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The Rise of Intolerant Liberals

daws, is that your purpose here? Bump in and out of threads just attempting to piss people off by your intolerant views based upon your liberalism? Funny.....typical canadian perspective.......fast and loose with facts and intolerant desires....guess what? Canadians should stay out of American politics unless your goal is to create liberal gridlock conversation or chatter.....obviousness precedes your liberal antics....
we know.....we know.....you would love to french kiss Harry Reid and finger-fuck ole Nancy Pelosi.....it's just that liberal brain disorder your suffering from......don't worry.....nothing that Trump can't fix for 'ya.....
Obama The first president who had to produce his birth certificate. The first president who was heckled while delivering his State of the Union.

Wrong! President George Bush is heckled and booed by Democrats in 2005 after he claims Social Security will be "exhausted and bankrupt" by 2042.

I'm surprised Wry Catcher didn't catch and rebuke Tyrone for this lie.
False comparison!
Bush was never heckled during any of his speeches
How fucking desperate!

That's a lie, anti war protesters heckled Bush numerous times and the dems booed him during the 2005 SOFTU

He was heckled but I won't argue with stupid. Dems are dishonest.
Booing is not the same as calling the president a liar.
Saying that it is dishonest.
Dude, you have to learn how to articulate a bit more or check your posts so they're legible and understandable. Jesus Fucking Christ....or learn how to type correct phrases and sentence structures FFS!
That's exactly how liberals behave when one has a superior thought process.....they either split, kicking the wind and cursing in canadian or run to the mods.....he called me names....ahagagahahgagag
fucking cry baby......grow a pair of balls you weak fuck!
He sure did. That's why conservatives are more charitable than liberals. Fact.

I've seen this ^^^ meme posted before. Not all no profit 501c3 organizations are equal, giving to the Heritage Foundation vis a vis St. Jude's Hospital is one example of why this dog won't hunt

So people who contribute their own resources to charitable causes aren't qualified to judge where their donations will do the most good, and that is why we need government instead to just take from everyone and redistribute what is taken to where liberals think it should go? I guess that would make perfect sense to a wrong-winger.

A stupid and ignorant response.
A stupid and ignorant response.

Only from the point of view that holds that Big Government is more qualified to decide what to do with your money than you are to decide what to do with it.

In your case, perhaps that assumption is correct, but for most of the rest of us, it is most certainly not.
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He sure did. That's why conservatives are more charitable than liberals. Fact.

I've seen this ^^^ meme posted before. Not all no profit 501c3 organizations are equal, giving to the Heritage Foundation vis a vis St. Jude's Hospital is one example of why this dog won't hunt

So people who contribute their own resources to charitable causes aren't qualified to judge where their donations will do the most good, and that is why we need government instead to just take from everyone and redistribute what is taken to where liberals think it should go? I guess that would make perfect sense to a wrong-winger.

A stupid and ignorant response.
And why is it a stupid and ignorant response? Care to elaborate?
Why are you explaining where the word "Jew" came from? I know where it originated, but that doesn't exclude others who are not direct descendants of Judah or Benjamin. The fact is that anyone descending from Abraham who believes in the God of Abraham can be called a Jew, as are many who live in Israel and elsewhere and do not practice the Jewish religion.

The point being that your comment saying that "Jews only represent those Israelites whose forefathers were Judah and Benjamin" is not true..

Who is a Jew?" (Hebrew: מיהו יהודי‎ pronounced [ˈmihu jehuˈdi]) is a basic question about Jewish identity and considerations of Jewish self-identification. The question is based in ideas about Jewish personhood which have cultural, religious, political, genealogical, and personal dimensions. The definition of who is a Jew varies according to whether it is being considered by Jews based on normative religious statutes or self-identification, or by non-Jews for other reasons. Because Jewish identity can include characteristics of an ethnicity,[1] a religion,[2] or conversion, the definition depends on many aspects that must be considered.[3]

According to the simplest definition used by Jews for self-identification, a person is a Jew by birth, or becomes one through religious conversion. However, there are differences of opinion among the various branches of Judaism in the application of this definition, including:

Who is a Jew? - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, even your free encyclopedia makes no exact determination as to who exactly is a Jew. Even the Israelites can't make up their minds as to who constitutes a Jew. Many people in America embrace Islam but they are not Muslims themselves.

