The Russians want a Civil War in the US

The Radical Left and Jihadists will be fighting on the same side. If for whatever reason The Left wins, The Jihadists will turn on them at the last minute.

Maybe we could go in to hiding let The Jihadists wipe out The Left and then wipe out The Jihadists and reboot America in to what it was always supposed to be.
the left used the jihadis in the Russian civil war and then turned on them
Actually that was conservatives too during the 80s. It was the right thing to do.
Im talking about the soviets using muslims against the czarists during the Russian civil war, then turning on them
Oh sorry, that was a different century and I was talking Afghanistan. My bad.
no probs, bud
Civil war is inevitable unless we humble ourselves and repent of our sins. We need to return to the Lord.

We will destroy each other otherwise.

Liberals do not believe in God. They are atheists.
A dear friend of mine is on our Church Council. He is a liberal. He is not an atheist. Ditto his family. They are fellow Americans in my eyes, worthy of my love (and my attempts to sway them from their beliefs!)

That begs the question: what Church Council supports a party that also supports abortion which is against all Christian values?
Civil war is inevitable unless we humble ourselves and repent of our sins. We need to return to the Lord.

We will destroy each other otherwise.

Liberals do not believe in God. They are atheists.
A dear friend of mine is on our Church Council. He is a liberal. He is not an atheist. Ditto his family. They are fellow Americans in my eyes, worthy of my love (and my attempts to sway them from their beliefs!)

That begs the question: what Church Council supports a party that also supports abortion which is against all Christian values?
I had to quit the Unitarian church over their political activism....and Im not even conservative really, Im more of a libertarian. but the Unitarians are like the spiritual wing of ANTIFA(well not that bad, but almost)
They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.
Huh? Russia is not our enemy. The American left is. They want to destroy everything we've worked for and install socialism. Russia has shown no such signs. Would massively funded Hillary if that was the case.
Perfect again. Putin would be proud of how well you are taking the bait. Fight your fellow Americans. If I'm in a foxhole with you and the enemy is running towards us and you refuse, like Obama, to even name the enemy, then I know I can't rely on you to defeat them.
Listen, you pathetic retard. You insult dim bulbs with your name. You presented what's called a false narrative and a loaded question. Let me know when Putin rams his wet dream health care down my throat.
You're catching on! Well done, Putin will be proud. It takes little courage to indulge in childish namecalling and a boatload of courage to try to find bridges. Putin wants nobody in the US to be finding bridges with each other. He relies on a lack of courage on our part. And you are an example of his success. The enemy isn't your neighbor. It isn't your coworker. It isn't the guy cooking your fries at Mickey D's. It's the Russians. And I might add it is also the people who don't see their fellow Americans as part of the same country.
You phoney smug bastard. You pretend name calling is the problem then try to demean people with your Putin insult. You leftist maggots want to run my life, Putin doesn't. You are my enemy, not him. The only one you are fooling is yourself.
They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.
Huh? Russia is not our enemy. The American left is. They want to destroy everything we've worked for and install socialism. Russia has shown no such signs. Would massively funded Hillary if that was the case.
Perfect again. Putin would be proud of how well you are taking the bait. Fight your fellow Americans. If I'm in a foxhole with you and the enemy is running towards us and you refuse, like Obama, to even name the enemy, then I know I can't rely on you to defeat them.

"If I'm in a foxhole with you"

Well darling I'm not sure who would want to be in a foxhole with you, it wouldn't be a good idea to be in a foxhole with a Conspiracy Theorist like you who is certainly going to start freaking out :smoke:
I name the enemy and I fight it. Others spend their time carping at their foxhole mates about their political purity and the fact that a Democrat caused all their problems. I just fight the enemy. If you've served, you understand what I'm saying.
Listen to you. No one is in a foxhole. You need to grow a set.
Civil war is inevitable unless we humble ourselves and repent of our sins. We need to return to the Lord.

We will destroy each other otherwise.

Liberals do not believe in God. They are atheists.
A dear friend of mine is on our Church Council. He is a liberal. He is not an atheist. Ditto his family. They are fellow Americans in my eyes, worthy of my love (and my attempts to sway them from their beliefs!)

