The time has finally come to tell the left to go fuck themselves.

You would be terribly wrong about that bet as well.

Nah, the mainstream media would condition you and the liberals would browbeat you into compliance....guarantee ya that.

What a delightful hysterical crock of shit. What else are you going to make about me? I hope you make me taller in your next story. I hate having to get a step stool to reach the high cupboards. lol

Because your kind are easily conditioned. You don't have critical thinking skills that are required to combat the programming. I am not insulting you...I am simply saying that the masses have been programmed like Pavlov's dogs. They know what buttons to push. I know of what I speak because this is all I do.

You do not know shit about shit about me. I thought told you to make me taller in your next story.

I know enough about you to see that you would be EASY prey to the "groupthink" mentality that would be pushed upon you.

You really do not care what lies you tell yourself about me. :thup:
Nah, the mainstream media would condition you and the liberals would browbeat you into compliance....guarantee ya that.

What a delightful hysterical crock of shit. What else are you going to make about me? I hope you make me taller in your next story. I hate having to get a step stool to reach the high cupboards. lol

Because your kind are easily conditioned. You don't have critical thinking skills that are required to combat the programming. I am not insulting you...I am simply saying that the masses have been programmed like Pavlov's dogs. They know what buttons to push. I know of what I speak because this is all I do.

You do not know shit about shit about me. I thought told you to make me taller in your next story.

I know enough about you to see that you would be EASY prey to the "groupthink" mentality that would be pushed upon you.

I have to disagree with you on that, MDK comes across as more a live and let live type of person

You and I disagree at times, quiet passionately, but at the end of the day we still get along and respect each other. Cheers!
I bet you will be on board with the normalization of pedophilia as is even giving a platform for these perverts. The normalization of it is on it's way. Even some of your liberal pals say that the age of consent should be lowered to 10 years old. Where is your line in the sand or are you fine with any sick and twisted perversity that comes down the road?
Board violation. Reported.
What a delightful hysterical crock of shit. What else are you going to make about me? I hope you make me taller in your next story. I hate having to get a step stool to reach the high cupboards. lol

Because your kind are easily conditioned. You don't have critical thinking skills that are required to combat the programming. I am not insulting you...I am simply saying that the masses have been programmed like Pavlov's dogs. They know what buttons to push. I know of what I speak because this is all I do.

You do not know shit about shit about me. I thought told you to make me taller in your next story.

I know enough about you to see that you would be EASY prey to the "groupthink" mentality that would be pushed upon you.

I have to disagree with you on that, MDK comes across as more a live and let live type of person

You and I disagree at times, quiet passionately, but at the end of the day we still get along and respect each other. Cheers!

Shhhh I have a reputation to uphold as a racist, bigoted homophobic ;)

There is nothing funny about the government committing blasphemy against God's laws by defining marriage as a union between two people of the same sex.
I am laughing at you thinking you can talk about God and laws as if you know anything.
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?

I didn't really care they can be pretend married....but a line was crossed with this bathroom shit. The OP is correct, the left can go fuck themselves

To be honest, my husband and I considered ourselves married long before the government recognized it as legal.
You can play "house" with another man, it doesn't matter, you're not married, even if the government says you are. The definition of marriage is established in
Genesis 2:24:

"For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh."

and Matthew 19:5-6:

Jesus answered, “Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female’ 5and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? 6So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”…

You don't get to decide for yourself what a marriage is, and if the government violates God's law on the issue, then the government's law is invalid.

Why are you not whining about divorce? That violates God's law as well. Are divorces now invalid as result of God's law? Of course not.

Here is extensive list of thing you can do about fags getting hitched:

1. Whining about it on the internet
2. Whining to your friends and family

Or I can tell you to go fuck yourself, because I am no longer interested in trying to reason with you people.
Yep, Christian language from you. You don't know God.
Because your kind are easily conditioned. You don't have critical thinking skills that are required to combat the programming. I am not insulting you...I am simply saying that the masses have been programmed like Pavlov's dogs. They know what buttons to push. I know of what I speak because this is all I do.

You do not know shit about shit about me. I thought told you to make me taller in your next story.

I know enough about you to see that you would be EASY prey to the "groupthink" mentality that would be pushed upon you.

I have to disagree with you on that, MDK comes across as more a live and let live type of person

You and I disagree at times, quiet passionately, but at the end of the day we still get along and respect each other. Cheers!

Shhhh I have a reputation to uphold as a racist, bigoted homophobic ;)

Good lord, if word gets out that you and I are friends they might toss me out of the Lavender Mafia. I would hate to lose that 10% discount on theater tickets. lol
You do not know shit about shit about me. I thought told you to make me taller in your next story.

I know enough about you to see that you would be EASY prey to the "groupthink" mentality that would be pushed upon you.

I have to disagree with you on that, MDK comes across as more a live and let live type of person

You and I disagree at times, quiet passionately, but at the end of the day we still get along and respect each other. Cheers!

Shhhh I have a reputation to uphold as a racist, bigoted homophobic ;)

Good lord, if word gets out that you are a friends they might toss me out of the Lavender Mafia. I would hate to lose that 10% discount on theater tickets. lol

Yeah well think of the stares I'll get at the Straight Pride festival :eek:
I bet you will be on board with the normalization of pedophilia as is even giving a platform for these perverts. The normalization of it is on it's way. Even some of your liberal pals say that the age of consent should be lowered to 10 years old. Where is your line in the sand or are you fine with any sick and twisted perversity that comes down the road?
Board violation. Reported.

You know nothing about what is going GLSEN going into schools, NAMBLA marching with LGBT until it got some bad press . The push is on to lower the age of consent and you can bet that liberals such as yourself will be right on board with it. Report away, punkinpuss.......
The time has finally come to tell the left to go fuck themselves.

