The Romans killed Jesus Christ not the Jews

It was the Romans, and the followers are the Roman church. There are christians in the roman church but also some who are not.

Pontius Pilate, representing Rome, did all he could to free Jesus (if the stories are true).

He even delayed the sentencing to allow the Jews to release one prisoner. The Jew chose Barabus.

The Romans may have executed Jesus, but the Jewish religious leaders made it happen. Not as Jews, but as religious leaders afraid of what Jesus meant.

Also, it can be argued that Pilate believed Jesus was King of the Jews. That was what the sign above his head said when we was on the cross. The Jewish leaders wanted it changed to "He said he was King of the Jews". But Pilate refused to change it.

your sunday school teacher lied

From Matthew 27
"15 Now at the feast the governor was accustomed to releasing to the multitude one prisoner whom they wished. 16 And at that time they had a notorious prisoner called Barabbas. 17 Therefore, when they had gathered together, Pilate said to them, “Whom do you want me to release to you? Barabbas, or Jesus who is called Christ?” 18 For he knew that they had handed Him over because of envy."

"20 But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitudes that they should ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus. 21 The governor answered and said to them, “Which of the two do you want me to release to you?”
They said, “Barabbas!”"
It was the Romans, and the followers are the Roman church. There are christians in the roman church but also some who are not.

Pontius Pilate, representing Rome, did all he could to free Jesus (if the stories are true).

He even delayed the sentencing to allow the Jews to release one prisoner. The Jew chose Barabus.

The Romans may have executed Jesus, but the Jewish religious leaders made it happen. Not as Jews, but as religious leaders afraid of what Jesus meant.

Also, it can be argued that Pilate believed Jesus was King of the Jews. That was what the sign above his head said when we was on the cross. The Jewish leaders wanted it changed to "He said he was King of the Jews". But Pilate refused to change it.

your sunday school teacher lied

From Matthew 27
"15 Now at the feast the governor was accustomed to releasing to the multitude one prisoner whom they wished. 16 And at that time they had a notorious prisoner called Barabbas. 17 Therefore, when they had gathered together, Pilate said to them, “Whom do you want me to release to you? Barabbas, or Jesus who is called Christ?” 18 For he knew that they had handed Him over because of envy."

"20 But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitudes that they should ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus. 21 The governor answered and said to them, “Which of the two do you want me to release to you?”
They said, “Barabbas!”"

you got something to suggest that this "custom" actually existed?------somehow everyone else FORGOT? ------who were the "chief priest and elders"?
"envy" of what? "they had handed him over"? who "handed" him over?
sadly you are brainwashed. The entire passage makes no sense
It was the Romans, and the followers are the Roman church. There are christians in the roman church but also some who are not.

Pontius Pilate, representing Rome, did all he could to free Jesus (if the stories are true).

He even delayed the sentencing to allow the Jews to release one prisoner. The Jew chose Barabus.

The Romans may have executed Jesus, but the Jewish religious leaders made it happen. Not as Jews, but as religious leaders afraid of what Jesus meant.

Also, it can be argued that Pilate believed Jesus was King of the Jews. That was what the sign above his head said when we was on the cross. The Jewish leaders wanted it changed to "He said he was King of the Jews". But Pilate refused to change it.

your sunday school teacher lied

From Matthew 27
"15 Now at the feast the governor was accustomed to releasing to the multitude one prisoner whom they wished. 16 And at that time they had a notorious prisoner called Barabbas. 17 Therefore, when they had gathered together, Pilate said to them, “Whom do you want me to release to you? Barabbas, or Jesus who is called Christ?” 18 For he knew that they had handed Him over because of envy."

"20 But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitudes that they should ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus. 21 The governor answered and said to them, “Which of the two do you want me to release to you?”
They said, “Barabbas!”"

you got something to suggest that this "custom" actually existed?------somehow everyone else FORGOT? ------who were the "chief priest and elders"?
"envy" of what? "they had handed him over"? who "handed" him over?
sadly you are brainwashed. The entire passage makes no sense

I am not a Christian. I even said that the existence of Jesus is only speculation.
It was the Romans, and the followers are the Roman church. There are christians in the roman church but also some who are not.

