The Right Wing had better be right about this "Deep State" stuff.

There is no doubt the Deep State exists. It has been in place for decades. However I would question just about anything promoted by Hannity and Levin. Partisans of either party can’t be trusted.

There is no doubt you're full of shit. There is no Deep State. That's a lie Putin tells Trump and you believe it.
You obviously don’t understand, high-level civilian employees make up the deep state/swamp exclusively
Trump is part of the deep state.

That's an interesting theory. Did he become a part of the deep state after the election, and after he and his entire family was threatened with prison, or before?
I think he becomes part of it, after the election.

You might be right. Do you think the Russian collusion story was invented as a way to bring him in line, or at least undermine him so that he can't throw a monkey wrench into the deep state's machinations?
/——/ Will Maxine be screeching Impeach 46, Impeach 46?
If it's a Repub she will … particularly if it's a white male. Dems love their identity politics and hate white men.
Of course, she and all the bitter, petulant Dems must survive 5 1/2 more years of #45 first. :beer:
/—-/ Won’t Trump be 46 when re-elected? There is a school of thought that each term is a new president regardless of one who is re-elected.
No there isn't.

G.W. Bush served 2 terms and was #43. Obama served 2 terms and was #44.

Trump will serve 2 terms and be #45.

Whatever Repub follows Trump will serve 2 terms and be #46.
I’m curious. Who would vote for Donald Trump? Because Russians aren’t allowed to vote in this country.

Yo, fucking liar;

The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.

Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section IV above.


You really are a stupid little turd.
A stupid little 'tard. A lying, sniveling DeanTard..

You're welcome. :beer:
There is no doubt you're full of shit. There is no Deep State. That's a lie Putin tells Trump and you believe it.
You obviously don’t understand, high-level civilian employees make up the deep state/swamp exclusively
Trump is part of the deep state.

That's an interesting theory. Did he become a part of the deep state after the election, and after he and his entire family was threatened with prison, or before?
I think he becomes part of it, after the election.

You might be right. Do you think the Russian collusion story was invented as a way to bring him in line, or at least undermine him so that he can't throw a monkey wrench into the deep state's machinations?
... and still no Russian connection
Getting along is way overrated… Just leave it at that
Well, it's definitely beyond the capacity of some.
We need more disagreeing in this country, and independence. Strengthen the 10th amendment
Communication and collaboration, and the innovation that can come from it, isn't easy. There will always be people who are best to just sit it out.

The left had a great opportunity for collaboration with Trump and his populist movement. But they so bitterly cling to their hardcore anti-white identity politics and to their extreme social progressive dogma that they burned all the bridges. Goes to show you where their priorities are.
There is no doubt you're full of shit. There is no Deep State. That's a lie Putin tells Trump and you believe it.
You obviously don’t understand, high-level civilian employees make up the deep state/swamp exclusively
Trump is part of the deep state.

That's an interesting theory. Did he become a part of the deep state after the election, and after he and his entire family was threatened with prison, or before?
I think he becomes part of it, after the election.

You might be right. Do you think the Russian collusion story was invented as a way to bring him in line, or at least undermine him so that he can't throw a monkey wrench into the deep state's machinations?
I do. I think that within the deep state there are different factions vying for power. But in the final analysis, they will cover each others asses.
The left had a great opportunity for collaboration with Trump and his populist movement. But they so bitterly cling to their hardcore anti-white identity politics and to their extreme social progressive dogma that they burned all the bridges. Goes to show you where their priorities are.
They had a great opportunity to do things Trump's way?

That's collaboration?
There is no doubt you're full of shit. There is no Deep State. That's a lie Putin tells Trump and you believe it.
You obviously don’t understand, high-level civilian employees make up the deep state/swamp exclusively
Trump is part of the deep state.

That's an interesting theory. Did he become a part of the deep state after the election, and after he and his entire family was threatened with prison, or before?
I think he becomes part of it, after the election.

You might be right. Do you think the Russian collusion story was invented as a way to bring him in line, or at least undermine him so that he can't throw a monkey wrench into the deep state's machinations?
It was invented to cover up their own illegal activities and to legitimatize the Trump Administration.
The left had a great opportunity for collaboration with Trump and his populist movement. But they so bitterly cling to their hardcore anti-white identity politics and to their extreme social progressive dogma that they burned all the bridges. Goes to show you where their priorities are.
They had a great opportunity to do things Trump's way?

