The Right Wing had better be right about this "Deep State" stuff.

Oh yeah, I'm deranged and Trump stole the Presidency from your mommy, huh.
Of course you're deranged. How else can anyone explain why you think the "deep state" put that golden showers nonsense into Steele's dossier?
Okay, where did it come from?
I already told you, I don't know who gave that tidbit to Steele. And neither do you. But thanks for tryin' anyway.

You know exactly where he got it, he bought it from the Kremlin. Using Brennan as a go between.
You have no fucking idea where he got it from. Why do you insist on showing the forum all the time how senile you are?

You dumb, dumb little fuck - do you REALLY think you can lie reality out of existence? REALLY?

Here's the thing you fucking lying sack of shit, there is no and never was a "pee tape."

James Comey used the threat of such as an attempt to blackmail the President. The effect of which was the termination of Comey. This means two things, Comey thought the information from the Russian dossier was true and that he could use to to extort the president, AND that the President found the whole thing so absurd he didn't even consider it.

Now WHY would Comey, a sleazy little maggot from years back risk everything on a bit of information from a Russian produced hit job that was initially intended to influence the election believe that any of it was true? Well, because John Brennan told him it was. WHO put the reference to the pee tape in the dossier? Traitor and KGB operative John Brennan, based on his Comrades in Moscow, his old KGB handlers.

Sergei Millian was the source, but Brennan slipped it in, and Potentate Obamugabe used KGB John to try and insert Millian into the Trump campaign to sabotage it.

Source of "Pee Tape" Allegation Tried to Infiltrate the Trump Campaign in 2016

See, you lying pile of shit traitor, we actually DO have the facts of what went down - the only question is whether laws will be enforced against deep state traitors or if normals will have to take second amendment steps to press the idea of equal justice under the law.
27 May 2015 After Indicting 14 Soccer Officials, U.S. Vows to End Graft in FIFA
'....The four-year FBI investigation grew out of an unrelated inquiry into aspects of Russian organized crime by the Eurasian Joint Organized Crime Task Force in the FBI's New York office, according to people with knowledge of the case's origins.'

Foul Play: How Brit Spy Behind Donald Trump 'Dirty Dossier' Took Down FIFA Boss Sepp Blatter After Being Hired by FA to Probe Russia World Cup Hosting Scandal

Berezovsky and Bush's Brother in the Crowd at the Emirates
Berezovsky and Bush at the Emirates

Sepp Blatter
Sepp Blatter - Wikipedia
' Blatter with Barack Obama....'
On the Tracks of the Origins

Misleading propaganda. What the FBI was interested in is actually quite related, Einstein: athletics.

'The big gangster turf wars of the early 1990s might have been over, but assassinations still played an important part in Russian society. In 1996, Americans learned the role of organized crime in Russia's once proud sports establishment; Aleksander Mogilny and several other Russian hockey stars playing for the NHL turned to the FBI to help them deal with Russian gangsters who had followed them to North America and were trying to extort money from them. Hockey was one of the few profitable areas of Russian sport. Dozens of Russia's best players had left their impoverished country to sign multimillion-dollar contracts with NHL teams. Apart from the individual contracts, the teams paid the Russian Hockey Federation a total of nearly $10 million for the right to sign up the players. This easy source of money did not escape the attention of the gangsters. In April 1997, Valentin Sych, the venerable president of the Russian Hockey Federation, was killed by machine-gun fire as he was driving along a country road with his wife.'
(Klebnikov P, Krestnyi otets Kremlia [Godfather of the Kremlin])
As I understand it, he's under indictment for his efforts to OBTAIN the information, not disseminating it.

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Charged in 18-Count Superseding Indictment

If that is the case, how is he any different than Rachel Madcow who paid to have Trump's taxes stolen - Oops I mean, who ended up with Trump's taxes magically in her hands?

Equal justice under the law would be such a massive change for this country.

IF she paid to have Trump's taxes stolen, then there's not much difference. Perhaps you can provide evidence she was involved in obtaining the taxes illegally?

