The tie that saved Rome. Do Western nations need a State Religion?

Do Western nations need a State Religion?

Hell to the no! The reason why this country is great is that all religions are welcome and we don't impose a chosen one on others. You impose a state religion you destroy the United States.

who said "impose" ? Does England IMPOSE Anglicanism?
White people need a state. A few. Europe and the U.S. should do.

No healthy society operates well, particularly in the face of destruction, without belief in God. Jews learned this -- it's the lesson of the Bible.

"white people" do not need a state-------race is an artificial distinction in the ---genus/species---HOMO SAPIEN
Do Western nations need a State Religion?

Hell to the no! The reason why this country is great is that all religions are welcome and we don't impose a chosen one on others. You impose a state religion you destroy the United States.

The United States has already been destroyed by open borders, uncontrolled immigration and multiculturalism. I don't support a "state religion" but you are foolish if you think admitting Muslims is doing us any good.
Do Western nations need a State Religion?

Hell to the no! The reason why this country is great is that all religions are welcome and we don't impose a chosen one on others. You impose a state religion you destroy the United States.

The United States has already been destroyed by open borders, uncontrolled immigration and multiculturalism. I don't support a "state religion" but you are foolish if you think admitting Muslims is doing us any good.

who said "good"? Right now----in the course of ongoing human history------muslims are into an INTENSELY NATIONALISTIC -----big time militant fad. Not "all" muslims----just A LOT MORE THAN ENOUGH---to cause all kinds of problems. Time for vigilance and------some level of defense
Do Western nations need a State Religion?

Hell to the no! The reason why this country is great is that all religions are welcome and we don't impose a chosen one on others. You impose a state religion you destroy the United States.

who said "impose" ? Does England IMPOSE Anglicanism?

They did when they were stupid. A reason many fled to the great United States, where there wasn't and will never be an endorsed religion. Listen I'm not saying religion is bad, and nothing wrong with government officials praising religion or talking about it either. However there should never be laws made or endorsement of a certain religion. The founding fathers were very clear on this. The constitution is very clear on this.
Liberalism is a political religion. The war is on and in full debate. I will resist it as will many others, that's considered division by leftists. If it comes to bloodshed, my side is better prepared.
LOL!!! Your side doesn't have an army. Regardless of political views, the army will stand with the duly elected government, not the rebels.
Nothing about the conversion to Christianity turned out well for Rome or the rest of western culture. Almost the entirety of Greco-Roman learning was suppressed and forgotten for a thousand years as western Europe endured the dark ages under the anti-science catholic church. Progress was rejected for a millennium of holy wars, inquisitions, superstition and stagnation.
Wrong. Many things were invented, many scientists were Christians and the religion did unify the people and create a Eurpean empire that lasted for a thousand years, successfully repelling the Islamic invasion and taking territory back when lost.
Liberalism is a political religion. The war is on and in full debate. I will resist it as will many others, that's considered division by leftists. If it comes to bloodshed, my side is better prepared.
LOL!!! Your side doesn't have an army. Regardless of political views, the army will stand with the duly elected government, not the rebels.
You can't read, you illiterate dipstick. I didn't say we had an army I implied we are better armed. Pop your head out of your ass and focus on then actual words.

The founders wrote about tyranny and it's WHY they made arms a right. You and Old Lady need to go back to grade school US history.
Do Western nations need a State Religion?

Hell to the no! The reason why this country is great is that all religions are welcome and we don't impose a chosen one on others. You impose a state religion you destroy the United States.

who said "impose" ? Does England IMPOSE Anglicanism?

They did when they were stupid. A reason many fled to the great United States, where there wasn't and will never be an endorsed religion. Listen I'm not saying religion is bad, and nothing wrong with government officials praising religion or talking about it either. However there should never be laws made or endorsement of a certain religion. The founding fathers were very clear on this. The constitution is very clear on this.