That's collaboration?

Candidate Trump's "America first" policies should have been an easy sell to democrats who supposedly are the champions of the working class. Not to mention his anti-interventionist ideas. But no. He's racist and the next Hitler because he wants to slow down the ethnic displacement of white America.
"Comey signed a FISA warrant application which included the Steele dossier, saying it was verified and less than 2 weeks later told Trump it was salacious and unverified."

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

No, ya lyin' pos, Comey never said the dossier was "salacious and unverified." He said, "some personally sensitive aspects," of it were. Which we came to learn he was talking about the portion of the dossier claiming trump paid prostitutes to perform a golden shower.

So you don't pay attention AND you lie. That makes you a typical conservative.
Do you believe Trump paid hookers to perform a golden shower on the bed Obama slept on?
So where did that nasty crap come from?
Don't know.
Of course. You probably do know, and you don't care. That's why you're the problem in our politics.
Oh? You know where it came from??
"Comey signed a FISA warrant application which included the Steele dossier, saying it was verified and less than 2 weeks later told Trump it was salacious and unverified."

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

No, ya lyin' pos, Comey never said the dossier was "salacious and unverified." He said, "some personally sensitive aspects," of it were. Which we came to learn he was talking about the portion of the dossier claiming trump paid prostitutes to perform a golden shower.

So you don't pay attention AND you lie. That makes you a typical conservative.

If that is an example of the best lies you Stalinists can come up with - you fuckers are toast. :thup:

{During an appearance on Fox News earlier this week, Republican Congressman Mark Meadows laid down the timeline for when declassified documents about the FBI's spying during the 2016 presidential campaign will be released for public consumption.

"I can tell you, there's information coming that will curl your hair. I can tell you that the reason why it's so visceral - the response from the Democrats is so visceral right now is because they know - they've seen documents. Adam Schiff has seen documents that he knows will actually put the finger pointing back at him and his Democrat colleagues, not the President of the United States," Meadows said. "We're talking about days, not weeks. So very soon."}

Mark Meadows: We're Going to See 'Hair Curling' Declassified Info on the FBI's Spying...Within Days
Insane poster, we've been hearing that for two years now.
Rachel Maddow is the enemy of the people.
If this stuff is proven to be fantasy, so are Hannity and Levin.

Considering everything is based on sworn congressional testimony and peoples actions, it would be hard to prove it a fantasy. The only question is was it due to nefarious intent or was it justified. Comey signed a FISA warrant application which included the Steele dossier, saying it was verified and less than 2 weeks later told Trump it was salacious and unverified. McCabe told congress, without the dossier there would have been no FISA warrant. Steele told a British court that the dossier was raw intelligence and was unverified. This isn't rocket science.

"Comey signed a FISA warrant application which included the Steele dossier, saying it was verified and less than 2 weeks later told Trump it was salacious and unverified."

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

No, ya lyin' pos, Comey never said the dossier was "salacious and unverified." He said, "some personally sensitive aspects," of it were. Which we came to learn he was talking about the portion of the dossier claiming trump paid prostitutes to perform a golden shower.

So you don't pay attention AND you lie. That makes you a typical conservative.

Describing his first meeting with then-President-Elect Trump, Comey says the Intelligence Community (IC) was aware that media possessed unverified material they would imminently report – even though it was “salacious and unverified.”

“The IC leadership thought it important, for a variety of reasons, to alert the incoming President to the existence of this material, even though it was salacious and unverified. Among those reasons were: (1) we knew the media was about to publicly report the material and we believed the IC should not keep knowledge of the material and its imminent release from the President-Elect; and (2) to the extent there was some effort to compromise an incoming President, we could blunt any such effort with a defensive briefing.”

Comey: ‘Even Though It Was Salacious and Unverified…We Knew Media Was About to Publicly Report’

Carry on commie. LMAO

You lying idiot, I just posted that first meeting. And unlike you, I quoted Comey in context. He never said the entire dossier was "salacious and unverified." The parts he said were salacious and unverified were "some personally sensitive aspects."

