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The Symbiosis of Black Victimology And White Guilt

On July 28, 1967, President Lyndon Johnson established the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders. The more common name for this is The Kerner Commission. This commission was tasked to answer three basic questions pertaining to the racial unrest in American cities: What happened? Why did it happen? What can be done to prevent it from happening again? It is common knowledge how this commission deemed that two separate Americas existed, one for whites, the other for blacks.

“What white Americans have never fully understood but what the Negro can never forget--is that white society is deeply implicated in the ghetto. White institutions created it, white institutions maintain it, and white society condones it. It is time now to turn with all the purpose at our command to the major unfinished business of this nation. It is time to adopt strategies for action that will produce quick and visible progress. It is time to make good the promises of American democracy to all citizens-urban and rural, white and black, Spanish-surname, American Indian, and every minority group.”

Kerner Commission Report

On February 26, 2018, 50 years after the Kerner Commission findings, the Economic Policy Institute published a report evaluating the progress of the black community since the Kerner Report was released. It was based on a study done by the Economic Policy Institute that compared the progress of the black community with the condition of the black community at the time of the Kerner Commission. Titled “50 years after the Kerner Commission,” the study’s central premise was that there had been some improvements in the situation blacks faced but there were still disadvantages blacks faced that were based on race.

Here are some of the findings.

African Americans today are much better educated than they were in 1968 but still lag behind whites in overall educational attainment. More than 90 percent of younger African Americans (ages 25 to 29) have graduated from high school, compared with just over half in 1968—which means they’ve nearly closed the gap with white high school graduation rates. They are also more than twice as likely to have a college degree as in 1968 but are still half as likely as young whites to have a college degree.

The substantial progress in educational attainment of African Americans has been accompanied by significant absolute improvements in wages, incomes, wealth, and health since 1968. But black workers still make only 82.5 cents on every dollar earned by white workers, African Americans are 2.5 times as likely to be in poverty as whites, and the median white family has almost 10 times as much wealth as the median black family.

With respect to homeownership, unemployment, and incarceration, America has failed to deliver any progress for African Americans over the last five decades. In these areas, their situation has either failed to improve relative to whites or has worsened. In 2017 the black unemployment rate was 7.5 percent, up from 6.7 percent in 1968, and is still roughly twice the white unemployment rate. In 2015, the black homeownership rate was just over 40 percent, virtually unchanged since 1968, and trailing a full 30 points behind the white homeownership rate, which saw modest gains over the same period. And the share of African Americans in prison or jail almost tripled between 1968 and 2016 and is currently more than six times the white incarceration rate.

Following up on this, Richard Rothstein of the Economic Policy Institute wrote an op ed published in the February 28th edition of the New York Daily News entitled, “50 years after the Kerner Commission, minimal racial progress.” It had been 50 years since the commission made their recommendations at that point, yet Rothstein makes this statement: “So little has changed since 1968 that the report remains worth reading as a near-contemporary description of racial inequality.” There is a reason little has changed.

The commission recommended solutions based on the following 3 principles: 1.“To mount programs on a scale equal to the dimension of the problems.” 2.”To aim these programs for high impact in the immediate future in order to close the gap between promise and performance.” 3.“To undertake new initiatives and experiments that can change the system of failure and frustration that now dominates the ghetto and weakens our society.” With all due respect, I do not believe the members of the commission truly understood the real size of the problem. As of today, principle number 1 has yet to be met.

In order for a societal problem to be solved there must be a will consensual among all to solve the problem by any means necessary. Not by a half measure here and a half measure there. Principle number 1 was to create programs equal to the dimension of the problem. That’s a laudable goal, but the dimension of the problem in 1967 was 191 years of denied income, education, housing and wages. What series of programs could be proposed to a nation where half the people believed that “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice?”

“These programs will require unprecedented levels of funding and performance, but they neither probe deeper nor demand more than the problems which called them forth. There can be no higher priority for national action and no higher claim on the nation's conscience.”

Kerner Commission Report

And so here you have it. Suddenly a nation that had felt it unnecessary to provide equal funding, facilities, housing or income even as the supreme court in 1897 determined it was fine to be separate if everything else was equal; a nation still fighting against the Brown decision by using state laws, a nation that had just decided to allow blacks the free access to the ballot and public accommodations, was going to appropriate billions of dollars to fix an almost 200 year old problem. It has yet to be done.

As a result of this study the commission identified 12 `grievances common in the communities they visited: “1. Police practices 2. Unemployment and underemployment 3. Inadequate housing. 4. Inadequate education 5. Poor recreation facilities and programs 6. Ineffectiveness of the political structure and grievance mechanisms. 7. Disrespectful white attitudes 8. Discriminatory administration of justice 9. Inadequacy of federal programs 10. Inadequacy of municipal services 11. Discriminatory consumer and credit practices 12. Inadequate welfare programs.

Americans would be hard pressed to say these grievances do not still exist. The Kerner Commission was tasked to find out why the racial unrest happened. Instead of blaming blacks for being angry about the way they were treated, instead of inventing terms like victim mentality, the commission took a long hard look at American societal issues. The bottom line is that the Kerner Commission determined in 1968 what blacks already knew and what whites refused to hear. This quote from Nathaniel Jones, Assistant General Counsel for the Commission says it all, “One of the conclusions of the Kerner Report was that white racism was at work, was the cause of the upsets and the uprisings that we had. In fact, the report stated that white society created it, perpetuates it, and sustains it.” In other words, “The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.”

