The Right Wing had better be right about this "Deep State" stuff.

So you're saying Comey lied to congress?


No, I'm saying you're an idiot and a liar

Shit, your own link quoted Comey saying...

"At the conclusion of that briefing, I remained alone with the President-Elect to brief him on some personally sensitive aspects of the information assembled during the assessment."

... now while rightard cultists will try to spin Comey's words into claiming he said all of the dossier was "salacious and unverified," we see he actually said only "some" of it was. And anyone with a functioning brain, which evidently leaves you out, knows "some" is not "all."


You are such a DESPERATE fucking liar.

"See, the word "is" is true....."


Dumb, lying fuck..

What a pity you can't actually show where I lied. Just saying it only exposes you as an idiot.

Go sit in the corner Fawn, the adults are talking.
Aww, how cute. You really do think of yourself as an "adult," huh?

I think of you as a drooling retard, one who is desperate to appear normal... :dunno:
I see, so you don't really b'lieve in due process, do ya?

"Due Process" requires equal justice under the law, Comrade. When we have an elite that is immune to the laws that govern commoners, there can be no due process,

Don't get me wrong, I support giving Hillary and Obamugabe a trial before their execution. An actual fair trail, where laws apply to them.
You get your "facts" from Lawrence O'donnell and Richard Maddow, huh.
No, I don't. But thanks for letting the forum see just how deranged you are.
Oh yeah, I'm deranged and Trump stole the Presidency from your mommy, huh.
Of course you're deranged. How else can anyone explain why you think the "deep state" put that golden showers nonsense into Steele's dossier?
Okay, where did it come from?
I already told you, I don't know who gave that tidbit to Steele. And neither do you. But thanks for tryin' anyway.

You know exactly where he got it, he bought it from the Kremlin. Using Brennan as a go between.
As I understand it, he's under indictment for his efforts to OBTAIN the information, not disseminating it.

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Charged in 18-Count Superseding Indictment

If that is the case, how is he any different than Rachel Madcow who paid to have Trump's taxes stolen - Oops I mean, who ended up with Trump's taxes magically in her hands?

Equal justice under the law would be such a massive change for this country.

IF she paid to have Trump's taxes stolen, then there's not much difference. Perhaps you can provide evidence she was involved in obtaining the taxes illegally?

We know as a fact that she "magically" ended up with the stolen taxes. (which amounted to nothing.) Where did they come from? Did NBC pay IRS employees to steal them?Was it the DNC that bribed corrupt IRS agents? The Soros/Obama cabal? All we know is that Madcow "obtained" the illegal goods. So how does she differ from Assange?
Part of that process will be deciding if Barr is giving the American people the full story.

But yes, that will be up to the individual.
Oh? and Barr is going to "lie" to the American people to protect a man he barely knows? Nah, you're not a leftist just play one on USMB.
You're certainly free to obediently swallow what you're instructed to swallow.

Me, I don't believe anything that wingers on either end claim, until it is corroborated and verified to my satisfaction.

But if being a sheep is the best you can do, it's the best you can do.
so curious, do you believe the dossier was verified?
Not that I'm aware of.
so if it isn't verified, how was it used to get a FISA Warrant? See, that is the issue that needs investigating. It isn't a right or left thing, it is an american thing, the government should not be allowed to spy on citizens without proper documentation. That's all Barr's doing. right? Why would any american be opposed to that?

Oh, that's simple - Comey, McCabe, and Strzok committed perjury. But that's okay, the law doesn't apply to them.
A "moderate" is like the muslim who hold the victim to get the head cut off. Then says, "I am moderate, I never chopped any head off".
Moderates and independents can think for ourselves, which is why wingers dislike us so much.

We expose wingers for what they are. No WONDER they get angry.

There was a time when there were moderate democrats.

Name one running for president today?
There are a few: Gabbard, Hickenlooper, Klobuchar, Ryan, off the top of my head. Biden actually is one but he's desperately playing to the crowd.

