The Socialism boogeyman

The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form of Socialism. One could also make the case that tax credits, automatic rollover defence contracts and Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism. Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.

America has cooled a little on capitalism. This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan. Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014. The middle class has shrunk. People are desperate for an alternative to an increasingly dismal status quo.

Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.

They used "socialist" for a long time, and finally realized that, not only did it no longer scare anybody, but it probably backfired and made many people more interesting in hearing about socialism. Too funny.

They stuck on Marxism for a time, and now they're pretty much stuck on "commie" and communism, like modern-day Archie Bunkers.

I've also seen them say that the devil himself is involved, and I very much wonder where they take it from here. I mean, where the hell (no pun intended) can they go from here?

Of course, all they're doing is scaring themselves and each other, as usual, while the rest of us smile and roll our eyes.
The populace has been indoctrinated for years that capitalism is unjust and the Founding Fathers were slave owners, thus the country and Constitution needs to go and be replaced by socialism.

But the history of Marxism is never taught in terms of the death and destruction it has caused, murdering and oppressing millions more last century than any other ideology.

So with such vast ignorance, no wonder the term no longer scares them.
Not to mention the gross misapplication of capitalism by the ignorant Right, which has played completely into everything the Left is doing.

That's led to the inequities and fraud that has turned so many people away from capitalism.

The REAL socialists should be sending the Right Thank You cards.
Could you provide an example of the "gross misapplication of capitalism?

What turns people away from capitalism is the constant lying about it by turds like you who don't even know what it is.
I will now only (try to) discuss this issue with Trumpsters if they have the formal training and/or formal education and/or sufficient financial designations to discuss it like an intelligent, informed adult.

If you'd like, you may provide yours for my consideration.

And sorry, "I heard it on Rush" does not qualify.
In other words, you aren't going to discuss it. You just made it known that you're a pretentious jackass who believes he's superior to his critics.

It's not a good look.
I'll await your information.
You can't make your argument unless I post my resume?

You only prove that you're a disingenuous moron.
The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form of Socialism. One could also make the case that tax credits, automatic rollover defence contracts and Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism. Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.

America has cooled a little on capitalism. This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan. Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014. The middle class has shrunk. People are desperate for an alternative to an increasingly dismal status quo.

Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.

That's because people like yourself are historically retarded. Socialism and all of it's offshoots have killed well over a 100 million people.
You confuse internal conflicts with socialism. Our Civil War also killed plenty of people.
We have no programs that even approach socialism so there's no threat of it
Government of the People, by the People, and for the People is socialism not capitalism.
Don't confuse government and economics.
Government is socialism. You cannot have socialism without it.

I'm sure the folks at my Credit Union and my Food Co-Operative would laugh at your utter ignorance. :auiqs.jpg:
I am not the one appealing to ignorance. Show us one nation-State that has no Government but has socialism.

Mogadishu was an example of an AnCap not socialism.
The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form of Socialism. One could also make the case that tax credits, automatic rollover defence contracts and Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism. Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.

America has cooled a little on capitalism. This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan. Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014. The middle class has shrunk. People are desperate for an alternative to an increasingly dismal status quo.

Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.

The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form of Socialism. One could also make the case that tax credits, automatic rollover defence contracts and Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism. Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.

America has cooled a little on capitalism. This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan. Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014. The middle class has shrunk. People are desperate for an alternative to an increasingly dismal status quo.

Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.

Name one experiment in socialism or any form of collective bullshit that has worked out for the people over the long haul, just one. You can't because they've all collapsed and have been disastrous for the population suffered in misery and did without while their elite ruling class lived in the lap of luxury at their expense. Socalism is just like all of the other crap the left preaches, it's nothing but a big damned lie told to anyone stupid enough to be suckered in.
government is socialism. Ours has lasted over two hundred years. Capitalism "died in 1929" and has been bailed out by socialism ever since.
When I hear some wacko complain how bad social security and Medicare are even though they've helped millions upon millions of americans they immediately lose all credibility.
Sorry, turd, but SS has screwed 100 people for every person it has "helped."
Rightists believe they are Right simply because they are on the right wing.
Is that what they believe?

SMH ...

Another psycho Leftist trying to tell "Righties" what they believe.
See, you believe you are right simply because you are on the right wing.
That isn't what he said, moron.
Nothing but ad hominems? I win again by resorting to the fewest fallacies. Why do right wingers even believe they are right?
When I hear some wacko complain how bad social security and Medicare are even though they've helped millions upon millions of americans they immediately lose all credibility.
Sorry, turd, but SS has screwed 100 people for every person it has "helped."
You believe you are right simply because you are on the right wing.
You might make a case that there is a little socialism in a capitalist society but you can bet your ass there is no capitalism in a socialist society.

One of the producers and assistants for this;

Recently made a video in downtown L.A. Unfortunately, it is only viewable and streamed on FB. But it looked really eerily similar to those photos.

Your video of Joy Villa completely debunks the OP's psycho pro communist push.

Excellent post.

Thread killa .....

LMAO oh that's gonna leave a mark on BLM, dance off bitches!! :auiqs.jpg:
Been doing some research on the generational poverty and welfare. I looked at both FDR and Lyndon Johnson. Most Republicans are horrified by both, but it appears the big government approach of FDR really did lift people out of abject poverty. Johnson however did not have the same results. His war on poverty had no noticeable affect on quality of life despite its burdensome price tag to American Workers. So not only was it an expensive mess, it also created generations of poverty and destruction of the family. So our leftist buddies, who want to penalize workers and spend even more money on programs that not only don't move the needle on poverty, but creates generational poverty, I say no, we've already done that.
Anti social security and anti Medicare is anti middle class and lower class worker. Easy call. Some people just hate and loathe those working folk.

Obama and Biden took $700 billion from Medicare, is that what you are referring to? They blew the money on Obamacare.
One noticed for some reason hard working people who can barely hold on get behind verywealthy men from both parties to lead the nation. Makes zero sense.
I cannot think of 1 honest elected person on either side....neither can you.
It's made far worse by the system under which they operate.

Their motivations are, in order: Re-election, fundraising, networking, pleasing the "base", getting plum committee assignments, and (if there's time) working for their constituents.

And even worse, We the People don't appear to care.
One noticed for some reason hard working people who can barely hold on get behind verywealthy men from both parties to lead the nation. Makes zero sense.

We support Trump he's a winner. The Dems are on hard times, Obama the zero experience lazy do nothing then a couple recycled DC swamp rats who have also accomplished jack shit in their careers.

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