We know as a fact that she "magically" ended up with the stolen taxes. (which amounted to nothing.) Where did they come from? Did NBC pay IRS employees to steal them?Was it the DNC that bribed corrupt IRS agents? The Soros/Obama cabal? All we know is that Madcow "obtained" the illegal goods. So how does she differ from Assange?

Assange allegedly was involved in the hacking itself.
As I understand it, he's under indictment for his efforts to OBTAIN the information, not disseminating it.

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Charged in 18-Count Superseding Indictment

If that is the case, how is he any different than Rachel Madcow who paid to have Trump's taxes stolen - Oops I mean, who ended up with Trump's taxes magically in her hands?

Equal justice under the law would be such a massive change for this country.

IF she paid to have Trump's taxes stolen, then there's not much difference. Perhaps you can provide evidence she was involved in obtaining the taxes illegally?

We know as a fact that she "magically" ended up with the stolen taxes. (which amounted to nothing.) Where did they come from? Did NBC pay IRS employees to steal them?Was it the DNC that bribed corrupt IRS agents? The Soros/Obama cabal? All we know is that Madcow "obtained" the illegal goods. So how does she differ from Assange?

Assange allegedly was involved in the hacking itself.

Who is making such an allegation? Assange has no particular hacking skills. In fact, I'd bet Madcow is more proficient.
As I understand it, he's under indictment for his efforts to OBTAIN the information, not disseminating it.

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Charged in 18-Count Superseding Indictment

If that is the case, how is he any different than Rachel Madcow who paid to have Trump's taxes stolen - Oops I mean, who ended up with Trump's taxes magically in her hands?

Equal justice under the law would be such a massive change for this country.

IF she paid to have Trump's taxes stolen, then there's not much difference. Perhaps you can provide evidence she was involved in obtaining the taxes illegally?

We know as a fact that she "magically" ended up with the stolen taxes. (which amounted to nothing.) Where did they come from? Did NBC pay IRS employees to steal them?Was it the DNC that bribed corrupt IRS agents? The Soros/Obama cabal? All we know is that Madcow "obtained" the illegal goods. So how does she differ from Assange?

Assange allegedly was involved in the hacking itself.

Who is making such an allegation? Assange has no particular hacking skills. In fact, I'd bet Madcow is more proficient.

Your ignorance is overwhelming. Breaking Down the Hacking Case Against Julian Assange

I don't know if Maddow has a history of hacking, but if you did even basic research into Assange, you'd have read his biography: IF you'd read it, you wouldn't look stupid now.

"Born in 1971 in Townsville, Australia, Julian Assange used his genius IQ to hack into the databases of many high profile organizations."

From another site: "As a teenager, he demonstrated an uncanny aptitude with computers, and, using the hacking nickname “Mendax,” he infiltrated a number of secure systems, including those at NASA and the Pentagon."

Julian Assange | Biography & Facts

Thanks for being a monumental waste of time.
'Charitable organizations were alsop targeted by organized crime. Gangsters were interested in charities' lucrative foreign trade rights. By special government decree, favored charities received permission to import liquor or export oil duty-free. The huge profits made on these operations were supposed to be the government's way of subsidizing worthy social causes. But when an activity produced so much money in impoverished Russia, it was certain to attract the attention of gangsters.

