The time has finally come to tell the left to go fuck themselves.

Sil, we are laughing at your fictional lgbt church. There is no such thing.

Well then since you were not born the way your are, and your members pretending to be the opposite sex were not born that way either, what foundation of Constitutional protections outside religion were you planning on advancing your "men belong in women's showers" legal arguments from? Just some of your favorite majority-disapproved behaviors but not others having "civil rights" "implied in the 1964 Act"...even though your behaviors don't find even an insinuation of coverage under that Act?

Or were you planning on having your pocket judges and lawyers rewrite the Constitution's 14th Amendment from below, for just your favorite repugnant behaviors?...while all other repugnant behaviors can be subjected to majority rule?

If I were you, I'd welcome my accurate naming of your cult as "The Church of LGBT". You might get more legal traction that way now that a judge has handcuffed your lying lawyers if they intentionally deceive the Public. Not many of your lawyers will want to lose the ability to practice law for your cause...
The bathroom issue is finally where I draw a line. If my wife, sister, daughter is harassed by a man in the women's restroom, I will beat the living shit out of that man, and take the legal consequences.
You are going to beat the living shit out of this man?

You are going to beat the living shit out of this man?
View attachment 75533

If his dick is dangling near a rape victim in the showers behind a door marked "women" his life may very well be in danger if that woman calls her husband on her matter how "pretty" that dude fancies he is...

You see, you have your world of pretend, where your faithful flock and defend their delusions "as real". Then you have the real world which is really gritty and doesn't care about your walls of denial. Church of LGBT, meet the real world. Real world, Church of LGBT.
President Obama's demand that public schools force little girls to share their bathrooms with confused boys is the final straw. The time has finally come to tell the left to go fuck themselves.

We should no longer attempt to peacefully work out our differences with the left, or engage them in debate, or try to persuade them.

We must realize now that the left disrespects the democratic process, and cheats to win its victories, as they did with abortion in 1973, and same-sex marriage last year.

What we need to do now is figure out who's on our side, and meet with them in private homes and in churches and town halls and work out some sort of a plan to wrest power from the left. We need to purge their influence from the public schools, academia, media, and the government. It is not sufficient to win elections, we need to take away all their power to influence the public, especially children.
You want this transgender person in the men's room?


And this one to?


You have to be some kind of sick pervert.
Yes, and I suggest when he enters the men's room, he remove his makeup and put his hair back in a pony tail or something. Wear a polo shirt. Playing pretend in areas that aren't for pretend can get people hurt.
This is a war against transgender Americans that you started, a war you’re going to lose, just as you lost when you sought to deny gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law.

I would say the opposite is true. Men using women's showers alongside 17 million rape survivors behind a door marked "women" is not going to cross the finish line.

Better start the grieving process now.
Of course you would – motivated by your fear, bigotry, and hate, along with your propensity to lie.

This wasn’t an ‘issue’ until conservatives seized upon the idea that demonizing transgender Americans might help energize the base, now that demonizing same-sex couples is no longer viable (needless to say, most on the right continue to beat that dead horse, this thread being one of many examples).

So you contrived the lie about ‘men in women’s bathrooms,’ in conjunction with isolated, unrelated events having nothing whatsoever to do with transgender persons or what it is to be transgender, to create a false impression that adult men and girls would be ‘showering together,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth, something that no transgender person has advocated for, a manifestation of rightwing fearmongering and demagoguery.
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?
Yes. And you didn't win this issue democratically, you forced it with the courts, just like abortion. So it's not legitimate, and never will be.
The courts are appointed by democratically elected leaders. No one forced that; the majority chose it. It is legitimate; you are just being a sore looser. Not legitimate, my ass.

It's loser, not looser and that's quite a reach. The majority opposed it in many states
You do not understand how our Republic operates.

We don't have a Republic. That was lost with the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy in 1933 and everyone's future labor was used as surety against the debt. You don't have have privileges and some require a license. Your beloved "gubermint" is owned by foriegn bankers and it is a "for profit" entity. You really should keep your mouth shut about things you have no clue about.
Teabaggers in restrooms with little girls is the final straw? The bully pulpit should have been the final straw. Americans should have nipped leftism in the bud before it infiltrated the federal government.
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?
Yes. And you didn't win this issue democratically, you forced it with the courts, just like abortion. So it's not legitimate, and never will be.
The courts are appointed by democratically elected leaders. No one forced that; the majority chose it. It is legitimate; you are just being a sore looser. Not legitimate, my ass.

It's loser, not looser and that's quite a reach. The majority opposed it in many states
Thanks, I just corrected it. I'm sure you're right; perhaps it should have remained up to the states. This is going to lead to a civil war over what to most seems nonsense.
There may be a civil war in the courts, and that is fine, for that is how we doing things.
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?

Lesbian and gay can do whatever they want. But liberals pushed to far with this bathroom garbage. Obama is a communist piece of shit. Girls should not be forced to view a man's dick in the privacy of their restroom just so we can appease a very small percentage of the population. Transgenders need to use the bathroom their biology corresponds to or go fuck themselves.
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?
Yes. And you didn't win this issue democratically, you forced it with the courts, just like abortion. So it's not legitimate, and never will be.
The courts are appointed by democratically elected leaders. No one forced that; the majority chose it. It is legitimate; you are just being a sore looser. Not legitimate, my ass.

