The Texas lawsuit and the possible end of our republic.

The United States has existed for 244 years. If the Texas lawsuit challenging the results of the 2020 presidential election fails, the United States will cease to exist.

Has the U.S. ceased to exist?

You know you guys can always just leave the country if you feel so upset about this.

Yeah, they kinda dialed up the melodrama to 11 on that one. Though its gonna be fun correcting Ray9 *forever* if he ever mentions the United States.
This really isn't going to happen.

You guys really need to calm down. Go out and get some air. Spend the day in a forest with no cell phone.

Yep, just let the cheating happen, after all Progs know what's best for us because we don't.
Team Trump has had more than ample opportunity to present evidence in court, or to the proper authorities, or even on televisin. They have produced none. So for you to claim cheating is absurd, and you are embarrassing yourself.

Its worse than even that. Trump's legal team never ONCE even alleged in court that fraud ever occurred as part of their legal arguments. They were asked repeatedly if they were arguing fraud, and insisted that they were not.

These poor saps have been played like fiddles.
And in all seriousness, there really are many well-meaning Trumpsters who have bought into this. They've just been fed this parallel universe crap for so many years, that they were ripe for the right con man to come along and bring them down with him.

The arrogant, aggressive, ignorant Trumpsters, so well-represented here, deserve what they get. But I do feel kinda bad for those who really are terrified that we're going commie. They've been had by a crook and his cronies, and they didn't deserve that.
You can’t fix stupid
I do not feel sorry for them
This really isn't going to happen.

You guys really need to calm down. Go out and get some air. Spend the day in a forest with no cell phone.

Yep, just let the cheating happen, after all Progs know what's best for us because we don't.
Team Trump has had more than ample opportunity to present evidence in court, or to the proper authorities, or even on televisin. They have produced none. So for you to claim cheating is absurd, and you are embarrassing yourself.

Its worse than even that. Trump's legal team never ONCE even alleged in court that fraud ever occurred as part of their legal arguments. They were asked repeatedly if they were arguing fraud, and insisted that they were not.

These poor saps have been played like fiddles.
And in all seriousness, there really are many well-meaning Trumpsters who have bought into this. They've just been fed this parallel universe crap for so many years, that they were ripe for the right con man to come along and bring them down with him.

The arrogant, aggressive, ignorant Trumpsters, so well-represented here, deserve what they get. But I do feel kinda bad for those who really are terrified that we're going commie. They've been had by a crook and his cronies, and they didn't deserve that.

The republicans have been saying that democrats and liberals are communists and will turn our nation into a communist state since the Clinton years.

They don't know the real meaning of of the word communism. They have no idea or concept of the difference between economic policy and social policy.

Every democrat who runs for president is automatically labeled the most liberal in government and will turn us into a communist state.

Clinton was handed an economy on the brink of collapse. Obama was handed an economy that was totally collapsed. Both men cleaned up the mess the best they could even though the republicans fought them and did everything to prevent them from cleaning the mess up.

So if you look at history the far right's idea of communism is a healthy and robust capitalistic economy. Low unemployment, our international ties strong with something of a trade policy.

I have absolutely no sympathy for the republicans or anyone who is a trump follower. Especially those who are terrified that we will become a communist state if any democrat is elected to our government.

All those people deserve is scorn and ridicule for their totally stupidity and destroying what was once a decent political party.
I have several clients who are more everyday Trump supporters, unlike the goofball Trumpsters here, who appear to be auditioning for a talk radio show of their own.

When I look in their eyes, they're simply terrified. They're not aggressive or hateful like these folks, but thev're just been listening to Rush and Sean for decades, and this is how they've been conditioned to think. And right now, these people think that Inauguration Day comes and Biden is standing at the podium, it will mean that the Chinese tanks will be rolling down the street any moment.

Now, is it their own fault and responsibility that they've chosen to restrict their "news" and "information" to only those who will lie to them for a living, trying to make them as angry and paranoid as possible? Yeah. But that sheer, sincere terror in their eyes, it's amazing to see.
This really isn't going to happen.

You guys really need to calm down. Go out and get some air. Spend the day in a forest with no cell phone.

Yep, just let the cheating happen, after all Progs know what's best for us because we don't.
Team Trump has had more than ample opportunity to present evidence in court, or to the proper authorities, or even on televisin. They have produced none. So for you to claim cheating is absurd, and you are embarrassing yourself.

Its worse than even that. Trump's legal team never ONCE even alleged in court that fraud ever occurred as part of their legal arguments. They were asked repeatedly if they were arguing fraud, and insisted that they were not.

These poor saps have been played like fiddles.
And in all seriousness, there really are many well-meaning Trumpsters who have bought into this. They've just been fed this parallel universe crap for so many years, that they were ripe for the right con man to come along and bring them down with him.

The arrogant, aggressive, ignorant Trumpsters, so well-represented here, deserve what they get. But I do feel kinda bad for those who really are terrified that we're going commie. They've been had by a crook and his cronies, and they didn't deserve that.
You can’t fix stupid
I do not feel sorry for them
The Texas case will be retried with different plaintiffs to avoid the problem of standing.
The case will be the same. The plaintiffs will change. I love it.

