The Russians want a Civil War in the US

They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.

Look, if no Civil War broke out under Obama then it just ain't happening

Broke out under Obama for what? I am sooo sick and tired of you white mf's putting blame on Obama, who's only fuckin crime was being a gotdamned black man. Trump, this lying sack of shit, you bitches want to champion and put down Obama...fuck you, fuck Trump and all the mf's that support this traitor in chief!!

Fuck you bro. Being on the down low has made you bitter and hateful. Your Magic Negro didn't do shit except divide America, EXACTLY what he wanted to do.
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I seriously doubt that the Russians want Civil War in the US... two or more federations of American States, each with tons of nuke-tipped ICBMs, would be their worst nightmare.

But it's entirely possible and quite believable that they want us at each others' throats for a few years so they can take a bigger bite of the world before we wake up.

We wish the same for them... internal friction to keep them busy in-house... it's just that we don't do anything (or very little) about it, and they already have.

The Russians, Chinese and and more than half the rest of the world would love to see the U.S. in a civil war.

The end of the 'American Century' and the end of the U.S. as a world power.

Whichever country became the world currency reserve would become the dominate force throughout the world.
A dear friend of mine is on our Church Council. He is a liberal. He is not an atheist. Ditto his family. They are fellow Americans in my eyes, worthy of my love (and my attempts to sway them from their beliefs!)

That begs the question: what Church Council supports a party that also supports abortion which is against all Christian values?
Mine doesn't. My friend does. Both things can be true at the same time. The world isn't as two dimensional as some would like.

Your friend is a hypocrite and you should not suffer fools!
Thanks for the advice. I love the guy. If he called me at 3.00am because his car broke down on the highway I'd go help him.

Good for you! Just don't hold him up as being virtuous if you know he is a hypocrite of Judas' caliber!
I actually do make good natured barbs about his and my other Democratic friends mistaken policy beliefs. But rarely will I say or think that it evidences a bad or evil character. I think that kind of talk is in and of itself creating a culture of separation in our country that saddens me.

By the way I got nothing out of you for my Patricia Neal comment. I guess you're more of a Paula Prentiss guy...
That begs the question: what Church Council supports a party that also supports abortion which is against all Christian values?
Mine doesn't. My friend does. Both things can be true at the same time. The world isn't as two dimensional as some would like.

Your friend is a hypocrite and you should not suffer fools!
Thanks for the advice. I love the guy. If he called me at 3.00am because his car broke down on the highway I'd go help him.

Good for you! Just don't hold him up as being virtuous if you know he is a hypocrite of Judas' caliber!
I actually do make good natured barbs about his and my other Democratic friends mistaken policy beliefs. But rarely will I say or think that it evidences a bad or evil character. I think that kind of talk is in and of itself creating a culture of separation in our country that saddens me.

By the way I got nothing out of you for my Patricia Neal comment. I guess you're more of a Paula Prentiss guy...

I must have missed it.
They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.

Your first paragraph described Trump&Co accurately! And we do need to hold both Putin and Trump accountable, the former for an act of aggression and the latter for treason.
They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.

Your first paragraph described Trump&Co accurately! And we do need to hold both Putin and Trump accountable, the former for an act of aggression and the latter for treason.

What act of aggression? What treason?

Why can't you show your cards when called?
They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.

Your first paragraph described Trump&Co accurately! And we do need to hold both Putin and Trump accountable, the former for an act of aggression and the latter for treason.

What act of aggression? What treason?

Why can't you show your cards when called?

a. The matter that is under investigation by Mueller
b. Providing aid and comfort to Russian's in their act(s) of aggression
They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.

Your first paragraph described Trump&Co accurately! And we do need to hold both Putin and Trump accountable, the former for an act of aggression and the latter for treason.
Honestly treason is a massive overstatement. What we have here, when you take away the knee jerk reflexivity of the left in attacking him and the right in defending him, is someone who was unprepared for the office and so is making and has made the kind of mistakes that shoot himself in the foot. It isn't intentional I believe it is merely clumsiness. He will either learn or he won't be re elected because at a certain point even the Trump Worshippers will abandon him. The only thing I really fear is a centrist Democratic candidacy. Otherwise he gets re elected.
The Russians want a civil war in the US? well then the lefty media and the libtards have something in common with the Russians.
They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.

Your first paragraph described Trump&Co accurately! And we do need to hold both Putin and Trump accountable, the former for an act of aggression and the latter for treason.
Honestly treason is a massive overstatement. What we have here, when you take away the knee jerk reflexivity of the left in attacking him and the right in defending him, is someone who was unprepared for the office and so is making and has made the kind of mistakes that shoot himself in the foot. It isn't intentional I believe it is merely clumsiness. He will either learn or he won't be re elected because at a certain point even the Trump Worshippers will abandon him. The only thing I really fear is a centrist Democratic candidacy. Otherwise he gets re elected.

Thoughtful and thought provoking post. I agree 100% that Trump is unfit to be POTUS, and add to that he will not learn from his mistakes, when his mistakes are exposed he blames others.

Notice I did not name names, I stated Trump&Co engaged in treason; Trump because the buck stops with him, but as we all know, and Pols seem to forget, the cover up is the issue now.

