The Shitting On Veterans and Their Families in Full Swing

Police officers and firefighter and EMS personnel aren't drafted either - assfuck

Cut their benefits too?
In every year's budget for the last six years when the County Commissioners vote.
I chose not to run to message boards and whine.
Police officers and firefighter and EMS personnel aren't drafted either - assfuck

Cut their benefits too?

Your hate for veterans is noted

Their benefits get constantly and I've yet to see a thread from you about it. And the vast majority of them actually do something dangerous, unlike you.

I was in Beirut in Oct 83 on an Aphib that brought trioops there from N.C.
Cleaned up that mess
Didn't see ya
USS iowa April 19, 1989
I didn't catch you at GQ
Where'd your heroics take you?
Shut the fuck up

When did you raise your right hand (or dildo) and enlist?
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Ole Warbler the degenerate welfare queen is somethin' special
Went to pick up my high blood pressure meds at the pharmacy yesterday. What has cost me $8 a bottle (30 day supply) under Tricare for ages - is now $44.00. I asked the pharmacist what's up and she said all Tricare co-pays have gone up. She told me (a good friend) - "You guys (Vets) are really getting screwed. I've never seen anything like this."

When I signed up and served for 23 years, I always knew I would be taken care of. Hell, I was guaranteed it! Thank God I can afford $44 a bottle - I feel bad for those veterans who can't.

Obama is fucking veterans ladies and gentlemen.


Coburn: Cut Back on Tricare | Military Health Report

Tom Coburn?s cuts: Military?s Tricare Prime health care program targeted - Washington Post

That's the problem with right wingers. It always starts with the Republicans and then the ignorant masses blame it on Obama. You sit at a computer connected to the Internet. Why stay "stupid"? I don't get it.
Went to pick up my high blood pressure meds at the pharmacy yesterday. What has cost me $8 a bottle (30 day supply) under Tricare for ages - is now $44.00. I asked the pharmacist what's up and she said all Tricare co-pays have gone up. She told me (a good friend) - "You guys (Vets) are really getting screwed. I've never seen anything like this."

When I signed up and served for 23 years, I always knew I would be taken care of. Hell, I was guaranteed it! Thank God I can afford $44 a bottle - I feel bad for those veterans who can't.

Obama is fucking veterans ladies and gentlemen.


Coburn: Cut Back on Tricare | Military Health Report

Tom Coburn?s cuts: Military?s Tricare Prime health care program targeted - Washington Post

That's the problem with right wingers. It always starts with the Republicans and then the ignorant masses blame it on Obama. You sit at a computer connected to the Internet. Why stay "stupid"? I don't get it.

yep. I pointed out, as did you & others, that it was the defense budget and not Obamacare but Warbler ignored that because he's blinded by partisan hated. Sad that.
Went to pick up my high blood pressure meds at the pharmacy yesterday. What has cost me $8 a bottle (30 day supply) under Tricare for ages - is now $44.00. I asked the pharmacist what's up and she said all Tricare co-pays have gone up. She told me (a good friend) - "You guys (Vets) are really getting screwed. I've never seen anything like this."

When I signed up and served for 23 years, I always knew I would be taken care of. Hell, I was guaranteed it! Thank God I can afford $44 a bottle - I feel bad for those veterans who can't.

Obama is fucking veterans ladies and gentlemen.


The military lied to you? Tell me it ain't so, Joe.

When I enlisted in the Marine Corps about half a century ago I was promised that the government would pay for all my medical and dental expenses for the remainder of my life. This seemed reasonable seeing that my monthly pay from the USMC at the time was around $80 (no typo) and medical cost were still reasonable.

As things turned out, that promise was both insincere and unenforceable. I know I was not alone because many men testified that the same thing happened to them, but since the promise was not reduced to writing the Federal Courts ruled they were without recourse.

Having said all of that, I am glad I had the chance to serve with other Marines, and the VA facility in Lake City, Florida, has taken good care of me over the years. MY copay is still $8 but that is probably because I have BC & BS.

Even though you can afford the dramatic increase, I still feel bad for you. In your long career (I served only 4 years) you have no doubt seen periods of extremely low pay and unimaginable working conditions. You and others in your position deserve better.

