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The Texas Debate *Sigh*... Trump's Herd Intact; Unmoved by Other Candidates' Skywriting

So your solution is to support a clinical narcissist with no particular platform, no real plan, no relevant experience spouting a vaguely xenophobic, sexist and jingoist stream of vitriol as he builds a cult of personality?


Let's look at what Skylar just said. Skylar is an intellectual. First of all, the idea of narcissism is very complex. Trump's flock will 1. Not be interested in the label. 2. Not understand it even if you explained it to them...and 3. In the remote event that they did understand it, would probably become personally offended because birds of a feather flock together.

And it's not entirely the Trumpster's fault. They were groomed since birth in the 'me' culture to value themselves highly...to belong to a proverbial clique...an opposing football team...to 'belong" down at the pub, no matter what. Whatever their alphas are doing, that's what they're doing. Herd animals see a spooky element (the establishment)..and who could blame them really? Off they go into the one guy's corral who is saying "911 was bullshit...everybody knows what happened in tower whatever".

I love to point the finger at Dick Cheney if you really want to get to the root. The series of events he and his handpuppet, also suffering from narcissism, did to other nations, creating a world terror atmosphere so Cheney could get his mitts on that sweet crude in Iraq and Libya to profit from...that's what brought it all on. The GOP running Bush was quite possibly the worst possible thing they could've done this year.. Worst ever. This was like introducing an electroplating of the Trumpsters to Trump. Not only were they disillusioned with their leadership that gives a silent nod to gay marriage, created atmospheres where they're afraid of sending their kids to school as our social fabric continues to disintegrate...mass shooters expressing deeply repressed rage at not being heard...in they waltz Jeb Bush! :eek-52:

The Rove/Cheney machine is either so completely malignant and out to sabotage the GOP (well, Cheney is a 5 time draft dodger, he and his wife raised by democrats, has a lesbian daughter, is in favor of gay marriage) or they are utterly senile and totally inept...so out of touch..

It's like they did the same thing the LGBT groups do: reinvent words, gaslight society, reinvent reality and then force that down the throats of the unwilling. Well guess what guys? You've reached a saturation point. Once that Bullshit reaches the bone marrow, the pressure forces it out in very unpredictable ways. Turns out homo sapiens does have its limits when "trained up to do pony tricks" by whatever person fancies themselves their master.

And so, you have the Trumpsters...saturated...DONE WITH IT. Done with the attacks, done with the bullshit....done with establishment...and so done done done done done with ALL of it that they have become "done-blind" to the very dangerous traits their messiah is exhibiting as a potential for the most powerful man in the free world. It is said Caligula was also a narcissist, with unlimited power at his command. Whereas Dubya Bush was a very tame version that Cheney/Rove machine could work the strings upon...Donald Trump not so much. He already has money, so what he'll want is influence...his own particular brand (this part of the conversation is for those who are still thinking BTW, the Trumpsters will ignore it).

So, as I said in the OP, you must understand that the Trumpsters...though they may not be as dumb as sheep, are now behaving like sheep because the gaslighting has bypassed their intellectual processing and gotten into their bone marrow. Now they are acting from their reptilian brains. I've offered a Golden Key, a completely visceral issue that would dislodge them if applied skillfully. So, we'll just see if it happens. If nothing else, the Trump phenomenon is very interesting to watch. Very interesting for anyone with a background in human psychology. Too bad the strategists aren't consulting those types of people. Real psychologists, not the ones handpicked by the APA for the Agenda..

You voted in the devil twice and you are going to school me on the wrong candidate?...I already said there is no good solution IMO. So why would I vote for Trump? The same reason everyone else is. They are willing to take their chances on an independent beholden to no party establishment, no financial backers, no lobbyists, etc. Rubio and Cruz have dubious skeletons in their closets, so all the more Trump becomes a default....LET THE CHIPS FALL AS THEY MAY! I am sick to death being screwed by lying democrats and the media and a do nothing cowardly congress.

