The supreme court is murking the left.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
I am so glad the GOP held up Obama's nominee. Yes I realize turnabout may end up murking us but we needed that seat to keep some balance. Now we just need a few of those old geezers to retire while Trump is still in office.

Good times in America right now.
I am so glad the GOP held up Obama's nominee. Yes I realize turnabout may end up murking us but we needed that seat to keep some balance. Now we just need a few of those old geezers to retire while Trump is still in office.

Good times in America right now.

Put all Wasps on it, then we can be an ultra religious country.
Lets not forget about the ruling on privacy. That was a win for every American.
If it was up to the Republicans, it wouldnt have went that way.
Sotomayor is the worst. Her decision on the travel ban was based on pure emotion and was made along party lines. She forgot her job was to interpret our laws, not base her decisions on her own personal beliefs. Sotomayor said that Trump's policy “now masquerades behind a facade of national security concerns.”. She used his previous words against him in her decision. However, she gave Obama a pass on her Obamacare mandate decision. Obama sold the mandate consistently as a "penalty". However, the mandate as a penalty would never pass the SCOTUS. So, Obama's lawyers argued it was a tax to the SCOTUS. Sotomayor of course agrees ignoring that Obama sold it to the American public as a penalty.

Sotomayor goes on to say, “As here, the exclusion was rooted in dangerous stereotypes about, inter alia, a particular group’s supposed inability to assimilate and desire to harm the United States.”

Stereotypes? The Travel Ban only includes 6 Muslim countries and about 8% of the Muslim population. 92% of the world's Muslims can come and go as they please. The numbers don't support Sotomayor's argument.

Furthermore, if those banned countries can start producing documentation for the travelers, they'll be taken of the list. Again, we just want to know who is coming here and make sure they've been vetted. It's not Sotomayor job to decide if the ban will work, she just needs to decide if the President has the authority to enact a policy he believes will protect the American public.

It's truly sad that half the SCOTUS is rooted deep in party lines.
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Sotomayor is the worst. Her decision on the travel ban was based on pure emotion and was made along party lines. She forgot her job was to interpret our laws, not base her decisions on her own personal beliefs. Sotomayor said that Trump's policy “now masquerades behind a facade of national security concerns.”. She used his previous words against him in her decision. However, she gave Obama a pass on her Obamacare mandate decision. Obama sold the mandate consistently as a "penalty". However, the mandate as a penalty would never pass the SCOTUS. So, Obama's lawyers argued it was a tax to the SCOTUS. Sotomayor of course agrees ignoring that Obama sold it to the American public as a penalty.

Sotomayor goes on to say, “As here, the exclusion was rooted in dangerous stereotypes about, inter alia, a particular group’s supposed inability to assimilate and desire to harm the United States.”

Stereotypes? The Travel Ban only includes 6 Muslim countries and about 8% of the Muslim population. 92% of the world's Muslims can come and go as they please. The numbers don't support Sotomayor's argument.

Furthermore, if those banned countries can start producing documentation for the travelers, they'll be taken of the list. Again, we just want to know who is coming here and make sure they've been vetted.

It's truly sad that half the SCOTUS is rooted deep in party lines.

Did you expect something other than that from a meat puppet faggot appointee?

I am so glad the GOP held up Obama's nominee. Yes I realize turnabout may end up murking us but we needed that seat to keep some balance. Now we just need a few of those old geezers to retire while Trump is still in office.

Good times in America right now.
Yes making a mockery of the SC worked out for republicans this time. Precedent is set. SC Justices will now only be confirmed when the Senate and President are from the same party. You opposed activist Justices, but now the only type of Justice that will ever join the SC are activist Justices.
Sotomayor is the worst. Her decision on the travel ban was based on pure emotion and was made along party lines. She forgot her job was to interpret our laws, not base her decisions on her own personal beliefs. Sotomayor said that Trump's policy “now masquerades behind a facade of national security concerns.”. She used his previous words against him in her decision. However, she gave Obama a pass on her Obamacare mandate decision. Obama sold the mandate consistently as a "penalty". However, the mandate as a penalty would never pass the SCOTUS. So, Obama's lawyers argued it was a tax to the SCOTUS. Sotomayor of course agrees ignoring that Obama sold it to the American public as a penalty.

Sotomayor goes on to say, “As here, the exclusion was rooted in dangerous stereotypes about, inter alia, a particular group’s supposed inability to assimilate and desire to harm the United States.”