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
The left had a great opportunity for collaboration with Trump and his populist movement. But they so bitterly cling to their hardcore anti-white identity politics and to their extreme social progressive dogma that they burned all the bridges. Goes to show you where their priorities are.
They had a great opportunity to do things Trump's way?

That's collaboration?

Candidate Trump's "America first" policies should have been an easy sell to democrats who supposedly are the champions of the working class. Not to mention his anti-interventionist ideas. But no. He's racist and the next Hitler because he wants to slow down the ethnic displacement of white America.

There is no “ethnic displacement of white America”. There is the steady evolution of people and nations based on global migration patterns of racial intermarriage.

Even if America has a racially diverse population, so what? You won’t live long enough for it to happen. Your white privilege will last your whole racist asshole life.
The left had a great opportunity for collaboration with Trump and his populist movement. But they so bitterly cling to their hardcore anti-white identity politics and to their extreme social progressive dogma that they burned all the bridges. Goes to show you where their priorities are.
They had a great opportunity to do things Trump's way?

That's collaboration?

Candidate Trump's "America first" policies should have been an easy sell to democrats who supposedly are the champions of the working class. Not to mention his anti-interventionist ideas. But no. He's racist and the next Hitler because he wants to slow down the ethnic displacement of white America.

There is no “ethnic displacement of white America”. There is the steady evolution of people and nations based on global migration patterns of racial intermarriage.

Even if America has a racially diverse population, so what? You won’t live long enough for it to happen. Your white privilege will last your whole racist asshole life.

If it natural then why is this "evolution" only taking place in white majority countries? Why isn't africa, china and the middle east becoming more "diverse"? Why aren't they pressured to burn their traditional values and culture to the ground and make way for white immigration?
Rachel Maddow is the enemy of the people.
If this stuff is proven to be fantasy, so are Hannity and Levin.

Considering everything is based on sworn congressional testimony and peoples actions, it would be hard to prove it a fantasy. The only question is was it due to nefarious intent or was it justified. Comey signed a FISA warrant application which included the Steele dossier, saying it was verified and less than 2 weeks later told Trump it was salacious and unverified. McCabe told congress, without the dossier there would have been no FISA warrant. Steele told a British court that the dossier was raw intelligence and was unverified. This isn't rocket science.

"Comey signed a FISA warrant application which included the Steele dossier, saying it was verified and less than 2 weeks later told Trump it was salacious and unverified."

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

No, ya lyin' pos, Comey never said the dossier was "salacious and unverified." He said, "some personally sensitive aspects," of it were. Which we came to learn he was talking about the portion of the dossier claiming trump paid prostitutes to perform a golden shower.

So you don't pay attention AND you lie. That makes you a typical conservative.

Describing his first meeting with then-President-Elect Trump, Comey says the Intelligence Community (IC) was aware that media possessed unverified material they would imminently report – even though it was “salacious and unverified.”

“The IC leadership thought it important, for a variety of reasons, to alert the incoming President to the existence of this material, even though it was salacious and unverified. Among those reasons were: (1) we knew the media was about to publicly report the material and we believed the IC should not keep knowledge of the material and its imminent release from the President-Elect; and (2) to the extent there was some effort to compromise an incoming President, we could blunt any such effort with a defensive briefing.”

Comey: ‘Even Though It Was Salacious and Unverified…We Knew Media Was About to Publicly Report’

Carry on commie. LMAO

You lying idiot, I just posted that first meeting. And unlike you, I quoted Comey in context. He never said the entire dossier was "salacious and unverified." The parts he said were salacious and unverified were "some personally sensitive aspects."

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

So you're saying Comey lied to congress?

There is no doubt the Deep State exists. It has been in place for decades. However I would question just about anything promoted by Hannity and Levin. Partisans of either party can’t be trusted.

There is no doubt you're full of shit. There is no Deep State. That's a lie Putin tells Trump and you believe it.
You obviously don’t understand, high-level civilian employees make up the deep state/swamp exclusively
Trump is part of the deep state.

Dumbest post you've ever made.
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I do. I think that within the deep state there are different factions vying for power. But in the final analysis, they will cover each others asses.

Ultimately what the deep state wants is power - all actors work to expand government so that their power can expand.

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