Are you listening Cheney/Rove? The ANGST is dripping out of this person's post ^^ They hate the spineless & shady GOP as much as they hate the aggressive and shady democrats. They are willing to go blind. They are willing to dive into the deep pool even when they see sharp pointed rocks sticking out above the surface. This is how BADLY YOU FUCKED UP.

Think about it.. IF the GOP adopted THE ONE ISSUE that this group WANTS it to stand up for VIGOROUSLY...naming it, discussing it...throwing it right out there, this group would begin to trust again. But more of the same shifty waffling.
Don't you think you've reached a saturation when it comes to whining about queers?

It's not my saturation that matters...I'm only one vote...it's this saturation that matters..Check out the poll: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

When was the last time a candidate harvested over 80% of the vote?
It's not my saturation that matters...I'm only one vote...it's this saturation that matters..Check out the poll: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

When was the last time a candidate harvested over 80% of the vote?

Yes, the vast and overwhelming majority of people believe that churches should be able to marry, or not marry, any couple as they see fit. Almost every single person that argued for gay marriage in that tome of a thread feels churches should not be forced to marry anyone. Remember now, people are not churches. You would be wise to remember that fact.
Yes, the vast and overwhelming majority of people believe that churches should be able to marry, or not marry, any couple as they see fit. Almost every single person that argued for gay marriage in that tome of a thread feels churches should not be forced to marry anyone. Remember now, people are not churches. You would be wise to remember that fact.

The vast and overwhelming majority of people also believe a child having both a mother and father is important. Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

BTW, where in the Constitution does it say "freedom of exercise of church"? Correct me how I'm wrong that the 1st Amendment was about all Americans and not just some of them?

80%-90%...these are very large numbers. If I was a candidate, I would notice them. Yes, I would...
Yes, the vast and overwhelming majority of people believe that churches should be able to marry, or not marry, any couple as they see fit. Almost every single person that argued for gay marriage in that tome of a thread feels churches should not be forced to marry anyone. Remember now, people are not churches. You would be wise to remember that fact.

The vast and overwhelming majority of people also believe a child having both a mother and father is important. Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

BTW, where in the Constitution does it say "freedom of exercise of church"? Correct me how I'm wrong that the 1st Amendment was about all Americans and not just some of them?

80%-90%...these are very large numbers. If I was a candidate, I would notice them. Yes, I would...

You're exactly right. The Constitution is quite clear that people themselves are in fact, churches. That is why Kim Davis doesn't have to issue marriage licenses to queers in Rowan County and Warren Jeffs gets to marry toddlers.
Don't you think you've reached a saturation when it comes to whining about queers?

It's not my saturation that matters...I'm only one vote...it's this saturation that matters..Check out the poll: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

When was the last time a candidate harvested over 80% of the vote?

Hey, Silhouette. You need to correct something.

That quote you got me boxed in, that was not me. I never made those remarks, nor would I.

When it comes to gay matters I am usually the prude in the room. I doubt I would ever accuse you or anyone else about complaining about it themselves.

PS -- I do agree with your assessment of those conservatives like me fed up with the republican party, however.
So your solution is to support a clinical narcissist with no particular platform, no real plan, no relevant experience spouting a vaguely xenophobic, sexist and jingoist stream of vitriol as he builds a cult of personality?


Let's look at what Skylar just said. Skylar is an intellectual. First of all, the idea of narcissism is very complex. Trump's flock will 1. Not be interested in the label. 2. Not understand it even if you explained it to them...and 3. In the remote event that they did understand it, would probably become personally offended because birds of a feather flock together.

All true. My criticisms aren't for the 'flock'. But for those with the capacity for thought that are considering supporting Trump.

It's not my saturation that matters...I'm only one vote...it's this saturation that matters..Check out the poll: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

When was the last time a candidate harvested over 80% of the vote?

That poll doesn't ask a single question about Trump. Nor does Trump contradict the results of the poll.

Which, of course, you know.

