The Socialism boogeyman

Why don't our lovers of bigger government ever say how pumping more money into the government will help anything? You get vague safety net crap, but an absolute blind eye to the total failure of the war on poverty. I'd also like to hear why our pump more money into Biden's Pocket Party don't seem at all concerned with the burden on working people, or with creating a country where people can take care of themselves. You just get 'we have roads, so government is awesome.'
The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form of Socialism. One could also make the case that tax credits, automatic rollover defence contracts and Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism. Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.

America has cooled a little on capitalism. This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan. Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014. The middle class has shrunk. People are desperate for an alternative to an increasingly dismal status quo.

Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.

That's because people like yourself are historically retarded. Socialism and all of it's offshoots have killed well over a 100 million people.
You confuse internal conflicts with socialism. Our Civil War also killed plenty of people.
That's war. Purges and starving the citizenry to death are not the same.
Been doing some research on the generational poverty and welfare. I looked at both FDR and Lyndon Johnson. Most Republicans are horrified by both, but it appears the big government approach of FDR really did lift people out of abject poverty. Johnson however did not have the same results. His war on poverty had no noticeable affect on quality of life despite its burdensome price tag to American Workers. So not only was it an expensive mess, it also created generations of poverty and destruction of the family. So our leftist buddies, who want to penalize workers and spend even more money on programs that not only don't move the needle on poverty, but creates generational poverty, I say no, we've already done that.
Some on the left are insisting on equal protection of the laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States. We could be solving simple poverty and ensuring we have no homeless problem in our at-will employment States along with engendering an upward pressure on wages on an Institutional basis. Unemployment compensation is a known automatic stabilizer to an economy and what need not micromanagement that is less effective like our alleged war on poverty.
Anti social security and anti Medicare is anti middle class and lower class worker. Easy call. Some people just hate and loathe those working folk.

Obama and Biden took $700 billion from Medicare, is that what you are referring to? They blew the money on Obamacare.
This claim -- that the Affordable Care Act is funded by plundering the health care program of seniors -- is an old Republican talking point, dating back to the 2010 midterm elections. We’ve checked out many versions of this claim, which contains some truth but is misleading.

Obamacare doesn’t literally "rob" Medicare. But the Affordable Care Act does include provisions that reduce future increases in Medicare spending. In other words, the law slows down the rising costs of Medicare.--
The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form of Socialism. One could also make the case that tax credits, automatic rollover defence contracts and Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism. Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.

America has cooled a little on capitalism. This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan. Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014. The middle class has shrunk. People are desperate for an alternative to an increasingly dismal status quo.

Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.

That's because people like yourself are historically retarded. Socialism and all of it's offshoots have killed well over a 100 million people.
You confuse internal conflicts with socialism. Our Civil War also killed plenty of people.
That's war. Purges and starving the citizenry to death are not the same.
Civil strife is the same thing. It was an internal conflict not "business as usual" for Government.
Why don't our lovers of bigger government ever say how pumping more money into the government will help anything? You get vague safety net crap, but an absolute blind eye to the total failure of the war on poverty. I'd also like to hear why our pump more money into Biden's Pocket Party don't seem at all concerned with the burden on working people, or with creating a country where people can take care of themselves. You just get 'we have roads, so government is awesome.'
Why don't alleged big Government haters abolish the socialism of our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror?
There are, indeed, things that are best done collectively...

1. Infrastructure
2. Defense
3. Education
4. Old Age and Disability Insurance
5. Healthcare
6. Temporary welfare assistance

...and a few other things, too, I'm sure, that are best done collectively, and that should be paid-for by the citizenry, in proportion to their ability to pay.


Trump is "selling" a number of things that I want, but I consider him too high a price to pay, to get what I want.

Unfortunately, socialists/progressives don't stop with the conesensus-based stuff, but try to shove their Social Justice Warrior crap down people's throats.

And, of course, if you object to their Social Reengineering bull$hit, you'll be accosted in your homes, and restaurants, etc., as they catch you out-in-the-open.

And, focusing upon the worst of them ( the Gang of Four et al ), they, too, are too high a price to pay, to get what I want...

LibProgs make me want to puke almost as much as RightWing TrumpBots...

The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form of Socialism. One could also make the case that tax credits, automatic rollover defence contracts and Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism. Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.

America has cooled a little on capitalism. This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan. Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014. The middle class has shrunk. People are desperate for an alternative to an increasingly dismal status quo.

Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.

Capitalism must always be greater than Socialism. Even the Socialists know that.
The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form of Socialism. One could also make the case that tax credits, automatic rollover defence contracts and Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism. Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.

America has cooled a little on capitalism. This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan. Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014. The middle class has shrunk. People are desperate for an alternative to an increasingly dismal status quo.

Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.

Capitalism must always be greater than Socialism. Even the Socialists know that.
I agree that capitalism should do the heavy lifting.
The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form of Socialism. One could also make the case that tax credits, automatic rollover defence contracts and Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism. Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.