The Kerner Commission report is perhaps the finest study done on race in the history of this nation. Shelby Steele probably didn't read it. There is a reason why Rothstein came to his conclusion. We are now 52 years past the Kerner Commission findings. There has been little progress because at no level of government or society has America met even the first principle of the Kerner Commission.

“To mount programs on a scale equal to the dimension of the problems.”
Like carrots and peas.

1.In a recent interview with Shelby Steele, he opined that Liberal cosseting of black folks, government telling them that it would assume the sort of responsibilities that grown-ups take on as their own, infantilizes blacks, and causes them to believe that they cannot do what other individuals do…in examples such as public housing, bussing for education, affirmative action.

The result is that diseases such as BLM have grown in the black community, based on blacks assuming victimhood and, consequently, a ‘you owe me’ mentality.
And white Liberals bask in a Mother Teresa syndrome, ‘look how good I am” by taking care of 'lesser' individuals.

Neither outlook is healthy.

2. Shelby Steele speaks about his recent documentary. “Since the 60s, whites have lived under the accusation that they are racist. Blacks use this to pursue power based on their victimhood.” With every incident like Michael Brown, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, etc., these are held up as further examples of America’s long history of racism, and these, in turn, justify Liberal politics, which is entitlement for anti-white racialist policies by government, and further control over the white population by Leftist Liberal government.

Each tragic black death becomes a source of power for the Left. But only if it were a white who pulled the trigger. There are thousands of black kids killed in Democrat cities…and you never hear about it.
“…some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks.” 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years – American Free Press

3. While the slaughter of black youth by other black youth is a problem, it serves a purpose for the Left/Democrats. These dead are valuable as long as seen as victims….but not as human beings.

4. As long as blacks continue to be seen as victims, you miss the real problem: the breakdown of the family. 80% of black children are born without a father….what social programs can make up for that? How does a black male learn how to behave, particularly with authority, without father to instruct him?
Black males, with no male role model in the home, fail to learn how to deal with authority.
It is a feature to consider in the heredity vs. environment controversy: females are several times as numerous as males among blacks with high IQs. Witty and Jenkins, "Educational Achievement of a Group of Gifted Negro Children," Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 25, p. 593. They inherit the same genes, are raised in the same homes and neighborhoods......explanations rest on the culture, the excessively 'macho' roles of males associated with and emphasizing certain sociopathologies.

There is a pathology that certainly holds some individuals back, and it is one that has been encouraged by the Liberals/Democrats.
The only question is, whether the debilitation can be reversed.

Shelby Steele is a motherfucking idiot. And that's being polite. Here we see more white racist bullshit from a mentally ill Asian suffering from internalized racism. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. Blacks whose salaries are dependent on right wing foundation grant money can't tell you that.

Watch the language....you're not speaking to the family now.

But I’m deeply flattered by how intently you follow each and every one of the lessons I provide as anodyne to your….neurosis (psychosis?). I will, to the extent that I have the time, continue to help treat your deficiency, and deep-seated sense of inferiority.
On July 28, 1967, President Lyndon Johnson established the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders. The more common name for this is The Kerner Commission. This commission was tasked to answer three basic questions pertaining to the racial unrest in American cities: What happened? Why did it happen? What can be done to prevent it from happening again? It is common knowledge how this commission deemed that two separate Americas existed, one for whites, the other for blacks.

“What white Americans have never fully understood but what the Negro can never forget--is that white society is deeply implicated in the ghetto. White institutions created it, white institutions maintain it, and white society condones it. It is time now to turn with all the purpose at our command to the major unfinished business of this nation. It is time to adopt strategies for action that will produce quick and visible progress. It is time to make good the promises of American democracy to all citizens-urban and rural, white and black, Spanish-surname, American Indian, and every minority group.”

Kerner Commission Report

On February 26, 2018, 50 years after the Kerner Commission findings, the Economic Policy Institute published a report evaluating the progress of the black community since the Kerner Report was released. It was based on a study done by the Economic Policy Institute that compared the progress of the black community with the condition of the black community at the time of the Kerner Commission. Titled “50 years after the Kerner Commission,” the study’s central premise was that there had been some improvements in the situation blacks faced but there were still disadvantages blacks faced that were based on race.

Here are some of the findings.

African Americans today are much better educated than they were in 1968 but still lag behind whites in overall educational attainment. More than 90 percent of younger African Americans (ages 25 to 29) have graduated from high school, compared with just over half in 1968—which means they’ve nearly closed the gap with white high school graduation rates. They are also more than twice as likely to have a college degree as in 1968 but are still half as likely as young whites to have a college degree.

The substantial progress in educational attainment of African Americans has been accompanied by significant absolute improvements in wages, incomes, wealth, and health since 1968. But black workers still make only 82.5 cents on every dollar earned by white workers, African Americans are 2.5 times as likely to be in poverty as whites, and the median white family has almost 10 times as much wealth as the median black family.

With respect to homeownership, unemployment, and incarceration, America has failed to deliver any progress for African Americans over the last five decades. In these areas, their situation has either failed to improve relative to whites or has worsened. In 2017 the black unemployment rate was 7.5 percent, up from 6.7 percent in 1968, and is still roughly twice the white unemployment rate. In 2015, the black homeownership rate was just over 40 percent, virtually unchanged since 1968, and trailing a full 30 points behind the white homeownership rate, which saw modest gains over the same period. And the share of African Americans in prison or jail almost tripled between 1968 and 2016 and is currently more than six times the white incarceration rate.