Pontius Pilate, representing Rome, did all he could to free Jesus (if the stories are true).

He even delayed the sentencing to allow the Jews to release one prisoner. The Jew chose Barabus.

The Romans may have executed Jesus, but the Jewish religious leaders made it happen. Not as Jews, but as religious leaders afraid of what Jesus meant.

Also, it can be argued that Pilate believed Jesus was King of the Jews. That was what the sign above his head said when we was on the cross. The Jewish leaders wanted it changed to "He said he was King of the Jews". But Pilate refused to change it.

your sunday school teacher lied

From Matthew 27
"15 Now at the feast the governor was accustomed to releasing to the multitude one prisoner whom they wished. 16 And at that time they had a notorious prisoner called Barabbas. 17 Therefore, when they had gathered together, Pilate said to them, “Whom do you want me to release to you? Barabbas, or Jesus who is called Christ?” 18 For he knew that they had handed Him over because of envy."

"20 But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitudes that they should ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus. 21 The governor answered and said to them, “Which of the two do you want me to release to you?”
They said, “Barabbas!”"

you got something to suggest that this "custom" actually existed?------somehow everyone else FORGOT? ------who were the "chief priest and elders"?
"envy" of what? "they had handed him over"? who "handed" him over?
sadly you are brainwashed. The entire passage makes no sense

I am not a Christian. I even said that the existence of Jesus is only speculation.

oh----well---even I believe that some person called "jesus" existed. Yeshua
was a VERY VERY common name back then ------and lots of girls were mary and
lots of boys were Joseph------_AND there were lots of people who were sorta
politically ACTIVE and tens of thousands of Pharisee jews were crucified----and
there was a HEROD and a CAIAPHAS. -----there were even lots of sects of this and that here and there. My issue is the Mathew stuff. He is a kind of unknown guy--------who was something like an apologist for the Christian sect.
Lots of his writing seems really OFF the wall based on the known history of those
times. I have spoken to many believing Christians and found their GRASP of
the life and times of a "jesus" back then-----to be really uninformed
"all the jews want.... " jesus to be crucified ALL???? I don't recall in history any jews wanting anyone to be crucified. It's a roman thing----along with human 'lion lunch------then it got replaced with the famous circus called "auto de fe"

I thought “ Christians” believed Jesus was sent here by his “ father” to die for Our Sins
I thought “ Christians” believed Jesus was sent here by his “ father” to die for Our Sins

and the jew's are still waiting ... despite their lack of remorse for the injustice rendered. whatever their accusations used for its completion. good luck.

the lion lunches were far before the 4th century and the real cause for the 1st century events, liberation theology ... not written scriptures.

what "injustice rendered"?------what does the "4th century" have to do with
his issue? -----are you referring to the invention of the catholic church?-----
Liberation theology in the 1st century?------not written? what is your
what "injustice rendered"?------what does the "4th century" have to do with
his issue?
-----are you referring to the invention of the catholic church?-----
Liberation theology in the 1st century?------not written? what is your

they were the ones, descendants that drove the nails the jews gave them ... pilate was the exception. 1st century liberation theology, what else could it have been, smothered eventually by both.
"all the jews want.... " jesus to be crucified ALL???? I don't recall in history any jews wanting anyone to be crucified. It's a roman thing----along with human 'lion lunch------then it got replaced with the famous circus called "auto de fe"

I thought “ Christians” believed Jesus was sent here by his “ father” to die for Our Sins
I thought “ Christians” believed Jesus was sent here by his “ father” to die for Our Sins

and the jew's are still waiting ... despite their lack of remorse for the injustice rendered. whatever their accusations used for its completion. good luck.

the lion lunches were far before the 4th century and the real cause for the 1st century events, liberation theology ... not written scriptures.

what "injustice rendered"?------what does the "4th century" have to do with
his issue? -----are you referring to the invention of the catholic church?-----
Liberation theology in the 1st century?------not written? what is your
what "injustice rendered"?------what does the "4th century" have to do with
his issue?
-----are you referring to the invention of the catholic church?-----
Liberation theology in the 1st century?------not written? what is your

they were the ones, descendants that drove the nails the jews gave them ... pilate was the exception. 1st century liberation theology, what else could it have been, smothered eventually by both.

sheeeeesh------the jews had to buy their own nails? -----like the Chinese have to
pay for the bullet?
Actually, a look outside supports my beliefs.. another mild winter in Chicago.