Well, I do have to admit that it looks like somebody just stuck a fork in us.
I'm disappointed but not particularly surprised. The Supreme Court is in a no-win situation on this one. This is not over by a long shot.
It is over. Also, when you guys said "We will see in the Supreme Court", that was just a nother example of you people shamelessly lying. We saw. But you don't see. Liar.
I'm not going to bothering reading the thread ... looks like the same vomit from yesterday ...

Anyone dared comment on the merits of the case yet? ... the OP is crazy wrong ... if we let Texas dictate how Michigan interprets their own laws ... pfffft ... worst, allow Texas to go straight to SCOTUS ... well ... then ... er ...

What's to stop California from telling Mississippi how to run their education system? ... and going straight to SCOTUS with the complaint ...

No ... I didn';t think anyone wanted to discuss this matter honestly ... sorry for interrupting ...

This is what annoys me the worst. I know this is a Hail Mary and it has no chance of overturning the election, but the fact that Texas even had a path to take this directly to the SC with 1) no successful lower court rulings, and 2) Able to file a lawsuit that essentially is looking to interfere in another states' a complete travesty.
So you have no idea about how multiple state issues are resolved. It goes directly to the supreme court. Always. Always. Always.
You are not worthy of adding to this conversation as you are naive as to how a republic works.

FYI....we are a republic.
I laugh at those that attempt to debate and say things that are not factually correct. Its like "Rachel Maddow said this so I can regirgitate it
There IS no issue, snowflake. That's the point. This is frivolous. Texas has NO standing to question another state's process. They suffered no harm.
So do me a favor and stow your upturned nose. I don't give a shit.
Oh. I see. A state voted legally, and their electoral college votes are offset by a state that votes against the constitution. Got it.
Good for you.

So what you're really trying to say here is that state's DON'T have the right to make their own laws. Again, selective interpretation. So much for that yellowed scrap of paper.
Texas wasn't harmed therefore has no standing to bring the suit...unless you are postulating that because Texas voted for Trump, these other states have to as well.
Uh...excuse me. I never said that. States get to make their own laws. Always. Governors and judges do not have the right to change those laws according to the constitution. Only LAW MAKERS do.
Know your stuff before you debate.

No chance
This really isn't going to happen.

You guys really need to calm down. Go out and get some air. Spend the day in a forest with no cell phone.

Yep, just let the cheating happen, after all Progs know what's best for us because we don't.
Yep, just let the cheating happen, after all Progs know what's best for us because we don't.
All 50 governors have certified their election results.
Yes. All states certified the results. I expected that. The question is, should states have their electoral college numbers offset by states that had non law makers change their election laws? And 18 governors and AG's are protecting their state citizens from having their vote offset.

During a football game, there were 3 calls turned over by instant replay review. The last play of the game, where a player scored the winning touchdown, there was question whether or not his foot stepped on the sideline. It was an SEC team vs. an ACC game. You are an ACC fan. It was an SEC player that scored the apparent touchdown. The head ref decides to amend the rules and claims "we will not review the last play of a game"......would you not question what the hell and be upset about the mid game change of rules??

Now...that is a lousy football game. What about the election of a President of the United States?

They literally do not care

They are psychopaths -
I bet they would care if the tables were turned.
The Hillary supporters got the fuck over it, like adults
Anyone who "get's over" a swindled election is a scumbag.
What do we call those who whine about losing and then pretend that it was a swindled election with no evidence.....(see all those court losses). A sucker? Seditious? A cultist?
we call them Hillary Clinton
You mean the Presidential Candidate that conceded on Election Night, 2016?
yup. She conceded and spent the next three years blaming us deplorables for a stolen election.
But you run with that attitude. It fits you well.

Also she didn't concede until the following morning.

But she still conceded the next morning...which I don't think Trump has done yet.
Obama offered Trump a smooth transition. Trump so far has offered Biden next to squat.
I could care less what Clinton parroted after Trump was inaugurated. That's your hangup. Not mine.

Both of you need to get some new talking points.

LOL. Obama offered the front of a smooth transition and everyone knew that all the civil servants were going to do everything they could to gum the gears, i.e. the resistance.

It's easy to play nice when you know your inside people are going to do your dirty work for you.

What a naïve moron you are.

Which they didn't. So nice try at bullshit.
What happened after the inauguration was Trump's fault.
Note the date

View attachment 428214
No it wasn't. The nonstop war on Trump happened because the fake news media hated him. The theory that Trump did anything to deserve that treatment is beyond absurd.. How do you people walk around in public?

No. Trump made all of his own issues. The media just reports what he does.
Place the blame where the blame lies. At the foot of the former reality TV star who had no business
descending that golden escalator.
I'm not going to bothering reading the thread ... looks like the same vomit from yesterday ...

Anyone dared comment on the merits of the case yet? ... the OP is crazy wrong ... if we let Texas dictate how Michigan interprets their own laws ... pfffft ... worst, allow Texas to go straight to SCOTUS ... well ... then ... er ...

What's to stop California from telling Mississippi how to run their education system? ... and going straight to SCOTUS with the complaint ...

No ... I didn';t think anyone wanted to discuss this matter honestly ... sorry for interrupting ...

This is what annoys me the worst. I know this is a Hail Mary and it has no chance of overturning the election, but the fact that Texas even had a path to take this directly to the SC with 1) no successful lower court rulings, and 2) Able to file a lawsuit that essentially is looking to interfere in another states' a complete travesty.
So you have no idea about how multiple state issues are resolved. It goes directly to the supreme court. Always. Always. Always.
You are not worthy of adding to this conversation as you are naive as to how a republic works.