That begs the question: what Church Council supports a party that also supports abortion which is against all Christian values?
Mine doesn't. My friend does. Both things can be true at the same time. The world isn't as two dimensional as some would like.
They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.
Huh? Russia is not our enemy. The American left is. They want to destroy everything we've worked for and install socialism. Russia has shown no such signs. Would massively funded Hillary if that was the case.
Perfect again. Putin would be proud of how well you are taking the bait. Fight your fellow Americans. If I'm in a foxhole with you and the enemy is running towards us and you refuse, like Obama, to even name the enemy, then I know I can't rely on you to defeat them.
Listen, you pathetic retard. You insult dim bulbs with your name. You presented what's called a false narrative and a loaded question. Let me know when Putin rams his wet dream health care down my throat.
You're catching on! Well done, Putin will be proud. It takes little courage to indulge in childish namecalling and a boatload of courage to try to find bridges. Putin wants nobody in the US to be finding bridges with each other. He relies on a lack of courage on our part. And you are an example of his success. The enemy isn't your neighbor. It isn't your coworker. It isn't the guy cooking your fries at Mickey D's. It's the Russians. And I might add it is also the people who don't see their fellow Americans as part of the same country.
You phoney smug bastard. You pretend name calling is the problem then try to demean people with your Putin insult. You leftist maggots want to run my life, Putin doesn't. You are my enemy, not him. The only one you are fooling is yourself.

Sounds like you disagree with my take on our enemy. You appear to think your enemy is me, the poor guy cooking your fries at McD's. I'd enjoy meeting you to see if I am as evil and phony and smug (and a bastard) as you think. I'd enjoy having a good conversation with you because you are a fellow American and I respect your right to name call and create enemies where in fact there is a friend and fellow American.
They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.
Huh? Russia is not our enemy. The American left is. They want to destroy everything we've worked for and install socialism. Russia has shown no such signs. Would massively funded Hillary if that was the case.
Perfect again. Putin would be proud of how well you are taking the bait. Fight your fellow Americans. If I'm in a foxhole with you and the enemy is running towards us and you refuse, like Obama, to even name the enemy, then I know I can't rely on you to defeat them.

"If I'm in a foxhole with you"

Well darling I'm not sure who would want to be in a foxhole with you, it wouldn't be a good idea to be in a foxhole with a Conspiracy Theorist like you who is certainly going to start freaking out :smoke:
I name the enemy and I fight it. Others spend their time carping at their foxhole mates about their political purity and the fact that a Democrat caused all their problems. I just fight the enemy. If you've served, you understand what I'm saying.
Listen to you. No one is in a foxhole. You need to grow a set.

One day I hope to be as tough as you, spewing vitriol towards others on a website. But for now I'll revel in my lack of testosterone and just hope for the future.
They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.
Too late.....Thanks to Trump, this country will never be the same ever again.
I hope you are right.
1. The Russians? Try every enemy of the United States would love to see a civil war here in the United States. The Russians don't have the market cornered in that area.

2. The Democrats, however, are giving that 'axis of evil' exactly what they want. They started before the election ever happened:
Violent Riots
Destruction of property
Hillary's campaign hiring violent protestors
Using violence to squash Free Speech

They continued after the election:
Threatening the lives of Electoral College voters in an attempt to alter the election outcome
Fake News, False Accusations
Calls for military Coups
Calls for political assassinations
Attempted assassinations of GOP Reps
100% public commitment to shutting down the US govt

...all because they will not accept the outcome of an election.

3. I have repeatedly said in the past and continue to say so now: Both the GOP and DNC engage in a campaign to keep America divided, fighting amongst ourselves, arguing over whose politicians are LESS corrupt instead of holding our politicians equally accountable.

If we were all united politicians on both sides would never get away with the crimes they do (and for which members of both parties should be in jail right now) or get away with UN-CONSTITUTIONALLY exempting themselves from the very laws they pass and impose on us.
Civil war is inevitable unless we humble ourselves and repent of our sins. We need to return to the Lord.

We will destroy each other otherwise.

Liberals do not believe in God. They are atheists.
A dear friend of mine is on our Church Council. He is a liberal. He is not an atheist. Ditto his family. They are fellow Americans in my eyes, worthy of my love (and my attempts to sway them from their beliefs!)

That begs the question: what Church Council supports a party that also supports abortion which is against all Christian values?
Mine doesn't. My friend does. Both things can be true at the same time. The world isn't as two dimensional as some would like.

Your friend is a hypocrite and you should not suffer fools!
I am sooo sick and tired of you white mf's putting blame on Obama, who's only fuckin crime was being a gotdamned black man.

I guess it is not illegal for a white man to illegally spy on reporters, to illegally spy on the media, to illegally spy on the American people, to illegally spy on Congress, and / or to illegally spy on the USSC. In doing so, Obama's only crime was being black.

