The single most positive thing about Trump and the GOP winning this election?



Finally, the 90% white Republican Party can stop pretending they aren't racist.

When Donald Trump hired Breitbart's Steve Bannon to lead his campaign, the alt-right rejoiced. Not only had one of their own made it into the halls of power, he was seated at the right hand of the candidate who has done more to advance their politics of white nationalism, men's rights and conspiracism than any nominee in a generation or more.

Breitbart published a piece by Allum Bokhari and Milo Yiannopoulos that served as an alt-right manifesto. Read it if you like, but it basically boils down to "we're smarter than rednecks and less hate-filled (but not necessarily less racist) than neo-Nazis."

Political correctness is the alt-right's most cherished concept, because it is cover for their most odious ideas. Racism, misogyny, anti-Semitism – all are simply "telling it like it is" in the face of the PC police. When Trump denounces political correctness, then pledges to deport Mexicans and ban Muslims, he fortifies the alt-right's worldview.

Euphemistic 'alt-right' can turn Party of Lincoln to Party of David Duke

This past Saturday, around 250 white supremacists, many proudly sporting the Hitler Youth hairstyle known to my late grandparents as the “undercut,” gathered at the International Trade Center in Washington, DC to celebrate President-elect Donald Trump’s victory.

“Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!” their leader, Richard Spencer, declared as a few of his energized compatriots raised their right arms to offer the Hitler Salute. Their gathering reflected an increasingly vocal white supremacist movement euphemistically known as the “alt-right.”

Republicans’ sweeping victory of the House, Senate, and White House renders the support of minorities unimportant. Why bother when gerrymandering often creates less diverse, right-leaning districts where Republicans do not need to compete for minority votes? Why bother if it’s still possible to maintain Senate control and win the White House?


Exactly. Why bother? Let it all out. Be who you are.
Finally, the 90% white Republican Party can stop pretending they aren't racist.

When Donald Trump hired Breitbart's Steve Bannon to lead his campaign, the alt-right rejoiced. Not only had one of their own made it into the halls of power, he was seated at the right hand of the candidate who has done more to advance their politics of white nationalism, men's rights and conspiracism than any nominee in a generation or more.

Breitbart published a piece by Allum Bokhari and Milo Yiannopoulos that served as an alt-right manifesto. Read it if you like, but it basically boils down to "we're smarter than rednecks and less hate-filled (but not necessarily less racist) than neo-Nazis."

Political correctness is the alt-right's most cherished concept, because it is cover for their most odious ideas. Racism, misogyny, anti-Semitism – all are simply "telling it like it is" in the face of the PC police. When Trump denounces political correctness, then pledges to deport Mexicans and ban Muslims, he fortifies the alt-right's worldview.

Euphemistic 'alt-right' can turn Party of Lincoln to Party of David Duke

This past Saturday, around 250 white supremacists, many proudly sporting the Hitler Youth hairstyle known to my late grandparents as the “undercut,” gathered at the International Trade Center in Washington, DC to celebrate President-elect Donald Trump’s victory.

“Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!” their leader, Richard Spencer, declared as a few of his energized compatriots raised their right arms to offer the Hitler Salute. Their gathering reflected an increasingly vocal white supremacist movement euphemistically known as the “alt-right.”

Republicans’ sweeping victory of the House, Senate, and White House renders the support of minorities unimportant. Why bother when gerrymandering often creates less diverse, right-leaning districts where Republicans do not need to compete for minority votes? Why bother if it’s still possible to maintain Senate control and win the White House?


Exactly. Why bother? Let it all out. Be who you are.

I see the brain dead are still among us lying like rugs.
#1 positive: destroying Clinton.

#2 positive: watching the freedom caucus and nevertrumpers conspiring with the Dems to send Trump home next year for good.
We get to find out how much pain the poor will take when they don't have the safetynet anymore. When reality hits them = republicans losing big in 2020.

Think about this matthew. Under your messiah the rate of home ownership declined for the first time in 50 years. Under YOUR messiah NASA was eviscerated and turned into a mockery of its former great self. Under YOUR messiah the labor participation rate dropped to the lowest since the 1970's.

Me thinks you need to pull your head out of your butt and actually LOOK at what they are doing. Not at what they tell you....'cause they lie matt. They lie....
We get to find out how much pain the poor will take when they don't have the safetynet anymore. When reality hits them = republicans losing big in 2020.

Think about this matthew. Under your messiah the rate of home ownership declined for the first time in 50 years. Under YOUR messiah NASA was eviscerated and turned into a mockery of its former great self. Under YOUR messiah the labor participation rate dropped to the lowest since the 1970's.

Me thinks you need to pull your head out of your butt and actually LOOK at what they are doing. Not at what they tell you....'cause they lie matt. They lie....
Well of course home ownership declined.

Remember Republicans deregulated Wall Street? Remember derivatives? Remember how that that was brought about? After GOP policies, there had to be a correction.

And who cuts NASA budgets?

NASA warns GOP on cuts to space program
Turns out I was wrong about Nixon. After what he did as Vice President, I thought he would be impeached once he became president. I was totally blindsided by his resignation.

I feel that Trump would never resign. His narcissistic personality disorder would never let that happen. I suspect he will be impeached. It's difficult to believe that with 75 lawsuits entering office and his illegal foundation under so many criminal investigations that won't happen. Not to mention his business dealings all over the world.

He can hold it off for a while, but not forever.

Republicans are opportunists. They support Trump now, but will they when the tide of public opinion turns against them?
By continuing to play the race card, the losing pathetic desperate left proves that the democrat party is the historic party of racism and they haven't deviated from their racist playbook in half a century.

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