FYI....we are a republic.
I laugh at those that attempt to debate and say things that are not factually correct. Its like "Rachel Maddow said this so I can regirgitate it
There IS no issue, snowflake. That's the point. This is frivolous. Texas has NO standing to question another state's process. They suffered no harm.
So do me a favor and stow your upturned nose. I don't give a shit.
Oh. I see. A state voted legally, and their electoral college votes are offset by a state that votes against the constitution. Got it.
Good for you.

So what you're really trying to say here is that state's DON'T have the right to make their own laws. Again, selective interpretation. So much for that yellowed scrap of paper.
Texas wasn't harmed therefore has no standing to bring the suit...unless you are postulating that because Texas voted for Trump, these other states have to as well.
Uh...excuse me. I never said that. States get to make their own laws. Always. Governors and judges do not have the right to change those laws according to the constitution. Only LAW MAKERS do.
Know your stuff before you debate.

No chance
This really isn't going to happen.

You guys really need to calm down. Go out and get some air. Spend the day in a forest with no cell phone.

Yep, just let the cheating happen, after all Progs know what's best for us because we don't.
Yep, just let the cheating happen, after all Progs know what's best for us because we don't.
All 50 governors have certified their election results.
Yes. All states certified the results. I expected that. The question is, should states have their electoral college numbers offset by states that had non law makers change their election laws? And 18 governors and AG's are protecting their state citizens from having their vote offset.

During a football game, there were 3 calls turned over by instant replay review. The last play of the game, where a player scored the winning touchdown, there was question whether or not his foot stepped on the sideline. It was an SEC team vs. an ACC game. You are an ACC fan. It was an SEC player that scored the apparent touchdown. The head ref decides to amend the rules and claims "we will not review the last play of a game"......would you not question what the hell and be upset about the mid game change of rules??

Now...that is a lousy football game. What about the election of a President of the United States?

They literally do not care

They are psychopaths -
I bet they would care if the tables were turned.
The Hillary supporters got the fuck over it, like adults
Anyone who "get's over" a swindled election is a scumbag.
What do we call those who whine about losing and then pretend that it was a swindled election with no evidence.....(see all those court losses). A sucker? Seditious? A cultist?
we call them Hillary Clinton
You mean the Presidential Candidate that conceded on Election Night, 2016?
yup. She conceded and spent the next three years blaming us deplorables for a stolen election.
But you run with that attitude. It fits you well.

Also she didn't concede until the following morning.

But she still conceded the next morning...which I don't think Trump has done yet.
Obama offered Trump a smooth transition. Trump so far has offered Biden next to squat.
I could care less what Clinton parroted after Trump was inaugurated. That's your hangup. Not mine.

Both of you need to get some new talking points.

LOL. Obama offered the front of a smooth transition and everyone knew that all the civil servants were going to do everything they could to gum the gears, i.e. the resistance.

It's easy to play nice when you know your inside people are going to do your dirty work for you.

What a naïve moron you are.

Which they didn't. So nice try at bullshit.
What happened after the inauguration was Trump's fault.
Note the date

View attachment 428214
No it wasn't. The nonstop war on Trump happened because the fake news media hated him. The theory that Trump did anything to deserve that treatment is beyond absurd.. How do you people walk around in public?

No. Trump made all of his own issues. The media just reports what he does.
Place the blame where the blame lies. At the foot of the former reality TV star who had no business
descending that golden escalator.
Utter horseshit. How do you walk around in public when you lie so egregiously? The Dims in the media and the Dims scum in Congress manuractured all the issues they harangued Trump about.

You invent scandals and then you lie about who created them. Dims are scum. It's hard to be any worse of a human being than a Dim.
The United States has existed for 244 years. If the Texas lawsuit challenging the results of the 2020 presidential election fails, the United States will cease to exist.

Has the U.S. ceased to exist?

You know you guys can always just leave the country if you feel so upset about this.
Maybe we would prefer to kick a bunch of sorry-ass Communists out.
I'm not going to bothering reading the thread ... looks like the same vomit from yesterday ...

Anyone dared comment on the merits of the case yet? ... the OP is crazy wrong ... if we let Texas dictate how Michigan interprets their own laws ... pfffft ... worst, allow Texas to go straight to SCOTUS ... well ... then ... er ...

What's to stop California from telling Mississippi how to run their education system? ... and going straight to SCOTUS with the complaint ...

No ... I didn';t think anyone wanted to discuss this matter honestly ... sorry for interrupting ...

This is what annoys me the worst. I know this is a Hail Mary and it has no chance of overturning the election, but the fact that Texas even had a path to take this directly to the SC with 1) no successful lower court rulings, and 2) Able to file a lawsuit that essentially is looking to interfere in another states' a complete travesty.
So you have no idea about how multiple state issues are resolved. It goes directly to the supreme court. Always. Always. Always.
You are not worthy of adding to this conversation as you are naive as to how a republic works.