I guess it is legal for a white President to drag the US into 2 UN-Authorized, UN-Constitutional wars to help terrorists, one being the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on US soil on 9/11/01. In doing so, Obama's only crime was being black.

You SERIOUSLY need to get some psychiatric help.
Huh? Russia is not our enemy. The American left is. They want to destroy everything we've worked for and install socialism. Russia has shown no such signs. Would massively funded Hillary if that was the case.
Perfect again. Putin would be proud of how well you are taking the bait. Fight your fellow Americans. If I'm in a foxhole with you and the enemy is running towards us and you refuse, like Obama, to even name the enemy, then I know I can't rely on you to defeat them.

"If I'm in a foxhole with you"

Well darling I'm not sure who would want to be in a foxhole with you, it wouldn't be a good idea to be in a foxhole with a Conspiracy Theorist like you who is certainly going to start freaking out :smoke:
I name the enemy and I fight it. Others spend their time carping at their foxhole mates about their political purity and the fact that a Democrat caused all their problems. I just fight the enemy. If you've served, you understand what I'm saying.
Listen to you. No one is in a foxhole. You need to grow a set.

One day I hope to be as tough as you, spewing vitriol towards others on a website. But for now I'll revel in my lack of testosterone and just hope for the future.
You feel quite free calling people buddies of Putin for not siding with you. So while you may be a lying cvnt that doesn't make me a tough guy. Anyone is tough compared to that.

As I've said repeatedly, Putin doesn't worry me, they have big problems over there. You leftists are the danger to America. They would destroy the country if they can't own it. Then we get cvnts like you telling us Russia is the problem?
Civil war is inevitable unless we humble ourselves and repent of our sins. We need to return to the Lord.

We will destroy each other otherwise.

Liberals do not believe in God. They are atheists.
A dear friend of mine is on our Church Council. He is a liberal. He is not an atheist. Ditto his family. They are fellow Americans in my eyes, worthy of my love (and my attempts to sway them from their beliefs!)

That begs the question: what Church Council supports a party that also supports abortion which is against all Christian values?
Mine doesn't. My friend does. Both things can be true at the same time. The world isn't as two dimensional as some would like.

Your friend is a hypocrite and you should not suffer fools!
Thanks for the advice. I love the guy. If he called me at 3.00am because his car broke down on the highway I'd go help him.
Perfect again. Putin would be proud of how well you are taking the bait. Fight your fellow Americans. If I'm in a foxhole with you and the enemy is running towards us and you refuse, like Obama, to even name the enemy, then I know I can't rely on you to defeat them.

"If I'm in a foxhole with you"

Well darling I'm not sure who would want to be in a foxhole with you, it wouldn't be a good idea to be in a foxhole with a Conspiracy Theorist like you who is certainly going to start freaking out :smoke:
I name the enemy and I fight it. Others spend their time carping at their foxhole mates about their political purity and the fact that a Democrat caused all their problems. I just fight the enemy. If you've served, you understand what I'm saying.
Listen to you. No one is in a foxhole. You need to grow a set.

One day I hope to be as tough as you, spewing vitriol towards others on a website. But for now I'll revel in my lack of testosterone and just hope for the future.
You feel quite free calling people buddies of Putin for not siding with you. So while you may be a lying cvnt that doesn't make me a tough guy. Anyone is tough compared to that.

As I've said repeatedly, Putin doesn't worry me, they have big problems over there. You leftists are the danger to America. They would destroy the country if they can't own it. Then we get cvnts like you telling us Russia is the problem?
Not buddies of Putin at all. Just unwittingly or uncaringly falling into his trap. And I'm most decidedly not a leftist, that made me chuckle. I worked in Reagans administration and am a conservative to the core. I am clear eyed about who the Russians are and what they're trying to do.
Liberals do not believe in God. They are atheists.
A dear friend of mine is on our Church Council. He is a liberal. He is not an atheist. Ditto his family. They are fellow Americans in my eyes, worthy of my love (and my attempts to sway them from their beliefs!)

That begs the question: what Church Council supports a party that also supports abortion which is against all Christian values?
Mine doesn't. My friend does. Both things can be true at the same time. The world isn't as two dimensional as some would like.

Your friend is a hypocrite and you should not suffer fools!
Thanks for the advice. I love the guy. If he called me at 3.00am because his car broke down on the highway I'd go help him.

Good for you! Just don't hold him up as being virtuous if you know he is a hypocrite of Judas' caliber!
They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.
We already had our Civil War; it is not our fault, the Russians were, "under Czarist influence."
They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.

Your name is appropriate. It's not the Russians that want it, it's our very own Gov.

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