From your perspective, I'm sure these are all radical pinko Alinsky Hitler Stalin Mao Nazi socialist commie commies, but I'm trying to deal with reality.

That you would name Klobuchar as "moderate" destroys any credibility you may have once had.

Biden is just a scumbag, he has no principles at all. He will adopt ANY position if he thinks it will bring him power. Corrupt fucker that he is.

None of it matters though, no one will beat Trump, and you know it.
What concerns me as much as anything on this, is that if (bolded, underlined) this is found to be largely fantasy, it won't matter. The response from the Right will be that the Deep State was able to cover it up, or something like that.

You mean IF the fascist media can distort and bury the facts enough that the lies of the left can be sold to the public.

Our media is less fair and balanced than the state run media of the Third Reich or Stalin's Russia, to be sure. Three of the main criminals who are subjects in this investigation work for the DNC media, Clapper, Brennan, and Ohr. No one is stupid enough to think that the leftist demagogues of the MSM are journalists, they are advocates and propagandists for the radical left.

So, the media is already waging a disinformation campaign to try and cover this up. However, the corrupt fuckers of the NY Times and CNN have some serious problems.

  1. Facts. Because the AG is running this, facts will get out
  2. Breitbart. CNNBCBSABC and the Stalinist NY Times Amazon.Com Post, et al. will black out any coverage of facts that expose the party and openly lie to try and thwart the investigation. But over the last few years sites like Breitbart have become sources of honest, straight news. When the alphabet demagogues were lying about the Obama cages for illegal children, Breitbart pointed out that they had reported on it in 2014 with the others were covering up to protect Obama.
  3. The press are coconspirators. The NY Times, Buzzfeed, and the Amazon.Com Post all played an active role in the attempted coup by receiving both false and embarrassing and running campaigns to damage Trump.
I don't think the media will be about to cover this up. If they could, it wouldn't have gotten this far.

NOW, will the party try to assassinate Barr or Trump? Let's just hope security for both men is VERY high.
The security he daily bashes? Oh yeah security will be very lol lol high

So you think you Communists will be able to murder him? It is probably the ONLY way to keep him from reelection.

BUT if you traitors do that, it's open war.
If that crap was acceptable to The Judge, then The Judge was crooked too.

Abolish FISA.

DemNazis Hate them Some Guantanamo Bay, but Love THE FISA COURT that put those people there.

Explain that one Lib Tards?

There it is. The judge is now crooked too.
And the conspiracy grows.:laugh2:
Well, how else to you explain a FISA Warrant based on Russian Propaganda, that was never verified, and that everyone knew was paid for by The Clinton Obama Political Operations?

Since it's obvious and was proven there was No Russian Collusion, then either The FISA Court is Corrupt, or the People Submitting False Affidavits are Corrupt.

So which is it?

Was it crooked Obama FISA Judges?

Or was it a crooked Obama FBI and DOJ Leadership that was committed Treason?


Someone is going to go to jail from The Obama-Clinton Cabal.

So why don't you get out in front of this, and tell us who you think is going to hang from your favorite political party?

Well, how else to you explain a FISA Warrant based on Russian Propaganda, that was never verified, and that everyone knew was paid for by The Clinton Obama Political Operations?

LOL....that's easy.
Because that shit isn't real.

Don't you ever question why your conspiracy is forced to expand every time you hit a brick wall?

You believe that warrant proves something. What?
What information was gleaned from it and how has it been used agaist Trump?

You keep harping on "spying" but have yet to show how anyone was harmed by it.

There is no Conspiracy when we have facts.

The American People were harmed by it, because it prevented our representative as president and his cabinet from conducting official business.

Furthermore it caused distress to The American Public, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth of The LibTard Left when they found out, Santa Clause wasn't real and wasn't going to be placing a Impeach 45 Present under the tree to save them from the 2020 landslide victory of Donald J. Trump.