Following up on this, Richard Rothstein of the Economic Policy Institute wrote an op ed published in the February 28th edition of the New York Daily News entitled, “50 years after the Kerner Commission, minimal racial progress.” It had been 50 years since the commission made their recommendations at that point, yet Rothstein makes this statement: “So little has changed since 1968 that the report remains worth reading as a near-contemporary description of racial inequality.” There is a reason little has changed.

The commission recommended solutions based on the following 3 principles: 1.“To mount programs on a scale equal to the dimension of the problems.” 2.”To aim these programs for high impact in the immediate future in order to close the gap between promise and performance.” 3.“To undertake new initiatives and experiments that can change the system of failure and frustration that now dominates the ghetto and weakens our society.” With all due respect, I do not believe the members of the commission truly understood the real size of the problem. As of today, principle number 1 has yet to be met.

In order for a societal problem to be solved there must be a will consensual among all to solve the problem by any means necessary. Not by a half measure here and a half measure there. Principle number 1 was to create programs equal to the dimension of the problem. That’s a laudable goal, but the dimension of the problem in 1967 was 191 years of denied income, education, housing and wages. What series of programs could be proposed to a nation where half the people believed that “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice?”

“These programs will require unprecedented levels of funding and performance, but they neither probe deeper nor demand more than the problems which called them forth. There can be no higher priority for national action and no higher claim on the nation's conscience.”

Kerner Commission Report

And so here you have it. Suddenly a nation that had felt it unnecessary to provide equal funding, facilities, housing or income even as the supreme court in 1897 determined it was fine to be separate if everything else was equal; a nation still fighting against the Brown decision by using state laws, a nation that had just decided to allow blacks the free access to the ballot and public accommodations, was going to appropriate billions of dollars to fix an almost 200 year old problem. It has yet to be done.

As a result of this study the commission identified 12 `grievances common in the communities they visited: “1. Police practices 2. Unemployment and underemployment 3. Inadequate housing. 4. Inadequate education 5. Poor recreation facilities and programs 6. Ineffectiveness of the political structure and grievance mechanisms. 7. Disrespectful white attitudes 8. Discriminatory administration of justice 9. Inadequacy of federal programs 10. Inadequacy of municipal services 11. Discriminatory consumer and credit practices 12. Inadequate welfare programs.

Americans would be hard pressed to say these grievances do not still exist. The Kerner Commission was tasked to find out why the racial unrest happened. Instead of blaming blacks for being angry about the way they were treated, instead of inventing terms like victim mentality, the commission took a long hard look at American societal issues. The bottom line is that the Kerner Commission determined in 1968 what blacks already knew and what whites refused to hear. This quote from Nathaniel Jones, Assistant General Counsel for the Commission says it all, “One of the conclusions of the Kerner Report was that white racism was at work, was the cause of the upsets and the uprisings that we had. In fact, the report stated that white society created it, perpetuates it, and sustains it.” In other words, “The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.”

The Kerner Commission report is perhaps the finest study done on race in the history of this nation. Shelby Steele probably didn't read it. There is a reason why Rothstein came to his conclusion. We are now 52 years past the Kerner Commission findings. There has been little progress because at no level of government or society has America met even the first principle of the Kerner Commission.

“To mount programs on a scale equal to the dimension of the problems.”

Why are you afraid to address the points I made and documented.....the ones that irk you so, but are clearly accurate and correct?
People like PC will promote black sellouts but we don't see her denigrating the 75 percent of the Asian population who are democrats. She brings up Shelby Steele. worse. Here we have a black man who lived through segregation basically saying that blacks struggle now because we were “unprepared for freedom.”

“The oppression of black people is over with... We blacks are, today, a free people. It is as if freedom sneaked up and caught us by surprise...

This is what replaced racism as our primary difficulty. Blacks had survived every form of human debasement with ingenuity, self-reliance, a deep and ironic humor, a capacity for self-reinvention and a heroic fortitude. But we had no experience of wide-open freedom...

We can say that past oppression left us unprepared for freedom. This is certainly true. But it is no consolation... Freedom holds us accountable no matter the disadvantages we inherit from the past. The tragedy in Chicago—rightly or wrongly—reflects on black America...

That’s why ... We conjure elaborate narratives that give white racism new life in the present: “systemic” and “structural” racism, racist “microaggressions,” “white privilege,” and so on. All these narratives insist that blacks are still victims of racism, and that freedom’s accountability is an injustice...”

Now this is simply crazy. I understand Steele is in his 70’s but I can’t excuse his age for this. He is supposed to be a highly ultra-educated intellectual, but you cannot tell by his opinion. Whites gladly accept this “alternative” view because it does not hold them accountable. It allows them comfort. I have held many conversations about racism and whites will cite examples from Steele and Sowell. Maybe these two need to be put to pasture because this view stinks of two old black man who made some money, live comfortably and now want to pretend everything is OK. Seems that many blacks of his era have pound cake moments.

Before I go any further, Steele is considered a contrarian, a person who rejects popular opinion. But the problem in applying this approach to racism is there is no popular opinion relative to this issue. Besides, some of his conclusion are, with all due respect, are examples of the attack of lunacy that has gripped this country.

“I think one of the cruelest things a society can do is to take the best and the brightest young black Americans and basically say to them you simply cannot compete with the best and brightest of other races. We won’t allow you to do that. You can’t do it. You have to depend on our paternalism.”

Shelby Steele, Is White Guilt Destroying the Promise of Civil Rights?