FYI....we are a republic.
I laugh at those that attempt to debate and say things that are not factually correct. Its like "Rachel Maddow said this so I can regirgitate it
There IS no issue, snowflake. That's the point. This is frivolous. Texas has NO standing to question another state's process. They suffered no harm.
So do me a favor and stow your upturned nose. I don't give a shit.
Oh. I see. A state voted legally, and their electoral college votes are offset by a state that votes against the constitution. Got it.
Good for you.

So what you're really trying to say here is that state's DON'T have the right to make their own laws. Again, selective interpretation. So much for that yellowed scrap of paper.
Texas wasn't harmed therefore has no standing to bring the suit...unless you are postulating that because Texas voted for Trump, these other states have to as well.
Uh...excuse me. I never said that. States get to make their own laws. Always. Governors and judges do not have the right to change those laws according to the constitution. Only LAW MAKERS do.
Know your stuff before you debate.

No chance
This really isn't going to happen.

You guys really need to calm down. Go out and get some air. Spend the day in a forest with no cell phone.

Yep, just let the cheating happen, after all Progs know what's best for us because we don't.
Yep, just let the cheating happen, after all Progs know what's best for us because we don't.
All 50 governors have certified their election results.
Yes. All states certified the results. I expected that. The question is, should states have their electoral college numbers offset by states that had non law makers change their election laws? And 18 governors and AG's are protecting their state citizens from having their vote offset.

During a football game, there were 3 calls turned over by instant replay review. The last play of the game, where a player scored the winning touchdown, there was question whether or not his foot stepped on the sideline. It was an SEC team vs. an ACC game. You are an ACC fan. It was an SEC player that scored the apparent touchdown. The head ref decides to amend the rules and claims "we will not review the last play of a game"......would you not question what the hell and be upset about the mid game change of rules??

Now...that is a lousy football game. What about the election of a President of the United States?

They literally do not care

They are psychopaths -
I bet they would care if the tables were turned.
The Hillary supporters got the fuck over it, like adults
Anyone who "get's over" a swindled election is a scumbag.
What do we call those who whine about losing and then pretend that it was a swindled election with no evidence.....(see all those court losses). A sucker? Seditious? A cultist?
we call them Hillary Clinton
You mean the Presidential Candidate that conceded on Election Night, 2016?
yup. She conceded and spent the next three years blaming us deplorables for a stolen election.
But you run with that attitude. It fits you well.

Also she didn't concede until the following morning.

But she still conceded the next morning...which I don't think Trump has done yet.
Obama offered Trump a smooth transition. Trump so far has offered Biden next to squat.
I could care less what Clinton parroted after Trump was inaugurated. That's your hangup. Not mine.

Both of you need to get some new talking points.

LOL. Obama offered the front of a smooth transition and everyone knew that all the civil servants were going to do everything they could to gum the gears, i.e. the resistance.

It's easy to play nice when you know your inside people are going to do your dirty work for you.

What a naïve moron you are.

Which they didn't. So nice try at bullshit.
What happened after the inauguration was Trump's fault.
Note the date

View attachment 428214
No it wasn't. The nonstop war on Trump happened because the fake news media hated him. The theory that Trump did anything to deserve that treatment is beyond absurd.. How do you people walk around in public?

No. Trump made all of his own issues. The media just reports what he does.
Place the blame where the blame lies. At the foot of the former reality TV star who had no business
descending that golden escalator.
Utter horseshit. How do you walk around in public when you lie so egregiously? The Dims in the media and the Dims scum in Congress manuractured all the issues they harangued Trump about.

You invent scandals and then you lie about who created them. Dims are scum. It's hard to be any worse of a human being than a Dim.

That's your narrative..or at least the narrative right wing media constantly spins. Donald Trump is an incompetent boob. He has been for decades. The difference is while he was a private citizen, we could just laugh him off. Even backing into the Presidency and then making his own problems day after day for three years we could get mad at, but laugh off. Because the economy was good and there was nothing going on in the world that required our immediate attention. Then, the first time his Presidency is tested, he coughs up a furball and fails spectacularly. 300K dead and counting. 6.7% unemployment, thousands of businesses shuttered, millions of people out of work, spreading his dysfunction to Republicans in the House and Senate. He then proceeds to lose the election and embark on a temper tantrum to overturn an attempt not seen in our republic's history.

And you idiots want to see another four years of this clown show.
He lost. He's done. Deal with it.
This really isn't going to happen.

You guys really need to calm down. Go out and get some air. Spend the day in a forest with no cell phone.

Yep, just let the cheating happen, after all Progs know what's best for us because we don't.
Team Trump has had more than ample opportunity to present evidence in court, or to the proper authorities, or even on televisin. They have produced none. So for you to claim cheating is absurd, and you are embarrassing yourself.

Its worse than even that. Trump's legal team never ONCE even alleged in court that fraud ever occurred as part of their legal arguments. They were asked repeatedly if they were arguing fraud, and insisted that they were not.

These poor saps have been played like fiddles.
And in all seriousness, there really are many well-meaning Trumpsters who have bought into this. They've just been fed this parallel universe crap for so many years, that they were ripe for the right con man to come along and bring them down with him.

The arrogant, aggressive, ignorant Trumpsters, so well-represented here, deserve what they get. But I do feel kinda bad for those who really are terrified that we're going commie. They've been had by a crook and his cronies, and they didn't deserve that.

The republicans have been saying that democrats and liberals are communists and will turn our nation into a communist state since the Clinton years.