So is that your way of saying you were wrong to make a claim that Jews can only come from Judah and Benjamin? Because your responses seem to go off in another direction and don't seem to address the point at hand.

No. That is my belief. Not only is it my belief but the belief of many other Christians. We fully grasp the fact that there remains many folks who don't realize they are descended from one or more of the lost tribes of Israel. These people were taken captive and dispersed. They cover the nations of the world. They are likened to the stars in the sky and the sand of the seashore.

But that is an erroneous belief. There is no Bible verse that claims that to be called a Jew you must be a descendant of Judah or Benjamin. That may have been where the term originated, but now, Jews don't necessarily have to come from Judah or Benjamin as you claim.

The following wiki data shows that many call themselves Jews that are not direct descendants of Judah or Benjamin....but rather of Joseph (Tribe of Israel) and his sons...so, I don't think your claim is correct. And then, there is Ruth, the Moabite, who converted to Judaism.

The Tribe of Joseph was one of the Tribes of Israel. Since Ephraim and Manasseh (often called the "two half-tribes of Joseph") together traditionally constituted the tribe of Joseph, it was often not listed as one of the tribes, in favour of Ephraim and Manasseh being listed in its place; consequently it was often termed the House of Joseph.

According to the Torah, the tribe consisted of descendants of Joseph, a son of Jacob and Rachel,

and many Persian Jews claim to be descendants of Ephraim.

Many Samaritans claim descent from the grandchildren of Joseph under four main septs, his grandsons Danfi, Tsedakah, Mafraj and Sarawi [1] In northeast India, the Mizo Jews claim descent from Manasseh,

Tribe of Joseph - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Again. I asked you what YOU define as being a Jew. You cannot tell anyone what you believe? That free encyclopedia itself admits that there are many different takes on the issue. I have freely stated what my own view is but it appears that YOU are afraid to do so. LOL!!

Are you unable to read? I've provided you with plenty of material that indicates, at least, that many call themselves Jews that are not descendants of Judah or Benjamin. Like I said before, there are many Jews that are Jewish in nationality but may not practice Judaism.

If you are trying to claim that only those that descended from Judah and Benjamin are the only ones that can "truly" call themselves God's chosen, that is another matter, and in that case, you don't have any scripture to back you up, that says only those descended from Judah and Benjamin are His chosen either, so it doesn't matter what you believe.

I don't have to identify those that are God's chosen, because I don't think God needs my help in identifying them, but apparently you feel superior and privy to God's knowledge of who indeed is still part of the "chosen"....LOL! So, either give a Scripture to back up your belief, or admit that it is a figment of your imagination.
Good. Finally. Now what about the people who simply don't know? What about the dispersal? Ever hear of the Lost Tribes of Israel? Even Christ spoke of them.

What does it matter? The fact that they call themselves Jews, and are considered Jews is what is being discussed here....not who you think is a "true" Jew by your perceived definition.
Good. Finally. Now what about the people who simply don't know? What about the dispersal? Ever hear of the Lost Tribes of Israel? Even Christ spoke of them.

What does it matter? The fact that they call themselves Jews, and are considered Jews is what is being discussed here....not who you think is a "true" Jew by your perceived definition.


Jewish Facts From Portland: How Jews Came From Tribe of Judah, Benjamin and Levi
cons far out give to charity. Libs only care about themselves.

That's why they want government to take care of the poor, it relieves them of guilt. If we relied on them, the poor would go hungry.
If the poor would get off their couches and get to work, they wouldn't be hungry.