BTW---I never endorsed the idea of a "religion for the USA"----- I did for FRANCE. France is in real danger of being
overcome by ISLAM-----too many people there eager for a
MUSLIM FRANCE. You may not know-----lots of muslims do
---with great confidence ----PREDICT A MUSLIM FRANCE.
Consider Lebanon------Lebanon used to be -----sorta --almost--
a Christian country. France has a history of being a NOMINALLY catholic country-------it also has a history-----
which muslims take VERY SERIOUSLY of almost being a
MUSLIM COUNTRY (the southern part of france was virtually
conquered for quite awhile) History of "being muslim" may
mean nothing to you-----but it means LOTS to something like
1/4 of the world's population
Nothing about the conversion to Christianity turned out well for Rome or the rest of western culture. Almost the entirety of Greco-Roman learning was suppressed and forgotten for a thousand years as western Europe endured the dark ages under the anti-science catholic church. Progress was rejected for a millennium of holy wars, inquisitions, superstition and stagnation.
Wrong. Many things were invented, many scientists were Christians and the religion did unify the people and create a Eurpean empire that lasted for a thousand years, successfully repelling the Islamic invasion and taking territory back when lost.

It was a very barbaric empire. as was the ROMAN EMPIRE----
---in fact----the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE"----was even more
barbaric than was the -------not so 'holy' ROMAN EMPIRE.
The very barbaric EMPIRE OF JAPAN was even more stable and long lasting----------so was the EMPIRE OF MING THE
Do Western nations need a State Religion?

Hell to the no! The reason why this country is great is that all religions are welcome and we don't impose a chosen one on others. You impose a state religion you destroy the United States.

who said "impose" ? Does England IMPOSE Anglicanism?

They did when they were stupid. A reason many fled to the great United States, where there wasn't and will never be an endorsed religion. Listen I'm not saying religion is bad, and nothing wrong with government officials praising religion or talking about it either. However there should never be laws made or endorsement of a certain religion. The founding fathers were very clear on this. The constitution is very clear on this.

BTW---I never endorsed the idea of a "religion for the USA"----- I did for FRANCE. France is in real danger of being
overcome by ISLAM-----too many people there eager for a
MUSLIM FRANCE. You may not know-----lots of muslims do
---with great confidence ----PREDICT A MUSLIM FRANCE.
Consider Lebanon------Lebanon used to be -----sorta --almost--
a Christian country. France has a history of being a NOMINALLY catholic country-------it also has a history-----
which muslims take VERY SERIOUSLY of almost being a
MUSLIM COUNTRY (the southern part of france was virtually
conquered for quite awhile) History of "being muslim" may
mean nothing to you-----but it means LOTS to something like
1/4 of the world's population
I'm pretty sure France isn't going to endorse a state religion anytime soon, and that you are a bit overly hyperbolic about Muslims taking over. I do understand that there has been a big influx of "refugees", that some aren't really refugees but opportunists, and that a limit has to be enforced as France or Europe for that matter can only accept so many.
Do Western nations need a State Religion?

Hell to the no! The reason why this country is great is that all religions are welcome and we don't impose a chosen one on others. You impose a state religion you destroy the United States.

who said "impose" ? Does England IMPOSE Anglicanism?

They did when they were stupid. A reason many fled to the great United States, where there wasn't and will never be an endorsed religion. Listen I'm not saying religion is bad, and nothing wrong with government officials praising religion or talking about it either. However there should never be laws made or endorsement of a certain religion. The founding fathers were very clear on this. The constitution is very clear on this.

BTW---I never endorsed the idea of a "religion for the USA"----- I did for FRANCE. France is in real danger of being
overcome by ISLAM-----too many people there eager for a
MUSLIM FRANCE. You may not know-----lots of muslims do
---with great confidence ----PREDICT A MUSLIM FRANCE.
Consider Lebanon------Lebanon used to be -----sorta --almost--
a Christian country. France has a history of being a NOMINALLY catholic country-------it also has a history-----
which muslims take VERY SERIOUSLY of almost being a
MUSLIM COUNTRY (the southern part of france was virtually
conquered for quite awhile) History of "being muslim" may
mean nothing to you-----but it means LOTS to something like
1/4 of the world's population
I'm pretty sure France isn't going to endorse a state religion anytime soon, and that you are a bit overly hyperbolic about Muslims taking over. I do understand that there has been a big influx of "refugees", that some aren't really refugees but opportunists, and that a limit has to be enforced as France or Europe for that matter can only accept so many.