You are looking at a short term trend...the 60's and 70's were cooler than the present so if your life goes back that far, then it is milder now than it was during your childhood...the 60's and 70's however, were much cooler than the 20's and 30's...which, in fact, were warmer than the present. Looking at climate on a short term basis is a sure fire technique to be wrong.

Sure it does. It proves there are no sky fairies, no matter how hard you pray.

A petty curse because a rib woman listened to a talking snake and ate fruit from a magic tree... um... yeah, that sounds like it makes a lot of sense. Totally a reason to let a bunch of hypocrites run your life.

Tell you enjoy questioning, or deriding people's faith in God? I ask, because I don't think you do. We humans act out of two basic emotions....we act because a thing gives us pleasure, or we act out of fear....every other emotion or motive derives from either pleasure or fear

Only a sociopath would actually enjoy the act of breaking someone's faith and you don't strike me as a are far to disorganized in your thinking. So the only other reason for you to hold the opinions you do regarding religion, and speak as you do is fear. You believe in God, but hope desperately that he doesn't exist. That is the case with most who claim to be atheists if they are able to be completely honest with themselves. They don't believe they are worthy of being rescued from the curse for any of a million reasons and they are angry about that. Of course, it isn't true. We can be rescued at any time. All we have to do is believe and say thank you. Anger is a difficult emotion to control...and till one closely examines the source of anger, it is never far away, which is what keeps atheists is a constant internal battle...belief and thinking that you aren't worthy of being rescued vs fear and the fervent hope that there is no God.

You don't have to be afraid. None of us are worthy of being rescued but it doesn't matter. That is what the great plan was all provide a means of rescue for us even though none of us are deserving.
"all the jews want.... " jesus to be crucified ALL???? I don't recall in history any jews wanting anyone to be crucified. It's a roman thing----along with human 'lion lunch------then it got replaced with the famous circus called "auto de fe"

I thought “ Christians” believed Jesus was sent here by his “ father” to die for Our Sins
I thought “ Christians” believed Jesus was sent here by his “ father” to die for Our Sins

and the jew's are still waiting ... despite their lack of remorse for the injustice rendered. whatever their accusations used for its completion. good luck.

the lion lunches were far before the 4th century and the real cause for the 1st century events, liberation theology ... not written scriptures.

what "injustice rendered"?------what does the "4th century" have to do with
his issue? -----are you referring to the invention of the catholic church?-----
Liberation theology in the 1st century?------not written? what is your
what "injustice rendered"?------what does the "4th century" have to do with
his issue?
-----are you referring to the invention of the catholic church?-----
Liberation theology in the 1st century?------not written? what is your

they were the ones, descendants that drove the nails the jews gave them ... pilate was the exception. 1st century liberation theology, what else could it have been, smothered eventually by both.

sheeeeesh------the jews had to buy their own nails? -----like the Chinese have to
pay for the bullet?
I don't recall in history any jews wanting anyone to be crucified.

they were the ones, descendants that drove the nails the jews gave them ...

sheeeeesh------the jews had to buy their own nails?