Sil, you keep making the same mistake over and over: you continue to project your myopic, one issue obsession on to everyone else, assuming that they must think exactly as you do. And you keep getting terrible results from your blunder......as we're not similarly burdened by your personal compulsions or obsessions.
Hey, Silhouette. You need to correct something....That quote you got me boxed in, that was not me. I never made those remarks, nor would I.

When it comes to gay matters I am usually the prude in the room. I doubt I would ever accuse you or anyone else about complaining about it themselves.

PS -- I do agree with your assessment of those conservatives like me fed up with the republican party, however.

Sorry but when I break up the multiquotes sometimes things get mixed up. I'm glad you agree. I hope GOP leaders are listening. If you are an actual Trump supporter, you should know that malignant narcissism is a very serious and dangerous mental illness. It's like a diet-sociopath. Though I do know personally of a malignant narcissist who actually plotted someone's murder over a year or more and finally carried it out. And the way the person died..grotesque...suffering..nightmarish...and under the watchful eyes of doctors all the while as the person even asked to be spared in his last days...Everyone still thinks she's innocent BTW. Well, some anyway. Those that actually allow themselves to realize the truth are beset with the guilt form the part they played in the act. Her plan was so carefully thought out, down to the last detail. The attention they give to the hits they target would gain marvel and awe (what they're really after) if they weren't so often very dark and horrible. There is no detail missed when they are lulling the circumstances just the way they want them..

People get swept up in a narcissists' spell and choreographed machinations..Only after dark deeds are done do they wake up and say to themselves "how did I ever go along with that???" That's how good they are... Be very careful to note that personalities matter in the POTUS chair. Especially highly manipulative ones.

For someone not that schooled in recognizing a malignant narcissist, the one glaring trait that stands out about them, that they all share universally is that no matter what they do or say, nothing seems to stick to them. They are like teflon... Remind you of someone?
So your solution is to support a clinical narcissist with no particular platform, no real plan, no relevant experience spouting a vaguely xenophobic, sexist and jingoist stream of vitriol as he builds a cult of personality?

You voted in the devil twice and you are going to school me on the wrong candidate?

Turk, I'm not bound to your authoritarian 'black and white', 'with us or against us' mentality where someone is either an angel or the devil.

Trump isn't 'evil'. He's merely a clinical narcissist that is spouting jingoist, racist, sexist, xenophobic rhetoric backed by no real plan or platform save his cult of personality.

That is apparently sufficient for your support. Its not sufficient for mine.
Hey, Silhouette. You need to correct something....That quote you got me boxed in, that was not me. I never made those remarks, nor would I.

When it comes to gay matters I am usually the prude in the room. I doubt I would ever accuse you or anyone else about complaining about it themselves.

PS -- I do agree with your assessment of those conservatives like me fed up with the republican party, however.

Sorry but when I break up the multiquotes sometimes things get mixed up. I'm glad you agree. I hope GOP leaders are listening. If you are an actual Trump supporter, you should know that malignant narcissism is a very serious and dangerous mental illness. It's like a diet-sociopath.

Really diet. What it means in practical terms is that Trump's policy would likely follow what will get him the loudest cheers and feed his ego. And that he would likely overreact in a petulant, belligerent manner to any criticism that doesn't feed his ego. And throw frequent tantrums to his own detriment and our national embarrassment.

He would also likely create an enemies list and use his power to bully people personally and punish them to settle grudges. Its this that will likely get him into trouble. As he's not very subtle about such abuses and has poor impulse control. And its this that would likely result in him breaking the law and getting caught doing it.

Trump has two saving graces that will likely prevent a Trump presidency from being a complete disaster.

1) He brings on competent, experienced people. And listens to them.
2) He makes deals behind doors. The resolution to the Univision fiasco would be an excellent example.

These alone put him head and shoulders above Cruz, who would do neither.

My greatest worry in a Trump presidency wouldn't actually be Trump. It would be the GOP. I see Trump as a predictable disaster that will inevitably break the law, damage our relations with other nations, and most likely commit war crimes.

I worry about the precedent that the GOP would set in desperately trying to excuse torture, war crimes, violations of the law, and impulsive, petulant decisions made in anger.

