The Right Wing had better be right about this "Deep State" stuff.

your fear for your democrat owners is quite evident. heads are going to roll, watch.
Lol, neither they nor I have anything to fear.
What is your take on all this? Do you think it's much ado about nothing? Some of the facts they're using appear to be verified, so it deserves to be examined, no?
I have no problem with them examining it. I have serious doubts bordering on convictions that any of it will amount to anything. They've been pushing this narrative for a couple of years and it's come to nothing each time. It's will fade away for a few weeks soon and then pop back up next time they need a distraction.
Do you remember the old show "Crossfire" on CNN? Robert Novak and Michael Kinsley, two smart guys, would fire away at each other, calling each other immediately on any bullshit, exposing talking points, etc.

I sure wish we could go back to that, so that each side of an issue could be fairly and equally represented, and so that bullshit could be burned to the ground right away.

that will never happen because today's left knows that when both sides are given equal time, they always lose. They lose because their ideology is based on emotion not reality. They want to repeat the failures of the past rather than learn from them.
You've actually got that completely backwards. Given equal time it's the conservatives who always come out last. That's why they've started their own news Network and all these crazy conspiracy sites, not to mention all the AM radio crap.
You claim you have thought the investigations of Trump were ''political' but stop short of calling them what they have been exposed to be - 'TREASON', a 'FAILED COUP ATTEMPT'.

The Obama administration Agency Directors abused their powers, broke laws, and tried to take down The President of the United States.

The fact that you shrug that fact off as 'political' and attempt to claim bringing those who did so to Justice is nothing but 'payback' is extremely telling.

It's just another attempt to defend the traitors by seeking to minimize what they did.
A purity test?

You're over the edge.
A ''purity rest'? WTF are you talking about?

Cut all the BS and call what happened what it is.

The Obama administration protected Hillary from crimes & the DNC gave her the nomination so she could run, win, and protect Obama's legacy.

To that end, the Obama administration staged a coup attempt against Trump to ensure he did not win ... and to take him out after he won.

Now Horowitz and Barr are about to expose all of it and take down some, if not all, of the traitors...who are turning on each other ahead of the 'reveal'.

That is a helluva lot more than just being 'political'.
I'm talking about being certifiably crazy. You're a sucker who keeps falling for the same ole trick over and over and anyone who does not "think" like you is defending treason. You're crazy.

We've heard this story before. And every time it comes up empty.

When will you learn?
Lol, neither they nor I have anything to fear.
What is your take on all this? Do you think it's much ado about nothing? Some of the facts they're using appear to be verified, so it deserves to be examined, no?
I have no problem with them examining it. I have serious doubts bordering on convictions that any of it will amount to anything. They've been pushing this narrative for a couple of years and it's come to nothing each time. It's will fade away for a few weeks soon and then pop back up next time they need a distraction.
Do you remember the old show "Crossfire" on CNN? Robert Novak and Michael Kinsley, two smart guys, would fire away at each other, calling each other immediately on any bullshit, exposing talking points, etc.

I sure wish we could go back to that, so that each side of an issue could be fairly and equally represented, and so that bullshit could be burned to the ground right away.

that will never happen because today's left knows that when both sides are given equal time, they always lose. They lose because their ideology is based on emotion not reality. They want to repeat the failures of the past rather than learn from them.
I'd think that if this goes into some kind of legal proceeding, all the facts will have to come out and the Left will have to defend itself. An accusation his huge, this historic, will have to be examined from every angle.
It's not really an accusation, it's just a conspiracy theory used as a distraction. They will not pursue it very hard because there really isn't anywhere to go with it and when they reach the end it's usefulness is over and they will have to dream up something else to keep the kiddies busy.
What is your take on all this? Do you think it's much ado about nothing? Some of the facts they're using appear to be verified, so it deserves to be examined, no?
I have no problem with them examining it. I have serious doubts bordering on convictions that any of it will amount to anything. They've been pushing this narrative for a couple of years and it's come to nothing each time. It's will fade away for a few weeks soon and then pop back up next time they need a distraction.
Do you remember the old show "Crossfire" on CNN? Robert Novak and Michael Kinsley, two smart guys, would fire away at each other, calling each other immediately on any bullshit, exposing talking points, etc.