- have you mentioned to your doctor about your selective amnesia ... they provided the nails, pilate used them for his notation.

like the Chinese have to
pay for the bullet?

no, no one showed up in his defense - jewish treachery not the romans were their concern.
I thought “ Christians” believed Jesus was sent here by his “ father” to die for Our Sins
I thought “ Christians” believed Jesus was sent here by his “ father” to die for Our Sins

and the jew's are still waiting ... despite their lack of remorse for the injustice rendered. whatever their accusations used for its completion. good luck.

the lion lunches were far before the 4th century and the real cause for the 1st century events, liberation theology ... not written scriptures.

what "injustice rendered"?------what does the "4th century" have to do with
his issue? -----are you referring to the invention of the catholic church?-----
Liberation theology in the 1st century?------not written? what is your
what "injustice rendered"?------what does the "4th century" have to do with
his issue?
-----are you referring to the invention of the catholic church?-----
Liberation theology in the 1st century?------not written? what is your

they were the ones, descendants that drove the nails the jews gave them ... pilate was the exception. 1st century liberation theology, what else could it have been, smothered eventually by both.

sheeeeesh------the jews had to buy their own nails? -----like the Chinese have to
pay for the bullet?
I don't recall in history any jews wanting anyone to be crucified.

they were the ones, descendants that drove the nails the jews gave them ...

sheeeeesh------the jews had to buy their own nails?

- have you mentioned to your doctor about your selective amnesia ... they provided the nails, pilate used them for his notation.

like the Chinese have to
pay for the bullet?

no, no one showed up in his defense - jewish treachery not the romans were their concern.

are you using the term "notation" as a legal lingo term?
I thought “ Christians” believed Jesus was sent here by his “ father” to die for Our Sins
I thought “ Christians” believed Jesus was sent here by his “ father” to die for Our Sins

and the jew's are still waiting ... despite their lack of remorse for the injustice rendered. whatever their accusations used for its completion. good luck.

the lion lunches were far before the 4th century and the real cause for the 1st century events, liberation theology ... not written scriptures.

what "injustice rendered"?------what does the "4th century" have to do with
his issue? -----are you referring to the invention of the catholic church?-----
Liberation theology in the 1st century?------not written? what is your
what "injustice rendered"?------what does the "4th century" have to do with
his issue?
-----are you referring to the invention of the catholic church?-----
Liberation theology in the 1st century?------not written? what is your

they were the ones, descendants that drove the nails the jews gave them ... pilate was the exception. 1st century liberation theology, what else could it have been, smothered eventually by both.

sheeeeesh------the jews had to buy their own nails? -----like the Chinese have to
pay for the bullet?
I don't recall in history any jews wanting anyone to be crucified.

they were the ones, descendants that drove the nails the jews gave them ...

sheeeeesh------the jews had to buy their own nails?

- have you mentioned to your doctor about your selective amnesia ... they provided the nails, pilate used them for his notation.

like the Chinese have to
pay for the bullet?

no, no one showed up in his defense - jewish treachery not the romans were their concern.

it is certainly true that the romans were concerned with that which they
considered jewish treachery-----like the overturning of the tables of the
and the jew's are still waiting ... despite their lack of remorse for the injustice rendered. whatever their accusations used for its completion. good luck.

the lion lunches were far before the 4th century and the real cause for the 1st century events, liberation theology ... not written scriptures.

what "injustice rendered"?------what does the "4th century" have to do with
his issue? -----are you referring to the invention of the catholic church?-----
Liberation theology in the 1st century?------not written? what is your
what "injustice rendered"?------what does the "4th century" have to do with
his issue?
-----are you referring to the invention of the catholic church?-----
Liberation theology in the 1st century?------not written? what is your

they were the ones, descendants that drove the nails the jews gave them ... pilate was the exception. 1st century liberation theology, what else could it have been, smothered eventually by both.

sheeeeesh------the jews had to buy their own nails? -----like the Chinese have to
pay for the bullet?
I don't recall in history any jews wanting anyone to be crucified.

they were the ones, descendants that drove the nails the jews gave them ...

sheeeeesh------the jews had to buy their own nails?

