The Sad Misguided Life of George Carlin. He was NOT a genius, and NOT a hero.

I'm an old dude and I remember the same bullshit by babies when folks like Lenny Bruce and Mort Saul would do their shtick. It was so controversial! Grow up America, they're trying to wake up your critical senses and show you the ugly truths while making you laugh. Don't want it? Fine, who cares?

Here is a bit of trivia for you.

Carlin used to sneak in to clubs to hear the comedians, and maybe get a shot at doing a few minutes of standup. Lenny Bruce used to help the young comedians, coaching them along. One night the cops were waiting for Lenny Bruce to say something "offensive" and the raided the place. It was the first time George Carlin got arrested. For transport to jail Carlin and Bruce were handcuffed together. Being arrested with, and handcuffed to Lenny Bruce is a helluva start for a comedian.
Yeah, I saw him in Warwick R.I. When the show started about a dozen folks left in a huff because I guess they weren't adult enough to handle the language. That made the show even more enjoyable. These are people who couldn't drive a pin up their ass with a sledge hammer. Go home and watch reruns of Leave it to Beaver! Let us adults enjoy the show without the self righteous sneers. And don't let the door hit ya.
My brother was a Viet Nam war combat vet that flew recon missions. He was married several times
and the family black sheep. He played guitar in little dives. Drank too much.
And he found Carlin's unrelenting foul mouthed negativity not exactly entertaining.
It was like being assaulted with that sledge hammer over and over and over.

But some people like toxic fueled repetition. It suited you fine, looks like.

If you want to make believe that some people actually couldn't handle Carlin's fuck filled tirades (fuck this,
fuck that, fuck you, fuck them, fuck her, fuck him....etc. ad nauseum

because they were too Leave it Beaver oriented to handle the drunk's coke snorting rants then that says
more about you than them.

It wasn't the adult language my Viet Nam combat veteran brother objected to. It was the unrelenting
repetition of it! To the exclusion of everything else. And the toxic negativity.
But hey, too bad Carlin is dead now. I guess you can always listen to his Seven Words bit over and over
and over again being "an adult" and all.

Actually I've found it's simple minded children that want to hear the things they like over and over
and over again. They don't like having their minds challenged. Whatever spins you little beanie
propeller around.
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My brother was a Viet Nam war combat vet that flew recon missions. He was married several times
and the family black sheep. He played guitar in little dives. Drank too much.
And he found Carlin's unrelenting foul mouthed negativity not exactly entertaining.
It was like being assaulted with that sledge hammer over and over and over.

But some people like toxic fueled repetition. It suited you fine, looks like.

If you want to make believe that some people actually couldn't handle Carlin's fuck filled tirades (fuck this,
fuck that, fuck you, fuck them, fuck her, fuck him....etc. ad nauseum

because they were too Leave it Beaver oriented to handle the drunk's coke snorting rants then that says
more about you than them.

It wasn't the adult language my Viet Nam combat veteran brother objected to. It was the unrelenting
repetition of it! To the exclusion of everything else. And the toxic negativity.
But hey, too bad he's dead now. I guess you can always listen to his Seven Words bit over and over
and over again.
I'm a retired Marine combat veteran. I don't understand what that has to do with Carlin but may be related if you and your brother liked free speech. Should have been a fan or at the very least tolerant of Carlin's opinions. BTW What says more about me than them? What does that even mean. I can plainly see that you no doubt own a sledge hammer. Lighten up, it's not that serious.
I'm a retired Marine combat veteran. I don't understand what that has to do with Carlin but may be related if you and your brother
BTW What says more about me than them? What does that even mean. I can plainly see that you no doubt own a sledge hammer. Lighten up, it's not that serious