Boris Fyodorov's National Sports Fund was the most famous charity to be caught up in a gangster turf war. In September, 1995, the chairman of the Moscow Society for the Deaf, Igor Abramov, was killed by gunmen in Moscow. A year later, the president of the All-Russian Society for the Deaf, Valery Kolrablinovm was also gunned down. The heavily subsidized Russian Foundation for the Invalids of the Afghanistan War was subjected to an even more horrendous assault. In November, 1996, a group of Afghanistan Foundation members gathered in the Kotylyakovsky Cemetery for a memorial service in honor of their late chairman, Mikhail Lokhodei, who had been killed by a remote-controlled bomb two years earlier. Someone had hidden a powerful remote-controlled bomb in a neighboring tomb. The explosion was devastating: thirteen mourners were killed and dozens injured. Police had to retrieve some of the body parts from the tops of surrounding trees. None of this dampened the spirits of Moscow's wealthy elite. The "New Russians," as they were called, had their own social circuit in the capital....The Swiss Alps or the Mediterranean coast --these were the places to have fun.
Berezovsky moved fast. In early April he arranged to have Tanya Dyachenko initiated into some of the seamier undersides of power politics in the Kremlin. He uncovered for her the secrets of the National Sports (NSF). The NSF had been founded in 1992 by Yeltsin's tennis coach, Shamil Tarpishchev. Tarpishchev exuded the same openhearted comaraderie that made Korzhakov so enduring....Like the analogous foundation created by the late gangster-philanthropist, Otarik, the NSF was supposed to collect money for the ruined Russian athletics apparatus.
In late 1994, Berezovsky chose Boris Fyodorov as one of the founding shareholders of his TV network, ORT....NSF's highly profitable operations aroused jealousy. In March, 1995, the same mont that ORT general director, Vlad Listyev was murdered, Lev Gavrilin, the head of foreign economic relations for the NSF, was killed by an unidentified gunman. Fydorov, according to Colonel Streletsky, had embezzled $300 million of NSF funds. In Russia, such large-scale theft almost always involved gangland violence.'
(Klebnikov, op cit, pp. 251-2)
How close is Oleg Kalugin DNA to Mikhail Kalugin DNA? Recalling that CIA's Angleton links to Kalugin because both were counterintelligence.

Steele dossier, p. 23: "Russia had hastily withdrawn from Washington their diplomat Mikhail Kalugin (misspelled Kulagin) whose prominent role in the interference operation should remain hidden."

'In the fall of 1990, I met Oleg Kalugin, a major general of the KGB and former head of the agency's foreign counterintelligence division.....Nine years later, when Kalugin and I met in Washington, D.C., where the former spymaster was living comfortably in exile, he revealed the true role of the KGB in the birth of "democratic" Russia.'
(Klebnikov, p. 57)

On page 56, Klebnikov makes a Cyprus connection, which goes into our existing file for the Downer/Steele Cyprus connection.

'In the 1980s, the KGB set up many fake banks and commercial enterprises offshore, especially in Greece, Cyprus, Italy and Portugal.'
(Klebnikov, p. 56)
Of course you're deranged. How else can anyone explain why you think the "deep state" put that golden showers nonsense into Steele's dossier?
Okay, where did it come from?
I already told you, I don't know who gave that tidbit to Steele. And neither do you. But thanks for tryin' anyway.

You know exactly where he got it, he bought it from the Kremlin. Using Brennan as a go between.
You have no fucking idea where he got it from. Why do you insist on showing the forum all the time how senile you are?

You dumb, dumb little fuck - do you REALLY think you can lie reality out of existence? REALLY?

Here's the thing you fucking lying sack of shit, there is no and never was a "pee tape."

James Comey used the threat of such as an attempt to blackmail the President. The effect of which was the termination of Comey. This means two things, Comey thought the information from the Russian dossier was true and that he could use to to extort the president, AND that the President found the whole thing so absurd he didn't even consider it.

Now WHY would Comey, a sleazy little maggot from years back risk everything on a bit of information from a Russian produced hit job that was initially intended to influence the election believe that any of it was true? Well, because John Brennan told him it was. WHO put the reference to the pee tape in the dossier? Traitor and KGB operative John Brennan, based on his Comrades in Moscow, his old KGB handlers.

Sergei Millian was the source, but Brennan slipped it in, and Potentate Obamugabe used KGB John to try and insert Millian into the Trump campaign to sabotage it.

Source of "Pee Tape" Allegation Tried to Infiltrate the Trump Campaign in 2016

See, you lying pile of shit traitor, we actually DO have the facts of what went down - the only question is whether laws will be enforced against deep state traitors or if normals will have to take second amendment steps to press the idea of equal justice under the law.
I never said there was a "pee tape." As always, you prove to be completely fucking deranged. :cuckoo:
If that is the case, how is he any different than Rachel Madcow who paid to have Trump's taxes stolen - Oops I mean, who ended up with Trump's taxes magically in her hands?

Equal justice under the law would be such a massive change for this country.

IF she paid to have Trump's taxes stolen, then there's not much difference. Perhaps you can provide evidence she was involved in obtaining the taxes illegally?