- have you mentioned to your doctor about your selective amnesia ... they provided the nails, pilate used them for his notation.

like the Chinese have to
pay for the bullet?

no, no one showed up in his defense - jewish treachery not the romans were their concern.

are you using the term "notation" as a legal lingo term?
they provided the nails, pilate used them for his notation.

are you using the term "notation" as a legal lingo term?


pilate's inscription - king of the jews ...

obviously, it was not the romans that concerned themselves with jesus's trial, a purely local matter of religious intolerance doesn't seem jesus was even on their radar.
Pilate did not want Jewish unrest in his district. That would make the emperor of Rome think Pilate was not a strong governor. To appease the Jewish leaders and avoid an uprising he agreed to kill Jesus. The Romans are ultimately responsible for political reasons. Pilate's wife warned him.
what "injustice rendered"?------what does the "4th century" have to do with
his issue? -----are you referring to the invention of the catholic church?-----
Liberation theology in the 1st century?------not written? what is your
what "injustice rendered"?------what does the "4th century" have to do with
his issue?
-----are you referring to the invention of the catholic church?-----
Liberation theology in the 1st century?------not written? what is your

they were the ones, descendants that drove the nails the jews gave them ... pilate was the exception. 1st century liberation theology, what else could it have been, smothered eventually by both.

sheeeeesh------the jews had to buy their own nails? -----like the Chinese have to
pay for the bullet?
I don't recall in history any jews wanting anyone to be crucified.

they were the ones, descendants that drove the nails the jews gave them ...

sheeeeesh------the jews had to buy their own nails?

- have you mentioned to your doctor about your selective amnesia ... they provided the nails, pilate used them for his notation.

like the Chinese have to
pay for the bullet?

no, no one showed up in his defense - jewish treachery not the romans were their concern.

are you using the term "notation" as a legal lingo term?
they provided the nails, pilate used them for his notation.

are you using the term "notation" as a legal lingo term?


pilate's inscription - king of the jews ...

obviously, it was not the romans that concerned themselves with jesus's trial, a purely local matter of religious intolerance doesn't seem jesus was even on their radar.

I was about to say that you are very naïve------but lets call a spade, a spade-----
your are hopelessly ignorant---------
they were the ones, descendants that drove the nails the jews gave them ... pilate was the exception. 1st century liberation theology, what else could it have been, smothered eventually by both.

sheeeeesh------the jews had to buy their own nails? -----like the Chinese have to
pay for the bullet?
I don't recall in history any jews wanting anyone to be crucified.

they were the ones, descendants that drove the nails the jews gave them ...

sheeeeesh------the jews had to buy their own nails?

- have you mentioned to your doctor about your selective amnesia ... they provided the nails, pilate used them for his notation.

like the Chinese have to
pay for the bullet?

no, no one showed up in his defense - jewish treachery not the romans were their concern.

are you using the term "notation" as a legal lingo term?
they provided the nails, pilate used them for his notation.

are you using the term "notation" as a legal lingo term?


pilate's inscription - king of the jews ...

obviously, it was not the romans that concerned themselves with jesus's trial, a purely local matter of religious intolerance doesn't seem jesus was even on their radar.

I was about to say that you are very naïve------but lets call a spade, a spade-----
your are hopelessly ignorant---------
I was about to say that you are very naïve------but lets call a spade, a spade-----
your are hopelessly ignorant---------

a curious quid pro quo - including the rooster, otherwise your response is hopelessly lame.
sheeeeesh------the jews had to buy their own nails? -----like the Chinese have to
pay for the bullet?
I don't recall in history any jews wanting anyone to be crucified.

they were the ones, descendants that drove the nails the jews gave them ...

sheeeeesh------the jews had to buy their own nails?

- have you mentioned to your doctor about your selective amnesia ... they provided the nails, pilate used them for his notation.

like the Chinese have to
pay for the bullet?

no, no one showed up in his defense - jewish treachery not the romans were their concern.

are you using the term "notation" as a legal lingo term?
they provided the nails, pilate used them for his notation.

are you using the term "notation" as a legal lingo term?


pilate's inscription - king of the jews ...

obviously, it was not the romans that concerned themselves with jesus's trial, a purely local matter of religious intolerance doesn't seem jesus was even on their radar.