I sure wish we could go back to that, so that each side of an issue could be fairly and equally represented, and so that bullshit could be burned to the ground right away.

that will never happen because today's left knows that when both sides are given equal time, they always lose. They lose because their ideology is based on emotion not reality. They want to repeat the failures of the past rather than learn from them.
I'd think that if this goes into some kind of legal proceeding, all the facts will have to come out and the Left will have to defend itself. An accusation his huge, this historic, will have to be examined from every angle.

yeah but....who watches the watchers Mac?

Supposedly the courts, but they've been corrupted lately, and as a last resort the free press.

tRump's working on that one.
Why is Trump not believable?
I honestly don't know how to respond to that. If you take him seriously and literally, great.
Red didn't say he takes Trump's every utterance "seriously and literally" and I'd say much of what then candidate Trump said he would do he has tried to do. Do you find any of this to be unbelievable or contrary to our best interests:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans they consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
Well, again, I'm just talking about the man himself. He is simply not believable. He communicates almost exclusively in hyperbole and at a low intellectual level. If you're saying that you can forgive all that because you feel he's a good President, great.

I'm just saying that, if it were me, I would use another person for the Big Reveal. Or anything else that requires seriousness and credibility, for that matter..
I feel he has been an effective POTUS who has made a genuine effort to and succeeded on delivering on his campaign promises.

Trump is using Barr for "The Big Reveal," much as he has to determine what should and cannot be made public in the Mueller Report. Do you trust Barr to act as the gatekeeper? Is he serious and competent enough to satisfy you?

BTW, Trump does indeed communicate with hyperbole and at a level even Americans who some consider to be Walmart Deplorables, can comprehend his humor and his meaning.

I would remind you that 19 million Independents and 4 million Dems - 36.5% of his 63 million total - voted for him … me not among them but I will in 2020.
Barr would be better than Trump.
And now Barr has sweeping powers to release documents and to uncover any criminality. Trump has consistently allowed the DOJ to do its work since his inauguration and has given this AG the authority and support to do his job. Can you point to any USAG the past 10 years better suited to do what should be done?
Lol, neither they nor I have anything to fear.
What is your take on all this? Do you think it's much ado about nothing? Some of the facts they're using appear to be verified, so it deserves to be examined, no?
I have no problem with them examining it. I have serious doubts bordering on convictions that any of it will amount to anything. They've been pushing this narrative for a couple of years and it's come to nothing each time. It's will fade away for a few weeks soon and then pop back up next time they need a distraction.
Do you remember the old show "Crossfire" on CNN? Robert Novak and Michael Kinsley, two smart guys, would fire away at each other, calling each other immediately on any bullshit, exposing talking points, etc.

I sure wish we could go back to that, so that each side of an issue could be fairly and equally represented, and so that bullshit could be burned to the ground right away.

that will never happen because today's left knows that when both sides are given equal time, they always lose. They lose because their ideology is based on emotion not reality. They want to repeat the failures of the past rather than learn from them.
You've actually got that completely backwards. Given equal time it's the conservatives who always come out last. That's why they've started their own news Network and all these crazy conspiracy sites, not to mention all the AM radio crap.
Get the FCC involved. Go ahead. Talk radio had Prog programs. No ratings! 95% of what is on TV is Prog propaganda from a little to a max. Even macho shows can have some in it. The difference is that with all the stations minimal ratings and the extruding bills the consumer pays, the people who run the Prog propaganda centers have limitless revenue. The reality is in dangerous jobs, it is near mostly all men that die. And the insult is really to them.
Now Horowitz and Barr are about to expose all of it and take down some, if not all, of the traitors...who are turning on each other ahead of the 'reveal'. That is a helluva lot more than just being 'political'.
I'm talking about being certifiably crazy. You're a sucker who keeps falling for the same ole trick over and over and anyone who does not "think" like you is defending treason. You're crazy...
You mean like our TDS-crazed 'tards who fell for the Collusion Delusion and continue to fall for every media "bombshell" intended to keep them at Defcon 2?
I'd think that if this goes into some kind of legal proceeding, all the facts will have to come out and the Left will have to defend itself. An accusation his huge, this historic, will have to be examined from every angle...
It's not really an accusation, it's just a conspiracy theory used as a distraction. They will not pursue it very hard because there really isn't anywhere to go with it and when they reach the end it's usefulness is over and they will have to dream up something else to keep the kiddies busy.
LOL. Kinda like our media has played the useful idiots who have spent 2 1/2 years setting their hair aflame and screaming "impeach 45" every day?
What is your take on all this? Do you think it's much ado about nothing? Some of the facts they're using appear to be verified, so it deserves to be examined, no?
I have no problem with them examining it. I have serious doubts bordering on convictions that any of it will amount to anything. They've been pushing this narrative for a couple of years and it's come to nothing each time. It's will fade away for a few weeks soon and then pop back up next time they need a distraction.
Do you remember the old show "Crossfire" on CNN? Robert Novak and Michael Kinsley, two smart guys, would fire away at each other, calling each other immediately on any bullshit, exposing talking points, etc.