From Pence on down the effort to deny any wrong doing is done to obstruct justice which is necessary to make the claim I did; the trier of fact will determine which each member of the Administration, and the inner circle did which is sufficient to sustain culpability.
They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.

You meant to say the Democrats want a civil war, right?
They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.

Look, if no Civil War broke out under Obama then it just ain't happening

Broke out under Obama for what? I am sooo sick and tired of you white mf's putting blame on Obama, who's only fuckin crime was being a gotdamned black man. Trump, this lying sack of shit, you bitches want to champion and put down Obama...fuck you, fuck Trump and all the mf's that support this traitor in chief!!

yo! you da bomb! dats dope yo
They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.

Your first paragraph described Trump&Co accurately! And we do need to hold both Putin and Trump accountable, the former for an act of aggression and the latter for treason.
Honestly treason is a massive overstatement. What we have here, when you take away the knee jerk reflexivity of the left in attacking him and the right in defending him, is someone who was unprepared for the office and so is making and has made the kind of mistakes that shoot himself in the foot. It isn't intentional I believe it is merely clumsiness. He will either learn or he won't be re elected because at a certain point even the Trump Worshippers will abandon him. The only thing I really fear is a centrist Democratic candidacy. Otherwise he gets re elected.

Thoughtful and thought provoking post. I agree 100% that Trump is unfit to be POTUS, and add to that he will not learn from his mistakes, when his mistakes are exposed he blames others.

Notice I did not name names, I stated Trump&Co engaged in treason; Trump because the buck stops with him, but as we all know, and Pols seem to forget, the cover up is the issue now.

From Pence on down the effort to deny any wrong doing is done to obstruct justice which is necessary to make the claim I did; the trier of fact will determine which each member of the Administration, and the inner circle did which is sufficient to sustain culpability.
I don't think he is unfit, just not yet tuned in to the way an administration has to jump over certain hurdles. He is trying to run right through the hurdles without jumping. That never gets you to the tape. He is not unfit, merely uninformed.

And I think you needlessly conflate "obstruction " with people just being political and not admitting mistakes. Politicians rarely admit mistakes. Clintons didnt. Dubya didn't.

The fact remains that the immaturity of this administration is threatening to create a culture of corruption that is being entirely overlooked. This might end up the most corrupt administration since Ulysseys Grant. I think President Trump equates self with with money and he appears hellbent on using his presidency to benefit his family. People --- good conservative people ---- in the government seem afraid to call him on some of the more egregious examples. And his sycophants have the attitude that "if it isn't illegal it isn't a problem".

Having said all that he could work out fine. I didn't support Rockefeller in 68 (I supported Nixon who was actually a good politician trapped in a man of questionable character) but President Trump is a lot (but not entirely) what Nelson would've been like as President. Hope they don't succumb to the same Siren.
It might take a civil war. Maybe it should. We have taken unity just about as far as it will go.
It might take a civil war. Maybe it should. We have taken unity just about as far as it will go.
Unity always beats division. Look at history. To advocate division is to advocate the end of America
They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.

You meant to say the Democrats want a civil war, right?

No Frank, that's what your comrades told you, I write what I mean not what I'm told to write.
They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.

Your first paragraph described Trump&Co accurately! And we do need to hold both Putin and Trump accountable, the former for an act of aggression and the latter for treason.
Honestly treason is a massive overstatement. What we have here, when you take away the knee jerk reflexivity of the left in attacking him and the right in defending him, is someone who was unprepared for the office and so is making and has made the kind of mistakes that shoot himself in the foot. It isn't intentional I believe it is merely clumsiness. He will either learn or he won't be re elected because at a certain point even the Trump Worshippers will abandon him. The only thing I really fear is a centrist Democratic candidacy. Otherwise he gets re elected.

Thoughtful and thought provoking post. I agree 100% that Trump is unfit to be POTUS, and add to that he will not learn from his mistakes, when his mistakes are exposed he blames others.

Notice I did not name names, I stated Trump&Co engaged in treason; Trump because the buck stops with him, but as we all know, and Pols seem to forget, the cover up is the issue now.

From Pence on down the effort to deny any wrong doing is done to obstruct justice which is necessary to make the claim I did; the trier of fact will determine which each member of the Administration, and the inner circle did which is sufficient to sustain culpability.
I don't think he is unfit, just not yet tuned in to the way an administration has to jump over certain hurdles. He is trying to run right through the hurdles without jumping. That never gets you to the tape. He is not unfit, merely uninformed.

And I think you needlessly conflate "obstruction " with people just being political and not admitting mistakes. Politicians rarely admit mistakes. Clintons didnt. Dubya didn't.

The fact remains that the immaturity of this administration is threatening to create a culture of corruption that is being entirely overlooked. This might end up the most corrupt administration since Ulysseys Grant. I think President Trump equates self with with money and he appears hellbent on using his presidency to benefit his family. People --- good conservative people ---- in the government seem afraid to call him on some of the more egregious examples. And his sycophants have the attitude that "if it isn't illegal it isn't a problem".

Having said all that he could work out fine. I didn't support Rockefeller in 68 (I supported Nixon who was actually a good politician trapped in a man of questionable character) but President Trump is a lot (but not entirely) what Nelson would've been like as President. Hope they don't succumb to the same Siren.

A POTUS (should) speak for all citizens, Trump does not, and that is one reason I believe he is unfit.

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