The simple truth of the marijuana issue


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
Only old folks who still believe "Reefer Madness" want it illegal. They are dying off, and every election cycle the poll numbers for legalizing go up 2 points, and now stand in the low 60% level of support.

How can a "democracy" not enact that which 60% of the people support?

A: when the Congress is too beholden to those making money off reefer prohibition - the LAWYERS

Making reefer legal does the following....

1. it stops a CASH FLOW OUT OF THE COUNTRY to some of the worst criminal gangs on the planet
2. it stops the crimes associated with dealing contraband, as it did when Chicago crime dropped off a cliff when Prohibition was repealed
3. it is a net PLUS $300 billion per year to the US Treasury, at a time when the US now has a $20 trillion deficit
4. it allows farmers to grow crops here that are useful for a variety of products, as hemp use is diverse and profitable
5. it employs more Americans who pay more in taxes

Keeping reefer illegal

1. keeps money flowing to criminal gangs and LAWYERS
2. appeases the worst sub human parrots to ever exist, those who actually believe "Reefer Madness" like Jeff Sessions
I was in the Navy back in the late '60s early '70s.

They actually showed us Reefer Madness as an anti-drug training film.
There's so much about your OP that is idiotic...but like you I think the government has no business telling us what we may, and may not, put in our bodies in the privacy of our homes.
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It is truly scary that the current US Attorney General apparently still thinks Reefer Madness is accurate.

His quotes on this issue indicate he considers himself an "expert" on a subject that he himself has never actually tried. He is a classic sub human parrot, certain of that which isn't true, and angry as hell at those who notice....
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There's so much about your OP that is idiotic

Translation - Zionism wants pot illegal in the US, because a lot of attorneys are pro Israel Jews, and they make a ton of money off pot prohibition...
Only old folks who still believe "Reefer Madness" want it illegal. They are dying off, and every election cycle the poll numbers for legalizing go up 2 points, and now stand in the low 60% level of support.

How can a "democracy" not enact that which 60% of the people support?

A: when the Congress is too beholden to those making money off reefer prohibition - the LAWYERS

Making reefer legal does the following....

1. it stops a CASH FLOW OUT OF THE COUNTRY to some of the worst criminal gangs on the planet
2. it stops the crimes associated with dealing contraband, as it did when Chicago crime dropped off a cliff when Prohibition was repealed
3. it is a net PLUS $300 billion per year to the US Treasury, at a time when the US now has a $20 trillion deficit
4. it allows farmers to grow crops here that are useful for a variety of products, as hemp use is diverse and profitable
5. it employs more Americans who pay more in taxes

Keeping reefer illegal

1. keeps money flowing to criminal gangs and LAWYERS
2. appeases the worst sub human parrots to ever exist, those who actually believe "Reefer Madness" like Jeff Sessions

We are a Democratic Republic. Not a simpleton democracy.

Legalization has not stopped criminal trafficing in Colorado moron.
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Here we have another sub who believes Reefer Madness.

Why haven't Colorado voters repealed it then???


Legalize the whole country and the "criminal trafficing" aka buying pot in one state and smoking it in the next state.... will end,

saveliberty wants to keep preventing us from the LIBERTY of legal pot....

aveliberty isn't saving any liberty. saveliberty is 100% for less liberty and more BIG GOVERNMENT telling everyone what to do...
We need a couple guys as AG who were at least kinda losers in High School. Sessions is a 71 year old former Eagle Scout, Army captain, and lawyer. Fuckin' Leave It To Beaver motherfuckers are never going to let us smoke weed. :D
If your state wants MJ legal, it must address the issue where that substance is regulated: federally, with the voices of all the other states in debate (Congress). Then and ONLY THEN will a legitimate change in law happen.

Going in from underneath & usurping the way the Union does federal laws, is illegal and sedition. Other states want a say in this "sweeping legalization" process that defies federal laws. The debate belongs in Congress where all states have a voice on federal laws.

CA & CO etc. fucked up in the way they did things. And, ignorance is no excuse.

