The Right Wing had better be right about this "Deep State" stuff.

brothers and sisters: if we drag this out until the 2020 election, and Trump wins again, i guarantee you that's the end of democracy!

How will it be the end of our democracy and how can the House make a case on which 67 Senators will vote to remove Trump, Maxine?
This should be good. :popcorn:
they will do it easily. just give it time. it's a tough think to do immediately. it needs time!
brothers and sisters: if we drag this out until the 2020 election, and Trump wins again, i guarantee you that's the end of democracy!

How will it be the end of our democracy and how can the House make a case on which 67 Senators will vote to remove Trump, Maxine?
This should be good. :popcorn:
they will do it easily. just give it time. it's a tough think to do immediately. it needs time!

It will definitely take time to line up the votes. Right now, its essential for libs to get behind Trump's re-election, so he doesn't escape impeachment and removal.
brothers and sisters: if we drag this out until the 2020 election, and Trump wins again, i guarantee you that's the end of democracy!

How will it be the end of our democracy and how can the House make a case on which 67 Senators will vote to remove Trump, Maxine?
This should be good. :popcorn:
they will do it easily. just give it time. it's a tough think to do immediately. it needs time!
Ah -ha. So you have no idea how a 2nd Trump term would destroy our democracy but you are convinced anyway. Got it.

And as for impeachment there is nothing stopping our Hysterical House Dems from impeaching - something which would make their hysterical Dem lemmings very happy - except perhaps the knowledge that the Senate would laugh the articles off the Senate floor with an admonishment to the House members and their lemmings to GTF up.

There may already be no way to avoid a crushing 2020 Democrat Socialist Party defeat but impeachment would insure it.

Impeach. I dare ys. I double dare ya. :D
Now I may not be very bright, but that sure as hell seems like Clinton and the DNC were conspiring and colluding with agents from two
foreign governments to take down the President of the United States. IS That Legal?

This is the real reason why the FISA warrant information hasn't been released already. The two countries are the UK and Australia, and this will be a sticky international wicket when supposed allies are undermining America

Yes and No.

Now I also believe Italy is involved in this stuff, BUT the danger would be that they would be hesitant in the future to assist the CIA. They would
defend themselves by saying that Brennan asked them to spy on Americans because he couldn't and then relay their info to the CIA, who could give it
to the FBI who would take over the spying.

Their defense would be that they were told Americans were working with the Russians and they weren't trying to undermine the US, but rather
protect it.

They would initially find themselves in hot water with the American people, but they could wiggle out of it, by ratting out Brennan. England would
have to fess up, because as fucked up as they are right now, trying to bolt from the EU, they must know that the US will not abandon them in
trade. We can really bring political clout on the Brits. Trump goes over there in June. I would imagine they'll be getting a phone call before
he arrives.
brothers and sisters: if we drag this out until the 2020 election, and Trump wins again, i guarantee you that's the end of democracy!

/——/ Will Maxine be screeching Impeach 46, Impeach 46?
Rachel Maddow is the enemy of the people.
If this stuff is proven to be fantasy, so are Hannity and Levin.
Much like the fantasy promoted by 90% of the MSM for two long years, until the Mueller Report blew it up.
if you actually take the time to read it, you would not be saying that....

Let's just say by comparison, which is worse, the illegal bathroom server and destroying subpoenaed evidence, or the allegations of wrongdoing in the Mueller Report? Hint: there was no conspiracy/collusion, and no interference with the Mueller Investigation. Mueller had all the time and resources he needed.
So how do you defend the deep state conspirators who started the illegal "investigation"? How about their attempt to use the 25th Amendment? Was their investigation their "insurance policy" against Trump as Strzok bragged?
Don't be surprised by the coming indictments.
What concerns me as much as anything on this, is that if (bolded, underlined) this is found to be largely fantasy, it won't matter. The response from the Right will be that the Deep State was able to cover it up, or something like that.

It is apparent that radical partisanship exhibited by both parties WORKS. It keeps the American people divided while the political and transnational capitalist class (the.1%) continue to enrich and empower themselves.