That is the sad excuse that Republicans give, that the poor are just lazy and don't want to work. And, then, they call themselves Christian.

Jesus, on the poor:
Mark 14:7
"For you always have the poor with you, and whenever you wish you can do good to them; but you do not always have Me.

The fact of the matter, which most conservatives are ignorant about, is that studies have been done, and what you and other conservatives claim is so far from the truth that there must be another reason for your reluctance to have welfare, something called "greediness".

But the paper shouldn’t be taken at face value because the authors’ abundant caveats show that their study measures neither the reality of poverty in America, nor that of the public programs designed to fight it.

Tanner and Hughes acknowledge that “surveys of welfare recipients consistently show their desire for a job.” They acknowledge that a significant share of those receiving public benefits are working – Walmart employees, for example, famouslyrely on public assistance to get by, meaning that taxpayers effectively subsidize the Walton family’s vast fortunes. And they note that programs like TANF are time-limited – to a maximum of 60 months except in most cases.

They also acknowledge the central flaw in their conclusion: in real life the “typical” family in their study doesn’t come close to receiving the maximum benefit from every single program for which they’re eligible. But here the authors’ caveat doesn’t go far enough. Due largely to the fact that eligibility requirements have already become harder to overcome, these programs are helping fewer poor families get by. In 2009, around three out of four poor families with kids weren’t getting any TANF benefits. At the height of the economic crash, about 25 percent of those eligible for food stamps weren’t receiving them; during better times, that number hovers around 40 percent. And as the CATO study concedes, six out of seven poor families aren’t getting housing assistance.

Think Tank Report Says Poor Americans Have It Too Good | BillMoyers.com
Good. Finally. Now what about the people who simply don't know? What about the dispersal? Ever hear of the Lost Tribes of Israel? Even Christ spoke of them.

What does it matter? The fact that they call themselves Jews, and are considered Jews is what is being discussed here....not who you think is a "true" Jew by your perceived definition.


Jewish Facts From Portland: How Jews Came From Tribe of Judah, Benjamin and Levi
Good. Finally. Now what about the people who simply don't know? What about the dispersal? Ever hear of the Lost Tribes of Israel? Even Christ spoke of them.

What does it matter? The fact that they call themselves Jews, and are considered Jews is what is being discussed here....not who you think is a "true" Jew by your perceived definition.


Jewish Facts From Portland: How Jews Came From Tribe of Judah, Benjamin and Levi

You keep missing the point. You keep giving me information on how the word "Jew" came about, and who the true "Jews" were based on the fact that the other 10 tribes were dissolved, but that doesn't explain or disregard that today, many call themselves "Jews" and are classified as "Jews" that are not descendants of Judah or Benjamin. The United States census doesn't check to make sure they are descendants of Judah, Benjamin or Levi, and they are still considered Jews. That you claim they are not "true" Jews is of no consequence in this argument here.
The government is the only source that is equipped to handle the distribution of food/money etc., to the poor and handicapped because the government is the only one that has the resources to verify who the real needy are and who are the moochers. Church charities just take people's word that they are needy and have no way of verifying it, and they don't have enough to properly keep people viable....so it isn't reliable. But giving is giving, it shouldn't matter who applies it, and when you complain that you don't like the government doing it, it is just a way of expressing that you are forced to do it and you don't really want to.

Your claim that you want other than the government to do it basically because that way you wouldn't have to give if you didn't want to....a very small percentage of the members in churches provide 90% of the offerings, so don't tell me that Republican Christians are going to take care of all the needs.

I give with my heart, you give because you are forced. More liberal intolerance spin.

Sure you do.....and you also believe in Unicorns.

No I don't why do you belittle those who have differing opinions than yours.

Oh, it's okay for you to get snarky, but when I do it, it offends you? That's also called hypocrisy.

So it is okay for you to get "snarky", but when I do it, it offends you? That's also called hypocrisy.

Bwahahaha.....you're obviously not too bright....I'm not the one whining about "snarkiness" here.

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