The Sad Misguided Life of George Carlin. He was NOT a genius, and NOT a hero.

I've never seen such envy as I see from this forum's leftwingers. I don't undestand it. I've never thought that way. When I saw a successful person, I tried to see what I could learn from them. I wouldn't have dreamed of whining or pouting or trying to pull them down.

You also make assumptions about people on here, in order to insult them. I recall you trying that with me with the "you didn't have options when you got out of high school" and the even funnier one "I guess you didn't go to college".

And in several threads there have been conservatives who argued with you, mostly about constitutionality of things you want. And you labeled them "leftwingers" because they disagree with you. Very predictable.
Fred was in the same business to begin with, always bailed Donny out, and let's try, really try, not forgetting about inheritance.. And did Donny ever pay Daddy back? Of course not!

Prove. He. Did.
If you're holding up Carlin as a model of success, you are greatly mistaken. In no way was he successful.

In what way was Carlin not successful? He was successful in 4 different mediums. He sold tons of albums and won Grammys, sold out comedy venues, won awards and had huge success on the small screen, wrote best selling novels, and was recognized with lifetime achievement awards.

How, in your twisted reality, was Carlin not successful?
Add helped raise a great daughter:
Truly the voice of a generation, George Carlin gave the world some of the most hysterical and iconic comedy routines of the last fifty years. From the "Seven Dirty Words" to "A Place for My Stuff," to "Religion is Bullshit," he perfected the art of making audiences double over with laughter while simultaneously making people wake up to the realities (and insanities) of life in the twentieth century.

Few people glimpsed the inner life of this beloved comedian, but his only child, Kelly, was there to see it all. Born at the very beginning of his decades-long career in comedy, she slid around the "old Dodge Dart," as he and wife Brenda drove around the country to "hell gigs." She witnessed his transformation in the '70s, as he fought back against---and talked back to---the establishment; she even talked him down from a really bad acid trip a time or two ("Kelly, the sun has exploded and we have eight, no-seven and a half minutes to live!").

Kelly not only watched her father constantly reinvent himself and his comedy, but also had a front row seat to the roller coaster turmoil of her family's inner life---alcoholism, cocaine addiction, life-threatening health scares, and a crushing debt to the IRS. But having been the only "adult" in her family prepared her little for the task of her own adulthood. All the while, Kelly sought to define her own voice as she separated from the shadow of her father's genius.

With rich humor and deep insight, Kelly Carlin pulls back the curtain on what it was like to grow up as the daughter of one of the most recognizable comedians of our time, and become a woman in her own right. This vivid, hilarious, heartbreaking story is at once singular and universal-it is a contemplation of what it takes to move beyond the legacy of childhood, and forge a life of your own.
In what way was Carlin not successful? He was successful in 4 different mediums. He sold tons of albums and won Grammys, sold out comedy venues, won awards and had huge success on the small screen, wrote best selling novels, and was recognized with lifetime achievement awards.

How, in your twisted reality, was Carlin not successful?
Because he had the nerve to disagree about Mashmouth's Ghost buddy.
In what way was Carlin not successful? He was successful in 4 different mediums. He sold tons of albums and won Grammys, sold out comedy venues, won awards and had huge success on the small screen, wrote best selling novels, and was recognized with lifetime achievement awards.

How, in your twisted reality, was Carlin not successful?
He failed at life. His marriage. His daughter. His audience that he led astray. He was an angry mean individual.
He failed at life. His marriage. His daughter. His audience that he led astray. He was an angry mean individual.

His marriage? How did his marriage fail?

Earlier in this thread someone posted his daughter's own words.

As for his audience, the majority of his work has not been available for free. So if you had his albums, saw his 14 HBO Specials, read his books ect, you had to seek out and pay for them. He provided humor. He is not responsible for someone else's choices.

He had a dry wit and it paid off for him. Every interview I have seen of him or people who worked with him said he was a humble, intelligent, nice guy.
Standup comedy and humor (in any medium) is some of the toughest things you can do. George Carlin was successful during most of the 52 years he was in the business.

You can disagree or dislike anything he said. In fact, he would have argued in favor of your right to do so. But you don't make a good living for 50 years in comedy by being bad at it.
Standup comedy and humor (in any medium) is some of the toughest things you can do. George Carlin was successful during most of the 52 years he was in the business.