I am not being hyperbolic------and YOU are trivializing.
I have a sense that you really know nothing about islam --
and its history and its "NOW" as an ideology. I would not
ascribe "CONSPIRACY" to the overwhelming majority of
muslim refugees in France or anywhere else in the world-----
Most people in the world are LOOKING FOR THE BEST DEAL life has to offer--------HOWEVER----muslims do have a RELIGION----that is very specific regarding that which is
RIGHT and that which is WRONG. What is RIGHT for
muslims is establishment of ISLAM AS THE RIGHT RELIGION FOR ALL OF THE WORLD and establishment of that "RIGHT" a prime directive---------it is hard for you to accept that idea. You are probably American born. You just do
not know
Nothing about the conversion to Christianity turned out well for Rome or the rest of western culture. Almost the entirety of Greco-Roman learning was suppressed and forgotten for a thousand years as western Europe endured the dark ages under the anti-science catholic church. Progress was rejected for a millennium of holy wars, inquisitions, superstition and stagnation.
Wrong. Many things were invented, many scientists were Christians and the religion did unify the people and create a Eurpean empire that lasted for a thousand years, successfully repelling the Islamic invasion and taking territory back when lost.
Go back to world history class and stay awake this time. They call it the dark ages because nothing worth remembering happened except for all the constant slaughter and plagues. Rather than unify, Christianity set off a constant state of war that is responsible for Europe being made up of hundreds of little city states, principalities and petty kingdoms before the renaissance and the rise the modern nation state.
Nothing about the conversion to Christianity turned out well for Rome or the rest of western culture. Almost the entirety of Greco-Roman learning was suppressed and forgotten for a thousand years as western Europe endured the dark ages under the anti-science catholic church. Progress was rejected for a millennium of holy wars, inquisitions, superstition and stagnation.
Wrong. Many things were invented, many scientists were Christians and the religion did unify the people and create a Eurpean empire that lasted for a thousand years, successfully repelling the Islamic invasion and taking territory back when lost.
Go back to world history class and stay awake this time. They call it the dark ages because nothing worth remembering happened except for all the constant slaughter and plagues. Rather than unify, Christianity set off a constant state of war that is responsible for Europe being made up of hundreds of little city states, principalities and petty kingdoms before the renaissance and the rise the modern nation state.
The plagues happened because of tight cramped unsanitary living conditions, had zip to do with religion. You go back to class. Nothing notable happened? Pick a year and I'll provide an invention. Wars were happening all along, the Huns, Visigoths, Franks, you name it. You are incredibly ignorant of world history.
Do Western nations need a State Religion?

Hell to the no! The reason why this country is great is that all religions are welcome and we don't impose a chosen one on others. You impose a state religion you destroy the United States.

who said "impose" ? Does England IMPOSE Anglicanism?

They did when they were stupid. A reason many fled to the great United States, where there wasn't and will never be an endorsed religion. Listen I'm not saying religion is bad, and nothing wrong with government officials praising religion or talking about it either. However there should never be laws made or endorsement of a certain religion. The founding fathers were very clear on this. The constitution is very clear on this.

BTW---I never endorsed the idea of a "religion for the USA"----- I did for FRANCE. France is in real danger of being
overcome by ISLAM-----too many people there eager for a
MUSLIM FRANCE. You may not know-----lots of muslims do
---with great confidence ----PREDICT A MUSLIM FRANCE.
Consider Lebanon------Lebanon used to be -----sorta --almost--
a Christian country. France has a history of being a NOMINALLY catholic country-------it also has a history-----
which muslims take VERY SERIOUSLY of almost being a
MUSLIM COUNTRY (the southern part of france was virtually
conquered for quite awhile) History of "being muslim" may
mean nothing to you-----but it means LOTS to something like
1/4 of the world's population
I'm pretty sure France isn't going to endorse a state religion anytime soon, and that you are a bit overly hyperbolic about Muslims taking over. I do understand that there has been a big influx of "refugees", that some aren't really refugees but opportunists, and that a limit has to be enforced as France or Europe for that matter can only accept so many.