We keep hearing about this Deep State ,especially everytime something doesn't go the way folks want Gub'Mit to

But we never hear just who or what 'they' are.

CIA? Area 51? Illuminati......?


well maybe there's no deep state at all, it simply IS the state providing evidence it doesn't work for it's people

What concerns me as much as anything on this, is that if (bolded, underlined) this is found to be largely fantasy, it won't matter. The response from the Right will be that the Deep State was able to cover it up, or something like that.

It is apparent that radical partisanship exhibited by both parties WORKS. It keeps the American people divided while the political and transnational capitalist class (the.1%) continue to enrich and empower themselves.

We keep hearing about this Deep State ,especially everytime something doesn't go the way folks want Gub'Mit to

But we never hear just who or what 'they' are.

CIA? Area 51? Illuminati......?


well maybe there's no deep state at all, it simply IS the state providing evidence it doesn't work for it's people

The evidence suggests that the government works for some of its people.

So while we look on at the gridlock, wondering why our officials can't make things work for us. Things are getting done that benefit some people, no problem.

Government functions on one level, while the appearance outwardly is one of dysfunction. That suggests something.
What concerns me as much as anything on this, is that if (bolded, underlined) this is found to be largely fantasy, it won't matter. The response from the Right will be that the Deep State was able to cover it up, or something like that.

It is apparent that radical partisanship exhibited by both parties WORKS. It keeps the American people divided while the political and transnational capitalist class (the.1%) continue to enrich and empower themselves.

We keep hearing about this Deep State ,especially everytime something doesn't go the way folks want Gub'Mit to

But we never hear just who or what 'they' are.

CIA? Area 51? Illuminati......?


well maybe there's no deep state at all, it simply IS the state providing evidence it doesn't work for it's people

There is a Deep State and it has been around for a long time. It was instrumental in the murder of JFK, over 55 years ago.

It includes members of the CIA and all the other many intelligence agencies. It is the Military Industrial Complex. HELL!!! Eisenhower warned of it’s influence in his farewell address in 1961.

It is sad so many Americans are duped by powerful forces into believing the Deep State doesn’t exist, for the benefit of the Deep State.
Rachel Maddow is the enemy of the people.
If this stuff is proven to be fantasy, so are Hannity and Levin.
Much like the fantasy promoted by 90% of the MSM for two long years, until the Mueller Report blew it up.
if you actually take the time to read it, you would not be saying that....
First...we know the dossier was a fraud developed by the Clinton campaign. Second, we know the dossier was used by our government to spy on the Trump campaign. Thirdly, the whole fraudulent thing was used to open the Mueller investigation. So, the whole thing had no evidence or basis for an investigation.

Now I don’t doubt Trump did what he could to curtail or terminate the Mueller investigation. Is this what you are claiming is meaningful?
Saying 'the Right Wing' (which identifies the OP as a leftist Trump-hater right off the bat) had better be right about all of the already-exposed Dem crimes is like someone saying TODAY, 'People better be right about the TITANIC being unsafe.'

It has already been proven...
Damn near.

You mocked me two weeks ago for pointing out this fact.
That's because being in this condition is a CHOICE that WINGERS are making.

The rest of us, the majority, would rather see the wingers find another hobby.

Yeah, it's not like you leftists refused to accept the 2016 election and have staged a 2 year attempted coup or anything, nah it's those Republicans and their crime of defeating Hillary that is the problem.
You clearly don't know my politics.

But I know - anyone who isn't an obedient Trumpster is a radical pinko commie socialist Hitler Stalinist Maoist Nazi commie commie.

You folks are silly.

Now that was UNCALLED for Mac.

Your people have been giving President Trump a rectal for almost 2 years, laughing, singing cumbaya, while telling everyone who would listen, Trump is going down.