When a black person makes a comment like this you must ask if they are participating in the use of crack. Steele is a man who lived his first 19 years of life during legalized Jim Crow. He went to a small mostly white college in Iowa. He opposes Affirmative Action today. I wonder did it ever cross his mind that maybe, just maybe and a little bit, that he was admitted into that school thanks to Affirmative Action? It is said when you are living in history a person is not aware of the impact because people are too busy with the day to day. Was Steele oblivious to everything that was going on around him? Did Steele miss how whites could not compete without rigging the system in their favor?

I would like those like Steele to explain to me how it is wrong to ask government to fix a problem created by government at every level? Did he miss all the group preferences whites were getting from the government before he decided that blacks were betrayed by so called group preferences mandated by the government? Whites were getting them all around him and they didn’t seem to have any problems. It has been this type of thinking that has been the problem.
Like carrots and peas.

1.In a recent interview with Shelby Steele, he opined that Liberal cosseting of black folks, government telling them that it would assume the sort of responsibilities that grown-ups take on as their own, infantilizes blacks, and causes them to believe that they cannot do what other individuals do…in examples such as public housing, bussing for education, affirmative action.

The result is that diseases such as BLM have grown in the black community, based on blacks assuming victimhood and, consequently, a ‘you owe me’ mentality.
And white Liberals bask in a Mother Teresa syndrome, ‘look how good I am” by taking care of 'lesser' individuals.

Neither outlook is healthy.

2. Shelby Steele speaks about his recent documentary. “Since the 60s, whites have lived under the accusation that they are racist. Blacks use this to pursue power based on their victimhood.” With every incident like Michael Brown, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, etc., these are held up as further examples of America’s long history of racism, and these, in turn, justify Liberal politics, which is entitlement for anti-white racialist policies by government, and further control over the white population by Leftist Liberal government.

Each tragic black death becomes a source of power for the Left. But only if it were a white who pulled the trigger. There are thousands of black kids killed in Democrat cities…and you never hear about it.
“…some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks.” 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years – American Free Press

3. While the slaughter of black youth by other black youth is a problem, it serves a purpose for the Left/Democrats. These dead are valuable as long as seen as victims….but not as human beings.

4. As long as blacks continue to be seen as victims, you miss the real problem: the breakdown of the family. 80% of black children are born without a father….what social programs can make up for that? How does a black male learn how to behave, particularly with authority, without father to instruct him?
Black males, with no male role model in the home, fail to learn how to deal with authority.
It is a feature to consider in the heredity vs. environment controversy: females are several times as numerous as males among blacks with high IQs. Witty and Jenkins, "Educational Achievement of a Group of Gifted Negro Children," Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 25, p. 593. They inherit the same genes, are raised in the same homes and neighborhoods......explanations rest on the culture, the excessively 'macho' roles of males associated with and emphasizing certain sociopathologies.

There is a pathology that certainly holds some individuals back, and it is one that has been encouraged by the Liberals/Democrats.
The only question is, whether the debilitation can be reversed.

Shelby Steele is a motherfucking idiot. And that's being polite. Here we see more white racist bullshit from a mentally ill Asian suffering from internalized racism. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. Blacks whose salaries are dependent on right wing foundation grant money can't tell you that.

Watch the language....you're not speaking to the family now.

But I’m deeply flattered by how intently you follow each and every one of the lessons I provide as anodyne to your….neurosis (psychosis?). I will, to the extent that I have the time, continue to help treat your deficiency, and deep-seated sense of inferiority.

I know what I am speaking to and that's why I used the language. No one in my family is a dumb ass like you.
People like PC will promote black sellouts but we don't see her denigrating the 75 percent of the Asian population who are democrats. She brings up Shelby Steele. worse. Here we have a black man who lived through segregation basically saying that blacks struggle now because we were “unprepared for freedom.”

“The oppression of black people is over with... We blacks are, today, a free people. It is as if freedom sneaked up and caught us by surprise...

This is what replaced racism as our primary difficulty. Blacks had survived every form of human debasement with ingenuity, self-reliance, a deep and ironic humor, a capacity for self-reinvention and a heroic fortitude. But we had no experience of wide-open freedom...

We can say that past oppression left us unprepared for freedom. This is certainly true. But it is no consolation... Freedom holds us accountable no matter the disadvantages we inherit from the past. The tragedy in Chicago—rightly or wrongly—reflects on black America...

That’s why ... We conjure elaborate narratives that give white racism new life in the present: “systemic” and “structural” racism, racist “microaggressions,” “white privilege,” and so on. All these narratives insist that blacks are still victims of racism, and that freedom’s accountability is an injustice...”

Now this is simply crazy. I understand Steele is in his 70’s but I can’t excuse his age for this. He is supposed to be a highly ultra-educated intellectual, but you cannot tell by his opinion. Whites gladly accept this “alternative” view because it does not hold them accountable. It allows them comfort. I have held many conversations about racism and whites will cite examples from Steele and Sowell. Maybe these two need to be put to pasture because this view stinks of two old black man who made some money, live comfortably and now want to pretend everything is OK. Seems that many blacks of his era have pound cake moments.

Before I go any further, Steele is considered a contrarian, a person who rejects popular opinion. But the problem in applying this approach to racism is there is no popular opinion relative to this issue. Besides, some of his conclusion are, with all due respect, are examples of the attack of lunacy that has gripped this country.

“I think one of the cruelest things a society can do is to take the best and the brightest young black Americans and basically say to them you simply cannot compete with the best and brightest of other races. We won’t allow you to do that. You can’t do it. You have to depend on our paternalism.”

