The Russians want a Civil War in the US

They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.

"They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting."

^^^^ Describing The Leftist Democrat Agenda.
Perfect. Putin loves your post.

Show where my post is wrong. Show where the below doesn't describe The Leftist Democrat Agenda:

"They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting."
I seriously doubt that the Russians want Civil War in the US... two or more federations of American States, each with tons of nuke-tipped ICBMs, would be their worst nightmare.

But it's entirely possible and quite believable that they want us at each others' throats for a few years so they can take a bigger bite of the world before we wake up.

We wish the same for them... internal friction to keep them busy in-house... it's just that we don't do anything (or very little) about it, and they already have.

Libs would give the up their nuclear weapons, and all of those scary black guns. Then they would surrender immediately.
Sounds like the Italian jokes, after WWII...

"For Sale: 2,500,000 Italian infantry rifles. Good condition. Never fired. Only dropped once. Inquire within."
They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.
Huh? Russia is not our enemy. The American left is. They want to destroy everything we've worked for and install socialism. Russia has shown no such signs. Would massively funded Hillary if that was the case.
Perfect again. Putin would be proud of how well you are taking the bait. Fight your fellow Americans. If I'm in a foxhole with you and the enemy is running towards us and you refuse, like Obama, to even name the enemy, then I know I can't rely on you to defeat them.

"If I'm in a foxhole with you"

Well darling I'm not sure who would want to be in a foxhole with you, it wouldn't be a good idea to be in a foxhole with a Conspiracy Theorist like you who is certainly going to start freaking out :smoke:
They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.

"They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting."

^^^^ Describing The Leftist Democrat Agenda.
Perfect. Putin loves your post.

Show where my post is wrong. Show where the below doesn't describe The Leftist Democrat Agenda:

"They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting."

I won't give in to Putin's desires like you did. I will say however that any time someone makes a blanket statement about a group of people, it is a priori wrong. I've worked with some Democrats who very much love this country and seek to do the things they believe are right. I happen to disagree with most of them, but that does not make them evil and worth fighting. That is overly simplistic tweet talk.
They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.
Huh? Russia is not our enemy. The American left is. They want to destroy everything we've worked for and install socialism. Russia has shown no such signs. Would massively funded Hillary if that was the case.
Perfect again. Putin would be proud of how well you are taking the bait. Fight your fellow Americans. If I'm in a foxhole with you and the enemy is running towards us and you refuse, like Obama, to even name the enemy, then I know I can't rely on you to defeat them.

"If I'm in a foxhole with you"

Well darling I'm not sure who would want to be in a foxhole with you, it wouldn't be a good idea to be in a foxhole with a Conspiracy Theorist like you who is certainly going to start freaking out :smoke:
I name the enemy and I fight it. Others spend their time carping at their foxhole mates about their political purity and the fact that a Democrat caused all their problems. I just fight the enemy. If you've served, you understand what I'm saying.
I seriously doubt that the Russians want Civil War in the US... two or more federations of American States, each with tons of nuke-tipped ICBMs, would be their worst nightmare.

But it's entirely possible and quite believable that they want us at each others' throats for a few years so they can take a bigger bite of the world before we wake up.

We wish the same for them... internal friction to keep them busy in-house... it's just that we don't do anything (or very little) about it, and they already have.

Libs would give the up their nuclear weapons, and all of those scary black guns. Then they would surrender immediately.
Aren't they vicious and violent now?
Didn't you get the latest talking points...or has it changed back to 'scared of guns'?
Maybe I didn't get the latest.
I seriously doubt that the Russians want Civil War in the US... two or more federations of American States, each with tons of nuke-tipped ICBMs, would be their worst nightmare.

But it's entirely possible and quite believable that they want us at each others' throats for a few years so they can take a bigger bite of the world before we wake up.

We wish the same for them... internal friction to keep them busy in-house... it's just that we don't do anything (or very little) about it, and they already have.

Libs would give the up their nuclear weapons, and all of those scary black guns. Then they would surrender immediately.
Aren't they vicious and violent now?
Didn't you get the latest talking points...or has it changed back to 'scared of guns'?
Maybe I didn't get the latest.

I don't know if they know what they are saying for themselves.
They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.

Look, if no Civil War broke out under Obama then it just ain't happening

Broke out under Obama for what? I am sooo sick and tired of you white mf's putting blame on Obama, who's only fuckin crime was being a gotdamned black man. Trump, this lying sack of shit, you bitches want to champion and put down Obama...fuck you, fuck Trump and all the mf's that support this traitor in chief!!
LOL you are dumb as hell......Hoebama was an infringement advocate, that was his crime , not his skin tone
Civil war is inevitable unless we humble ourselves and repent of our sins. We need to return to the Lord.

We will destroy each other otherwise.

Liberals do not believe in God. They are atheists.
A dear friend of mine is on our Church Council. He is a liberal. He is not an atheist. Ditto his family. They are fellow Americans in my eyes, worthy of my love (and my attempts to sway them from their beliefs!)
I seriously doubt that the Russians want Civil War in the US... two or more federations of American States, each with tons of nuke-tipped ICBMs, would be their worst nightmare.