Now it is your sides turn! We listened to you (your side) tell us he was treasonous, a Russian stooge, a mobster, and a host of other things. Now we return the favor, yet you tell us, we are off the rails?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

It is useless for me to try and convince you by using your own logical thinking skills. But I will say, that after 2 years of YOU being told all of these things by YOUR media, and your PEEPS, only to find out they LIED to you, I would expect you to be more circumspect.
You should know me better than that. I've been saying all along that the Trump investigations have been political. I haven't supported any of it.

And that's all this is - payback? That's it? I guess I'm not surprised.

This is why I find both parties repulsive.
Rachel Maddow is the enemy of the people.
If this stuff is proven to be fantasy, so are Hannity and Levin.
Much like the fantasy promoted by 90% of the MSM for two long years, until the Mueller Report blew it up.
if you actually take the time to read it, you would not be saying that....
/——/ No need to. The democRATs in Congress read it out loud for 12 hours and still came up with goose eggs.
Not once have I claimed to be unbiased, ever, and that lie gets tried so often (by both ends, of course) I used the second line of my sig to squash it.

This would be huge if true. Historic. Let's get the whole thing out and examine it carefully from all angles. I just don't believe anything I hear from partisan zombies, so I'll wait for the facts and accusations to be tested in the clear light of day.

I have no idea why that needs to be so difficult to understand.
Your credibility is shot.
You've already admitted to voting for Hillary, even though you acted like you were a Ted Cruise supporter.
It's difficult to believe anything you say anymore.
Sounds good, thanks!

The day I'm credible to partisan zombies is the day I worry a bit.
Says the leftist conman.
I noticed you didn't deny a word I said.
Okay, I'll play.

Please list the issues on which I have said I agree with Ted Cruz.

Only one.....when he was still in the race he was against Trump.
That's the only issue you verbally agreed with.
Every other issue you agree with Democrats.
Wrong. I've never supported him, ever. And you can't provide an example.

And somehow you must have missed my thousands of posts about PC, Identity Politics and the Regressive Left.

Why can't you just be honest? Is that not allowed any more? Would you get in trouble?
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I'd like to think you found the Mueller witch-hunt to be as embarrassing as you expect the USAG investigation into the genesis of the witch-hunt to be.
I commented regularly that the whole Trump/Russia thing was pure politics by the Democrats.

I also comment regularly on how similar the behaviors are between the two ends of the spectrum.
You claim you have thought the investigations of Trump were ''political' but stop short of calling them what they have been exposed to be - 'TREASON', a 'FAILED COUP ATTEMPT'.

The Obama administration Agency Directors abused their powers, broke laws, and tried to take down The President of the United States.

The fact that you shrug that fact off as 'political' and attempt to claim bringing those who did so to Justice is nothing but 'payback' is extremely telling.

It's just another attempt to defend the traitors by seeking to minimize what they did.
What concerns me as much as anything on this, is that if (bolded, underlined) this is found to be largely fantasy, it won't matter. The response from the Right will be that the Deep State was able to cover it up, or something like that.
You mean kinda like the left expected a "happy ending" from the Mueller Report and when that failed to materialize our Hysterical House Dems vowing to undo or redo the report's results? Kinda like that?
/——-/ oh we’re listening to your words of wisdom. We’re now double checking our notes to be sure. Thank you so much for the fair warning..... Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
I realize that, based on the information presented to you, you have no doubts. Great.
Again, kinda like millions of bitter leftards including but not limited to our Hysterical House Dems and loony-left media who reject the results of the Mueller 2 yr, $35 million witch-hunt? Kinda like that?

Ever heard the old Confucius saying: "what is good for the goose...?"
Great, the other guys do it, so we'll do it back.

This is like a grade school playground.
You claim you have thought the investigations of Trump were ''political' but stop short of calling them what they have been exposed to be - 'TREASON', a 'FAILED COUP ATTEMPT'.

The Obama administration Agency Directors abused their powers, broke laws, and tried to take down The President of the United States.

The fact that you shrug that fact off as 'political' and attempt to claim bringing those who did so to Justice is nothing but 'payback' is extremely telling.

It's just another attempt to defend the traitors by seeking to minimize what they did.
A purity test?

You're over the edge.

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