I was about to say that you are very naïve------but lets call a spade, a spade-----
your are hopelessly ignorant---------
I was about to say that you are very naïve------but lets call a spade, a spade-----
your are hopelessly ignorant---------

a curious quid pro quo - including the rooster, otherwise your response is hopelessly lame.

no its not-------it just seems that way to you. You were taught at a very young
age that the people who "ruled da jews"------were "the evil Pharisees" and that
the reason that the jews aka Pharisees wanted Jesus crucified because he
challenged their power and wealth. I know that because as a kid ----growing
up in a very Christian white bread town------quiet shy little me got invited to
Sunday school. Quiet shy little me, never attended any jewish educational
situation at all ----THUS I know what you were taught. BUT quiet shy little me was
also very "bookish" and unlike most Christians in the world ---ACTUALLY READ THE NEW TESTAMENT-----and read about --this and that history
------from this and that POV----OF THAT TIME. I also have a natural
ability in math. I can add two and two. Your statement that "Jesus
was not in the Roman Radar-----TAKES THE CAKE. ------here goes. Try
to keep an opened mind for the facts. Roman radar focused on anything
that compromised Roman power to exploit, economically. Jerusalem
was an ECONOMIC HUB------what went in and came out got TAXED
at its gates. A vital component of the ECONOMIC FUNCTION OF JERUSALEM
were the money changers who stayed in a protected centralized area---to wit
THE TEMPLE COURTYARD------are you willing to accept that idea?------
what the romans got to PULL OUT OF JUDEA-----was not monitored out in
the wheat fields-----it was MONITORED IN JERUSALEM. Now a quiz----
WHO HATED THE MONEY CHANGERS? think hard------it happens to
be well documented in literature
- have you mentioned to your doctor about your selective amnesia ... they provided the nails, pilate used them for his notation.

no, no one showed up in his defense - jewish treachery not the romans were their concern.

are you using the term "notation" as a legal lingo term?
they provided the nails, pilate used them for his notation.

are you using the term "notation" as a legal lingo term?


pilate's inscription - king of the jews ...

obviously, it was not the romans that concerned themselves with jesus's trial, a purely local matter of religious intolerance doesn't seem jesus was even on their radar.

I was about to say that you are very naïve------but lets call a spade, a spade-----
your are hopelessly ignorant---------
I was about to say that you are very naïve------but lets call a spade, a spade-----
your are hopelessly ignorant---------

a curious quid pro quo - including the rooster, otherwise your response is hopelessly lame.

no its not-------it just seems that way to you. You were taught at a very young
age that the people who "ruled da jews"------were "the evil Pharisees" and that
the reason that the jews aka Pharisees wanted Jesus crucified because he
challenged their power and wealth. I know that because as a kid ----growing
up in a very Christian white bread town------quiet shy little me got invited to
Sunday school. Quiet shy little me, never attended any jewish educational
situation at all ----THUS I know what you were taught. BUT quiet shy little me was
also very "bookish" and unlike most Christians in the world ---ACTUALLY READ THE NEW TESTAMENT-----and read about --this and that history
------from this and that POV----OF THAT TIME. I also have a natural
ability in math. I can add two and two. Your statement that "Jesus
was not in the Roman Radar-----TAKES THE CAKE. ------here goes. Try
to keep an opened mind for the facts. Roman radar focused on anything
that compromised Roman power to exploit, economically. Jerusalem
was an ECONOMIC HUB------what went in and came out got TAXED
at its gates. A vital component of the ECONOMIC FUNCTION OF JERUSALEM
were the money changers who stayed in a protected centralized area---to wit
THE TEMPLE COURTYARD------are you willing to accept that idea?------
what the romans got to PULL OUT OF JUDEA-----was not monitored out in
the wheat fields-----it was MONITORED IN JERUSALEM. Now a quiz----
WHO HATED THE MONEY CHANGERS? think hard------it happens to
be well documented in literature
You were taught at a very young
age that the people who "ruled da jews"------were "the evil Pharisees" and that
the reason that the jews aka Pharisees wanted Jesus crucified because he
challenged their power and wealth.

no, the modern version as taught is the manipulation of wealth by jews as a selective motivation against the overall welfare where they reside, having absorbed the pharisee as a general tenant of their religion.

what jesus really professed, liberation theology had little to do with wealth but that there was not a hereditary path to the Everlasting. whatever is the irosie91 issue with the pharisee, the jews would not have rebelled for their benefit for a crucifixion but did so through intolerance of the proposition made as their not being the chosen people by the Almighty.