I sure wish we could go back to that, so that each side of an issue could be fairly and equally represented, and so that bullshit could be burned to the ground right away.

that will never happen because today's left knows that when both sides are given equal time, they always lose. They lose because their ideology is based on emotion not reality. They want to repeat the failures of the past rather than learn from them.
I'd think that if this goes into some kind of legal proceeding, all the facts will have to come out and the Left will have to defend itself. An accusation his huge, this historic, will have to be examined from every angle.
It's not really an accusation, it's just a conspiracy theory used as a distraction. They will not pursue it very hard because there really isn't anywhere to go with it and when they reach the end it's usefulness is over and they will have to dream up something else to keep the kiddies busy.

Look Crep, if you think Durham is some kind of red herring, you are sorely mistaken. He doesn't fu** around. Look at the mans record, and he is well respected in all political of now. Just wait till the Left starts trying to hang him!

I would give your theory more weight were it not for him. He was put in because HE CAN PROSECUTE.

I personally can NOT confirm it as accurate...…..but reports insist, he has empaneled 3 grand Jury's already, and 2 have already taken testimony. If that comes out as true, or even if he empanels one tomorrow, your whole story goes up in smoke.
What is your take on all this? Do you think it's much ado about nothing? Some of the facts they're using appear to be verified, so it deserves to be examined, no?
I have no problem with them examining it. I have serious doubts bordering on convictions that any of it will amount to anything. They've been pushing this narrative for a couple of years and it's come to nothing each time. It's will fade away for a few weeks soon and then pop back up next time they need a distraction.
Do you remember the old show "Crossfire" on CNN? Robert Novak and Michael Kinsley, two smart guys, would fire away at each other, calling each other immediately on any bullshit, exposing talking points, etc.

I sure wish we could go back to that, so that each side of an issue could be fairly and equally represented, and so that bullshit could be burned to the ground right away.

that will never happen because today's left knows that when both sides are given equal time, they always lose. They lose because their ideology is based on emotion not reality. They want to repeat the failures of the past rather than learn from them.
You've actually got that completely backwards. Given equal time it's the conservatives who always come out last. That's why they've started their own news Network and all these crazy conspiracy sites, not to mention all the AM radio crap.
Get the FCC involved. Go ahead. Talk radio had Prog programs. No ratings! 95% of what is on TV is Prog propaganda from a little to a max. Even macho shows can have some in it. The difference is that with all the stations minimal ratings and the extruding bills the consumer pays, the people who run the Prog propaganda centers have limitless revenue. The reality is in dangerous jobs, it is near mostly all men that die. And the insult is really to them.
"Get the FCC involved"?

You think I'm some snowflake bloody tRumpkin gonna go running to the government because it's "not fair"?


"95% of TV is prog propaganda"?

That's what those rwnj am radio stations are telling you I'm sure. In reality 95% of what's in TV is meaningless drivel that is neither pro nor con. It's meant to sell advertising, nothing more.

