The State Of The Union: The Worst Night Of The Year

if the State of the Union Address has just become another television show then Oblama was in his element last night.....he likes to put on a show...

the country voted in representatives to change BO's agenda....but did he listen? of course not.....all the angry liberal martinet did was wave his veto around....what a loser.....:lame2:
Funny how after beginning his Presidency with huge majorities in both the House and the Senate and the GOP party in shambles...Barry managed to fuck it all up so badly that the Democrats have lost control of the House, the Senate and most of the State Legislatures. He's forced to use his veto power because it's all he has left!


...Reagan managed to fuck it all up so badly that the Republicans have lost control of the House, the Senate and most of the State Legislatures. He's forced to use his veto power because it's all he has left!

Reagan? What are you babbling about, Synth? I take it that was supposed to be sarcastic but it doesn't make any sense...just saying...
Yes it does. Democrats took control of the House and Senate at the end of Reagan's 6th year, paralleling Obama.

Was that because of Reagan's monumental fuck-ups?
I have more productive to do than be lied to for an hour.

if the state of the union is good, then why does he want to change it?

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