Shelby Steele, Is White Guilt Destroying the Promise of Civil Rights?

When a black person makes a comment like this you must ask if they are participating in the use of crack. Steele is a man who lived his first 19 years of life during legalized Jim Crow. He went to a small mostly white college in Iowa. He opposes Affirmative Action today. I wonder did it ever cross his mind that maybe, just maybe and a little bit, that he was admitted into that school thanks to Affirmative Action? It is said when you are living in history a person is not aware of the impact because people are too busy with the day to day. Was Steele oblivious to everything that was going on around him? Did Steele miss how whites could not compete without rigging the system in their favor?

I would like those like Steele to explain to me how it is wrong to ask government to fix a problem created by government at every level? Did he miss all the group preferences whites were getting from the government before he decided that blacks were betrayed by so called group preferences mandated by the government? Whites were getting them all around him and they didn’t seem to have any problems. It has been this type of thinking that has been the problem.

You sure need to cling to that victim mentality, huh?

I guess that's what happens when you have noting in your character nor achievements to show.

I have a few more posts that will surely injure you just as deeply.
Get the antacids and stay tuned.
Like carrots and peas.

1.In a recent interview with Shelby Steele, he opined that Liberal cosseting of black folks, government telling them that it would assume the sort of responsibilities that grown-ups take on as their own, infantilizes blacks, and causes them to believe that they cannot do what other individuals do…in examples such as public housing, bussing for education, affirmative action.

The result is that diseases such as BLM have grown in the black community, based on blacks assuming victimhood and, consequently, a ‘you owe me’ mentality.
And white Liberals bask in a Mother Teresa syndrome, ‘look how good I am” by taking care of 'lesser' individuals.

Neither outlook is healthy.

2. Shelby Steele speaks about his recent documentary. “Since the 60s, whites have lived under the accusation that they are racist. Blacks use this to pursue power based on their victimhood.” With every incident like Michael Brown, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, etc., these are held up as further examples of America’s long history of racism, and these, in turn, justify Liberal politics, which is entitlement for anti-white racialist policies by government, and further control over the white population by Leftist Liberal government.

Each tragic black death becomes a source of power for the Left. But only if it were a white who pulled the trigger. There are thousands of black kids killed in Democrat cities…and you never hear about it.
“…some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks.” 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years – American Free Press

3. While the slaughter of black youth by other black youth is a problem, it serves a purpose for the Left/Democrats. These dead are valuable as long as seen as victims….but not as human beings.

4. As long as blacks continue to be seen as victims, you miss the real problem: the breakdown of the family. 80% of black children are born without a father….what social programs can make up for that? How does a black male learn how to behave, particularly with authority, without father to instruct him?
Black males, with no male role model in the home, fail to learn how to deal with authority.
It is a feature to consider in the heredity vs. environment controversy: females are several times as numerous as males among blacks with high IQs. Witty and Jenkins, "Educational Achievement of a Group of Gifted Negro Children," Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 25, p. 593. They inherit the same genes, are raised in the same homes and neighborhoods......explanations rest on the culture, the excessively 'macho' roles of males associated with and emphasizing certain sociopathologies.

There is a pathology that certainly holds some individuals back, and it is one that has been encouraged by the Liberals/Democrats.
The only question is, whether the debilitation can be reversed.

Shelby Steele is a motherfucking idiot. And that's being polite. Here we see more white racist bullshit from a mentally ill Asian suffering from internalized racism. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. Blacks whose salaries are dependent on right wing foundation grant money can't tell you that.

Watch the language....you're not speaking to the family now.

But I’m deeply flattered by how intently you follow each and every one of the lessons I provide as anodyne to your….neurosis (psychosis?). I will, to the extent that I have the time, continue to help treat your deficiency, and deep-seated sense of inferiority.

I know what I am speaking to and that's why I used the language. No one in my family is a dumb ass like you.

Y'a mean your entire family also graduated from Ivy League institutions???

8. Shelby Steele speaks to blacks who have accepted victimhood and tells them that he grew up in times very close to Jim Crow….and those times are a distant past.
“We’re no longer there: opportunity for black people is overwhelming. We are not taking those opportunities, and to focus on the distant past will sink us in nihilism, no meaning in life in inner cities.

Black Lives Matter…pounding into their own people that they are helpless victims. The fact is America is transforming itself. Opportunity is available everywhere for blacks. Africans come here and have higher incomes than white Americans.”

9. “The pretense is that police conduct stands as the root of Black problems. In recent times, there is an average of 9,252 Black-on-Black murders every year. Over the past 35 years, that translates into nearly 324,000 Blacks murdered at the hands of other Blacks.

Manhattan Institute scholar Heather Mac Donald reports that “a police officer is 18½ times more likely to be killed by a Black male than an unarmed Black male is to be killed by a police officer.” Crime is a major problem for many Black communities, but how much of it can be attributed to causes such as institutional racism, systemic racism and white privilege?

The most devastating problem is the very weak Black family structure. Less than a third of Black children live in two-parent households and illegitimacy stands at 75%. The “legacy of slavery” is often blamed. Such an explanation turns out to be sheer nonsense when one examines Black history.

An 1880 study of family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of all Black families were nuclear families. There were only slight differences in family structure between racial groups. The percentages of nuclear families were: black (75.2%), Irish (82.2%), German (84.5%) and native white Americans (73.1%).