"The reality is in dangerous jobs, it is near mostly all men that die". Not at all sure where this bit of nonsense was meant to go, you seemed pretty confused there at the end.
I have no problem with them examining it. I have serious doubts bordering on convictions that any of it will amount to anything. They've been pushing this narrative for a couple of years and it's come to nothing each time. It's will fade away for a few weeks soon and then pop back up next time they need a distraction.
Do you remember the old show "Crossfire" on CNN? Robert Novak and Michael Kinsley, two smart guys, would fire away at each other, calling each other immediately on any bullshit, exposing talking points, etc.

I sure wish we could go back to that, so that each side of an issue could be fairly and equally represented, and so that bullshit could be burned to the ground right away.

that will never happen because today's left knows that when both sides are given equal time, they always lose. They lose because their ideology is based on emotion not reality. They want to repeat the failures of the past rather than learn from them.
I'd think that if this goes into some kind of legal proceeding, all the facts will have to come out and the Left will have to defend itself. An accusation his huge, this historic, will have to be examined from every angle.
It's not really an accusation, it's just a conspiracy theory used as a distraction. They will not pursue it very hard because there really isn't anywhere to go with it and when they reach the end it's usefulness is over and they will have to dream up something else to keep the kiddies busy.

Look Crep, if you think Durham is some kind of red herring, you are sorely mistaken. He doesn't fu** around. Look at the mans record, and he is well respected in all political of now. Just wait till the Left starts trying to hang him!

I would give your theory more weight were it not for him. He was put in because HE CAN PROSECUTE.

I personally can NOT confirm it as accurate...…..but reports insist, he has empaneled 3 grand Jury's already, and 2 have already taken testimony. If that comes out as true, or even if he empanels one tomorrow, your whole story goes up in smoke.
I maintain it's nothing more than a distraction. Possibly a very expensive distraction is some of the things you say are true, but a distraction none the less.
You mean like our TDS-crazed 'tards who fell for the Collusion Delusion and continue to fall for every media "bombshell" intended to keep them at Defcon 2?
Yes, exactly like that. Recognize.
Now Horowitz and Barr are about to expose all of it and take down some, if not all, of the traitors...who are turning on each other ahead of the 'reveal'. That is a helluva lot more than just being 'political'.
I'm talking about being certifiably crazy. You're a sucker who keeps falling for the same ole trick over and over and anyone who does not "think" like you is defending treason. You're crazy...
You mean like our TDS-crazed 'tards who fell for the Collusion Delusion and continue to fall for every media "bombshell" intended to keep them at Defcon 2?
I'd think that if this goes into some kind of legal proceeding, all the facts will have to come out and the Left will have to defend itself. An accusation his huge, this historic, will have to be examined from every angle...
It's not really an accusation, it's just a conspiracy theory used as a distraction. They will not pursue it very hard because there really isn't anywhere to go with it and when they reach the end it's usefulness is over and they will have to dream up something else to keep the kiddies busy.
LOL. Kinda like our media has played the useful idiots who have spent 2 1/2 years setting their hair aflame and screaming "impeach 45" every day?
I'm afraid you kinda got that backwards.
Do you remember the old show "Crossfire" on CNN? Robert Novak and Michael Kinsley, two smart guys, would fire away at each other, calling each other immediately on any bullshit, exposing talking points, etc.

I sure wish we could go back to that, so that each side of an issue could be fairly and equally represented, and so that bullshit could be burned to the ground right away.

that will never happen because today's left knows that when both sides are given equal time, they always lose. They lose because their ideology is based on emotion not reality. They want to repeat the failures of the past rather than learn from them.
I'd think that if this goes into some kind of legal proceeding, all the facts will have to come out and the Left will have to defend itself. An accusation his huge, this historic, will have to be examined from every angle.
It's not really an accusation, it's just a conspiracy theory used as a distraction. They will not pursue it very hard because there really isn't anywhere to go with it and when they reach the end it's usefulness is over and they will have to dream up something else to keep the kiddies busy.

Look Crep, if you think Durham is some kind of red herring, you are sorely mistaken. He doesn't fu** around. Look at the mans record, and he is well respected in all political of now. Just wait till the Left starts trying to hang him!