They don't know the real meaning of of the word communism. They have no idea or concept of the difference between economic policy and social policy.

Every democrat who runs for president is automatically labeled the most liberal in government and will turn us into a communist state.

Clinton was handed an economy on the brink of collapse. Obama was handed an economy that was totally collapsed. Both men cleaned up the mess the best they could even though the republicans fought them and did everything to prevent them from cleaning the mess up.

So if you look at history the far right's idea of communism is a healthy and robust capitalistic economy. Low unemployment, our international ties strong with something of a trade policy.

I have absolutely no sympathy for the republicans or anyone who is a trump follower. Especially those who are terrified that we will become a communist state if any democrat is elected to our government.

All those people deserve is scorn and ridicule for their totally stupidity and destroying what was once a decent political party.
I have several clients who are more everyday Trump supporters, unlike the goofball Trumpsters here, who appear to be auditioning for a talk radio show of their own.

When I look in their eyes, they're simply terrified. They're not aggressive or hateful like these folks, but thev're just been listening to Rush and Sean for decades, and this is how they've been conditioned to think. And right now, these people think that Inauguration Day comes and Biden is standing at the podium, it will mean that the Chinese tanks will be rolling down the street any moment.

Now, is it their own fault and responsibility that they've chosen to restrict their "news" and "information" to only those who will lie to them for a living, trying to make them as angry and paranoid as possible? Yeah. But that sheer, sincere terror in their eyes, it's amazing to see.
"When I look in their eyes, they're simply terrified."

Only a fool doesn't feel a certain amount of terror when they see war in all it's ugliness coming to the place their women and children live. Once started it will be far too late to put the Genie back in the bottle.
I'm not going to bothering reading the thread ... looks like the same vomit from yesterday ...

Anyone dared comment on the merits of the case yet? ... the OP is crazy wrong ... if we let Texas dictate how Michigan interprets their own laws ... pfffft ... worst, allow Texas to go straight to SCOTUS ... well ... then ... er ...

What's to stop California from telling Mississippi how to run their education system? ... and going straight to SCOTUS with the complaint ...

No ... I didn';t think anyone wanted to discuss this matter honestly ... sorry for interrupting ...

This is what annoys me the worst. I know this is a Hail Mary and it has no chance of overturning the election, but the fact that Texas even had a path to take this directly to the SC with 1) no successful lower court rulings, and 2) Able to file a lawsuit that essentially is looking to interfere in another states' a complete travesty.
So you have no idea about how multiple state issues are resolved. It goes directly to the supreme court. Always. Always. Always.
You are not worthy of adding to this conversation as you are naive as to how a republic works.

FYI....we are a republic.
I laugh at those that attempt to debate and say things that are not factually correct. Its like "Rachel Maddow said this so I can regirgitate it
There IS no issue, snowflake. That's the point. This is frivolous. Texas has NO standing to question another state's process. They suffered no harm.
So do me a favor and stow your upturned nose. I don't give a shit.
Oh. I see. A state voted legally, and their electoral college votes are offset by a state that votes against the constitution. Got it.
Good for you.

So what you're really trying to say here is that state's DON'T have the right to make their own laws. Again, selective interpretation. So much for that yellowed scrap of paper.
Texas wasn't harmed therefore has no standing to bring the suit...unless you are postulating that because Texas voted for Trump, these other states have to as well.
Uh...excuse me. I never said that. States get to make their own laws. Always. Governors and judges do not have the right to change those laws according to the constitution. Only LAW MAKERS do.
Know your stuff before you debate.

No chance
This really isn't going to happen.

You guys really need to calm down. Go out and get some air. Spend the day in a forest with no cell phone.

Yep, just let the cheating happen, after all Progs know what's best for us because we don't.
Yep, just let the cheating happen, after all Progs know what's best for us because we don't.
All 50 governors have certified their election results.
Yes. All states certified the results. I expected that. The question is, should states have their electoral college numbers offset by states that had non law makers change their election laws? And 18 governors and AG's are protecting their state citizens from having their vote offset.

During a football game, there were 3 calls turned over by instant replay review. The last play of the game, where a player scored the winning touchdown, there was question whether or not his foot stepped on the sideline. It was an SEC team vs. an ACC game. You are an ACC fan. It was an SEC player that scored the apparent touchdown. The head ref decides to amend the rules and claims "we will not review the last play of a game"......would you not question what the hell and be upset about the mid game change of rules??

Now...that is a lousy football game. What about the election of a President of the United States?

They literally do not care

They are psychopaths -
I bet they would care if the tables were turned.
The Hillary supporters got the fuck over it, like adults
Anyone who "get's over" a swindled election is a scumbag.
What do we call those who whine about losing and then pretend that it was a swindled election with no evidence.....(see all those court losses). A sucker? Seditious? A cultist?
we call them Hillary Clinton
You mean the Presidential Candidate that conceded on Election Night, 2016?
yup. She conceded and spent the next three years blaming us deplorables for a stolen election.
But you run with that attitude. It fits you well.

Also she didn't concede until the following morning.

But she still conceded the next morning...which I don't think Trump has done yet.
Obama offered Trump a smooth transition. Trump so far has offered Biden next to squat.
I could care less what Clinton parroted after Trump was inaugurated. That's your hangup. Not mine.