I thank you for your service.
Police officers and firefighter and EMS personnel aren't drafted either - assfuck

Cut their benefits too?

Your hate for veterans is noted

Their benefits get constantly and I've yet to see a thread from you about it. And the vast majority of them actually do something dangerous, unlike you.

I was in Beirut in Oct 83 on an Aphib that brought trioops there from N.C.
Cleaned up that mess
Didn't see ya
USS iowa April 19, 1989
I didn't catch you at GQ
Where'd your heroics take you?
Shut the fuck up

When did you raise your right hand (or dildo) and enlist?
Sure you were, warbler, sure you were.
Thanks to ObamaCare everyone, not just Vets, are gonna' have to learn to be their own Doctor.

The last time I had a checkup the Nurse took my Blood Pressure 4 times because she couldn't believe it could be that low. All I did was change what I eat.
Show me how Obamacare affects the Veterans Administration.
I must've done something right in this thread aside from torpedoing the OP :lol: caroljo & freedombecki are apparently pissed that I'm as Progressive who served active duty. Partisan asswipes.
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Somebody please point me to Warbler's thread that screams at Republicans in the House for the upcoming cuts to the Defense Department, which they all voted for.
I have the inside track on this. Normally, the US Dept. Of Veterans Affairs makes changes in benefits, based on the amount of money that they are given to spend by Congress. But in this case, I have it by reliable authority that Obama sat down one night with a list of the quarter million or so covered medications, and personally penned in new, higher copays on each one, before turning it back over to the USDVA the next morning, with the comment, "...that will show those SOB's which party to vote for next time!":wink_2:
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Went to pick up my high blood pressure meds at the pharmacy yesterday. What has cost me $8 a bottle (30 day supply) under Tricare for ages - is now $44.00. I asked the pharmacist what's up and she said all Tricare co-pays have gone up. She told me (a good friend) - "You guys (Vets) are really getting screwed. I've never seen anything like this."

When I signed up and served for 23 years, I always knew I would be taken care of. Hell, I was guaranteed it! Thank God I can afford $44 a bottle - I feel bad for those veterans who can't.

Obama is fucking veterans ladies and gentlemen.


Coburn: Cut Back on Tricare | Military Health Report

Tom Coburn?s cuts: Military?s Tricare Prime health care program targeted - Washington Post

That's the problem with right wingers. It always starts with the Republicans and then the ignorant masses blame it on Obama. You sit at a computer connected to the Internet. Why stay "stupid"? I don't get it.

yep. I pointed out, as did you & others, that it was the defense budget and not Obamacare but Warbler ignored that because he's blinded by partisan hated. Sad that.

How do such people "function"?
warbler never put his ass on the line. I've read his posts. He minced around in a sailor suit for 23 years. The biggest danger he ever faced was a potato peeler.
Now this is interesting.

A thread decrying poor treatment of veterans, but apparently only veterans who had a military role you approved of deserve respect.
Some of the veterans that have gone into a VA Hospital to register for care, have been told to come in some other time, as they don't have the staff to register them so that they can be seen.
It's symptomatic of the ongoing decline of services for the veterans.
One shouldn't bother volunteering for military service, if the government is going to renege on it's claimed commitments.
No where in the contract you signed does it promise you free medical care for life or that the government will take care of you for life.

Bringing retiree tricare payments in line with civilian insurance is going to happen and in all honesty has to happen.

Here's a MUCH better idea, why don't you encourage your congress-critter to do something positive to bring civilian insurance costs in line with what veterans are paying?

I'm not in favor of government dictating prices to private businesses.

Neither am I. Nor am I in favor of ripping off people who put their lives on the line for basically peanuts. Especially when they've been promised certain standards.
which health care bill are you referring to?

The Affordable Health Care Act, which will not be so affordable to many Americans.
you do realize that the increase in tricare co-pays has absolutely nothing to do with the affordable health care act, right?

While current predictions indicate that Tricare may not see too great an impact from Obamacare, obama himself has stated that he would definitely like to see veterans footing more of their health care costs themselves.

Say Anything Obama Wants To Force Veterans To Pay For Their Own Health Care » Say Anything

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