Super Majority Bitches!

Get used to hearing that, A LOT!

Go Drink some more Russian Collusion Drunky McDrunkTard.

There was no spying, dope.

It's the suggestion of spying that is harming the country.

Lying fuck.

According to media reports this week, the FBI did indeed “wiretap” the former head of Trump’s campaign, Paul Manafort, both before and after Trump was elected. If Trump officials — or Trump himself — communicated with Manafort during the wiretaps, they would have been recorded, too.

But we’re missing the bigger story.

If these reports are accurate, it means U.S. intelligence agencies secretly surveilled at least a half dozen Trump associates. And those are just the ones we know about.

Besides Manafort, the officials include former Trump advisers Carter Page and Michael Flynn. Last week, we discovered multiple Trump “transition officials” were “incidentally” captured during government surveillance of a foreign official. We know this because former Obama adviser Susan Rice reportedly admitted “unmasking,” or asking to know the identities of, the officials. Spying on U.S. citizens is considered so sensitive, their names are supposed to be hidden or “masked,” even inside the government, to protect their privacy.}

It looks like Obama did spy on Trump, just as he apparently did to me

That Obama spied on Trump in order to influence the 2016 election is established fact, as you well know.
Flynn's offense was very minor and the general had a long history of great service to America. Asking someone to do something isn't "pressure" at all, particularly as the witch hunt against Flynn was continued by the deep state.

You mean Potentate Obamugabe? I agree - better yet, execute the traitor.

No, I'm saying you're an idiot and a liar

Shit, your own link quoted Comey saying...

"At the conclusion of that briefing, I remained alone with the President-Elect to brief him on some personally sensitive aspects of the information assembled during the assessment."

... now while rightard cultists will try to spin Comey's words into claiming he said all of the dossier was "salacious and unverified," we see he actually said only "some" of it was. And anyone with a functioning brain, which evidently leaves you out, knows "some" is not "all."


You are such a DESPERATE fucking liar.

"See, the word "is" is true....."


Dumb, lying fuck..

What a pity you can't actually show where I lied. Just saying it only exposes you as an idiot.

Go sit in the corner Fawn, the adults are talking.
Aww, how cute. You really do think of yourself as an "adult," huh?

I think of you as a drooling retard, one who is desperate to appear normal... :dunno:
Everything after, "I think," is made up bullshit because you're incapable of thinking, Fruitcake.
There it is. The judge is now crooked too.
And the conspiracy grows.:laugh2:
Well, how else to you explain a FISA Warrant based on Russian Propaganda, that was never verified, and that everyone knew was paid for by The Clinton Obama Political Operations?

Since it's obvious and was proven there was No Russian Collusion, then either The FISA Court is Corrupt, or the People Submitting False Affidavits are Corrupt.

So which is it?

Was it crooked Obama FISA Judges?

Or was it a crooked Obama FBI and DOJ Leadership that was committed Treason?


Someone is going to go to jail from The Obama-Clinton Cabal.

So why don't you get out in front of this, and tell us who you think is going to hang from your favorite political party?

Well, how else to you explain a FISA Warrant based on Russian Propaganda, that was never verified, and that everyone knew was paid for by The Clinton Obama Political Operations?

LOL....that's easy.
Because that shit isn't real.

Don't you ever question why your conspiracy is forced to expand every time you hit a brick wall?

You believe that warrant proves something. What?
What information was gleaned from it and how has it been used agaist Trump?

You keep harping on "spying" but have yet to show how anyone was harmed by it.

There is no Conspiracy when we have facts.

The American People were harmed by it, because it prevented our representative as president and his cabinet from conducting official business.

Furthermore it caused distress to The American Public, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth of The LibTard Left when they found out, Santa Clause wasn't real and wasn't going to be placing a Impeach 45 Present under the tree to save them from the 2020 landslide victory of Donald J. Trump.

