the Roberts/Obama tax cost me $1300

he didn't cost himself $1300, the MAXIMUM PENALTY was $975 for 2015, for all adults in family plus all kids, $975 was the Max.

Oh........... that makes it so much better.
It makes it truthful, instead of a LIE...and it is 33% less than what he claimed...that should count for something!!! Also makes one wonder why he felt he needed to lie, and what else is a lie, in what he said....?

That's one way of looking at it. The more truthful way of looking at it is if we were never stupid enough to trust Democrat leadership, everything would still be normal today and people wouldn't be losing any of their hard earned money to Big Brother.
6 years later and the knocks on the ACA are still fraught with lies.

The best is when a person who previously had no insurance or shitty insurance whines about high deductibles.

The only time you will ever pay a lot of your deductible is when you or a family member is really sick or injured. In which'll have your economic health saved by having a quality insurance policy.

The reason we even have deductibles is because jackasses don't understand that profits and health care don't go together well.

Read this. Try to learn something.

Japanese Pay Less for More Health Care

One, if people didn't have insurance in the past, it's because they couldn't reasonably afford it, and is probably still the case with the tens of millions that still don't have it.

Two, this law gave employers the opportunity to drop coverage for their employees (which is what happened in my case) and now we have to buy insurance with after-tax money instead of it being a non-taxed benefit the way it was before.

Three, those of us who got cash instead of insurance had huge deductions taken out before it even hit your paycheck. The morons that wrote this law never gave employers the option of just giving you a separate check towards your insurance. All they could do is increase your wages. Before an employer can give you that increase, he has to deduct: matching your SS contributions, matching, your Medicare contributions, the increase in unemployment and workman's compensation insurance, your retirement plan if you have one.........

Then after all those deductions, the employer can pay you what's left towards your insurance, and then that gets taxed. It really ends up being nothing.

Four, Commie Care also increased your medical tax deductions to 10% whether you are using it or not. Even more windfall for Big Brother on top of keeping your income tax refund.

Five, it's an economy killer. Instead of that money going into circulation in our economy, it's now being sent to insurance companies instead. It greatly reduced residual income for those of us that got screwed by the plan. But what the least your french fry maker now has insurance!

Six, never vote Democrat unless you are a lowlife that is going to reap the benefits of their scams. If you work for a living, Democrat leadership is going to cost you one way or another.

You are lying about your employer dropping your insurance.

Oh really? Now you tell me where I'm lying.......... I'll be glad to address it when I get back home from work.
6 years later and the knocks on the ACA are still fraught with lies.

The best is when a person who previously had no insurance or shitty insurance whines about high deductibles.

The only time you will ever pay a lot of your deductible is when you or a family member is really sick or injured. In which'll have your economic health saved by having a quality insurance policy.

The reason we even have deductibles is because jackasses don't understand that profits and health care don't go together well.

Read this. Try to learn something.

Japanese Pay Less for More Health Care

One, if people didn't have insurance in the past, it's because they couldn't reasonably afford it, and is probably still the case with the tens of millions that still don't have it.

Two, this law gave employers the opportunity to drop coverage for their employees (which is what happened in my case) and now we have to buy insurance with after-tax money instead of it being a non-taxed benefit the way it was before.

Three, those of us who got cash instead of insurance had huge deductions taken out before it even hit your paycheck. The morons that wrote this law never gave employers the option of just giving you a separate check towards your insurance. All they could do is increase your wages. Before an employer can give you that increase, he has to deduct: matching your SS contributions, matching, your Medicare contributions, the increase in unemployment and workman's compensation insurance, your retirement plan if you have one.........

Then after all those deductions, the employer can pay you what's left towards your insurance, and then that gets taxed. It really ends up being nothing.

Four, Commie Care also increased your medical tax deductions to 10% whether you are using it or not. Even more windfall for Big Brother on top of keeping your income tax refund.

Five, it's an economy killer. Instead of that money going into circulation in our economy, it's now being sent to insurance companies instead. It greatly reduced residual income for those of us that got screwed by the plan. But what the least your french fry maker now has insurance!