Both of you need to get some new talking points.

LOL. Obama offered the front of a smooth transition and everyone knew that all the civil servants were going to do everything they could to gum the gears, i.e. the resistance.

It's easy to play nice when you know your inside people are going to do your dirty work for you.

What a naïve moron you are.

Which they didn't. So nice try at bullshit.
What happened after the inauguration was Trump's fault.
Note the date

View attachment 428214
No it wasn't. The nonstop war on Trump happened because the fake news media hated him. The theory that Trump did anything to deserve that treatment is beyond absurd.. How do you people walk around in public?

No. Trump made all of his own issues. The media just reports what he does.
Place the blame where the blame lies. At the foot of the former reality TV star who had no business
descending that golden escalator.
Utter horseshit. How do you walk around in public when you lie so egregiously? The Dims in the media and the Dims scum in Congress manuractured all the issues they harangued Trump about.

You invent scandals and then you lie about who created them. Dims are scum. It's hard to be any worse of a human being than a Dim.

That's your narrative..or at least the narrative right wing media constantly spins. Donald Trump is an incompetent boob. He has been for decades. The difference is while he was a private citizen, we could just laugh him off. Even backing into the Presidency and then making his own problems day after day for three years we could get mad at, but laugh off. Because the economy was good and there was nothing going on in the world that required our immediate attention. Then, the first time his Presidency is tested, he coughs up a furball and fails spectacularly. 300K dead and counting. 6.7% unemployment, thousands of businesses shuttered, millions of people out of work, spreading his dysfunction to Republicans in the House and Senate. He then proceeds to lose the election and embark on a temper tantrum to overturn an attempt not seen in our republic's history.

And you idiots want to see another four years of this clown show.
He lost. He's done. Deal with it.
I don't know how you rationalize your lies in your head. I don't care. The bottom line is that everything you post is pure horseshit. To be a leftist you have to be a liar. Leftism is nothing more than a vast pile of lies. Everything leftists say is a lie. One lie requires another. It's so sad for this country that so many people fall for this horseshit.
I'm not going to bothering reading the thread ... looks like the same vomit from yesterday ...

Anyone dared comment on the merits of the case yet? ... the OP is crazy wrong ... if we let Texas dictate how Michigan interprets their own laws ... pfffft ... worst, allow Texas to go straight to SCOTUS ... well ... then ... er ...

What's to stop California from telling Mississippi how to run their education system? ... and going straight to SCOTUS with the complaint ...

No ... I didn';t think anyone wanted to discuss this matter honestly ... sorry for interrupting ...

This is what annoys me the worst. I know this is a Hail Mary and it has no chance of overturning the election, but the fact that Texas even had a path to take this directly to the SC with 1) no successful lower court rulings, and 2) Able to file a lawsuit that essentially is looking to interfere in another states' a complete travesty.
So you have no idea about how multiple state issues are resolved. It goes directly to the supreme court. Always. Always. Always.
You are not worthy of adding to this conversation as you are naive as to how a republic works.

FYI....we are a republic.
I laugh at those that attempt to debate and say things that are not factually correct. Its like "Rachel Maddow said this so I can regirgitate it
There IS no issue, snowflake. That's the point. This is frivolous. Texas has NO standing to question another state's process. They suffered no harm.
So do me a favor and stow your upturned nose. I don't give a shit.
Oh. I see. A state voted legally, and their electoral college votes are offset by a state that votes against the constitution. Got it.
Good for you.

So what you're really trying to say here is that state's DON'T have the right to make their own laws. Again, selective interpretation. So much for that yellowed scrap of paper.
Texas wasn't harmed therefore has no standing to bring the suit...unless you are postulating that because Texas voted for Trump, these other states have to as well.
Uh...excuse me. I never said that. States get to make their own laws. Always. Governors and judges do not have the right to change those laws according to the constitution. Only LAW MAKERS do.
Know your stuff before you debate.

No chance
This really isn't going to happen.

You guys really need to calm down. Go out and get some air. Spend the day in a forest with no cell phone.

Yep, just let the cheating happen, after all Progs know what's best for us because we don't.
Yep, just let the cheating happen, after all Progs know what's best for us because we don't.
All 50 governors have certified their election results.
Yes. All states certified the results. I expected that. The question is, should states have their electoral college numbers offset by states that had non law makers change their election laws? And 18 governors and AG's are protecting their state citizens from having their vote offset.

During a football game, there were 3 calls turned over by instant replay review. The last play of the game, where a player scored the winning touchdown, there was question whether or not his foot stepped on the sideline. It was an SEC team vs. an ACC game. You are an ACC fan. It was an SEC player that scored the apparent touchdown. The head ref decides to amend the rules and claims "we will not review the last play of a game"......would you not question what the hell and be upset about the mid game change of rules??

Now...that is a lousy football game. What about the election of a President of the United States?

They literally do not care

They are psychopaths -
I bet they would care if the tables were turned.
The Hillary supporters got the fuck over it, like adults
Anyone who "get's over" a swindled election is a scumbag.
What do we call those who whine about losing and then pretend that it was a swindled election with no evidence.....(see all those court losses). A sucker? Seditious? A cultist?
we call them Hillary Clinton
You mean the Presidential Candidate that conceded on Election Night, 2016?
yup. She conceded and spent the next three years blaming us deplorables for a stolen election.
But you run with that attitude. It fits you well.