I am not being hyperbolic------and YOU are trivializing.
I have a sense that you really know nothing about islam --
and its history and its "NOW" as an ideology. I would not
ascribe "CONSPIRACY" to the overwhelming majority of
muslim refugees in France or anywhere else in the world-----
Most people in the world are LOOKING FOR THE BEST DEAL life has to offer--------HOWEVER----muslims do have a RELIGION----that is very specific regarding that which is
RIGHT and that which is WRONG. What is RIGHT for
muslims is establishment of ISLAM AS THE RIGHT RELIGION FOR ALL OF THE WORLD and establishment of that "RIGHT" a prime directive---------it is hard for you to accept that idea. You are probably American born. You just do
not know

I have a work friend who is a Muslim, came from war torn Bosnia. I have had conversations with him about religion and politics. He respects me, I respect him. I've been to his house, met his wife, kids. They aren't trying for a Muslim takeover lol, trust me. I think YOU do not know a Muslim and are full of fear because of the extremist Muslims you see on tv and think they are all like that. My friend hates them too. Did it ever occur to you he wanted no part of the extremists, and that most Muslims aren't extremists?
who said "impose" ? Does England IMPOSE Anglicanism?

They did when they were stupid. A reason many fled to the great United States, where there wasn't and will never be an endorsed religion. Listen I'm not saying religion is bad, and nothing wrong with government officials praising religion or talking about it either. However there should never be laws made or endorsement of a certain religion. The founding fathers were very clear on this. The constitution is very clear on this.

BTW---I never endorsed the idea of a "religion for the USA"----- I did for FRANCE. France is in real danger of being
overcome by ISLAM-----too many people there eager for a
MUSLIM FRANCE. You may not know-----lots of muslims do
---with great confidence ----PREDICT A MUSLIM FRANCE.
Consider Lebanon------Lebanon used to be -----sorta --almost--
a Christian country. France has a history of being a NOMINALLY catholic country-------it also has a history-----
which muslims take VERY SERIOUSLY of almost being a
MUSLIM COUNTRY (the southern part of france was virtually
conquered for quite awhile) History of "being muslim" may
mean nothing to you-----but it means LOTS to something like
1/4 of the world's population
I'm pretty sure France isn't going to endorse a state religion anytime soon, and that you are a bit overly hyperbolic about Muslims taking over. I do understand that there has been a big influx of "refugees", that some aren't really refugees but opportunists, and that a limit has to be enforced as France or Europe for that matter can only accept so many.

I am not being hyperbolic------and YOU are trivializing.
I have a sense that you really know nothing about islam --
and its history and its "NOW" as an ideology. I would not
ascribe "CONSPIRACY" to the overwhelming majority of
muslim refugees in France or anywhere else in the world-----
Most people in the world are LOOKING FOR THE BEST DEAL life has to offer--------HOWEVER----muslims do have a RELIGION----that is very specific regarding that which is
RIGHT and that which is WRONG. What is RIGHT for
muslims is establishment of ISLAM AS THE RIGHT RELIGION FOR ALL OF THE WORLD and establishment of that "RIGHT" a prime directive---------it is hard for you to accept that idea. You are probably American born. You just do
not know

I have a work friend who is a Muslim, came from war torn Bosnia. I have had conversations with him about religion and politics. He respects me, I respect him. I've been to his house, met his wife, kids. They aren't trying for a Muslim takeover lol, trust me. I think YOU do not know a Muslim and are full of fear because of the extremist Muslims you see on tv and think they are all like that. My friend hates them too. Did it ever occur to you he wanted no part of the extremists, and that most Muslims aren't extremists?

what makes you think that I do not know muslims? I know lots of muslims and have been to lots of muslim homes-----I read the koran LONG ago----probably before you were born..
What are you calling an "EXTREMIST" muslim? You assume
LOTS. Do you know anything about BOSNIAN MUSLIMS?
Have you ever met a NON-MUSLIM from Bosnia? You know muslims IN THE PARLOR------so do I. ----I also know muslims
They did when they were stupid. A reason many fled to the great United States, where there wasn't and will never be an endorsed religion. Listen I'm not saying religion is bad, and nothing wrong with government officials praising religion or talking about it either. However there should never be laws made or endorsement of a certain religion. The founding fathers were very clear on this. The constitution is very clear on this.