Six, never vote Democrat unless you are a lowlife that is going to reap the benefits of their scams. If you work for a living, Democrat leadership is going to cost you one way or another.

You are lying about your employer dropping your insurance.

Oh really? Now you tell me where I'm lying.......... I'll be glad to address it when I get back home from work.

You lie by omission. Tell the whole story. Tell us what your employer was doing before the ACA was enacted. Tell us how your plan was getting weaker and your portion of the premiums getting higher. Tell us why your employer doesn't value you as an employee.

Do it without lying, please.
he didn't cost himself $1300, the MAXIMUM PENALTY was $975 for 2015, for all adults in family plus all kids, $975 was the Max.

Oh........... that makes it so much better.
It makes it truthful, instead of a LIE...and it is 33% less than what he claimed...that should count for something!!! Also makes one wonder why he felt he needed to lie, and what else is a lie, in what he said....?

That's one way of looking at it. The more truthful way of looking at it is if we were never stupid enough to trust Democrat leadership, everything would still be normal today and people wouldn't be losing any of their hard earned money to Big Brother.
My husband and my health care insurance went up every year for the12 years prior to o-CARE in the double digit percentages...along with with the deductibles getting higher and higher and higher...

People seem to have short memories of what it was like BEFORE was horrible.... I am not saying it is much better now but it was not a pretty picture at all before O-Care....

at least NOW, with the hikes, we are SAVING PEOPLES LIVES....we are paying more to cover those with preexisting conditions and giving coverage to those without insurance....and it is not all going in to the pockets of insurance companies with nothing in return.
Guess being poor has its benefits....NOTHING has changed for me since Obamacare was forced on us.

Glad to hear that, wish I could say the same.

I've had employer provided healthcare all of my life until Commie Care. Now I have to use after-tax money to provide my own. That means I have less buying power, less residual income, less opportunity to put my money into the economy or investments.

Doesn't matter I guess. This was never about all Americans being covered, it was a plot to create more government dependents, and at last count by the White House, they created over 14 million more.
Eh its medicaid. So they got no problem paying for a tooth to be removed but hit the roof if you want PREVENTIVE care like a teeth cleaning BEFORE a tooth needs taken out...hell as it is we are moving from Ga to Tn so going from very little dental coverage via medicaid to NONE. Gonna have to find some spare cash and get dental insurance. Just hope moderate republicans or blue dog democrats get into the legislature and help the poor a little more that or my wife finds a much better job before she becomes an RN.
Move to a blue state and get good Medicaid, dupe.
More non whites,more violent crime because only criminals have guns,more common core,more grown men in women's bathrooms with my 3 thanks. Plus I am a southerner and I love the south...lived outside of it once and would go back there but it was a red state as well...North Carolina actually offers better dental care on medicaid. Just have to get dental insurance. Wife just told me we can get it through her new job.
Guess being poor has its benefits....NOTHING has changed for me since Obamacare was forced on us.

Glad to hear that, wish I could say the same.

I've had employer provided healthcare all of my life until Commie Care. Now I have to use after-tax money to provide my own. That means I have less buying power, less residual income, less opportunity to put my money into the economy or investments.

Doesn't matter I guess. This was never about all Americans being covered, it was a plot to create more government dependents, and at last count by the White House, they created over 14 million more.
Eh its medicaid. So they got no problem paying for a tooth to be removed but hit the roof if you want PREVENTIVE care like a teeth cleaning BEFORE a tooth needs taken out...hell as it is we are moving from Ga to Tn so going from very little dental coverage via medicaid to NONE. Gonna have to find some spare cash and get dental insurance. Just hope moderate republicans or blue dog democrats get into the legislature and help the poor a little more that or my wife finds a much better job before she becomes an RN.
Move to a blue state and get good Medicaid, dupe.
More non whites,more violent crime because only criminals have guns,more common core,more grown men in women's bathrooms with my 3 thanks. Plus I am a southerner and I love the south...lived outside of it once and would go back there but it was a red state as well...North Carolina actually offers better dental care on medicaid. Just have to get dental insurance. Wife just told me we can get it through her new job.
Or you could get your mindless GOP state gov't to cooperate with O-Care and join us in the 21st century. Yeah those criminal LBGT gangs are everywhere. Sorry you can't buy Phoenix gatling/machine guns.
My husband and my health care insurance went up every year for the12 years prior to o-CARE in the double digit percentages...along with with the deductibles getting higher and higher and higher...