Stereotypes? The Travel Ban only includes 6 Muslim countries and about 8% of the Muslim population. 92% of the world's Muslims can come and go as they please. The numbers don't support Sotomayor's argument.

Furthermore, if those banned countries can start producing documentation for the travelers, they'll be taken of the list. Again, we just want to know who is coming here and make sure they've been vetted. It's not Sotomayor job to decide if the ban will work, she just needs to decide if the President has the authority to enact a policy he believes will protect the American public.

It's truly sad that half the SCOTUS is rooted deep in party lines.

In 2001, Sotomayor, an appeals court judge at the time made this statement - “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life,"

...then in 2005...a video surfaced of Judge Sotomayor asserting in 2005 that a “court of appeals is where policy is made.” She then immediately adds: “And I know — I know this is on tape, and I should never say that because we don’t make law. I know. O.K. I know. I’m not promoting it. I’m not advocating it. I’m — you know.”
Sotomayor’s View of Judging Is on the Record

Not a ringing endorsement for a seat on the Supreme Court.
Why does this surprise anyone? This is the court's history, a sad one at times. To repeat a conservative SCOTUS is simply the legislative branch of the oligarchs, the corporatist, and the powerful over the working class.

"Few American institutions have inflicted greater suffering on ordinary people than the Supreme Court of the United States. Since its inception, the justices of the Supreme Court have shaped a nation where children toiled in coal mines, where Americans could be forced into camps because of their race, and where a woman could be sterilized against her will by state law."

'Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser

Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser
Sotomayor is the worst. Her decision on the travel ban was based on pure emotion and was made along party lines. She forgot her job was to interpret our laws, not base her decisions on her own personal beliefs. Sotomayor said that Trump's policy “now masquerades behind a facade of national security concerns.”. She used his previous words against him in her decision. However, she gave Obama a pass on her Obamacare mandate decision. Obama sold the mandate consistently as a "penalty". However, the mandate as a penalty would never pass the SCOTUS. So, Obama's lawyers argued it was a tax to the SCOTUS. Sotomayor of course agrees ignoring that Obama sold it to the American public as a penalty.

Sotomayor goes on to say, “As here, the exclusion was rooted in dangerous stereotypes about, inter alia, a particular group’s supposed inability to assimilate and desire to harm the United States.”

Stereotypes? The Travel Ban only includes 6 Muslim countries and about 8% of the Muslim population. 92% of the world's Muslims can come and go as they please. The numbers don't support Sotomayor's argument.

Furthermore, if those banned countries can start producing documentation for the travelers, they'll be taken of the list. Again, we just want to know who is coming here and make sure they've been vetted. It's not Sotomayor job to decide if the ban will work, she just needs to decide if the President has the authority to enact a policy he believes will protect the American public.

It's truly sad that half the SCOTUS is rooted deep in party lines.

In 2001, Sotomayor, an appeals court judge at the time made this statement - “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life,"

...then in 2005...a video surfaced of Judge Sotomayor asserting in 2005 that a “court of appeals is where policy is made.” She then immediately adds: “And I know — I know this is on tape, and I should never say that because we don’t make law. I know. O.K. I know. I’m not promoting it. I’m not advocating it. I’m — you know.”
Sotomayor’s View of Judging Is on the Record

Not a ringing endorsement for a seat on the Supreme Court.

I couldn't agree more.

Right there she said she would be ruling according to WHAT SHE BELIEVES not what the constitution allows or doesn't allow.

One of the worst picks for a SC judge in history.
I am so glad the GOP held up Obama's nominee. Yes I realize turnabout may end up murking us

What in the blue fuck is "murking"?
If you left that shack once in a while you would know.

So you have no clue either. I figured that but it doesn't answer the question. Realizing of course that such answer may not even exist.
Do you know what is happening to the Losers via the SCOTUS these days?

Think hard and if you can't figure it out, get back to me. :)

Pogo it has only taken since 1987 when the conservative side of the isle learned what it was like to be Borked… They didn't learn diddly squat… Just in the last 8 years have they began to hold their own... Things are getting better though... You can tell by the emotional response's of the progressives...

Pogo it has only taken since 1987 when the conservative side of the isle learned what it was like to be Borked… They didn't learn diddly squat… Just in the last 8 years have they began to hold their own... Things are getting better though... You can tell by the emotional response's of the progressives...

The word is "murked" --- not "Borked". Are you suggesting they're the same thing? Or that the OP just can't spell?

You can't tell anything by any responses of Progressives, since they all died off nearly a century ago.

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