested it was a warning to the President.

2014 White House intrusion - Wikipedia

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said that President Obama was "obviously concerned" about the incident but "continues to have complete confidence" in the Secret Service. Earnest said that the Secret Service had increased foot patrols, added additional surveillance, was providing additional training to officers to handle similar situations, and had "changed the procedures for ensuring that the entrance to the White House was secure."[24]
.yeah but....who watches the watchers Mac? ~S~
This country is now so divided that we can't even agree on FACTS. We've done this to ourselves, while all along pointing the finger at the other guy and refusing to communicate with them like adults.

We've asked for this. So if nothing comes from this, it's our own fault.

done it to ourselves? I dont think so. I think the corrupt lying media, the corrupt lying minions of higher education, the hollywood loonies, and both parties have created this situation. But when did it start? Nixon? Clinton? Bush? Obama? long before Trump. The idea to divide and conquer is what created Trump. More than half of the country saw through the bullshit and put Trump in office.

Now, the dividing factions are even more pissed because he is actually getting things done and making the country better and stronger.

As more and more americans see the reality, the left loses more power and credibility. I see a positive trend in spite of what the media is trying to preach to us.

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