We know as a fact that she "magically" ended up with the stolen taxes. (which amounted to nothing.) Where did they come from? Did NBC pay IRS employees to steal them?Was it the DNC that bribed corrupt IRS agents? The Soros/Obama cabal? All we know is that Madcow "obtained" the illegal goods. So how does she differ from Assange?

Assange allegedly was involved in the hacking itself.

Who is making such an allegation? Assange has no particular hacking skills. In fact, I'd bet Madcow is more proficient.

Your ignorance is overwhelming. Breaking Down the Hacking Case Against Julian Assange

I don't know if Maddow has a history of hacking, but if you did even basic research into Assange, you'd have read his biography: IF you'd read it, you wouldn't look stupid now.

"Born in 1971 in Townsville, Australia, Julian Assange used his genius IQ to hack into the databases of many high profile organizations."

From another site: "As a teenager, he demonstrated an uncanny aptitude with computers, and, using the hacking nickname “Mendax,” he infiltrated a number of secure systems, including those at NASA and the Pentagon."

Julian Assange | Biography & Facts

Thanks for being a monumental waste of time.
Assange never hacked, there is no evidence of that. he printed hacked material or material from a secondary source, but he was nothing more than the NY Times.
31 May 2019 DoJ Refuses Court Order to Release Flynn Transcript
DoJ refuses court order to release Flynn transcript

Steele dossier, p. 5/35 Kapsersky Labs also paid former U.S. National Security Advisor Michael Flynn for a 2015 speech.

Eugene Kaspersky graduated from The Technical Facility of the KGB Higher School in 1987. CIA's Angleton died 11 May 1987. Klebnikov was Forbes.

23 Jul 2012 Russia's Top Cyber Sleuth Foils U.S. Spies, Helps Kremlin Pals
Russia’s Top Cyber Sleuth Foils US Spies, Helps Kremlin Pals
'....Over the past 72 hours, Kaspersky explains, he flew from Mexico to Germany and back to take part in another conference, "Kissinger, McCain, presidents, government ministers" were all there, he says. "I have panel. Left of me, minister of defense ot Italy. Right of me, former head of CIA. I'm like 'Whoa, colleagues.' "....Between 2009 and 2010, according to Forbes, retail sales of Kaspersky antivirus software increased 177 percent....It was subsequently revealed in May of this year, Kaspersky's elite antihackers exposed a second weaponized computer program, which they dubbed Flame. It was subsequently revealed to be another U.S.-Israeli operation aimed at Iran. In other words, Kaspersky Labs isn't just an antivirus company, it's also a leader in uncovering cyber-espionage.'
IF she paid to have Trump's taxes stolen, then there's not much difference. Perhaps you can provide evidence she was involved in obtaining the taxes illegally?

We know as a fact that she "magically" ended up with the stolen taxes. (which amounted to nothing.) Where did they come from? Did NBC pay IRS employees to steal them?Was it the DNC that bribed corrupt IRS agents? The Soros/Obama cabal? All we know is that Madcow "obtained" the illegal goods. So how does she differ from Assange?

Assange allegedly was involved in the hacking itself.

Who is making such an allegation? Assange has no particular hacking skills. In fact, I'd bet Madcow is more proficient.

Your ignorance is overwhelming. Breaking Down the Hacking Case Against Julian Assange

I don't know if Maddow has a history of hacking, but if you did even basic research into Assange, you'd have read his biography: IF you'd read it, you wouldn't look stupid now.

"Born in 1971 in Townsville, Australia, Julian Assange used his genius IQ to hack into the databases of many high profile organizations."

From another site: "As a teenager, he demonstrated an uncanny aptitude with computers, and, using the hacking nickname “Mendax,” he infiltrated a number of secure systems, including those at NASA and the Pentagon."

Julian Assange | Biography & Facts

Thanks for being a monumental waste of time.
Assange never hacked, there is no evidence of that. he printed hacked material or material from a secondary source, but
he was nothing more than the NY Times.

Well, I'll just have to decide whether to believe you or his biography. And, as far as not hacking the information he helped Bradley Manning obtain, you don't have to convince me. You have to convince the courts that there is no evidence. Let me know how it works out for you and Julian.

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