I would give your theory more weight were it not for him. He was put in because HE CAN PROSECUTE.

I personally can NOT confirm it as accurate...…..but reports insist, he has empaneled 3 grand Jury's already, and 2 have already taken testimony. If that comes out as true, or even if he empanels one tomorrow, your whole story goes up in smoke.
I maintain it's nothing more than a distraction. Possibly a very expensive distraction is some of the things you say are true, but a distraction none the less.

Well, I have always believed what lawyers say, and that is------->you can indict a ham sandwich if you want to.

And so, just because indictments come down, doesn't mean guilt, with that I will agree; although Durham is to professional to waste his time in a GOP witch hunt, or at least it appears that way.

In most instances, proof of guilt or evidence, can NOT be released to the public in an ongoing case. At least, that is my understanding. Therefore, the release of these upcoming documents MUST happen, BEFORE anyone is indicted, or they would be considered evidence, and could then not be released.

That tells me that if the Administration pushes hard to get them released ASAP, that means by logic, they are ready to indict someone(s) and do not want to tie their own hands.
that will never happen because today's left knows that when both sides are given equal time, they always lose. They lose because their ideology is based on emotion not reality. They want to repeat the failures of the past rather than learn from them.
I'd think that if this goes into some kind of legal proceeding, all the facts will have to come out and the Left will have to defend itself. An accusation his huge, this historic, will have to be examined from every angle.
It's not really an accusation, it's just a conspiracy theory used as a distraction. They will not pursue it very hard because there really isn't anywhere to go with it and when they reach the end it's usefulness is over and they will have to dream up something else to keep the kiddies busy.

Look Crep, if you think Durham is some kind of red herring, you are sorely mistaken. He doesn't fu** around. Look at the mans record, and he is well respected in all political of now. Just wait till the Left starts trying to hang him!

I would give your theory more weight were it not for him. He was put in because HE CAN PROSECUTE.

I personally can NOT confirm it as accurate...…..but reports insist, he has empaneled 3 grand Jury's already, and 2 have already taken testimony. If that comes out as true, or even if he empanels one tomorrow, your whole story goes up in smoke.
I maintain it's nothing more than a distraction. Possibly a very expensive distraction is some of the things you say are true, but a distraction none the less.

Well, I have always believed what lawyers say, and that is------->you can indict a ham sandwich if you want to.

And so, just because indictments come down, doesn't mean guilt, with that I will agree; although Durham is to professional to waste his time in a GOP witch hunt, or at least it appears that way.

In most instances, proof of guilt or evidence, can NOT be released to the public in an ongoing case. At least, that is my understanding. Therefore, the release of these upcoming documents MUST happen, BEFORE anyone is indicted, or they would be considered evidence, and could then not be released.

That tells me that if the Administration pushes hard to get them released ASAP, that means by logic, they are ready to indict someone(s) and do not want to tie their own hands.
You are of course entitled to your opinion, all I can say is I disagree.

I suppose we shall see.
that will never happen because today's left knows that when both sides are given equal time, they always lose. They lose because their ideology is based on emotion not reality. They want to repeat the failures of the past rather than learn from them.
I'd think that if this goes into some kind of legal proceeding, all the facts will have to come out and the Left will have to defend itself. An accusation his huge, this historic, will have to be examined from every angle.
It's not really an accusation, it's just a conspiracy theory used as a distraction. They will not pursue it very hard because there really isn't anywhere to go with it and when they reach the end it's usefulness is over and they will have to dream up something else to keep the kiddies busy.

Look Crep, if you think Durham is some kind of red herring, you are sorely mistaken. He doesn't fu** around. Look at the mans record, and he is well respected in all political of now. Just wait till the Left starts trying to hang him!

I would give your theory more weight were it not for him. He was put in because HE CAN PROSECUTE.

I personally can NOT confirm it as accurate...…..but reports insist, he has empaneled 3 grand Jury's already, and 2 have already taken testimony. If that comes out as true, or even if he empanels one tomorrow, your whole story goes up in smoke.
I maintain it's nothing more than a distraction. Possibly a very expensive distraction is some of the things you say are true, but a distraction none the less.