That's where the long term damage lies.
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If you are an actual Trump supporter, you should know that malignant narcissism is a very serious and dangerous mental illness. It's like a diet-sociopath.

People get swept up in a narcissists' spell and choreographed machinations..Only after dark deeds are done do they wake up and say to themselves "how did I ever go along with that???" That's how good they are... Be very careful to note that personalities matter in the POTUS chair. Especially highly manipulative ones.
Well if anyone really cares to know, the truth be told I am not really into politics at all. And I have turned into a genuine cynic or fatalist. I do not think there is much hope for this nation or this world. I do believe we are in a free fall of immorality and self-centeredness and materialism and, worst of all, the West turning its back on its Christian God who favored us for so long. I truly believe serious institutions or elements are going to unravel far worse than they have already. Islamic terrorism is an enormous threat to our survival and it is rooted in the devil. But this world does not believe the devil exists. Instead they believe in lustful pleasures and their retirement accounts. Good luck with all that.

So, no, Trump does nothing for me. But neither does the status quo of how political party’s run this nation. Am I taking a huge risk on having Trump as our president? No. I mean, no more than any of the others. And in no way, shape or form could he be more insidious or malevolent than what that putrid liar is who we currently have as our "leader." I am sick to death how the media and everyone else lets him get away with his crimes and traitorous ways! So that is why I bow out. I really almost do not care who wins. I am far, far more interested in serving God and trying to help those around me understand why we are really here on this planet.
If you are an actual Trump supporter, you should know that malignant narcissism is a very serious and dangerous mental illness. It's like a diet-sociopath.

People get swept up in a narcissists' spell and choreographed machinations..Only after dark deeds are done do they wake up and say to themselves "how did I ever go along with that???" That's how good they are... Be very careful to note that personalities matter in the POTUS chair. Especially highly manipulative ones.
Well if anyone really cares to know, the truth be told I am not really into politics at all. And I have turned into a genuine cynic or fatalist.

Read a book called The Better Angels of our Nature by Steven Pinker. You'll probably feel a little better. The guy makes a very well sourced and well thought through argument.
Well if anyone really cares to know, the truth be told I am not really into politics at all. And I have turned into a genuine cynic or fatalist. I do not think there is much hope for this nation or this world. I do believe we are in a free fall of immorality and self-centeredness and materialism and, worst of all, the West turning its back on its Christian God who favored us for so long. I truly believe serious institutions or elements are going to unravel far worse than they have already. Islamic terrorism is an enormous threat to our survival and it is rooted in the devil. But this world does not believe the devil exists. Instead they believe in lustful pleasures and their retirement accounts. Good luck with all that....So, no, Trump does nothing for me. But neither does the status quo of how political party’s run this nation. Am I taking a huge risk on having Trump as our president? No. I mean, no more than any of the others.

Of course people care to know! That's what the GOP is striving to understand...and then balking right at the threshold of: the angst they themselves created in the voter. Your angst expressed is appreciated more than a thousand suns in a cavern of darkness. How can you cure a patient who never complains about any specifics of their malady?

Anyway, Trump is special among the others because he will not only add to the problems, he will ACCELERATE them to our collective doom. So, where there still might be a chance, like a Chris Christie chance, to pull this thing out of a nose dive, if Trump gets elected we might as well all go out and shoot ourselves to spare the protracted agony that is sure to come with him in the Oval Office.

But, cheer up! There is still time to keep Trump from getting into the Oval Office.. If only someone would grab that 80-90% supported Golden Key...put it in the lock and turn it, instead of just looking at it and getting scared and putting it away. What a bunch of cowards! No wonder they stand in stark contract to Trump! If Trump didn't have that pesky George Takei interview hanging around his neck, and instead had strong record of opposing that which all of his flock also opposes (OK well 80-90% of them anyway) he would have grabbed the Key himself and turned it in the lock without hesitation...THAT is why people flock to him... Get it?