BTW---I never endorsed the idea of a "religion for the USA"----- I did for FRANCE. France is in real danger of being
overcome by ISLAM-----too many people there eager for a
MUSLIM FRANCE. You may not know-----lots of muslims do
---with great confidence ----PREDICT A MUSLIM FRANCE.
Consider Lebanon------Lebanon used to be -----sorta --almost--
a Christian country. France has a history of being a NOMINALLY catholic country-------it also has a history-----
which muslims take VERY SERIOUSLY of almost being a
MUSLIM COUNTRY (the southern part of france was virtually
conquered for quite awhile) History of "being muslim" may
mean nothing to you-----but it means LOTS to something like
1/4 of the world's population
I'm pretty sure France isn't going to endorse a state religion anytime soon, and that you are a bit overly hyperbolic about Muslims taking over. I do understand that there has been a big influx of "refugees", that some aren't really refugees but opportunists, and that a limit has to be enforced as France or Europe for that matter can only accept so many.

I am not being hyperbolic------and YOU are trivializing.
I have a sense that you really know nothing about islam --
and its history and its "NOW" as an ideology. I would not
ascribe "CONSPIRACY" to the overwhelming majority of
muslim refugees in France or anywhere else in the world-----
Most people in the world are LOOKING FOR THE BEST DEAL life has to offer--------HOWEVER----muslims do have a RELIGION----that is very specific regarding that which is
RIGHT and that which is WRONG. What is RIGHT for
muslims is establishment of ISLAM AS THE RIGHT RELIGION FOR ALL OF THE WORLD and establishment of that "RIGHT" a prime directive---------it is hard for you to accept that idea. You are probably American born. You just do
not know

I have a work friend who is a Muslim, came from war torn Bosnia. I have had conversations with him about religion and politics. He respects me, I respect him. I've been to his house, met his wife, kids. They aren't trying for a Muslim takeover lol, trust me. I think YOU do not know a Muslim and are full of fear because of the extremist Muslims you see on tv and think they are all like that. My friend hates them too. Did it ever occur to you he wanted no part of the extremists, and that most Muslims aren't extremists?

what makes you think that I do not know muslims? I know lots of muslims and have been to lots of muslim homes-----I read the koran LONG ago----probably before you were born..
What are you calling an "EXTREMIST" muslim? You assume
LOTS. Do you know anything about BOSNIAN MUSLIMS?
Have you ever met a NON-MUSLIM from Bosnia? You know muslims IN THE PARLOR------so do I. ----I also know muslims
Oh good grief. Go ahead with your "wisdom" then old one.
Liberalism is a political religion. The war is on and in full debate. I will resist it as will many others, that's considered division by leftists. If it comes to bloodshed, my side is better prepared.
LOL!!! Your side doesn't have an army. Regardless of political views, the army will stand with the duly elected government, not the rebels.
You can't read, you illiterate dipstick. I didn't say we had an army I implied we are better armed. Pop your head out of your ass and focus on then actual words. The founders wrote about tyranny and it's WHY they made arms a right. You and Old Lady need to go back to grade school US history.
Better armed than what? That's the question. You like to shoot off your mouth, but it's just words. The army uses real bullets. :laugh2:
...Is creating a State Religion the way to peace?...

However, I see no harm in crafting legislation recognizing a Western Nation to be a Secularized Christian Nation.

Meaning; a nation with its culture and beliefs strongly rooted in Christianity, but committed to a Separation of Church and State, in practical public life.

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