It's loser, not looser and that's quite a reach. The majority opposed it in many states
As already correctly noted, you don’t understand how our Republic works.

In our Constitutional Republic, the ‘majority’ in no way determines who will or will not have his rights.

Indeed, citizens’ rights are not subject to ‘majority rule,’ and what the ‘majority’ might ‘oppose’ is irrelevant if it conflicts with Constitutional jurisprudence.

Moreover, citizens have the fundamental right to move freely about the country, to live in whatever state and jurisdiction they so desire, where those fundamental rights move with them to whatever their state of residence might be.

So that the majority of residents in a given state might seek to deny the minority of their civil rights is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant and devoid of merit.
Dale, you lost your mind is what you have lost. Sil is goofy and Sassy long ago lost her way.

The issue will be settled in the courts.

Anyone who bring violence will pay the price.
Being so easily offended, even by the way they were born, no wonder lefties cry so much.
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?
Yes. And you didn't win this issue democratically, you forced it with the courts, just like abortion. So it's not legitimate, and never will be.
The courts are appointed by democratically elected leaders. No one forced that; the majority chose it. It is legitimate; you are just being a sore looser. Not legitimate, my ass.

It's loser, not looser and that's quite a reach. The majority opposed it in many states
As already correctly noted, you don’t understand how our Republic works.

In our Constitutional Republic, the ‘majority’ in no way determines who will or will not have his rights.

Indeed, citizens’ rights are not subject to ‘majority rule,’ and what the ‘majority’ might ‘oppose’ is irrelevant if it conflicts with Constitutional jurisprudence.

Moreover, citizens have the fundamental right to move freely about the country, to live in whatever state and jurisdiction they so desire, where those fundamental rights move with them to whatever their state of residence might be.

So that the majority of residents in a given state might seek to deny the minority of their civil rights is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant and devoid of merit.

:321: :up_yours:
You are going to beat the living shit out of this man?
View attachment 75533

If his dick is dangling near a rape victim in the showers behind a door marked "women" his life may very well be in danger if that woman calls her husband on her matter how "pretty" that dude fancies he is...

You see, you have your world of pretend, where your faithful flock and defend their delusions "as real". Then you have the real world which is really gritty and doesn't care about your walls of denial. Church of LGBT, meet the real world. Real world, Church of LGBT.
I did not make up that picture of a transgender male. He/she will be using a private shower stall and will not be frightening anyone. That is the real truth of it, however much ridiculous hyperbole and downright sheer imagination you bring to your fear campaign. I am not the one pretending anything. But you and your flock are, for sure.
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?

Lesbian and gay can do whatever they want. But liberals pushed to far with this bathroom garbage. Obama is a communist piece of shit. Girls should not be forced to view a man's dick in the privacy of their restroom just so we can appease a very small percentage of the population. Transgenders need to use the bathroom their biology corresponds to or go fuck themselves.
TRANSGENDER MEN DO NOT PEE IN THE SINK. No one is going to see their dick in the women's room. Have you ever been in a women's room? If you have, you know better.
Sil, we are laughing at your fictional lgbt church. There is no such thing.

Well then since you were not born the way your are, and your members pretending to be the opposite sex were not born that way either, what foundation of Constitutional protections outside religion were you planning on advancing your "men belong in women's showers" legal arguments from? Just some of your favorite majority-disapproved behaviors but not others having "civil rights" "implied in the 1964 Act"...even though your behaviors don't find even an insinuation of coverage under that Act?

Or were you planning on having your pocket judges and lawyers rewrite the Constitution's 14th Amendment from below, for just your favorite repugnant behaviors?...while all other repugnant behaviors can be subjected to majority rule?

If I were you, I'd welcome my accurate naming of your cult as "The Church of LGBT". You might get more legal traction that way now that a judge has handcuffed your lying lawyers if they intentionally deceive the Public. Not many of your lawyers will want to lose the ability to practice law for your cause...
Wrong again.

Being ‘born that way’ is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

Whether one is gay or transgender as a consequence of birth or choice has no bearing whatsoever on the fundamental right to individual liberty, the right of citizens to self-determination, and the right of all Americans to define who they are absent unwarranted attack by the state.

Indeed, a transgender woman has the right to present herself as female to society, to identify as female, free from punitive government measures.

Consequently, your moronic ‘argument’ about persons ‘pretending’ to be this or that is completely devoid of merit.
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?

Lesbian and gay can do whatever they want. But liberals pushed to far with this bathroom garbage. Obama is a communist piece of shit. Girls should not be forced to view a man's dick in the privacy of their restroom just so we can appease a very small percentage of the population. Transgenders need to use the bathroom their biology corresponds to or go fuck themselves.
TRANSGENDER MEN DO NOT PEE IN THE SINK. No one is going to see their dick in the women's room. Have you ever been in a women's room? If you have, you know better.

You're argument if flawed. Transgender men can relieve themselves just as easily in the men's room. In fact, on days they aren't wearing a skirt they can even stand at a urinal. Common sense rules. You should try it one day.
You`re still having gay fantasies about Obama? He`s happily married so you can give it up.

Well, we don't know if Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama is happily married do we? President Obama seems always to have his practiced, patented smile pasted on his face but as for Michelle, she always looks angry.

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