Zone1 The term "Personal relationship with Jesus" is not in the Bible

I am not talking to Ephesians 2. I am talking to you. You and I are almost guaranteed to have different perspectives. But no problem if you are not interested.
My perspective is on what Scripture says who I am in Jesus.
"Saved" is a terminology used by non-Catholic Christians. Catholics tend to use the words, Reconciliation, Redemption, Salvation. "Saved" is not even listed in the index of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Let's start with this question: What are you "saved" from?

In Catholicism, we do hear that Christ saved us from our sins, but that is seen more in the light of repentance (turning away from sin to God) which is reconciliation and redemption. And, as I noted earlier, Salvation comes from God.

That's really interesting and resonates with me. One of my sons is a Catholic and a very successful father and husband. He's not a zealot but wears his faith like a loose garment. It's been good for him.
No one says she is. As for the rest on your list...sure its biblical, just not in the words some demand.
She has to be divine if she's capable of hearing prayers from millions of people simultaneously and accurately transmitting them to God.
That's really interesting and resonates with me. One of my sons is a Catholic and a very successful father and husband. He's not a zealot but wears his faith like a loose garment. It's been good for him.
Catholic men of faith...they are often part of a singular breed. My own father was.
She has to be divine if she's capable of hearing prayers from millions of people simultaneously and accurately transmitting them to God.
The ability to transmit prayers to God is your definition of divinity? Why do you think she is the transmitter? We Catholics ask Mary, Saints, angels, fellow Christians to pray with us. Wouldn't the originator of the prayer be the transmitter, with the others there for support? That's how Catholics view it.
You have to be specific here. I'm conversing with a few other people. What is it you wish to know about me?
I have asked you twice for your perspective of Ephesians 2. I am not so much interested in you as in your view of Ephesians 2.
I have asked you twice for your perspective of Ephesians 2. I am not so much interested in you as in your view of Ephesians 2.
All sinners are made alive in Jesus. Saved by faith in Jesus, not by any works. Seated in Heaven with Jesus. Gentiles and Jews, everyone with faith in Jesus is saved.

Do you need more? The NIV is pretty easy to understand.
The ability to transmit prayers to God is your definition of divinity? Why do you think she is the transmitter? We Catholics ask Mary, Saints, angels, fellow Christians to pray with us. Wouldn't the originator of the prayer be the transmitter, with the others there for support? That's how Catholics view it.
Okay, you're saying that a non-divine human can simultaneously handle millions of requests to pray with people? And why do you think the dead are listening when they're asleep in Christ?
Okay, you're saying that a non-divine human can simultaneously handle millions of requests to pray with people? And why do you think the dead are listening when they're asleep in Christ?
I do not believe the dead are unconscious, because that has not been my experience.

Do you ever pray for the world?
Catholic men of faith...they are often part of a singular breed. My own father was.

My son dated a wonderful Catholic girl for five years. When they decided to marry my husband went nuts saying his family had been Methodist for 300 years. I cracked up.. hubby adored her. Told him to cool it. Obviously I'm more relaxed about religion. The three beautiful blonde, tall granddaughters with full scholarships to the best schools in the country have knocked our socks off and we've seen 14 performances of the Nutcracker.
My son dated a wonderful Catholic girl for five years. When they decided to marry my husband went nuts saying his family had been Methodist for 300 years. I cracked up.. hubby adored her. Told him to cool it. Obviously I'm more relaxed about religion. The three beautiful blonde, tall granddaughters with full scholarships to the best schools in the country have knocked our socks off and we've seen 14 performances of the Nutcracker.
Blessings shine from this story. Thank you for sharing!
I do not believe the dead are unconscious, because that has not been my experience.

Do you ever pray for the world?
Of course I do. I don't, however, expect a dead human, such as Mary, to hear me praying and pray with me when she has literally millions of people also asking her to pray with them. Only God Himself can do that. You still haven't answered how anyone not divine can do it. And remember, your answer needs to be based on Scripture, not Church tradition.
Of course I do. I don't, however, expect a dead human, such as Mary, to hear me praying and pray with me when she has literally millions of people also asking her to pray with them.
That's not my point. My point is, Do you pray, individually, for every single person in this world, for every single illness, every single conflict? In the opening prayer of the Catholic Mass we ask (and therefore everyone is asking me) to pray for them.

Do you see where I am going with this? I try seriously to pray for the entire congregation. I don't know their names. I don't know their voices. I only know they are asking for my prayers. So I offer prayers to God on their behalf.

So what if there are a crowd of millions asking Mary to join in their prayers? We join in prayer for our whole parish, we join in prayer for our whole world, but you seem to sincerely believe that Mary cannot join in prayer for those who ask her to join in prayer. That is like telling me that I cannot join in prayer for the congregation that asks for my prayers, or me telling you that it is impossible for you to pray for the world.
You still haven't answered how anyone not divine can do it. And remember, your answer needs to be based on Scripture, not Church tradition.
Try the same place you use when you pray for the world.
That's not my point. My point is, Do you pray, individually, for every single person in this world, for every single illness, every single conflict? In the opening prayer of the Catholic Mass we ask (and therefore everyone is asking me) to pray for them.

Do you see where I am going with this? I try seriously to pray for the entire congregation. I don't know their names. I don't know their voices. I only know they are asking for my prayers. So I offer prayers to God on their behalf.

So what if there are a crowd of millions asking Mary to join in their prayers? We join in prayer for our whole parish, we join in prayer for our whole world, but you seem to sincerely believe that Mary cannot join in prayer for those who ask her to join in prayer. That is like telling me that I cannot join in prayer for the congregation that asks for my prayers, or me telling you that it is impossible for you to pray for the world.
Did Mary need a Savior?

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