Note: for those into "signs of the times" and prophecies and all that jazz... There's only one GOP candidate with the name "Christ" appearing in his name....and of course the Sith Lord Dick Cheney was quick to gently nudge him out of the running without calling too much attention to that success..thanks to the Helpie-Helpertons Fox News & Friends..(which includes MSNBC when expedience presents itself..) The candidate "Chris Christie" was trump's bravado-equal. He has exactly the same magnetism in these troubled times, minus the worrisome signs of evident pathology..

Chris Christie was pre-emptively attacked a year ago by an MSNBC host precisely because the Trump phenomenon would not have been successful without eliminating the competition. Divide and conquer. She's smart. You'll have to give her that..the sly ones always are..
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If you are an actual Trump supporter, you should know that malignant narcissism is a very serious and dangerous mental illness. It's like a diet-sociopath.

People get swept up in a narcissists' spell and choreographed machinations..Only after dark deeds are done do they wake up and say to themselves "how did I ever go along with that???" That's how good they are... Be very careful to note that personalities matter in the POTUS chair. Especially highly manipulative ones.
Well if anyone really cares to know, the truth be told I am not really into politics at all. And I have turned into a genuine cynic or fatalist.

Read a book called The Better Angels of our Nature by Steven Pinker. You'll probably feel a little better. The guy makes a very well sourced and well thought through argument.
One fundamental Christian message is to be filled with joy, which is not the same as optimism.

I appreciate your book offering (I am sure it helps many) but despite my very dark feelings I am very confident in my understanding of God, the truth about religion, and what my purpose is here on earth. It really is not to make everyone feel good about themselves. That is a rather shallow objective. It is to do all one can for the salvation of souls.

“The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord.” Or to put it the way Ecclesiastes says it: “The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning, but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth.”
The intellectuals are busy digesting the debate...meanwhile (and you know this is true so let's just say it) the knuckle-draggers who flock to Trump will walk away thinking he looks strong and the rest of them look like whining wimps..

And it won't change a damn thing.

They were all handed the Golden Key. They picked it up, looked at it. Cruz actually looked like he was going to turn it in the lock.....and...then he put it down under his podium and changed the subject. Kasich basically said "hey gay marriage is cool so let's move on".

It's like..it's like Trump is playing football and the rest of them are saying after the primary results roll in "why can't we beat this guy at backgammon???"

Trump's supporters drag knuckles. They have basic intellect that allows them to process their frustrations just enough to be able to rally around Trump; but not enough apparently to notice Trump's very clever charade. Trump is a manipulator. He is a border collie who balls up his sheep quite well. But they don't realize and never will BTW, that he is spooking them against the establishment and into his corral with the intent of selling them to market when the highest bidder comes in.

Sheep move by visceral instincts. They remain fiercely loyal to their familiar herd dog. Nothing will move them away unless they are spooked viscerally. Skywriting doesn't affect them. If another herd dog doesn't move in quick with a revelation where they actually NAME the issue that moves all the sheep in unison, they will never move away from Trump. Never. Ever. And you can take that one to the 2016 bank.

Of course people care to know! That's what the GOP is striving to understand...and then balking right at the threshold of: the angst they themselves created in the voter. Your angst expressed is appreciated more than a thousand suns in a cavern of darkness. How can you cure a patient who never complains about any specifics of their malady?

Anyway, Trump is special among the others because he will not only add to the problems, he will ACCELERATE them to our collective doom. So, where there still might be a chance, like a Chris Christie chance, to pull this thing out of a nose dive, if Trump gets elected we might as well all go out and shoot ourselves to spare the protracted agony that is sure to come with him in the Oval Office.

But, cheer up! There is still time to keep Trump from getting into the Oval Office.. If only someone would grab that 80-90% supported Golden Key...put it in the lock and turn it, instead of just looking at it and getting scared and putting it away. What a bunch of cowards! No wonder they stand in stark contract to Trump! If Trump didn't have that pesky George Takei interview hanging around his neck, and instead had strong record of opposing that which all of his flock also opposes (OK well 80-90% of them anyway) he would have grabbed the Key himself and turned it in the lock without hesitation...THAT is why people flock to him... Get it?