Super Majority Bitches!

Get used to hearing that, A LOT!

Go Drink some more Russian Collusion Drunky McDrunkTard.

There was no spying, dope.

It's the suggestion of spying that is harming the country.

Lying fuck.

According to media reports this week, the FBI did indeed “wiretap” the former head of Trump’s campaign, Paul Manafort, both before and after Trump was elected. If Trump officials — or Trump himself — communicated with Manafort during the wiretaps, they would have been recorded, too.

But we’re missing the bigger story.

If these reports are accurate, it means U.S. intelligence agencies secretly surveilled at least a half dozen Trump associates. And those are just the ones we know about.

Besides Manafort, the officials include former Trump advisers Carter Page and Michael Flynn. Last week, we discovered multiple Trump “transition officials” were “incidentally” captured during government surveillance of a foreign official. We know this because former Obama adviser Susan Rice reportedly admitted “unmasking,” or asking to know the identities of, the officials. Spying on U.S. citizens is considered so sensitive, their names are supposed to be hidden or “masked,” even inside the government, to protect their privacy.}

It looks like Obama did spy on Trump, just as he apparently did to me

That Obama spied on Trump in order to influence the 2016 election is established fact, as you well know.
Stop lying. Manafort was never wiretapped while he was with the Trump campaign. :cuckoo:
No, I don't. But thanks for letting the forum see just how deranged you are.
Oh yeah, I'm deranged and Trump stole the Presidency from your mommy, huh.
Of course you're deranged. How else can anyone explain why you think the "deep state" put that golden showers nonsense into Steele's dossier?
Okay, where did it come from?
I already told you, I don't know who gave that tidbit to Steele. And neither do you. But thanks for tryin' anyway.

You know exactly where he got it, he bought it from the Kremlin. Using Brennan as a go between.
You have no fucking idea where he got it from. Why do you insist on showing the forum all the time how senile you are?
Logic can predict the future correctly ...It's now over for the deep state crooks and globalists. world wide...

Because Barr is so certain the military now will react for trump if he has to call out the military


One of the ironies today is that people are saying it is President Trump who is shredding our institutions. I really see no evidence of that. From my perspective, the idea of 'resisting' a Democratically elected president and basically throwing everything at him, and really changing the norms on the grounds that we have to stop this president. That's where the shredding of our norms and institutions is occurring," Barr said.
A "moderate" is like the muslim who hold the victim to get the head cut off. Then says, "I am moderate, I never chopped any head off".
Moderates and independents can think for ourselves, which is why wingers dislike us so much.

We expose wingers for what they are. No WONDER they get angry.

There was a time when there were moderate democrats.

Name one running for president today?
There are a few: Gabbard, Hickenlooper, Klobuchar, Ryan, off the top of my head. Biden actually is one but he's desperately playing to the crowd.

From your perspective, I'm sure these are all radical pinko Alinsky Hitler Stalin Mao Nazi socialist commie commies, but I'm trying to deal with reality.

That you would name Klobuchar as "moderate" destroys any credibility you may have once had.

Biden is just a scumbag, he has no principles at all. He will adopt ANY position if he thinks it will bring him power. Corrupt fucker that he is.

None of it matters though, no one will beat Trump, and you know it.
Okay, thanks, dittos!
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You're evading the fact that the FBI conducted espionage on the Trump campaign by using an anal retentive definition of "wiretap." No one is fooled.

You're evading the fact that the FBI conducted espionage on the Trump campaign by using an anal retentive definition of "wiretap." No one is fooled

The fact is court ordered surveillance was conducted on a subject that was no longer a member of the campaign, dope.
spying on a citizen. terrible and not what you should want from your government. just saying, the dossier was never verified, therefore, any warrant was illegally gotten.
Court ordered surveillance. Properly adjudicated.
Obviously then the warrant was not " illegally gotten".
based on a bogus unverified document, makes it illegal. and those who presented it in trouble.
You don't know what it was "based on", dope.
What you do know is that it was approved. Four separate times.
Approval means the supporting documentation was obviously acceptable to the judge.
Well I do know what the warrants were based on, folks testified about that
They absolutely meet the definition of a crime and absolutely intent can be proven.
Mueller disagreed,. and offered no declaration, designation - indeed, evidence - of a corrupt intent.