Also she didn't concede until the following morning.

But she still conceded the next morning...which I don't think Trump has done yet.
Obama offered Trump a smooth transition. Trump so far has offered Biden next to squat.
I could care less what Clinton parroted after Trump was inaugurated. That's your hangup. Not mine.

Both of you need to get some new talking points.

LOL. Obama offered the front of a smooth transition and everyone knew that all the civil servants were going to do everything they could to gum the gears, i.e. the resistance.

It's easy to play nice when you know your inside people are going to do your dirty work for you.

What a naïve moron you are.

Which they didn't. So nice try at bullshit.
What happened after the inauguration was Trump's fault.
Note the date

View attachment 428214
No it wasn't. The nonstop war on Trump happened because the fake news media hated him. The theory that Trump did anything to deserve that treatment is beyond absurd.. How do you people walk around in public?

No. Trump made all of his own issues. The media just reports what he does.
Place the blame where the blame lies. At the foot of the former reality TV star who had no business
descending that golden escalator.
Utter horseshit. How do you walk around in public when you lie so egregiously? The Dims in the media and the Dims scum in Congress manuractured all the issues they harangued Trump about.

You invent scandals and then you lie about who created them. Dims are scum. It's hard to be any worse of a human being than a Dim.

That's your narrative..or at least the narrative right wing media constantly spins. Donald Trump is an incompetent boob. He has been for decades. The difference is while he was a private citizen, we could just laugh him off. Even backing into the Presidency and then making his own problems day after day for three years we could get mad at, but laugh off. Because the economy was good and there was nothing going on in the world that required our immediate attention. Then, the first time his Presidency is tested, he coughs up a furball and fails spectacularly. 300K dead and counting. 6.7% unemployment, thousands of businesses shuttered, millions of people out of work, spreading his dysfunction to Republicans in the House and Senate. He then proceeds to lose the election and embark on a temper tantrum to overturn an attempt not seen in our republic's history.

And you idiots want to see another four years of this clown show.
He lost. He's done. Deal with it.
In their universe, he's just this side of a deity. They're still tithing to his slush fund.

They can whine in corner like children. There's a stain to clean up.
This really isn't going to happen.

You guys really need to calm down. Go out and get some air. Spend the day in a forest with no cell phone.

Yep, just let the cheating happen, after all Progs know what's best for us because we don't.
Team Trump has had more than ample opportunity to present evidence in court, or to the proper authorities, or even on televisin. They have produced none. So for you to claim cheating is absurd, and you are embarrassing yourself.

Its worse than even that. Trump's legal team never ONCE even alleged in court that fraud ever occurred as part of their legal arguments. They were asked repeatedly if they were arguing fraud, and insisted that they were not.

These poor saps have been played like fiddles.
And in all seriousness, there really are many well-meaning Trumpsters who have bought into this. They've just been fed this parallel universe crap for so many years, that they were ripe for the right con man to come along and bring them down with him.

The arrogant, aggressive, ignorant Trumpsters, so well-represented here, deserve what they get. But I do feel kinda bad for those who really are terrified that we're going commie. They've been had by a crook and his cronies, and they didn't deserve that.

The republicans have been saying that democrats and liberals are communists and will turn our nation into a communist state since the Clinton years.

They don't know the real meaning of of the word communism. They have no idea or concept of the difference between economic policy and social policy.

Every democrat who runs for president is automatically labeled the most liberal in government and will turn us into a communist state.

Clinton was handed an economy on the brink of collapse. Obama was handed an economy that was totally collapsed. Both men cleaned up the mess the best they could even though the republicans fought them and did everything to prevent them from cleaning the mess up.

So if you look at history the far right's idea of communism is a healthy and robust capitalistic economy. Low unemployment, our international ties strong with something of a trade policy.

I have absolutely no sympathy for the republicans or anyone who is a trump follower. Especially those who are terrified that we will become a communist state if any democrat is elected to our government.

All those people deserve is scorn and ridicule for their totally stupidity and destroying what was once a decent political party.
I have several clients who are more everyday Trump supporters, unlike the goofball Trumpsters here, who appear to be auditioning for a talk radio show of their own.

When I look in their eyes, they're simply terrified. They're not aggressive or hateful like these folks, but thev're just been listening to Rush and Sean for decades, and this is how they've been conditioned to think. And right now, these people think that Inauguration Day comes and Biden is standing at the podium, it will mean that the Chinese tanks will be rolling down the street any moment.

Now, is it their own fault and responsibility that they've chosen to restrict their "news" and "information" to only those who will lie to them for a living, trying to make them as angry and paranoid as possible? Yeah. But that sheer, sincere terror in their eyes, it's amazing to see.
"When I look in their eyes, they're simply terrified."

Only a fool doesn't feel a certain amount of terror when they see war in all it's ugliness coming to the place their women and children live. Once started it will be far too late to put the Genie back in the bottle.
And, there ya go.
I'm not going to bothering reading the thread ... looks like the same vomit from yesterday ...

Anyone dared comment on the merits of the case yet? ... the OP is crazy wrong ... if we let Texas dictate how Michigan interprets their own laws ... pfffft ... worst, allow Texas to go straight to SCOTUS ... well ... then ... er ...