Well, I have always believed what lawyers say, and that is------->you can indict a ham sandwich if you want to.

And so, just because indictments come down, doesn't mean guilt, with that I will agree; although Durham is to professional to waste his time in a GOP witch hunt, or at least it appears that way.

In most instances, proof of guilt or evidence, can NOT be released to the public in an ongoing case. At least, that is my understanding. Therefore, the release of these upcoming documents MUST happen, BEFORE anyone is indicted, or they would be considered evidence, and could then not be released.

That tells me that if the Administration pushes hard to get them released ASAP, that means by logic, they are ready to indict someone(s) and do not want to tie their own hands.
More likely it means yet another dog and pony show played out in the media as a diversion and cover for the fact that the politicians can't solve our problems.
Why is Trump not believable?
I honestly don't know how to respond to that. If you take him seriously and literally, great.
Red didn't say he takes Trump's every utterance "seriously and literally" and I'd say much of what then candidate Trump said he would do he has tried to do. Do you find any of this to be unbelievable or contrary to our best interests:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans they consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
Well, again, I'm just talking about the man himself. He is simply not believable. He communicates almost exclusively in hyperbole and at a low intellectual level. If you're saying that you can forgive all that because you feel he's a good President, great.

I'm just saying that, if it were me, I would use another person for the Big Reveal. Or anything else that requires seriousness and credibility, for that matter.
Hello fuckball. Now that you been obliterated again, and since you don't want to address things like this.....

I will ask you a really really simple question fuckstick. Something so simple that even an assface socialist like you can answer it.

Specifically, what have we conservatives been wrong about in regards to our fucking claims that the Russian collusion bullshit was nothing more than an obvious political ploy that the democrats knew was a lie from the beginning and their only real intention was to FIND SOMETHING OR ANYTHING so that they could Al Capone Trump?

Since you ignore that yourkuuunt was caught illegally destroying over 30k emails and since we KNOW FOR A FACT that the fbi attempted a coup on the president, let us know where we have been wrong.

Yet, you claim with your fucking toad brain that Trump is not trustworthy as you wish hillary was president?


Well, where have we been wrong moron?
Why is Trump not believable?
I honestly don't know how to respond to that. If you take him seriously and literally, great.
Red didn't say he takes Trump's every utterance "seriously and literally" and I'd say much of what then candidate Trump said he would do he has tried to do. Do you find any of this to be unbelievable or contrary to our best interests:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans they consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
Well, again, I'm just talking about the man himself. He is simply not believable. He communicates almost exclusively in hyperbole and at a low intellectual level. If you're saying that you can forgive all that because you feel he's a good President, great.

I'm just saying that, if it were me, I would use another person for the Big Reveal. Or anything else that requires seriousness and credibility, for that matter.
Hello fuckball. Now that you been obliterated again, and since you don't want to address things like this.....

I will ask you a really really simple question fuckstick. Something so simple that even an assface socialist like you can answer it.

Specifically, what have we conservatives been wrong about in regards to our fucking claims that the Russian collusion bullshit was nothing more than an obvious political ploy that the democrats knew was a lie from the beginning and their only real intention was to FIND SOMETHING OR ANYTHING so that they could Al Capone Trump?

Since you ignore that yourkuuunt was caught illegally destroying over 30k emails and since we KNOW FOR A FACT that the fbi attempted a coup on the president, let us know where we have been wrong.

Yet, you claim with your fucking toad brain that Trump is not trustworthy as you wish hillary was president?


Well, where have we been wrong moron?

I don't know yet. You might be right.

I've really tried to explain this issues vs. behaviors thing to you, but it appears you just lack the capacity to understand.

I'm really trying to help. I want desperately for you to be happy.
Last edited:
Fast N Furious REALLY HAPPENED. It was ignored by the media, stonewalled by the meat puppet faggot, and Holder was held in contempt.

Because it just wasn't a big deal. It's like saying the government lost track of a joint during a drug sting...

a quarter million guns cross the border every year, thanks to our loose gun laws. That the ATF lost a couple dozen of them... meh, can't get worked up about that.