America has cooled a little on capitalism. This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan. Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014. The middle class has shrunk. People are desperate for an alternative to an increasingly dismal status quo.

Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.

That's because people like yourself are historically retarded. Socialism and all of it's offshoots have killed well over a 100 million people.
You confuse internal conflicts with socialism. Our Civil War also killed plenty of people.
That's war. Purges and starving the citizenry to death are not the same.
Civil strife is the same thing. It was an internal conflict not "business as usual" for Government.
Wow you are historically deficient. The USSR, China, Vietnam, Cuba, and Nazi Germany periodically used purges to control the population. Most used starvation as a tool as well.
The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form of Socialism. One could also make the case that tax credits, automatic rollover defence contracts and Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism. Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.

America has cooled a little on capitalism. This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan. Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014. The middle class has shrunk. People are desperate for an alternative to an increasingly dismal status quo.

Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.

That's because people like yourself are historically retarded. Socialism and all of it's offshoots have killed well over a 100 million people.
You confuse internal conflicts with socialism. Our Civil War also killed plenty of people.
That's war. Purges and starving the citizenry to death are not the same.
Civil strife is the same thing. It was an internal conflict not "business as usual" for Government.
Wow you are historically deficient. The USSR, China, Vietnam, Cuba, and Nazi Germany periodically used purges to control the population. Most used starvation as a tool as well.
Internal strife not business as usual. Our own laws are similar: The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.
The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form of Socialism. One could also make the case that tax credits, automatic rollover defence contracts and Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism. Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.

America has cooled a little on capitalism. This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan. Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014. The middle class has shrunk. People are desperate for an alternative to an increasingly dismal status quo.

Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.

That's because people like yourself are historically retarded. Socialism and all of it's offshoots have killed well over a 100 million people.
You confuse internal conflicts with socialism. Our Civil War also killed plenty of people.
That's war. Purges and starving the citizenry to death are not the same.
Civil strife is the same thing. It was an internal conflict not "business as usual" for Government.
Wow you are historically deficient. The USSR, China, Vietnam, Cuba, and Nazi Germany periodically used purges to control the population. Most used starvation as a tool as well.
Internal strife not business as usual. Our own laws are similar: The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.
So killing off ethnic groups is what you call internal strife ?
The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form of Socialism. One could also make the case that tax credits, automatic rollover defence contracts and Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism. Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.

America has cooled a little on capitalism. This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan. Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014. The middle class has shrunk. People are desperate for an alternative to an increasingly dismal status quo.

Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.

That's because people like yourself are historically retarded. Socialism and all of it's offshoots have killed well over a 100 million people.
You confuse internal conflicts with socialism. Our Civil War also killed plenty of people.
That's war. Purges and starving the citizenry to death are not the same.
Civil strife is the same thing. It was an internal conflict not "business as usual" for Government.
Wow you are historically deficient. The USSR, China, Vietnam, Cuba, and Nazi Germany periodically used purges to control the population. Most used starvation as a tool as well.
Internal strife not business as usual. Our own laws are similar: The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.
So killing off ethnic groups is what you call internal strife ?

Between 1936 and 1938, three very large Moscow Trials of former senior Communist Party leaders were held, in which they were accused of conspiring with fascist and capitalist powers to assassinate Stalin and other Soviet leaders, dismember the Soviet Union and restore capitalism. --
It was those soup-kitchens during the Great-Depression that scared hell out of conservatives. One had to stand in line for a few hours to receive a free bowl of soup, Still the country did not go communistic, but it did create a population that expected help in a depression like the CCC, WPA, PWA and even soup kitchens. It must have rankled the conservatives in line waiting for their bowl of soup.
Anti social security and anti Medicare is anti middle class and lower class worker. Easy call. Some people just hate and loathe those working folk.

Obama and Biden took $700 billion from Medicare, is that what you are referring to? They blew the money on Obamacare.
This claim -- that the Affordable Care Act is funded by plundering the health care program of seniors -- is an old Republican talking point, dating back to the 2010 midterm elections. We’ve checked out many versions of this claim, which contains some truth but is misleading.

Obamacare doesn’t literally "rob" Medicare. But the Affordable Care Act does include provisions that reduce future increases in Medicare spending. In other words, the law slows down the rising costs of Medicare.--

Right the $700 billion Obama plundered from Medicare for his Obamacare wealth redistribution scheme so he could claim Obamacare was revenue neutral that never happened. :rolleyes-41:
The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form of Socialism. One could also make the case that tax credits, automatic rollover defence contracts and Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism. Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.
Are you saying those things you have cited as being socialist are good things? or do you make the case for socialism by showing us why we should not like it? need to be clear on this.

America has cooled a little on capitalism. This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan.
what is the life expectancy of poor men in the U.S. and Sudanese men?

Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014.
far more than that if you include abortion

The middle class has shrunk. People are desperate for an alternative to an increasingly dismal status quo.
what are the years and numbers for the shrinkage? i.e. from what year to year is the shrinkage measured? and by how much? what is the number down to and from what number did it begin to shrink?

Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.
A communists wet dream
The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form of Socialism. One could also make the case that tax credits, automatic rollover defence contracts and Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism. Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.

America has cooled a little on capitalism. This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan. Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014. The middle class has shrunk. People are desperate for an alternative to an increasingly dismal status quo.

Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.

They used "socialist" for a long time, and finally realized that, not only did it no longer scare anybody, but it probably backfired and made many people more interesting in hearing about socialism. Too funny.

They stuck on Marxism for a time, and now they're pretty much stuck on "commie" and communism, like modern-day Archie Bunkers.

I've also seen them say that the devil himself is involved, and I very much wonder where they take it from here. I mean, where the hell (no pun intended) can they go from here?

Of course, all they're doing is scaring themselves and each other, as usual, while the rest of us smile and roll our eyes.
The populace has been indoctrinated for years that capitalism is unjust and the Founding Fathers were slave owners, thus the country and Constitution needs to go and be replaced by socialism.

But the history of Marxism is never taught in terms of the death and destruction it has caused, murdering and oppressing millions more last century than any other ideology.

So with such vast ignorance, no wonder the term no longer scares them.
Not to mention the gross misapplication of capitalism by the ignorant Right, which has played completely into everything the Left is doing.

That's led to the inequities and fraud that has turned so many people away from capitalism.

The REAL socialists should be sending the Right Thank You cards.
You have to rid yourself of that hardcore case of the FEELZ and come to the realization that people are not equals. Once you do you will stop your sneaky justification for the demand of free shit/socialism.
The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form of Socialism. One could also make the case that tax credits, automatic rollover defence contracts and Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism. Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.

America has cooled a little on capitalism. This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan. Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014. The middle class has shrunk. People are desperate for an alternative to an increasingly dismal status quo.

Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.

They used "socialist" for a long time, and finally realized that, not only did it no longer scare anybody, but it probably backfired and made many people more interesting in hearing about socialism. Too funny.

They stuck on Marxism for a time, and now they're pretty much stuck on "commie" and communism, like modern-day Archie Bunkers.

I've also seen them say that the devil himself is involved, and I very much wonder where they take it from here. I mean, where the hell (no pun intended) can they go from here?

Of course, all they're doing is scaring themselves and each other, as usual, while the rest of us smile and roll our eyes.
The populace has been indoctrinated for years that capitalism is unjust and the Founding Fathers were slave owners, thus the country and Constitution needs to go and be replaced by socialism.

But the history of Marxism is never taught in terms of the death and destruction it has caused, murdering and oppressing millions more last century than any other ideology.

So with such vast ignorance, no wonder the term no longer scares them.
Not to mention the gross misapplication of capitalism by the ignorant Right, which has played completely into everything the Left is doing.

That's led to the inequities and fraud that has turned so many people away from capitalism.

The REAL socialists should be sending the Right Thank You cards.
You have to rid yourself of that hardcore case of the FEELZ and come to the realization that people are not equals. Once you do you will stop your sneaky justification for the demand of free shit/socialism.
Of course people are not equals. That's exactly the point.

Look, I don't expect you to understand this.
The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form of Socialism. One could also make the case that tax credits, automatic rollover defence contracts and Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism. Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.

America has cooled a little on capitalism. This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan. Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014. The middle class has shrunk. People are desperate for an alternative to an increasingly dismal status quo.

Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.

They used "socialist" for a long time, and finally realized that, not only did it no longer scare anybody, but it probably backfired and made many people more interesting in hearing about socialism. Too funny.

They stuck on Marxism for a time, and now they're pretty much stuck on "commie" and communism, like modern-day Archie Bunkers.

I've also seen them say that the devil himself is involved, and I very much wonder where they take it from here. I mean, where the hell (no pun intended) can they go from here?

Of course, all they're doing is scaring themselves and each other, as usual, while the rest of us smile and roll our eyes.
The populace has been indoctrinated for years that capitalism is unjust and the Founding Fathers were slave owners, thus the country and Constitution needs to go and be replaced by socialism.

But the history of Marxism is never taught in terms of the death and destruction it has caused, murdering and oppressing millions more last century than any other ideology.

So with such vast ignorance, no wonder the term no longer scares them.
Not to mention the gross misapplication of capitalism by the ignorant Right, which has played completely into everything the Left is doing.

That's led to the inequities and fraud that has turned so many people away from capitalism.

The REAL socialists should be sending the Right Thank You cards.
You have to rid yourself of that hardcore case of the FEELZ and come to the realization that people are not equals. Once you do you will stop your sneaky justification for the demand of free shit/socialism.
Of course people are not equals. That's exactly the point.

Look, I don't expect you to understand this.
Haha...spin, spin, spin
Capitalism doesn’t create inequities....biology/genetics/DNA does.
I don’t expect you to understand this because it’s some scary shit to admit.

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