But it's entirely possible and quite believable that they want us at each others' throats for a few years so they can take a bigger bite of the world before we wake up.

We wish the same for them... internal friction to keep them busy in-house... it's just that we don't do anything (or very little) about it, and they already have.

Libs would give the up their nuclear weapons, and all of those scary black guns. Then they would surrender immediately.
Sounds like the Italian jokes, after WWII...

"For Sale: 2,500,000 Italian infantry rifles. Good condition. Never fired. Only dropped once. Inquire within."

I always like this one.

"Why does the new Italian Navy have glass-bottomed boats?

"So they can see the old Italian Navy!"
The Radical Left and Jihadists will be fighting on the same side. If for whatever reason The Left wins, The Jihadists will turn on them at the last minute.

Maybe we could go in to hiding let The Jihadists wipe out The Left and then wipe out The Jihadists and reboot America in to what it was always supposed to be.
Civil war is inevitable unless we humble ourselves and repent of our sins. We need to return to the Lord.

We will destroy each other otherwise.

Liberals do not believe in God. They are atheists.
A dear friend of mine is on our Church Council. He is a liberal. He is not an atheist. Ditto his family. They are fellow Americans in my eyes, worthy of my love (and my attempts to sway them from their beliefs!)

That makes them hypocrites.
Civil war is inevitable unless we humble ourselves and repent of our sins. We need to return to the Lord.

We will destroy each other otherwise.

Liberals do not believe in God. They are atheists.
A dear friend of mine is on our Church Council. He is a liberal. He is not an atheist. Ditto his family. They are fellow Americans in my eyes, worthy of my love (and my attempts to sway them from their beliefs!)

That makes them hypocrites.
You engage in so many liberal tactics yourself, it's amazing. You make a statement. I refute it with a fact. You change the argument. Liberal to the core in your methods.
They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.

So do liberals and so do conservatives.

So they aren't any different than the rest of us.
I don't believe true conservatives want a civil war. I think they want a policy choice like we had in the 80's before the namecalling had reached critical mass like it is approaching today. So I think that if each of us wants the same thing, we can get there easier by not having a knee jerk hatred for anyone who disagrees with us.

Partisans always want to blame the other side. They don't want to take responsibility for their own actions. Conservatives are no different than liberals, no matter how "true" they think they are.
They want there to be a deep divide among us. They want us not to listen to each other. They want the level of political discourse to be on a par with a banana republic. They want gridlock in Washington. They want us to think that our fellow Americans are evil and worth fighting.

What do you want? Want to fight back against what the Russians want? Who cares if there was collusion, these people WISH US HARM. Fight back. Don't give them what they want.

So do liberals and so do conservatives.

So they aren't any different than the rest of us.
I don't believe true conservatives want a civil war. I think they want a policy choice like we had in the 80's before the namecalling had reached critical mass like it is approaching today. So I think that if each of us wants the same thing, we can get there easier by not having a knee jerk hatred for anyone who disagrees with us.

Partisans always want to blame the other side. They don't want to take responsibility for their own actions. Conservatives are no different than liberals, no matter how "true" they think they are.
I don't disagree with this at all. A cursory read of this bulletin board proves your point. However, I try as much as I can to be civil with everyone and disagree on substance and not automatically think someone who disagrees with me is Evil. That's a recipe that plays into Putin's hands.
The Radical Left and Jihadists will be fighting on the same side. If for whatever reason The Left wins, The Jihadists will turn on them at the last minute.

Maybe we could go in to hiding let The Jihadists wipe out The Left and then wipe out The Jihadists and reboot America in to what it was always supposed to be.
the left used the jihadis in the Russian civil war and then turned on them
The Radical Left and Jihadists will be fighting on the same side. If for whatever reason The Left wins, The Jihadists will turn on them at the last minute.

Maybe we could go in to hiding let The Jihadists wipe out The Left and then wipe out The Jihadists and reboot America in to what it was always supposed to be.
the left used the jihadis in the Russian civil war and then turned on them
Actually that was conservatives too during the 80s. It was the right thing to do.
The Radical Left and Jihadists will be fighting on the same side. If for whatever reason The Left wins, The Jihadists will turn on them at the last minute.

Maybe we could go in to hiding let The Jihadists wipe out The Left and then wipe out The Jihadists and reboot America in to what it was always supposed to be.
the left used the jihadis in the Russian civil war and then turned on them
Actually that was conservatives too during the 80s. It was the right thing to do.
Im talking about the soviets using muslims against the czarists during the Russian civil war, then turning on them
The Radical Left and Jihadists will be fighting on the same side. If for whatever reason The Left wins, The Jihadists will turn on them at the last minute.

Maybe we could go in to hiding let The Jihadists wipe out The Left and then wipe out The Jihadists and reboot America in to what it was always supposed to be.
the left used the jihadis in the Russian civil war and then turned on them
Actually that was conservatives too during the 80s. It was the right thing to do.
Im talking about the soviets using muslims against the czarists during the Russian civil war, then turning on them
Oh sorry, that was a different century and I was talking Afghanistan. My bad.

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