You can disagree or dislike anything he said. In fact, he would have argued in favor of your right to do so. But you don't make a good living for 50 years in comedy by being bad at it.
For my money he was the best at it. The professor of comedy.
He failed at life. His marriage. His daughter. His audience that he led astray. He was an angry mean individual.
I've been wanting to say for years what a mean tempered hateful misanthropic prick Carlin was.
My older brother, no prissy violet, paid money to see Carlin in San Jose (sucker) and he said he grew tired
of his unrelenting f-bombs and nasty bitter, vile curmudgeon "get off my lawn you pricks" approach to

He had one single bit that I found amusing (baseball vs. football) after years of seeing him on late night
television and if he ever got close to that somewhere else I am unaware of it.
Or more likely, it doesn't exist. Not surprised his daughter thought he was a coked up, liquored up,
nasty tempered piece of shit.

I thank you for this opportunity to unload all this pent up anger at a man who seemingly went through
life angry at everything himself.
And I'm astounded others think so highly of someone who thought so little of most of the human race.

Carlin filled a void in the Cheech and Chong era of the seventies. Hopefully he's doing bits for Satan now.
Last edited:
I've been wanting to say for years what a mean tempered hateful misanthropic prick Carlin was.
My older brother, no prissy violet, paid money to see Carlin in San Jose (sucker) and he said he grew tired
of his unrelenting f-bombs and nasty bitter, vile curmudgeon "get off my lawn you pricks" approach to

He had one single bit that I found amusing (baseball vs. football) after years of seeing him on late night
television and if he ever got close to that somewhere else I am unaware of it.
Or more likely, it doesn't exist. Not surprised his daughter thought he was a coked up, liquored up,
nasty tempered piece of shit.

I thank you for this opportunity to unload all this pent up anger at a man who seemingly went through
life angry at everything himself.
And I'm astounded others think so highly of someone who thought so little of most of the human race.
Carlin filled a void in the Cheech and Chong era of the seventies. Hopefully he's doing bits for Satan now.
I've been wanting to say for years what a mean tempered hateful misanthropic prick Carlin was.
My older brother, no prissy violet, paid money to see Carlin in San Jose (sucker) and he said he grew tired
of his unrelenting f-bombs and nasty bitter, vile curmudgeon "get off my lawn you pricks" approach to

He had one single bit that I found amusing (baseball vs. football) after years of seeing him on late night
television and if he ever got close to that somewhere else I am unaware of it.
Or more likely, it doesn't exist. Not surprised his daughter thought he was a coked up, liquored up,
nasty tempered piece of shit.

I thank you for this opportunity to unload all this pent up anger at a man who seemingly went through
life angry at everything himself.
Yeah, I saw him in Warwick R.I. When the show started about a dozen folks left in a huff because I guess they weren't adult enough to handle the language. That made the show even more enjoyable. These are people who couldn't drive a pin up their ass with a sledge hammer. Go home and watch reruns of Leave it to Beaver! Let us adults enjoy the show without the self righteous sneers. And don't let the door hit ya.
He was the greatest comedic mind of our time.
I'm an old dude and I remember the same bullshit by babies when folks like Lenny Bruce and Mort Saul would do their shtick. It was so controversial! Grow up America, they're trying to wake up your critical senses and show you the ugly truths while making you laugh. Don't want it? Fine, who cares?
I've been wanting to say for years what a mean tempered hateful misanthropic prick Carlin was.
My older brother, no prissy violet, paid money to see Carlin in San Jose (sucker) and he said he grew tired
of his unrelenting f-bombs and nasty bitter, vile curmudgeon "get off my lawn you pricks" approach to

He had one single bit that I found amusing (baseball vs. football) after years of seeing him on late night
television and if he ever got close to that somewhere else I am unaware of it.
Or more likely, it doesn't exist. Not surprised his daughter thought he was a coked up, liquored up,
nasty tempered piece of shit.

I thank you for this opportunity to unload all this pent up anger at a man who seemingly went through
life angry at everything himself.
And I'm astounded others think so highly of someone who thought so little of most of the human race.

Carlin filled a void in the Cheech and Chong era of the seventies. Hopefully he's doing bits for Satan now.

He was not everyone's cup of tea.

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