The absence of a father in the home predisposes children, especially boys, to academic failure, criminal behavior and economic hardship, not to mention an intergenerational repeating of handicaps. If today’s weak family structure is a legacy of slavery, then the people who make such a claim must tell us how it has managed to skip nearly five generations to have an effect.

There are problems such as grossly poor education, economic stagnation and poverty that impact the Black community heavily. I would like someone to explain how tearing down statues of Christopher Columbus, Thomas Jefferson and Confederate generals help the Black cause. Destruction of symbols of American history might help relieve the frustrations of all those white college students and their professors frustrated by the 2016 election of President Donald Trump. Problems that Black people face give white leftists cover for their anti-American agenda.”
Walter Williams: Is racism responsible for today’s Black problems?

And the deterioration of the black nuclear family????


Democrat LBJ.
Manhattan Institute scholar Heather Mac Donald reports that “a police officer is 18½ times more likely to be killed by a Black male than an unarmed Black male is to be killed by a police officer.” Crime is a major problem for many Black communities, but how much of it can be attributed to causes such as institutional racism, systemic racism and white privilege?

More inaccurate facts.

In 2019- A total of 48 officers were killed in the line of duty. That's it. I mean, it's terrible and all, but that's the total killed by Perpetrators of ALL races. This is from the Pro-Police Officer Down Memorial Page.

(Incidently, in that same year, two officers were killed by "Inadvertant gunfire" - i.e. hit by another cops bullets in a shooting situation.)

Now, we know that 1000 people are killed by police every year. In the Washington Post's database, 13 unarmed black men were killed in 2019.

So the number isn't 18 1/2 times, it maybe three times, if you are really generous as to what constitutes "unarmed".
Oh, yes. I expect the United States of America to be such a corrupt, violent, and disorganized nation by the end of this century (or even earlier), that it will implode. Hopefully, something better will emerge. Possibly several nations composed of people who share particular cultural values.

Ugh, let's hope not.

Of course there are really two Americas. The Blue States that drive all the economic activity, and the Red States in Jesusland who have the advantage of sponging off the rest of us.

View attachment 406453
Tell us all about the production to stay alive in those heavy economic areas. And then tell us about those sponging off others within those heavy economic areas. I am telling you. Dynamite a few highways and cut some railroad tracks. With in a week or two and mass starvation starts in those heavy economic areas. Those manly man heavy economic areas. Of determination and grit. Of macho virility those heavy economic areas are.
You fucking moron, Social Security isn't an entitlement program, dip shit.

No, it's a conspiracy by the Trilateralists to make sure every American is identified with a number so they can be harvested when our Lizard People masters cull the population.... The Chem Trails are just a test run.

Look, we already have The Mail Order Bride From Hell filling this thread's quota for Crazy... we don't need you to chime in.

On a more serious note, the only difference between an "Entitlement" and "Welfare" is who is getting it.
10. Why such dramatic conclusions of interaction with the police? “The absence of a father in the home predisposes children, especially boys,….”

Let’s accept, arguendo, that there are more incidents, more violence, when police interact with blacks than with whites. I’m not a police officer, but the following description, seems to me, to account for much of the difference.

In the novel, ‘Pegasus Descending,” by James Lee Burke, a police officer is arresting a white teen in an assault.

“That means shut your face,” I said. I motioned the deputy away and began to shake down Tony Lujan’s friend. When I ran my hands down under his arms I could feel his body humming with energy, the way you can feel an electrical current coursing through a heavily insulated power line.

“Put your wrists behind you,” I said. “You’re arresting me? These guys pulled a gun on us. They vandalized my vehicle.” But he put his hands behind him just the same.

On one hand he wore a high school graduation ring, on the other a gold ring inset with a ruby and the insignia of his fraternity. I snipped the cuffs on each of his wrists and began walking him toward the backseat of my cruiser.

Already his manner had changed and I realized he was exactly like all the middle-class kids we run in for possession or DWI. Many of them are the children of physicians and attorneys and prominent business- people. When they deal with someone dressed in a suit, or in sports clothes, as I was, someone who represents a form of authority they associate with their parents, their vocabulary becomes sanitized and their manners miraculously reappear. In fact, their degree of humility and cooperation is so impressive, they usually skate on the charges or at worst receive probationary sentences.”

And this statistic seems to back up that account.

“After controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared.”
Progressive Policy Institute, 1990, quoted by David Blankenhorn, “Fatherless America: Confronting Our Most Urgent Social Problem,” New York, Harper Perennial, 1996, p.31

“The strongest predictor of whether a person will end up in prison, is that they were raised by a single parent”.
C.C. Harper and S.S. McLanahan, “Father Absence and Youth Incarceration”, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Assoc., San Francisco, CA, 1998

Know whose fault that single motherhood is?

The Democrat Party.
10. Why such dramatic conclusions of interaction with the police? “The absence of a father in the home predisposes children, especially boys,….”

Again, this has been debunked, Happy Ending.

Black fathers are just as likely as white fathers to be involved in their children's lives.

But as Josh Levs pointed out in his new book All In, 2.5 million of 4.2 million black fathers — or about 59.5 percent — live with their children. Levs's numbers suggest that it's not true, as the CDC figures suggests, that 71.5 percent of black dads are absent from their homes — but rather that many of them are simply unmarried.

And when black fathers do live with their children, they're just as, if not more, likely to be involved in their kids' everyday lives. Blow cited CDC data that showed black fathers are more likely than their white and Hispanic counterparts to feed, eat with, bathe, diaper, dress, play with, and read to their children on a daily basis. While some of the differences in the data aren't statistically significant, the figures indicate that black dads are at least as likely to remain involved in their children's lives as those of other races.

