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Zone1 The Same Belief As Your Ancestors- Uplift Suasion

If Ibram X is trying to send a message to whites, he should start by not inventing ebonics-named theories.

As for that theory, it only works for the agenda if you ignore that people, including whites, do that same thing with pretty much anyone they deem inferior in some way, regardless of their race.
Some whites need to start listening.
The idea that blacks can stop whites from being racists, according to a portion of the white community, is if blacks do certain things. This is a bellief that has been artiiculated by some in this forum. This belief is called Uplift Suasion and it's an opinion or belief as old as slavery.

Therefore whites live today who hold the same beliefs whites held in the past, yet they are the first to tell somebody how all that is gone.
You’re quite mentally ill, lil im.2.

Nobody can stop you from being the racist that you are.
I like how you mentioned "content of character" because that to me is the foundation of all sorts of psychedelic perspectives as to what constitutes content of character.

I believe people have a right to be nothing at all, to do nothing at all, to contribute nothing whatsoever to themselves, nor to society. To me that in no way lowers their content of character. However, to someone else it does.
When a person can only repeat Kings content of character line, they are not suitable to debate on matters of race.
There is chance that you have once again allowed your dishonest and deceitful approach to Race/Racial realities, to cause you to hallucinate a human condition.

Every human being on Earth is racist, or prejudice, so it is untrue or unreasonable of you to claim that White people said "all that is gone" for some reason. Every human being is racist, due to tribalism. And the survival of the fittest reality, when concerning our families and those who look like us. You Blacks, are the same way. So is every other Race of people living in the USA.

Racism = Power + Greed. And that is where you enjoy being confused. As you appear to be content with being ignorant about the three elements in that way. So it prevents you putting forth a reason why you Blacks should be able to convince Whites to relinquish some powers/some benefits of that so-called White Privilege which Blacks perceive us having.
IMHO there is Racism, only when some group in a community has full control of some scarce resource, which the whole community needs. Yet that group works hard to ensure only its members benefit from the resource or [unfairly] benefit the-most from the resource.

You are being unreasonable, as usual, if you made yourself think that Whites or Blacks or Latinos or Asians or any other Race of humans, would want to stop being that way with a scare resource within any USA community where they hold power.
Racism is a learned behavior. Children are not born racist. Start with that and relearn things.
The idea that blacks can stop whites from being racists, according to a portion of the white community, is if blacks do certain things. This is a bellief that has been artiiculated by some in this forum. This belief is called Uplift Suasion and it's an opinion or belief as old as slavery.

Therefore whites live today who hold the same beliefs whites held in the past, yet they are the first to tell somebody how all that is gone.
For most people (regardless of skin color) behavior determines the way the person is viewed. Threatening behavior always gets distrust. Skin color has nothing to do with that behavior. Threatening - is a negative.

I grew up in a mixed environment. My family is of mixed heritage. Skin color doesn't threaten me in any way unless there is menacing behavior involved. I have experienced that behavior when I was the only white person present. The behavior was against me.

Anyone of any skin color can be taught by their parents or grandparents to hate those with skin colors that are different from their own. It is a wrong teaching to give your children. It is a wrong belief to have - that skin color makes a person good or bad. It doesn't. Never did. Never will.

Everyone is susceptible to that. There are black racists. I discovered that when I walked into a group of people with my friend. I am white, she is not. Her friends were physically abusive to me for just being there. I thought they would be friendly to me. I was wrong.

We can all learn to and try to eliminate skin color as a judge of a person's character. Martin Luther King had it right.
For most people (regardless of skin color) behavior determines the way the person is viewed. Threatening behavior always gets distrust. Skin color has nothing to do with that behavior. Threatening - is a negative.

I grew up in a mixed environment. My family is of mixed heritage. Skin color doesn't threaten me in any way unless there is menacing behavior involved. I have experienced that behavior when I was the only white person present. The behavior was against me.

Anyone of any skin color can be taught by their parents or grandparents to hate those with skin colors that are different from their own. It is a wrong teaching to give your children. It is a wrong belief to have - that skin color makes a person good or bad. It doesn't. Never did. Never will.

Everyone is susceptible to that. There are black racists. I discovered that when I walked into a group of people with my friend. I am white, she is not. Her friends were physically abusive to me for just being there. I thought they would be friendly to me. I was wrong.

We can all learn to and try to eliminate skin color as a judge of a person's character. Martin Luther King had it right.d
Spare me. Look, I'm tired of reading whites talking about black racism. Until blacks have created a system whereby they have granted themselves preference and use that system to deny others of opportunities as whites have done in America, there is no equivalence between white racism and what you want to call black racism. Until you can educate yourself to understand how the systemic racism created by whites has caused the mistrust and anger against whites blacks and other groups of color have then again, do not try telling me about black racism. People being mean to you in that group setting was not people denying you income, jobs, or housing.