When you were out smoking rope in the bushes at school during American Government class, you missed a few crucial things about how we govern ourselves federally as a Union. Even if masses of people have their collective head up their ass, it doesn't allow them to perform sedition on how our federal government operates.
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We need a couple guys as AG who were at least kinda losers in High School. Sessions is a 71 year old former Eagle Scout, Army captain, and lawyer. Fuckin' Leave It To Beaver motherfuckers are never going to let us smoke weed. :D

Sessions voted to confirm Mukasey, which was all about protecting Karl Rove and the 911 crew. Any claim to "patriotic American" vanished right there....
The simple truth is that conservatives and Republicans are once again out of touch with the majority of the American people.

The simple truth is that the problem isn’t states decriminalizing marijuana use consistent with the will of the people of those states, but Congressional Republicans’ refusal to amend Federal marijuana law enforcement policy.
Blame the GOP all you want, when the Dems had the WH and both houses of Congress in 2010, they didn't enact the will of the people either, because the Dems never do anything but enrich the ATTORNEY LOBBY....
The simple truth is that conservatives and Republicans are once again out of touch with the majority of the American people.

The simple truth is that the problem isn’t states decriminalizing marijuana use consistent with the will of the people of those states, but Congressional Republicans’ refusal to amend Federal marijuana law enforcement policy.
the simple truth is,you dont know what the hell you are talking about jones....many righties smoke pot and want it at least decriminalized just as much as the lefty crowd....thats how out of touch you are with the to comment?.....or will you run off to another thread and do another drive by post?...
The simple truth is that conservatives and Republicans are once again out of touch with the majority of the American people.

The simple truth is that the problem isn’t states decriminalizing marijuana use consistent with the will of the people of those states, but Congressional Republicans’ refusal to amend Federal marijuana law enforcement policy.
Then they debate that "out of touch" sentiment IN CONGRESS. They do not merely assume "all are on board" while squeezing out the voices of the states who are opposed.

In other words you prove up on how many people actually want a federally-regulated substance taken off of Schedule 1. You don't merely disseminate potential disinformation in order to get your way without the debate of the entire Union.
The current GOP no longer tolerates libertarians.

Libertarians were purged for whining when W socialized senior drugs in 2004....

To be a "conservative" today like Jeff Sessions, you must hate pot, but love OxyContin....
Only old folks who still believe "Reefer Madness" want it illegal. They are dying off, and every election cycle the poll numbers for legalizing go up 2 points, and now stand in the low 60% level of support.

How can a "democracy" not enact that which 60% of the people support?

A: when the Congress is too beholden to those making money off reefer prohibition - the LAWYERS

Making reefer legal does the following....

1. it stops a CASH FLOW OUT OF THE COUNTRY to some of the worst criminal gangs on the planet
2. it stops the crimes associated with dealing contraband, as it did when Chicago crime dropped off a cliff when Prohibition was repealed
3. it is a net PLUS $300 billion per year to the US Treasury, at a time when the US now has a $20 trillion deficit
4. it allows farmers to grow crops here that are useful for a variety of products, as hemp use is diverse and profitable
5. it employs more Americans who pay more in taxes

Keeping reefer illegal

1. keeps money flowing to criminal gangs and LAWYERS
2. appeases the worst sub human parrots to ever exist, those who actually believe "Reefer Madness" like Jeff Sessions
/----/ "How can a "democracy" not enact that which 60% of the people support? "

Interesting question, Cupcake. well first of all we're a Republic not a Democracy and secondly because we're a Republic, the majority opinion doesn't always matter. For instance:
1.) October CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll, 68% of the public said partial birth abortion should be illegal; only 25% said it should be legal. But it's still legal.
2.) About 60% of adults and 66% of public-school parents in a new poll said they favored vouchers that parents could use for their children's education at any public, private, or parochial school. But the Teacher's Union blocks it
3.) Since the Affordable Care Act was drafted in 2009, the poll numbers have been more or less consistent across different months and polling organizations: The approval rating has hovered around 40 percent recently, with about 50 percent disapproval and 10 percent no opinion. Yet it was passed anyway.
There are more examples.
Jeff Session has inflicted more damage to The Donald that even that fish-lipped qu33r Michael Wolffe and other fake news media!

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