People seem to have short memories of what it was like BEFORE O-Care.

you were scammed by the insurance companies.
they were raising prices to anger people into supporting obamacare.
who do you think will charge you more money in the long run?
someone who has to compete, or someone who can charge you what ever they want, and it's enforced by law.
Common sense
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the American government has no authority to force people into buying health insurance or any other products or services from private companies.

the ability to decide if you want insurance is just as important as gun rights or free speech.
the American government has no authority to force people into buying health insurance or any other products or services from private companies.

the ability to decide if you want insurance is just as important as gun rights or free speech.
The SC disagrees lol. No more freeloaders! You need more tin foil, dupe. Insurers have been giving us by far the most expensive health care so we'd be forced into O-Care? Hilarious.
6 years later and the knocks on the ACA are still fraught with lies.

The best is when a person who previously had no insurance or shitty insurance whines about high deductibles.

The only time you will ever pay a lot of your deductible is when you or a family member is really sick or injured. In which'll have your economic health saved by having a quality insurance policy.

The reason we even have deductibles is because jackasses don't understand that profits and health care don't go together well.

Read this. Try to learn something.

Japanese Pay Less for More Health Care

One, if people didn't have insurance in the past, it's because they couldn't reasonably afford it, and is probably still the case with the tens of millions that still don't have it.

Two, this law gave employers the opportunity to drop coverage for their employees (which is what happened in my case) and now we have to buy insurance with after-tax money instead of it being a non-taxed benefit the way it was before.

Three, those of us who got cash instead of insurance had huge deductions taken out before it even hit your paycheck. The morons that wrote this law never gave employers the option of just giving you a separate check towards your insurance. All they could do is increase your wages. Before an employer can give you that increase, he has to deduct: matching your SS contributions, matching, your Medicare contributions, the increase in unemployment and workman's compensation insurance, your retirement plan if you have one.........

Then after all those deductions, the employer can pay you what's left towards your insurance, and then that gets taxed. It really ends up being nothing.

Four, Commie Care also increased your medical tax deductions to 10% whether you are using it or not. Even more windfall for Big Brother on top of keeping your income tax refund.

Five, it's an economy killer. Instead of that money going into circulation in our economy, it's now being sent to insurance companies instead. It greatly reduced residual income for those of us that got screwed by the plan. But what the least your french fry maker now has insurance!

Six, never vote Democrat unless you are a lowlife that is going to reap the benefits of their scams. If you work for a living, Democrat leadership is going to cost you one way or another.

You are lying about your employer dropping your insurance.

Oh really? Now you tell me where I'm lying.......... I'll be glad to address it when I get back home from work.

Don't bother.. it is what he does. Calls everyone a liar and then demands they prove they are not liars.

I can relate to your story... or group costs have risen much more rapidly in the past couple years and the deductibles have skyrocketed far past where they ever were prior to the ACA. FACT.
6 years later and the knocks on the ACA are still fraught with lies.

The best is when a person who previously had no insurance or shitty insurance whines about high deductibles.

The only time you will ever pay a lot of your deductible is when you or a family member is really sick or injured. In which'll have your economic health saved by having a quality insurance policy.

The reason we even have deductibles is because jackasses don't understand that profits and health care don't go together well.

Read this. Try to learn something.

Japanese Pay Less for More Health Care

One, if people didn't have insurance in the past, it's because they couldn't reasonably afford it, and is probably still the case with the tens of millions that still don't have it.

Two, this law gave employers the opportunity to drop coverage for their employees (which is what happened in my case) and now we have to buy insurance with after-tax money instead of it being a non-taxed benefit the way it was before.