Just like I can see you like the angry rantings of a misanthropic coked up prick.
Good for you. If it gives you a charge to look down on those that don't love Carlin like you do
consider that a cheap bit of psychiatry for you to learn from. maybe you should stop and examine your own biases and assumptions.
My brother obviously paid good money and battled the San Jose traffic to watch George Carlin so at least before the show got too far along he was a fan.
But not afterwards. It was after that show the he became a non fan and felt like a sucker for paying to hear some old foul mouthed man yell at kids on his lawn for the entirety of his show.
r liked free speech. Should have been a fan or at the very least tolerant of Carlin's opinions.
Just like I can see you like the angry rantings of a misanthropic coked up prick.
Good for you. If it gives you a charge to look down on those that don't love Carlin like you do
consider that a cheap bit of psychiatry for you to learn from. maybe you should stop and examine your own biases and assumptions.
My brother obviously paid good money and battled the San Jose traffic to watch George Carlin so at least before the show got too far along he was a fan.
But not afterwards. It was after that show the he became a non fan and felt like a sucker for paying to hear some old foul mouthed man yell at kids on his lawn for the entirety of his show.
Go and rest that brain of yours. It'll be like rebooting your computer, may fix the malfunctions that you are obviously experiencing. Good luck with that.
I've been wanting to say for years what a mean tempered hateful misanthropic prick Carlin was.
My older brother, no prissy violet, paid money to see Carlin in San Jose (sucker) and he said he grew tired
of his unrelenting f-bombs and nasty bitter, vile curmudgeon "get off my lawn you pricks" approach to

He had one single bit that I found amusing (baseball vs. football) after years of seeing him on late night
television and if he ever got close to that somewhere else I am unaware of it.
Or more likely, it doesn't exist. Not surprised his daughter thought he was a coked up, liquored up,
nasty tempered piece of shit.

I thank you for this opportunity to unload all this pent up anger at a man who seemingly went through
life angry at everything himself.
And I'm astounded others think so highly of someone who thought so little of most of the human race.

Carlin filled a void in the Cheech and Chong era of the seventies. Hopefully he's doing bits for Satan now.
Great comment. Thank you. It's nice to know there are other sensible people out there who see things for what they are. Spend too much time in here surrounded by loud profane misguided leftists, and you can think the whole world is crazy.

I read it. One of Trump's promises was to get Roe v. Wade overturned. You listed that promise as one of the few he fulfilled. This "it is almost overturned" or "someone said it was fall" nonsense ignores the facts. Roe v. Wade is the same as it has been since 1973.
Trump set things in motion such that is WILL be changed according to most experts. That's what I said. Stop trolling.
But you would never even think about judging others, right? Carlin would probably have liked you because you're a joke.
I'm free, even required to judge vile behavior. We all are and should. That's how you keep society in check.
His marriage? How did his marriage fail?

Earlier in this thread someone posted his daughter's own words.

As for his audience, the majority of his work has not been available for free. So if you had his albums, saw his 14 HBO Specials, read his books ect, you had to seek out and pay for them. He provided humor. He is not responsible for someone else's choices.

He had a dry wit and it paid off for him. Every interview I have seen of him or people who worked with him said he was a humble, intelligent, nice guy.
According to his daughter, the parents fought constantly because they were drunk and coked-up all the time. It damaged the daughter. That's failure.

The people who think he's a genius are screwed up like he was.
Go and rest that brain of yours. It'll be like rebooting your computer, may fix the malfunctions that you are obviously experiencing. Good luck with that.
You sure are intolerant and insulting of opposing views. But that's how leftwing atheists are the world over. aka Carlin fans.
Great comment. Thank you. It's nice to know there are other sensible people out there who see things for what they are. Spend too much time in here surrounded by loud profane misguided leftists, and you can think the whole world is crazy.
Thank you. I think the world got over the death of Carlin quite quickly aside from one Carlin fan boy here.
And besides Sam Kinnison, who did rage in a funny, not psychotic way, that genre of humor died out too.
As a youngster watching Carlin do his hippy dippy weather man bit on Mike Douglas show, countless times,
I always wondered what was his appeal.

Now I know misanthropic pricks liked the "fuck you stupid Americans" sort of comedy Carlin specialized in.

So glad his raving anger filled "entertainment" died out with Carlin himself.
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