Zone1 The term "Personal relationship with Jesus" is not in the Bible

You created a thread this month titled, "First Execution of a Transgender is Today" and your opening post was...

And I'm the one who is pitiful?
Yes. Your spiritually weak and Biblically ignorant. You've run out of points to argue so you're trying to lay a guilt trip on me. Pitiful.
Yes. Your spiritually weak and Biblically ignorant. You've run out of points to argue so you're trying to lay a guilt trip on me. Pitiful.
Incorrect. I am shining a light on your behaviors which by most accounts would be considered to be inconsistent with Christian beliefs of charity towards their fellow man.

Are you familiar with the phrase lip service? Because that's what it appears you give God. See Matthew 7:15-23 for a scriptural reference.
It means you can personalize Jesus to meet your needs or preferences. Evangelical Christianity is a newer invention from the Americas in the mid 1800s. It was a time when optimism was high. You could sell all kinds of appealing products. The Jesus from the Bible was not fun anymore. Jesus was rebranded in America to be a fun happy personal little buddy to carry around with you wherever you go. Everybody that accepts Jesus Christ as his personal savior can ignore the Bible and make god into whatever he wants. It is a personal relationship.
You changed your signature.
Incorrect. I am shining a light on your behaviors which by most accounts would be considered to be inconsistent with Christian beliefs of charity towards their fellow man.

Are you familiar with the phrase lip service? Because that's what it appears you give God. See Matthew 7:15-23 for a scriptural reference.
Poor baby needs his binky.
Jesus had brothers and sisters. Matthew 13:55 and Mark 6:3.
No, He didn't. What man, much less Joseph, would want to go where only GOD had been before (Mary's womb)?

The Church Christ founded teaches Mary was a perpetual virgin.

God loves virginity. Jesus told us to "turn and become like children" and that that is required in order to enter Heaven
So why are you disagreeing with me? I can speak/witness/testify to people of all beliefs without insisting they give up their own faith.
Again, this is Vatican Sect heresy

Jesus said to preach to everyone the Gospel. He didn't say... Preach the Gospel unless someone wants to hang onto their own anti-Gospel beliefs. He said "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

People are going to meet Jesus at death whether they followed Him on Earth or not... It is our job to share Jesus with people. If they reject Him, that is on them... but we have to do our job.
That's not Biblically sound. All I need is faith in Jesus. How arrogant to demand I be a member of your organization in order to be saved. Jesus never said that.
So you know absolutely EVERYTHING Jesus said because you (claim to) know the Bible? Do you think everything He said and did is written down in Scripture? THAT is absurd!

The Bible even tells us that if everything Jesus did and said were written down, even the whole world could not contain it

All He said and did was not written down... But all we need to know about Christ (vis a vis salvation) is found.. not in a finite Book but in the CHURCH Jesus established... Mt 16:18... the Church tht GAVE us the BIBLE (New T)
Incorrect. I am shining a light on your behaviors which by most accounts would be considered to be inconsistent with Christian beliefs of charity towards their fellow man.

Are you familiar with the phrase lip service? Because that's what it appears you give God. See Matthew 7:15-23 for a scriptural reference.
a big

Amen to that
The term "Personal relationship with Jesus" is not in the Bible

Does that mean we shouldn't have a personal relationship with Him? Ha ha... not hardly.

I talk to Jesus just like Protestants do (or claim to..), although sometimes it seems I don't do so enough.. (considering how hideous the condition of the world is and etc... etc).

But it always bugged me... that one word: personal

Does this mean, to protestants, that you should not have a PUBLIC relationship w/ Christ? Do some protestants believe you should check your "relationship with Christ" at the door of your business or school or whatever? Well, in that case, I don't believe in having this kind of relationship.

And frankly, I do know of people who are like that... they claim to be Christian and act like it on Sunday but... when it comes to a public proclamation of what they stand for... uh.... stutter stutter..

But Jesus said that if you deny Him before men, He will deny you before the Father..
Mary's divinity is not in the Bible. Asking a dead person who is not listening to pray for you is not in the Bible. Rote chanting of religious phrases is not in the Bible. Buying off your time in Purgatory is not in the Bible. Baptizing babies is not in the Bible. Canonizing someone is not in the Bible.

Should I go on?
I'm saved from eternal damnation. I have passed from death to life. I am seated in heaven with Jesus.
So in addition to judging people on the internet you have never personally met, you are also your OWN judge as well.

St Paul said otherwise. He said that he didn't know of anything he had done wrong, but that he is not the final judge... (words to that effect)

I guess you are more holy and worthy of Heaven than St Paul... guess u will get a higher place in Heaven.... Who knew?

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