Three, those of us who got cash instead of insurance had huge deductions taken out before it even hit your paycheck. The morons that wrote this law never gave employers the option of just giving you a separate check towards your insurance. All they could do is increase your wages. Before an employer can give you that increase, he has to deduct: matching your SS contributions, matching, your Medicare contributions, the increase in unemployment and workman's compensation insurance, your retirement plan if you have one.........

Then after all those deductions, the employer can pay you what's left towards your insurance, and then that gets taxed. It really ends up being nothing.

Four, Commie Care also increased your medical tax deductions to 10% whether you are using it or not. Even more windfall for Big Brother on top of keeping your income tax refund.

Five, it's an economy killer. Instead of that money going into circulation in our economy, it's now being sent to insurance companies instead. It greatly reduced residual income for those of us that got screwed by the plan. But what the least your french fry maker now has insurance!

Six, never vote Democrat unless you are a lowlife that is going to reap the benefits of their scams. If you work for a living, Democrat leadership is going to cost you one way or another.

You are lying about your employer dropping your insurance.

Oh really? Now you tell me where I'm lying.......... I'll be glad to address it when I get back home from work.

Don't bother.. it is what he does. Calls everyone a liar and then demands they prove they are not liars.

I can relate to your story... or group costs have risen much more rapidly in the past couple years and the deductibles have skyrocketed far past where they ever were prior to the ACA. FACT.

Correct, he couldn't point out to one thing I wrote that was a lie. Typical liberal.
the American government has no authority to force people into buying health insurance or any other products or services from private companies.

the ability to decide if you want insurance is just as important as gun rights or free speech.

Ture, but this is what happens when you put Democrats in charge, you are going to lose something, particularly liberty if not money, or likely both.
6 years later and the knocks on the ACA are still fraught with lies.

The best is when a person who previously had no insurance or shitty insurance whines about high deductibles.

The only time you will ever pay a lot of your deductible is when you or a family member is really sick or injured. In which'll have your economic health saved by having a quality insurance policy.

The reason we even have deductibles is because jackasses don't understand that profits and health care don't go together well.

Read this. Try to learn something.

Japanese Pay Less for More Health Care

One, if people didn't have insurance in the past, it's because they couldn't reasonably afford it, and is probably still the case with the tens of millions that still don't have it.

Two, this law gave employers the opportunity to drop coverage for their employees (which is what happened in my case) and now we have to buy insurance with after-tax money instead of it being a non-taxed benefit the way it was before.

Three, those of us who got cash instead of insurance had huge deductions taken out before it even hit your paycheck. The morons that wrote this law never gave employers the option of just giving you a separate check towards your insurance. All they could do is increase your wages. Before an employer can give you that increase, he has to deduct: matching your SS contributions, matching, your Medicare contributions, the increase in unemployment and workman's compensation insurance, your retirement plan if you have one.........

Then after all those deductions, the employer can pay you what's left towards your insurance, and then that gets taxed. It really ends up being nothing.

Four, Commie Care also increased your medical tax deductions to 10% whether you are using it or not. Even more windfall for Big Brother on top of keeping your income tax refund.

Five, it's an economy killer. Instead of that money going into circulation in our economy, it's now being sent to insurance companies instead. It greatly reduced residual income for those of us that got screwed by the plan. But what the least your french fry maker now has insurance!

Six, never vote Democrat unless you are a lowlife that is going to reap the benefits of their scams. If you work for a living, Democrat leadership is going to cost you one way or another.

You are lying about your employer dropping your insurance.

Oh really? Now you tell me where I'm lying.......... I'll be glad to address it when I get back home from work.

Don't bother.. it is what he does. Calls everyone a liar and then demands they prove they are not liars.

I can relate to your story... or group costs have risen much more rapidly in the past couple years and the deductibles have skyrocketed far past where they ever were prior to the ACA. FACT.

Correct, he couldn't point out to one thing I wrote that was a lie. Typical liberal.

I don't call a person a liar unless they are untruthful. There is no way that this guy's employer killed his contribution to his health insurance policy BECAUSE OF THE ACA. That is the excuse. It is not the reason.

Costs have not risen more rapidly in the past couple OF years. That is not a true statement. You might be lying. might just be wrong.
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One, if people didn't have insurance in the past, it's because they couldn't reasonably afford it, and is probably still the case with the tens of millions that still don't have it.