This right there is proof positive that Barr has failed you in his summary of the Mueller report.

Mueller DID NOT disagree that Trump has provably commited Obstruction.

What Mueller said was that according to DOJ policy he could not indict a sitting president and was therefore declining to make a prosecuratorial descision. Instead, he simply laid out the facts of the case based on which the Congress can hold a president accountable for abuses of his office.
Mueller found no collusion.
Obstruction was pure speculation.
First you need a crime, then you need an illegal act.
None of this was satisfied.

You wrong again - Mueller specifically talks about Obstruction of Justice as a crime of it's own, commited at times over non-criminal underlying matters.

For example in Clinton's case there was no underlying crime - the sex was legal.
Not without intent
So so repeating the findings in the report is is Trumpian-dog-whistling?
Apparently you're hearing voices or fake dog-whistles.
The facts are the facts.
Barr stated the facts.
He didn't editorialize, or add to it the way Democrats wanted.
He simply stated the findings,......and then stated that it appears that the Obama administration spied on Trump.
Sorry if that pisses you off.

???? Where the fuck do you see "government was spying on the Trump campaign" in the report?

Where the hell do you see Trump being cleared of Obstruction in the report?

Barr did not state facts. He lied and mislead the American public.

Mueller even went so far as to send him a letter of concern - a document he knew will be a historic rebuke of Barr's handling of the report.

You can't release transcripts of private Conversations between The President and The Leaders of Mexico, Australia, and Thailand without Government Spying on The President.

Also The Illegal Unmasking is also proof of The Government Spying on The Trump Campaign.

Remember Obama Bin Sucking Deek spied on Merkel?
or did you forget he spied on Journalists too?

Obama Bin Spying was a Stone Cold Criminal.

Worst President in US History.

Dumbfuck, those transcripts were released by the White House. Are you claiming trump was spying on himself??
Yeah, sure, uh-huh..... the WH was spying on Trump, not Obama holdovers.

You got it wrong........ Trump was spying on Hillary Clinton. That is why Trump released classified transcripts of Clinton's private conversations with world leaders.
All you have to do is prove that. Mueller couldn’t after two years. Who funded your witch-hunt?
Mueller found no collusion.
Obstruction was pure speculation.
First you need a crime, then you need an illegal act.
None of this was satisfied.

You wrong again - Mueller specifically talks about Obstruction of Justice as a crime of it's own, commited at times over non-criminal underlying matters.

For example in Clinton's case there was no underlying crime - the sex was legal.

And lying under oath is a crime called perjury.

Thats a right, even though there was no underlying crime, the perjury was still chargable. And by the way, perjury is just a veriety of Obstruction.

perjury WAS the underlying crime, moron. Clinton's deposition was not a result of a criminal act, it was part of a civil suit brought by Paula Jones for harassment.

No dummy, the lying was about sex - the underlying matter.
So you agree he lied?
So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.

But we already know that we are right about some of it. We already have statements by people in the FBI planning on preventing Trump from being president. The Washington Post reported on it.

The only question is, how deep did it go. Was it just those few active players, or was it deeper in the agencies.

It might have been just those few people.

But either way, the question of is people in the agencies were actively against Trump.... is a given. It's a conclusively documented fact.
a few emails between FBI lovers about how like most of the country at the time they thought Trump was a joke and a fool, means nothing, dumbass doop, just like all the other emails nobody gave a s*** about until the Russians hacked them and fox went on forever about them- pure innuendo and misinformation.
The Russians hacked what? Got any evidence?

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