the religious itinerant was not a concern for rome.
And the wait continues for someone to explain why this argument continues and why it matters. Who would come, Saha he would do, and what would happen to him were all decided at the time man fell. Who, what, when, where, and why were already could not have happened otherwise. It all happened according to God’s will so that we could be rescued.

so again, what exactly is the importance of this argument?
are you using the term "notation" as a legal lingo term?
they provided the nails, pilate used them for his notation.

are you using the term "notation" as a legal lingo term?


pilate's inscription - king of the jews ...

obviously, it was not the romans that concerned themselves with jesus's trial, a purely local matter of religious intolerance doesn't seem jesus was even on their radar.

I was about to say that you are very naïve------but lets call a spade, a spade-----
your are hopelessly ignorant---------
I was about to say that you are very naïve------but lets call a spade, a spade-----
your are hopelessly ignorant---------

a curious quid pro quo - including the rooster, otherwise your response is hopelessly lame.

no its not-------it just seems that way to you. You were taught at a very young
age that the people who "ruled da jews"------were "the evil Pharisees" and that
the reason that the jews aka Pharisees wanted Jesus crucified because he
challenged their power and wealth. I know that because as a kid ----growing
up in a very Christian white bread town------quiet shy little me got invited to
Sunday school. Quiet shy little me, never attended any jewish educational
situation at all ----THUS I know what you were taught. BUT quiet shy little me was
also very "bookish" and unlike most Christians in the world ---ACTUALLY READ THE NEW TESTAMENT-----and read about --this and that history
------from this and that POV----OF THAT TIME. I also have a natural
ability in math. I can add two and two. Your statement that "Jesus
was not in the Roman Radar-----TAKES THE CAKE. ------here goes. Try
to keep an opened mind for the facts. Roman radar focused on anything
that compromised Roman power to exploit, economically. Jerusalem
was an ECONOMIC HUB------what went in and came out got TAXED
at its gates. A vital component of the ECONOMIC FUNCTION OF JERUSALEM
were the money changers who stayed in a protected centralized area---to wit
THE TEMPLE COURTYARD------are you willing to accept that idea?------
what the romans got to PULL OUT OF JUDEA-----was not monitored out in
the wheat fields-----it was MONITORED IN JERUSALEM. Now a quiz----
WHO HATED THE MONEY CHANGERS? think hard------it happens to
be well documented in literature
You were taught at a very young
age that the people who "ruled da jews"------were "the evil Pharisees" and that
the reason that the jews aka Pharisees wanted Jesus crucified because he
challenged their power and wealth.

no, the modern version as taught is the manipulation of wealth by jews as a selective motivation against the overall welfare where they reside, having absorbed the pharisee as a general tenant of their religion.

what jesus really professed, liberation theology had little to do with wealth but that there was not a hereditary path to the Everlasting. whatever is the irosie91 issue with the pharisee, the jews would not have rebelled for their benefit for a crucifixion but did so through intolerance of the proposition made as their not being the chosen people by the Almighty.

the religious itinerant was not a concern for rome.

are you intoxicated? I asked you a very simple question----which was
WHO HATED THE MONEY CHANGERS? As to the "hereditary path
to the everlasting" you got a link of WTF that is?
Moreover, if the Supreme Being is a three-part entity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, why did the Father send the Son to earth to be tortured to death, when He could have just made a note to himself to remember to forgive these idiotic human beings in the morning after breakfast? What was the necessity of the suffering of part of the Godhead?

The sacrifice of Jesus would be a sacrifice of one aspect of the Godhead to another aspect of it.
Moreover, if the Supreme Being is a three-part entity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, why did the Father send the Son to earth to be tortured to death, when He could have just made a note to himself to remember to forgive these idiotic human beings in the morning after breakfast? What was the necessity of the suffering of part of the Godhead?

The sacrifice of Jesus would be a sacrifice of one aspect of the Godhead to another aspect of it.
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Because we were made with free will...we had to have the choice to be rescued or not. God doesn't force us to do anything...

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