Two, this law gave employers the opportunity to drop coverage for their employees (which is what happened in my case) and now we have to buy insurance with after-tax money instead of it being a non-taxed benefit the way it was before.

Three, those of us who got cash instead of insurance had huge deductions taken out before it even hit your paycheck. The morons that wrote this law never gave employers the option of just giving you a separate check towards your insurance. All they could do is increase your wages. Before an employer can give you that increase, he has to deduct: matching your SS contributions, matching, your Medicare contributions, the increase in unemployment and workman's compensation insurance, your retirement plan if you have one.........

Then after all those deductions, the employer can pay you what's left towards your insurance, and then that gets taxed. It really ends up being nothing.

Four, Commie Care also increased your medical tax deductions to 10% whether you are using it or not. Even more windfall for Big Brother on top of keeping your income tax refund.

Five, it's an economy killer. Instead of that money going into circulation in our economy, it's now being sent to insurance companies instead. It greatly reduced residual income for those of us that got screwed by the plan. But what the least your french fry maker now has insurance!

Six, never vote Democrat unless you are a lowlife that is going to reap the benefits of their scams. If you work for a living, Democrat leadership is going to cost you one way or another.

You are lying about your employer dropping your insurance.

Oh really? Now you tell me where I'm lying.......... I'll be glad to address it when I get back home from work.

Don't bother.. it is what he does. Calls everyone a liar and then demands they prove they are not liars.

I can relate to your story... or group costs have risen much more rapidly in the past couple years and the deductibles have skyrocketed far past where they ever were prior to the ACA. FACT.

Correct, he couldn't point out to one thing I wrote that was a lie. Typical liberal.

I don't call a person a liar unless they are untruthful. There is no way that this guy's employer killed his contribution to his health insurance policy BECAUSE OF THE ACA. That is the excuse. It is nit the reason.

Costs have not risen more rapidly in the past couple OF years. That is not a true statement. You might be lying. might just be wrong.
United HealthCare just announced they are dropping the Unaffordable Health Care Act in many states.
he didn't cost himself $1300, the MAXIMUM PENALTY was $975 for 2015, for all adults in family plus all kids, $975 was the Max.

Oh........... that makes it so much better.
It makes it truthful, instead of a LIE...and it is 33% less than what he claimed...that should count for something!!! Also makes one wonder why he felt he needed to lie, and what else is a lie, in what he said....?

That's one way of looking at it. The more truthful way of looking at it is if we were never stupid enough to trust Democrat leadership, everything would still be normal today and people wouldn't be losing any of their hard earned money to Big Brother.
My husband and my health care insurance went up every year for the12 years prior to o-CARE in the double digit percentages...along with with the deductibles getting higher and higher and higher...

People seem to have short memories of what it was like BEFORE was horrible.... I am not saying it is much better now but it was not a pretty picture at all before O-Care....

at least NOW, with the hikes, we are SAVING PEOPLES LIVES....we are paying more to cover those with preexisting conditions and giving coverage to those without insurance....and it is not all going in to the pockets of insurance companies with nothing in return.

Correct, it's not going in their pockets, that's why Blue Shield is pulling out of Commie Care; they can't operate at a loss. And of course, others are soon to follow.

I've been insured my entire life through my job. I always made sure I took employment with that benefit. Now because of Commie Care, I no longer have my employer healthcare, and millions more are just like me.

My life was so much better before DumBama. Sure, rates increased as they usually do and yes, some have opted for higher deductibles. So what's the difference today? Go to the Commie Care web site and see what they have to offer. Today, Medicare has been robbed, Today, minimum wage workers have insurance at the expense of middle-class workers, today, we have more government dependents than in the history of our country, today, government has more control over your life.
One, if people didn't have insurance in the past, it's because they couldn't reasonably afford it, and is probably still the case with the tens of millions that still don't have it.

Two, this law gave employers the opportunity to drop coverage for their employees (which is what happened in my case) and now we have to buy insurance with after-tax money instead of it being a non-taxed benefit the way it was before.

