The Ten Worst Presidents

Warren G. Harding
I would like to know their reasoning on that one.
Almost as corrupt as Trump.
I will ignore the TDS portion of your comment and ask you, why do you think he was corrupt?

Don't be a parrot. Tell me your evidence? Be specific.
Use your Google. It’s invariably the first thing you find about Harding.
Google! Dumbass haven't you been keeping up. Google is hardly to be considered a viable unbalanced source for anything. It's the equivalent of Orwell's big brother. Like MSM Google's credibility is shot to shit.
Carter was just an inept 'country boob'. He turned out to infinitely be a better 'humanitarian' than President.
He did make peace between Israel and Egypt. That was important. He made a mess of the economy and dealing with the Soviets.

Actually Nixon made a mess of the economy, Carter didn't know what to do about it.
Carter didn't know what to do about much of anything. Carter was kinda slow but I think at least he was honest and sincere. Dumb but harmless. Not like LBJ, Clinton and Obama who were all just plain evil on top of crooked.

"Public polls suggest Trump is among the least popular presidents of the modern era."

These are the same sources whose polls declared Hillary Clinton would easily become President in 2016.....

According to Hunter Biden, the only thing a poll is good for is for necked women hanging off of, upside down, while you use crack and 'make it rain'....

"Public polls suggest Trump is among the least popular presidents of the modern era."

These are the same sources whose polls declared Hillary Clinton would easily become President in 2016.....

Stop spreading pure bullshit.

National poll agregate CORRECTLY showed Clinton winning the popular vote (3% projected vs 2% actual outcome)

Warren G. Harding
I would like to know their reasoning on that one.
Almost as corrupt as Trump.
I will ignore the TDS portion of your comment and ask you, why do you think he was corrupt?

Don't be a parrot. Tell me your evidence? Be specific.
Use your Google. It’s invariably the first thing you find about Harding.
That's a poor excuse for evidence. Just admit you don't have any.
Carter was just an inept 'country boob'. He turned out to infinitely be a better 'humanitarian' than President.
He did make peace between Israel and Egypt. That was important. He made a mess of the economy and dealing with the Soviets.

Thank you Viktor / Vlad...

President Trump only created the strongest economy in decades and the lowest unemployment rates in decades / US history...and if you ignore the BS liberal talking points you discover that Trump has been harder on the Russians than Barry.

Barry, Joe, and Hillary gave Vlad uranium, Crimea, and 2 years of un-challenged meddling, interfere3nce, and hacking...& Vlad's friends gave Hunter & Joe millions for laundering Russian money...
Who is Vlad??????????????????
GW was the worst President.
I disagree emphatically. He did a great job of suppressing the terrorists.
His rules of engagement caused 3,000 American fatalities and his Open Borders, Business Visa and off-shoring policies caused massive unemployment which forced him to ignore millions of bad loans.
He sucked.
How did he promote open borders? What general told you GW made the rules of engagement?
GW was the worst President.
I disagree emphatically. He did a great job of suppressing the terrorists.
His rules of engagement caused 3,000 American fatalities and his Open Borders, Business Visa and off-shoring policies caused massive unemployment which forced him to ignore millions of bad loans.
He sucked.
How did he promote open borders? What general told you GW made the rules of engagement?
GW gave John Rumsfeld orders that you cannot fire until fired upon first.
There was security at our Southern Border.
Almost every plumber, electrician, carpenter, Brock layer, etc... lost their homes, careers and families during the Housing Bubble.

You must be young.
Almost every plumber, electrician, carpenter, Brock layer, etc... lost their homes, careers and families during the Housing Bubble.

Are you still pissed at Barney Frank?
Amongst others; mostly the Rs who looked the other way.

Bullshit. It was the democrats in Congress who had been pressuring banks for years and years to float bad loans or else be pilloried as 'racist' that brought on the housing crash and all of the dominoes that followed.
Almost every plumber, electrician, carpenter, Brock layer, etc... lost their homes, careers and families during the Housing Bubble.

Are you still pissed at Barney Frank?
Amongst others; mostly the Rs who looked the other way.

Bullshit. It was the democrats in Congress who had been pressuring banks for years and years to float bad loans or else be pilloried as 'racist' that brought on the housing crash and all of the dominoes that followed.
The software provided by the government worked and rejected applications that did not meet the requirements.
99% of the Loans were rubber stamped and a few major lenders, such as J P Morgan, admitted such and received a comically small fine.

Try reading the news every now and then.
Almost every plumber, electrician, carpenter, Brock layer, etc... lost their homes, careers and families during the Housing Bubble.

Are you still pissed at Barney Frank?
Amongst others; mostly the Rs who looked the other way.

Bullshit. It was the democrats in Congress who had been pressuring banks for years and years to float bad loans or else be pilloried as 'racist' that brought on the housing crash and all of the dominoes that followed.
The software provided by the government worked and rejected applications that did not meet the requirements.

I guess you're too young to remember what has really happening then.
According to a "US News and World Report" survey:

James Buchanan
Andrew Johnson
Franklin Pierce
Warren G. Harding
William Henry Harrison
Millard Fillmore (tie)
John Tyler (tie)
Herbert Hoover
Chester A. Arthur
Benjamin Harrison

I was wondering about Richard Nixon, but I remember that he did some good things before the Watergate thing happened.

Here is the article

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According to a "US News and World Report" survey:

James Buchanan
Andrew Johnson
Franklin Pierce
Warren G. Harding
William Henry Harrison
Millard Fillmore (tie)
John Tyler (tie)
Herbert Hoover
Chester A. Arthur
Benjamin Harrison

I was wondering about Richard Nixon, but I remember that he did some good things before the Watergate thing happened.

Here is the article

1) Lincoln - Ended consent of the governed, the fundamental basis of legitimate government
2) FDR - Ended State rights
3) Wilson - Made us policeman to the world
4) LBJ - Turned war into an economic policy
5-7) No order - Clinton, W, Obama - out of control government growth
8-10) No order - Nixon, Buchannan, Carter - weakened the country

Honorable mention - HW, Hoover

Best President?

Calvin Coolidge. The do nothing President, greatest ever

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