What's to stop California from telling Mississippi how to run their education system? ... and going straight to SCOTUS with the complaint ...

No ... I didn';t think anyone wanted to discuss this matter honestly ... sorry for interrupting ...

This is what annoys me the worst. I know this is a Hail Mary and it has no chance of overturning the election, but the fact that Texas even had a path to take this directly to the SC with 1) no successful lower court rulings, and 2) Able to file a lawsuit that essentially is looking to interfere in another states' a complete travesty.
So you have no idea about how multiple state issues are resolved. It goes directly to the supreme court. Always. Always. Always.
You are not worthy of adding to this conversation as you are naive as to how a republic works.

FYI....we are a republic.
I laugh at those that attempt to debate and say things that are not factually correct. Its like "Rachel Maddow said this so I can regirgitate it
There IS no issue, snowflake. That's the point. This is frivolous. Texas has NO standing to question another state's process. They suffered no harm.
So do me a favor and stow your upturned nose. I don't give a shit.
Oh. I see. A state voted legally, and their electoral college votes are offset by a state that votes against the constitution. Got it.
Good for you.

So what you're really trying to say here is that state's DON'T have the right to make their own laws. Again, selective interpretation. So much for that yellowed scrap of paper.
Texas wasn't harmed therefore has no standing to bring the suit...unless you are postulating that because Texas voted for Trump, these other states have to as well.
Uh...excuse me. I never said that. States get to make their own laws. Always. Governors and judges do not have the right to change those laws according to the constitution. Only LAW MAKERS do.
Know your stuff before you debate.

No chance
This really isn't going to happen.

You guys really need to calm down. Go out and get some air. Spend the day in a forest with no cell phone.

Yep, just let the cheating happen, after all Progs know what's best for us because we don't.
Yep, just let the cheating happen, after all Progs know what's best for us because we don't.
All 50 governors have certified their election results.
Yes. All states certified the results. I expected that. The question is, should states have their electoral college numbers offset by states that had non law makers change their election laws? And 18 governors and AG's are protecting their state citizens from having their vote offset.

During a football game, there were 3 calls turned over by instant replay review. The last play of the game, where a player scored the winning touchdown, there was question whether or not his foot stepped on the sideline. It was an SEC team vs. an ACC game. You are an ACC fan. It was an SEC player that scored the apparent touchdown. The head ref decides to amend the rules and claims "we will not review the last play of a game"......would you not question what the hell and be upset about the mid game change of rules??

Now...that is a lousy football game. What about the election of a President of the United States?

They literally do not care

They are psychopaths -
I bet they would care if the tables were turned.
The Hillary supporters got the fuck over it, like adults
Anyone who "get's over" a swindled election is a scumbag.
What do we call those who whine about losing and then pretend that it was a swindled election with no evidence.....(see all those court losses). A sucker? Seditious? A cultist?
we call them Hillary Clinton
You mean the Presidential Candidate that conceded on Election Night, 2016?
yup. She conceded and spent the next three years blaming us deplorables for a stolen election.
But you run with that attitude. It fits you well.

Also she didn't concede until the following morning.

But she still conceded the next morning...which I don't think Trump has done yet.
Obama offered Trump a smooth transition. Trump so far has offered Biden next to squat.
I could care less what Clinton parroted after Trump was inaugurated. That's your hangup. Not mine.

Both of you need to get some new talking points.

LOL. Obama offered the front of a smooth transition and everyone knew that all the civil servants were going to do everything they could to gum the gears, i.e. the resistance.

It's easy to play nice when you know your inside people are going to do your dirty work for you.

What a naïve moron you are.

Which they didn't. So nice try at bullshit.
What happened after the inauguration was Trump's fault.
Note the date

View attachment 428214
No it wasn't. The nonstop war on Trump happened because the fake news media hated him. The theory that Trump did anything to deserve that treatment is beyond absurd.. How do you people walk around in public?

No. Trump made all of his own issues. The media just reports what he does.
Place the blame where the blame lies. At the foot of the former reality TV star who had no business
descending that golden escalator.
Utter horseshit. How do you walk around in public when you lie so egregiously? The Dims in the media and the Dims scum in Congress manuractured all the issues they harangued Trump about.

You invent scandals and then you lie about who created them. Dims are scum. It's hard to be any worse of a human being than a Dim.

That's your narrative..or at least the narrative right wing media constantly spins. Donald Trump is an incompetent boob. He has been for decades. The difference is while he was a private citizen, we could just laugh him off. Even backing into the Presidency and then making his own problems day after day for three years we could get mad at, but laugh off. Because the economy was good and there was nothing going on in the world that required our immediate attention. Then, the first time his Presidency is tested, he coughs up a furball and fails spectacularly. 300K dead and counting. 6.7% unemployment, thousands of businesses shuttered, millions of people out of work, spreading his dysfunction to Republicans in the House and Senate. He then proceeds to lose the election and embark on a temper tantrum to overturn an attempt not seen in our republic's history.

And you idiots want to see another four years of this clown show.
He lost. He's done. Deal with it.
In their universe, he's just this side of a deity. They're still tithing to his slush fund.

They can whine in corner like children. There's a stain to clean up.
You are so full of shit. No one believes he's diety, as Obama's worshippers believe about him. Libs can't help believing that everyone thinks the same way they do.

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