And stop repeating that one line from Dr. King because he said this too:

“It would neither be true or honest to say that the Negros problem is what it is because he is innately inferior or because he is basically lazy and listless or because he has not lifted himself by his own bootstraps. To find the origins of the Negro problem we must turn to the white man’s problem.”-Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
No, Homey Boo Boo, they all lived in NY and got along well with blacks -- now the Irish, that's a whole other story
Wrong. New York was one of the worst. Ask Malcolm X. And Italians were part of the problem. They didn't just call us the n word, we were moolies.
Wronger! Malcom X would call you a race traitor for supporting You ain't black Biden and the democrats
No, he wouldn't. I know what Malcolm X stood for. You recite one line he spoke and take it out of context as it pertains to today's political scene.
So do some blacks but what are you gonna do....
We don't need to listen to whites telling us what we should do because whites don't have what they do for any of the reasons they are telling us. And unless whites can consider the impact of white racism on people of color, nothing they say is worth listening to. It's time whites such as you stopped pretending everything has been the same when it hasn't.
And what is the basis for your disagreement Genevieve? Your lived experience as a black person facing white racism? No. So then what? That you're white and you say so? Not good enough.
Spare me. Look, I'm tired of reading whites talking about black racism. Until blacks have created a system whereby they have granted themselves preference and use that system to deny others of opportunities as whites have done in America, there is no equivalence between white racism and what you want to call black racism. Until you can educate yourself to understand how the systemic racism created by whites has caused the mistrust and anger against whites blacks and other groups of color have then again, do not try telling me about black racism. People being mean to you in that group setting was not people denying you income, jobs, or housing.

And stop repeating that one line from Dr. King because he said this too:

“It would neither be true or honest to say that the Negros problem is what it is because he is innately inferior or because he is basically lazy and listless or because he has not lifted himself by his own bootstraps. To find the origins of the Negro problem we must turn to the white man’s problem.”-Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
None of us created a system to deny you anything. There is also zero systems in place today. Spare us your continuing drivel of bullshit.
Racism is a learned behavior. Children are not born racist. Start with that and relearn things.

O Kkkkk? I don't see where I ever disputed that. Please point out where I did, if you think that is the case.

My point here was, Racism = Power + Greed. And that is where you enjoy being confused. As you appear to be content with being ignorant about the three elements in that way. So it prevents you putting forth a reason why you Blacks should be able to convince Whites to relinquish some powers/some benefits of that so-called White Privilege which Blacks perceive us having.

iow there is Racism, only when some group in a community has full control of some scarce resource, which the whole community needs. Yet that group works hard to ensure only its members benefit from the resource or [unfairly] benefit the-most from the resource.

You are being unreasonable, as usual, if you made yourself think that Whites or Blacks or Latinos or Asians or any other Race of humans, would want to stop being that way with a scare resource within any USA community where they hold power.
O Kkkkk? I don't see where I ever disputed that. Please point out where I did, if you think that is the case.

My point here was, Racism = Power + Greed. And that is where you enjoy being confused. As you appear to be content with being ignorant about the three elements in that way. So it prevents you putting forth a reason why you Blacks should be able to convince Whites to relinquish some powers/some benefits of that so-called White Privilege which Blacks perceive us having.

iow there is Racism, only when some group in a community has full control of some scarce resource, which the whole community needs. Yet that group works hard to ensure only its members benefit from the resource or [unfairly] benefit the-most from the resource.

You are being unreasonable, as usual, if you made yourself think that Whites or Blacks or Latinos or Asians or any other Race of humans, would want to stop being that way with a scare resource within any USA community where they hold power.
I don't need your explanation as to what racism is. Thank you. When white privilege denies others the same privileges then it needs to stop. Now you know white privilege is real and I get real tired of the gaslighting. So, if you want a civil conversation go study how white racism impacts nonwhite people for a few years instead of believing that your white ass can lecture me about what racism is.
I don't need your explanation...
I agree. You need far, far more help than I could EVER give to you.

po' thang you
When white privilege denies others the same privileges then it needs to stop.
Nope. Not when it occurs in a nation built by White people, for catering to White interests. Since the Emanc Procl in 1863 you all chose to remain in a country that you fully knew was NOT conquered by Negroid people.
iow ...If I moved into your Black neighborhood, you would NOT dare let me come in expecting the same accommodations as those Blacks who put in the work settling/conquering that neighborhood.

When it comes to conquering the USA 400yrs ago? We Caucasoids won, you Negroids did NOT win. Winners get to dictate how the country is ran, whereas losers do NOT get to dictate that reality. Face this!
Even Francis Scott Key alluded to it in the 3rd verse of our national anthem you heard at the super bowl yesterday.

a civil conversation
You are ineligible for this.
And you can blame only your own dishonest, deceitful approach to Race/Racial issues.
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