It wasn't "that big a deal"...

Criminal obstruction of justice "isn't that big a deal" when leftists do it in cases where REAL CRIMES were committed, people were killed, but it's a "Constitutional Crisis" when it's perceived that the World's Richest Professional Clown might have undermined an investigation into something that was determined DID NOT HAPPEN, no one died, nothing was stonewalled no one was even charged with anything that had anything to do with the underlying allegations....

Yet pieces of fetid parasite infested shit like JoeB131 or whoever programs the posting bot can not grasp why they're ridiculed and considered to be mindless drones.

You can't expect sociopaths who would like to purge 50 million conservative voters to "get worked up" because a few thousand mexicans and a border patrol agent die thanks to federal government malpractice I suppose.
Why is Trump not believable?
I honestly don't know how to respond to that. If you take him seriously and literally, great.
Red didn't say he takes Trump's every utterance "seriously and literally" and I'd say much of what then candidate Trump said he would do he has tried to do. Do you find any of this to be unbelievable or contrary to our best interests:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans they consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
Well, again, I'm just talking about the man himself. He is simply not believable. He communicates almost exclusively in hyperbole and at a low intellectual level. If you're saying that you can forgive all that because you feel he's a good President, great.

I'm just saying that, if it were me, I would use another person for the Big Reveal. Or anything else that requires seriousness and credibility, for that matter.
Hello fuckball. Now that you been obliterated again, and since you don't want to address things like this.....

I will ask you a really really simple question fuckstick. Something so simple that even an assface socialist like you can answer it.

Specifically, what have we conservatives been wrong about in regards to our fucking claims that the Russian collusion bullshit was nothing more than an obvious political ploy that the democrats knew was a lie from the beginning and their only real intention was to FIND SOMETHING OR ANYTHING so that they could Al Capone Trump?

Since you ignore that yourkuuunt was caught illegally destroying over 30k emails and since we KNOW FOR A FACT that the fbi attempted a coup on the president, let us know where we have been wrong.

Yet, you claim with your fucking toad brain that Trump is not trustworthy as you wish hillary was president?


Well, where have we been wrong moron?

Why is Trump not believable?
I honestly don't know how to respond to that. If you take him seriously and literally, great.
Red didn't say he takes Trump's every utterance "seriously and literally" and I'd say much of what then candidate Trump said he would do he has tried to do. Do you find any of this to be unbelievable or contrary to our best interests:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans they consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
Well, again, I'm just talking about the man himself. He is simply not believable. He communicates almost exclusively in hyperbole and at a low intellectual level. If you're saying that you can forgive all that because you feel he's a good President, great.

I'm just saying that, if it were me, I would use another person for the Big Reveal. Or anything else that requires seriousness and credibility, for that matter.
Hello fuckball. Now that you been obliterated again, and since you don't want to address things like this.....

I will ask you a really really simple question fuckstick. Something so simple that even an assface socialist like you can answer it.

Specifically, what have we conservatives been wrong about in regards to our fucking claims that the Russian collusion bullshit was nothing more than an obvious political ploy that the democrats knew was a lie from the beginning and their only real intention was to FIND SOMETHING OR ANYTHING so that they could Al Capone Trump?

Since you ignore that yourkuuunt was caught illegally destroying over 30k emails and since we KNOW FOR A FACT that the fbi attempted a coup on the president, let us know where we have been wrong.

Yet, you claim with your fucking toad brain that Trump is not trustworthy as you wish hillary was president?


Well, where have we been wrong moron?

I don't know yet. You might be right.

I've really tried to explain this issues vs. behaviors thing to you, but you just seem to lack the capacity to understand.

I'm really trying to help.