And when we laugh in your crybaby faces, what then? Will you cry at us even harder? Ooh, scary.

You've lost. The nation thinks that your pervy immoral opinions suck. Your can now choose between being a classy loser and a sore loser. If you go the sore loser route, everyone will keep laughing at you even harder.

No, you have no idea what you have unleashed with this bathroom issue. You will finally reap the whirlwind you have created with your constant demands that we accommodate more and more perversion and efforts to recruit children into perverse lifestyles. You think we will continue to roll over us, but that day is done. Since you seek to destroy us, and everything we hold dear, we have no choice but to fight you with every fiber of our being.
Another lie from the right.

This ‘bathroom’ nonsense is on you and other dishonest conservatives, this is your moronic contrivance, your failed attempt to create a ‘controversy’ where none exists.

This is a war against transgender Americans that you started, a war you’re going to lose, just as you lost when you sought to deny gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law.
This is a war against transgender Americans that you started, a war you’re going to lose, just as you lost when you sought to deny gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law.

I would say the opposite is true. Men using women's showers alongside 17 million rape survivors behind a door marked "women" is not going to cross the finish line.

Better start the grieving process now.
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?
Yes. And you didn't win this issue democratically, you forced it with the courts, just like abortion. So it's not legitimate, and never will be.
The courts are appointed by democratically elected leaders. No one forced that; the majority chose it. It is legitimate; you are just being a sore loser. Not legitimate, my ass.
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President Obama's demand that public schools force little girls to share their bathrooms with confused boys is the final straw. The time has finally come to tell the left to go fuck themselves.

We should no longer attempt to peacefully work out our differences with the left, or engage them in debate, or try to persuade them.

We must realize now that the left disrespects the democratic process, and cheats to win its victories, as they did with abortion in 1973, and same-sex marriage last year.

What we need to do now is figure out who's on our side, and meet with them in private homes and in churches and town halls and work out some sort of a plan to wrest power from the left. We need to purge their influence from the public schools, academia, media, and the government. It is not sufficient to win elections, we need to take away all their power to influence the public, especially children.
This idiotic thread premise also serves to illustrate the sophomoric nature of conservatism, the childish ‘take the ball and go home’ mentality simply because conservatives didn’t get their way.

In fact, conservatives have only themselves to blame, no one forced conservatives to seek to deny women their right to privacy or gay Americans their 14th Amendment rights; that was something conservatives did on their own, motivated by their unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty, and that the hateful laws and measures they enacted were invalidated by the Supreme Court is the fault of conservatives alone, the consequence of their ignorance of, or contempt for, the Constitution and its case law.
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?
Yes. And you didn't win this issue democratically, you forced it with the courts, just like abortion. So it's not legitimate, and never will be.
The courts are appointed by democratically elected leaders. No one forced that; the majority chose it. It is legitimate; you are just being a sore looser. Not legitimate, my ass.

It's loser, not looser and that's quite a reach. The majority opposed it in many states
This idiotic thread premise also serves to illustrate the sophomoric nature of conservatism, the childish ‘take the ball and go home’ mentality simply because conservatives didn’t get their way.

In fact, conservatives have only themselves to blame, no one forced conservatives to seek to deny women their right to privacy or gay Americans their 14th Amendment rights; that was something conservatives did on their own, motivated by their unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty, and that the hateful laws and measures they enacted were invalidated by the Supreme Court is the fault of conservatives alone, the consequence of their ignorance of, or contempt for, the Constitution and its case law.

Someone's afraid of the link in my signature and how once and for all, the Church of LGBT is going to have to clearly define for the public how men pretending to be women (transgenders) are "actually women" for the purposes of law. Versus real actual women who have rights to expectation of segregated privacy away from any man behind a door marked "women" outside their bathrooms, showers, doors, locker rooms etc..
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?
Yes. And you didn't win this issue democratically, you forced it with the courts, just like abortion. So it's not legitimate, and never will be.
The courts are appointed by democratically elected leaders. No one forced that; the majority chose it. It is legitimate; you are just being a sore looser. Not legitimate, my ass.

It's loser, not looser and that's quite a reach. The majority opposed it in many states
You do not understand how our Republic operates.
This idiotic thread premise also serves to illustrate the sophomoric nature of conservatism, the childish ‘take the ball and go home’ mentality simply because conservatives didn’t get their way.

In fact, conservatives have only themselves to blame, no one forced conservatives to seek to deny women their right to privacy or gay Americans their 14th Amendment rights; that was something conservatives did on their own, motivated by their unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty, and that the hateful laws and measures they enacted were invalidated by the Supreme Court is the fault of conservatives alone, the consequence of their ignorance of, or contempt for, the Constitution and its case law.

Someone's afraid of the link in my signature and how once and for all, the Church of LGBT is going to have to clearly define for the public how men pretending to be women (transgenders) are "actually women" for the purposes of law. Versus real actual women who have rights to expectation of segregated privacy away from any man behind a door marked "women" outside their bathrooms, showers, doors, locker rooms etc..
Sil, we are laughing at your fictional lgbt church. There is no such thing.
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?
Yes. And you didn't win this issue democratically, you forced it with the courts, just like abortion. So it's not legitimate, and never will be.
The courts are appointed by democratically elected leaders. No one forced that; the majority chose it. It is legitimate; you are just being a sore looser. Not legitimate, my ass.

It's loser, not looser and that's quite a reach. The majority opposed it in many states
You do not understand how our Republic operates.

Get lost Fakey, you got shellacked and now you're starting your usual BS.

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