Note: for those into "signs of the times" and prophecies and all that jazz... There's only one GOP candidate with the name "Christ" appearing in his name....and of course the Sith Lord Dick Cheney was quick to gently nudge him out of the running without calling too much attention to that success..thanks to the Helpie-Helpertons Fox News & Friends..(which includes MSNBC when expedience presents itself..) The candidate "Chris Christie" was trump's bravado-equal. He has exactly the same magnetism in these troubled times, minus the worrisome signs of evident pathology..

Chris Christie was pre-emptively attacked a year ago by an MSNBC host precisely because the Trump phenomenon would not have been successful without eliminating the competition. Divide and conquer. She's smart. You'll have to give her that..the sly ones always are..
You could very well be right about Trump, it could turn into a anarchy and panic, I could not predict. But I am still not convinced, myself, that he is a worse choice than your reasoning. I will say this --- I just cannot picture Trump as our president because I believe we are in apocalyptic times and I do not see how God ever saw a flamboyant kind of an entertainer like Trump as a major player in these Biblical prophecies? Too weird.

For the record, as a very devout Catholic we are neither date setters, rapture believers or obsessed with signs of the end times. But on the other hand, Jesus did say we would know when those times are somewhat near, and boy does everything appear somewhat near.

Chris Christie??? He never overcame that “obama hug.” Plus he’s too much into Springsteen. : ) But, Ok. Even Cruz or Rubio. Ok.
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I'm glad you understand the problem. Your group has done nothing but chant that mantra until everyone, including the Justices, give you what you want just so you'll shut up about the gay gay gay gay gay bullshit.

I'm here to chant gay gay gay gay gay until those mistakes are corrected.
Chris Christie??? He never overcame that “obama hug.” Plus he’s too much into Springsteen. : ) But, Ok. Even Cruz or Rubio. Ok.

Look, the Obama hug is worse or better than Trump saying he thinks gay marriage is beautiful? I mean, throw it up on the scale..all other things being equal except the personality pathology..

And OK, you have a point. Bruce Springsteen is a total drawback... :lmao: Like fingernails on a chalkboard.

Cruz or Rubio are too Romneyesque. And look what happened to that empty suit in 2012. People don't want robotic empty suited blowhards. People can tell the difference. Christie has it. They don't. It's that cut and dried.

I'm glad you understand the problem. Your group has done nothing but chant that mantra until everyone, including the Justices, give you what you want just so you'll shut up about the gay gay gay gay gay bullshit.

I do enjoy the sweeter ironies in this world. Too funny.

Gay people and their allies had a more compelling legal argument, plain and simple. That is why you have to lie about the findings of the court and invent legal standards that do not exist. That is why your legal prediction rate is such shit b/c you know fuck all about the actual law.
If you are an actual Trump supporter, you should know that malignant narcissism is a very serious and dangerous mental illness. It's like a diet-sociopath.

People get swept up in a narcissists' spell and choreographed machinations..Only after dark deeds are done do they wake up and say to themselves "how did I ever go along with that???" That's how good they are... Be very careful to note that personalities matter in the POTUS chair. Especially highly manipulative ones.
Well if anyone really cares to know, the truth be told I am not really into politics at all. And I have turned into a genuine cynic or fatalist.

Read a book called The Better Angels of our Nature by Steven Pinker. You'll probably feel a little better. The guy makes a very well sourced and well thought through argument.
One fundamental Christian message is to be filled with joy, which is not the same as optimism.

This is more about your thinking mind. Pinker uses evidence to demonstrate things are actually improving in terms of war and violence. And pretty dramatically.

It also gives plausible, fact based reasons for why. And where the trend is likely to go in the future.

I appreciate your book offering (I am sure it helps many) but despite my very dark feelings I am very confident in my understanding of God, the truth about religion, and what my purpose is here on earth. It really is not to make everyone feel good about themselves. That is a rather shallow objective. It is to do all one can for the salvation of souls.

None of which is contradicted in the slightest by stark reductions in violence. Or the evidence that supports that conclusion.
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