Still, the same CDC data shows black men are nearly three times as likely as white men to have at least one child they don't live with — but Blow pointed to policy-driven issues that may be driving the disparity. For example, a previous report by Justin Wolfers, David Leonhardt, and Kevin Quealy for the New York Times found there are 100 black women not in jail or prison for every 83 non-incarcerated black men. So mass incarceration has actually drained 1.5 million black men — many of whom are young and of marrying age — from their communities, making it more difficult for black women to find committed partners of the same race.
All of the data paints a more nuanced view of black fatherhood than the stereotypes suggest. It's not an issue of laziness, inability to commit to family, or another inherent flaw in black culture, as some people may suggest. There are real systemic issues at play — and most black fathers do seem to be trying make the future bright for their kids.
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Shelby Steele ignores 244 years of white government assistance. His opinions hold no weight in the black community and his 's only accepted by racists. He's gotten rich telling racists what they desperately need to hear at the expense of black progress. He is a sellout in the most literal sense.
On June 8, 2015, Charles Blow wrote an article in the New York Times titled, “Black Dads Are Doing Best of All.” Our Asian racist should have read it. This article takes apart the tale of black fathers not being around for their kids. The issue of unwed births really has no relation to whether 2 parents are around. An unwed birth is a child being born and the couple is not married. That does not mean a man and a woman are not together raising the child. The single mother narrative got destroyed long ago, because a single mother does not mean a man will not be around to influence the child as it grows up. One fantastic example is the story Shaquille O’Neill tells about his relationship with Sergeant Phillip Harrison who raised him with his mother. Finally, the appearance of Barack Obama on the world stage allows me to say once and for all that a single parent family is not the cause of the problem. This article shows that the majority of black children in this country live with their fathers or their fathers are active participants in their lives. In reality, not the convoluted racist mind, a mother and father ARE present in the majority of black homes.

Josh Levs points this out in his new book, “All In,” in a chapter titled “How Black Dads Are Doing Best of All (But There’s Still a Crisis).” One fact that Levs quickly establishes is that most black fathers in America live with their children: “There are about 2.5 million black fathers living with their children and about 1.7 million living apart from them.”

Charles Blow

A report titled “Fathers’ Involvement With Their Children: United States, 2006–2010,” was published by the Centers for Disease Control in the National Health Report on December 20, 2013. The findings are interesting for those who have decided they can paint black culture in moral terms. Moral terms that 244 years of American history show whites who have decided they can do the painting, refuse hold themselves to. The findings in this study debunk the standard racist white narrative to the point that it is miseducation, misinformation, lies, or whatever word you want to give to the purposeful deception provided to describe a race of people. Some of the findings are as follows:

A higher percentage of fathers who lived with their children under age 5 fed or ate meals with them daily—72% compared with 7.9% of fathers with noncoresidential children. A higher percentage of fathers living apart from their children did not feed or eat meals with them at all in the last 4 weeks—43% compared with 0.8% of fathers with coresidential children (Table 2). Variation by Hispanic origin and race was seen in the percentages of coresidential fathers who ate meals with their children every day. Specifically, Hispanic fathers were less likely to eat meals with their children every day (64%) than were non-Hispanic white (74%) or non-Hispanic black (78%) fathers.

There was a significant difference by Hispanic origin and race among fathers with coresidential children: Black fathers (70%) were most likely to have bathed, dressed, diapered, or helped their children use the toilet every day compared with white (60%) and Hispanic fathers (45%).

A higher percentage of Hispanic fathers aged 15–44 (52%) had not played with their noncoresidential children in the last 4 weeks compared with white (30%) and black (25%) fathers.

Larger percentages of Hispanic (82%) and white (70%) fathers had not helped their noncoresidential children with homework at all in the last 4 weeks compared with black fathers (56%).

  • Pew Research estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and 32 percent of Hispanic dads. Evidence shows that a number of black dads living apart from their kids because of structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded racist assumption that African-American men place less or no value on parenting. Black and white fathers agree on the importance of being a father who provides emotional support, instills discipline and moral guidance. Black dads are also more likely to think it is important to provide for his children financially.
Simply put, the unwed, single mom, absent black father is not the cause of crime or violence in black communities. Single mothers have boyfriends, this seems to be ignored and it should not be. Furthermore, whites commit more crimes and that includes violent crimes. Perhaps it is time whites started talking a good long look into their own communities instead of continuing the American tradition of making up stories about how violent and criminal other races are.

Poli Chic, you seem to have problems with blacks. Are you mad because black men won't give you any?
Shelby Steele ignores 244 years of white government assistance. His opinions hold no weight in the black community and his 's only accepted by racists. He's gotten rich telling racists what they desperately need to hear at the expense of black progress. He is a sellout in the most literal sense.

"His opinions hold no weight in the black community"

You may be correct about that, but if so, it is one more example of the black community shooting itself in the foot.