Just so we are all on the same page, I have a question------------->

If 85% of what we are saying ends up being the facts, and is proven, and if it is discovered through testimony that the orders came from the Oval Office down to Brennan,


1. President Obama be retroactively impeached. (and yes, they can do that, forcing him to be unable to ever hold another electable office)

2. Should Joe Biden be forced out of the Presidential race by his own party, or by legal means? (and yes, they can do that too)

3. Should Hillary Clinton be at the very least, booted from the DNC?

4. Should the FBI charters on FISA warrants, be re-written, and should a new cabinet member be installed for government ethics?
Why is Trump not believable?
I honestly don't know how to respond to that. If you take him seriously and literally, great.
Red didn't say he takes Trump's every utterance "seriously and literally" and I'd say much of what then candidate Trump said he would do he has tried to do. Do you find any of this to be unbelievable or contrary to our best interests:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans they consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
Well, again, I'm just talking about the man himself. He is simply not believable. He communicates almost exclusively in hyperbole and at a low intellectual level. If you're saying that you can forgive all that because you feel he's a good President, great.

I'm just saying that, if it were me, I would use another person for the Big Reveal. Or anything else that requires seriousness and credibility, for that matter.
Hello fuckball. Now that you been obliterated again, and since you don't want to address things like this.....

I will ask you a really really simple question fuckstick. Something so simple that even an assface socialist like you can answer it.

Specifically, what have we conservatives been wrong about in regards to our fucking claims that the Russian collusion bullshit was nothing more than an obvious political ploy that the democrats knew was a lie from the beginning and their only real intention was to FIND SOMETHING OR ANYTHING so that they could Al Capone Trump?

Since you ignore that yourkuuunt was caught illegally destroying over 30k emails and since we KNOW FOR A FACT that the fbi attempted a coup on the president, let us know where we have been wrong.

Yet, you claim with your fucking toad brain that Trump is not trustworthy as you wish hillary was president?


Well, where have we been wrong moron?

I honestly don't know how to respond to that. If you take him seriously and literally, great.
Red didn't say he takes Trump's every utterance "seriously and literally" and I'd say much of what then candidate Trump said he would do he has tried to do. Do you find any of this to be unbelievable or contrary to our best interests:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans they consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
Well, again, I'm just talking about the man himself. He is simply not believable. He communicates almost exclusively in hyperbole and at a low intellectual level. If you're saying that you can forgive all that because you feel he's a good President, great.

I'm just saying that, if it were me, I would use another person for the Big Reveal. Or anything else that requires seriousness and credibility, for that matter.
Hello fuckball. Now that you been obliterated again, and since you don't want to address things like this.....

I will ask you a really really simple question fuckstick. Something so simple that even an assface socialist like you can answer it.

Specifically, what have we conservatives been wrong about in regards to our fucking claims that the Russian collusion bullshit was nothing more than an obvious political ploy that the democrats knew was a lie from the beginning and their only real intention was to FIND SOMETHING OR ANYTHING so that they could Al Capone Trump?

Since you ignore that yourkuuunt was caught illegally destroying over 30k emails and since we KNOW FOR A FACT that the fbi attempted a coup on the president, let us know where we have been wrong.

Yet, you claim with your fucking toad brain that Trump is not trustworthy as you wish hillary was president?


Well, where have we been wrong moron?

I don't know yet. You might be right.

I've really tried to explain this issues vs. behaviors thing to you, but you just seem to lack the capacity to understand.

I'm really trying to help.

Just so we are all on the same page, I have a question------------->

If 85% of what we are saying ends up being the facts, and is proven, and if it is discovered through testimony that the orders came from the Oval Office down to Brennan,


1. President Obama be retroactively impeached. (and yes, they can do that, forcing him to be unable to ever hold another electable office)

2. Should Joe Biden be forced out of the Presidential race by his own party, or by legal means? (and yes, they can do that too)

3. Should Hillary Clinton be at the very least, booted from the DNC?

4. Should the FBI charters on FISA warrants, be re-written, and should a new cabinet member be installed for government ethics?

5. The meat puppet faggot, Valerie Jarret, hitlery should be hanged on the WH Lawn for treason. The entire moonbat messiah's administration should be thrown in GITMO if they're found guilty of anything, everyone who was hired or promoted during the years 2009-2016 should be fired throughout the federal government. Including kitchen staff at national parks. The entire federal government needs to be expunged and replaced by people who have either never registered to vote, or never voted for a democrook.



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