Three, those of us who got cash instead of insurance had huge deductions taken out before it even hit your paycheck. The morons that wrote this law never gave employers the option of just giving you a separate check towards your insurance. All they could do is increase your wages. Before an employer can give you that increase, he has to deduct: matching your SS contributions, matching, your Medicare contributions, the increase in unemployment and workman's compensation insurance, your retirement plan if you have one.........

Then after all those deductions, the employer can pay you what's left towards your insurance, and then that gets taxed. It really ends up being nothing.

Four, Commie Care also increased your medical tax deductions to 10% whether you are using it or not. Even more windfall for Big Brother on top of keeping your income tax refund.

Five, it's an economy killer. Instead of that money going into circulation in our economy, it's now being sent to insurance companies instead. It greatly reduced residual income for those of us that got screwed by the plan. But what the least your french fry maker now has insurance!

Six, never vote Democrat unless you are a lowlife that is going to reap the benefits of their scams. If you work for a living, Democrat leadership is going to cost you one way or another.

You are lying about your employer dropping your insurance.

Oh really? Now you tell me where I'm lying.......... I'll be glad to address it when I get back home from work.

Don't bother.. it is what he does. Calls everyone a liar and then demands they prove they are not liars.

I can relate to your story... or group costs have risen much more rapidly in the past couple years and the deductibles have skyrocketed far past where they ever were prior to the ACA. FACT.

Correct, he couldn't point out to one thing I wrote that was a lie. Typical liberal.

I don't call a person a liar unless they are untruthful. There is no way that this guy's employer killed his contribution to his health insurance policy BECAUSE OF THE ACA. That is the excuse. It is nit the reason.

Costs have not risen more rapidly in the past couple OF years. That is not a true statement. You might be lying. might just be wrong.

Yes, that's exactly the reason. Employers never cared for dealing with medical insurance, but if they wanted to get or keep good employees, they had to offer it as a benefit because their competitors were doing the same.

Thanks to Commie Care, businesses are dropping their coverage--especially places like mine because we have less than 50 employees and my employer will never have to pay a fine. Thanks to Commie Care, it makes no sense to switch jobs like I did before because there is always a good chance your new employer will do the same as your old one.

DumBama started a cancer we didn't need in this country. Everything was fine until big-ears stuck his Commie nose in our personal business.
obamacare cost me $1300

I should have known it would be $1300, 13 the occult number for bad luck

I had to hire an accountant because I had to pay tax on estate, without an obamacare form I have to pay an additional $1300 on top of what I already owe
You are lying about your employer dropping your insurance.

Oh really? Now you tell me where I'm lying.......... I'll be glad to address it when I get back home from work.

Don't bother.. it is what he does. Calls everyone a liar and then demands they prove they are not liars.

I can relate to your story... or group costs have risen much more rapidly in the past couple years and the deductibles have skyrocketed far past where they ever were prior to the ACA. FACT.

Correct, he couldn't point out to one thing I wrote that was a lie. Typical liberal.

I don't call a person a liar unless they are untruthful. There is no way that this guy's employer killed his contribution to his health insurance policy BECAUSE OF THE ACA. That is the excuse. It is nit the reason.

Costs have not risen more rapidly in the past couple OF years. That is not a true statement. You might be lying. might just be wrong.
United HealthCare just announced they are dropping the Unaffordable Health Care Act in many states.

And........nobody cares. Look into it. It's not a problem.
obamacare cost me $1300

I should have known it would be $1300, 13 the occult number for bad luck

I had to hire an accountant because I had to pay tax on estate, without an obamacare form I have to pay an additional $1300 on top of what I already owe

This is what Obamabots call a resounding success.
obamacare cost me $1300

I should have known it would be $1300, 13 the occult number for bad luck

I had to hire an accountant because I had to pay tax on estate, without an obamacare form I have to pay an additional $1300 on top of what I already owe

This is what Obamabots call a resounding success.

You are a negative person. Has anyone ever told you that? How about spending some time talking about something positive for a change. All the years I've been here....I've never seen you in a good mood. That's got to suck.

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