Steele is correct to exactly the same degree that you are wrong......100% to 100%

Sadly, you've hitched your future to the party that never cares about the success of the black community any further than getting to the voting booth.
And you aren't smart enough to figure that out.
On June 8, 2015, Charles Blow wrote an article in the New York Times titled, “Black Dads Are Doing Best of All.” Our Asian racist should have read it. This article takes apart the tale of black fathers not being around for their kids. The issue of unwed births really has no relation to whether 2 parents are around. An unwed birth is a child being born and the couple is not married. That does not mean a man and a woman are not together raising the child. The single mother narrative got destroyed long ago, because a single mother does not mean a man will not be around to influence the child as it grows up. One fantastic example is the story Shaquille O’Neill tells about his relationship with Sergeant Phillip Harrison who raised him with his mother. Finally, the appearance of Barack Obama on the world stage allows me to say once and for all that a single parent family is not the cause of the problem. This article shows that the majority of black children in this country live with their fathers or their fathers are active participants in their lives. In reality, not the convoluted racist mind, a mother and father ARE present in the majority of black homes.

Josh Levs points this out in his new book, “All In,” in a chapter titled “How Black Dads Are Doing Best of All (But There’s Still a Crisis).” One fact that Levs quickly establishes is that most black fathers in America live with their children: “There are about 2.5 million black fathers living with their children and about 1.7 million living apart from them.”

Charles Blow

A report titled “Fathers’ Involvement With Their Children: United States, 2006–2010,” was published by the Centers for Disease Control in the National Health Report on December 20, 2013. The findings are interesting for those who have decided they can paint black culture in moral terms. Moral terms that 244 years of American history show whites who have decided they can do the painting, refuse hold themselves to. The findings in this study debunk the standard racist white narrative to the point that it is miseducation, misinformation, lies, or whatever word you want to give to the purposeful deception provided to describe a race of people. Some of the findings are as follows:

A higher percentage of fathers who lived with their children under age 5 fed or ate meals with them daily—72% compared with 7.9% of fathers with noncoresidential children. A higher percentage of fathers living apart from their children did not feed or eat meals with them at all in the last 4 weeks—43% compared with 0.8% of fathers with coresidential children (Table 2). Variation by Hispanic origin and race was seen in the percentages of coresidential fathers who ate meals with their children every day. Specifically, Hispanic fathers were less likely to eat meals with their children every day (64%) than were non-Hispanic white (74%) or non-Hispanic black (78%) fathers.

There was a significant difference by Hispanic origin and race among fathers with coresidential children: Black fathers (70%) were most likely to have bathed, dressed, diapered, or helped their children use the toilet every day compared with white (60%) and Hispanic fathers (45%).

A higher percentage of Hispanic fathers aged 15–44 (52%) had not played with their noncoresidential children in the last 4 weeks compared with white (30%) and black (25%) fathers.

Larger percentages of Hispanic (82%) and white (70%) fathers had not helped their noncoresidential children with homework at all in the last 4 weeks compared with black fathers (56%).

  • Pew Research estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and 32 percent of Hispanic dads. Evidence shows that a number of black dads living apart from their kids because of structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded racist assumption that African-American men place less or no value on parenting. Black and white fathers agree on the importance of being a father who provides emotional support, instills discipline and moral guidance. Black dads are also more likely to think it is important to provide for his children financially.
Simply put, the unwed, single mom, absent black father is not the cause of crime or violence in black communities. Single mothers have boyfriends, this seems to be ignored and it should not be. Furthermore, whites commit more crimes and that includes violent crimes. Perhaps it is time whites started talking a good long look into their own communities instead of continuing the American tradition of making up stories about how violent and criminal other races are.

Poli Chic, you seem to have problems with blacks. Are you mad because black men won't give you any?

What a stupid post.

Here's something else they never taught you, and you were never industrious to learn: the stars align in the Democrat Party.....and the two stars of that party are socialism and slavery.

George Fitzhugh (November 4, 1806 – July 30, 1881) was the Democrat social theorist who published racial and slavery-based sociological theories in the antebellum era.

" What society needed was slavery, not just for blacks, but for whites as well. "Slavery," "is a form, and the very best form, of socialism."

"Socialism," Proposes to do away with free competition; to afford protection and support at all times to the laboring class; to bring about, at least, a qualified community of property, and to associate labor. All these purposes, slavery fully land perfectly attains. [...] Socialism is already slavery in all save the master... Our only quarrel with Socialism is, that it will not honestly admit that it owes its recent revival to the failure of universal liberty, and is seeking to bring about slavery again in some form.”
Fitzhugh, George (1854 Sociology for the South, p. 48)

The two hallmarks of the Democrat Party......socialism, and slavery.

Vote Democrat, and you vote for both.
You fucking moron, Social Security isn't an entitlement program, dip shit.

No, it's a conspiracy by the Trilateralists to make sure every American is identified with a number so they can be harvested when our Lizard People masters cull the population.... The Chem Trails are just a test run.

Look, we already have The Mail Order Bride From Hell filling this thread's quota for Crazy... we don't need you to chime in.

On a more serious note, the only difference between an "Entitlement" and "Welfare" is who is getting it.

Lizard people? That must be some family tree you have with very few branches.

"Look, we already have The Mail Order Bride From Hell filling this thread's quota for Crazy"

Who is "we", Joe Blowhard, the bloated and obese, waddling resume writer? Did the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies select you as their front person"? One has to wonder what the requirements were for the position...if it was based on poundage, you were a "shoo-in".


PoliticalChic drives you commie fucks to the point of distraction and she kicks your collective asses on a daily basis and it's entertaining to watch you and your limp-wristed ilk seethe with anger as you pound your keyboards in anger.

BTW, S.S is funded by the employer and the employee, dumb fuck....how in the hell you can declare it's an entitlement program is a mystery....of course commie fucks like yourself believe that what one earns isn't really theirs anyway.


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