The time has finally come to tell the left to go fuck themselves.

To be honest, my husband and I considered ourselves married long before the government recognized it as legal.

If you're happy that's well and good but sorry I don't recognize SSM as legitimate. My beef is with this transgender bathroom all pushed to far this time

You don't have to either. It doesn't make it a lick of difference one way or the other.

I am not pushing anything about bathrooms and trannies. I completely understand why some people are wary and freaked out.

I bet you will be on board with the normalization of pedophilia as is even giving a platform for these perverts. The normalization of it is on it's way. Even some of your liberal pals say that the age of consent should be lowered to 10 years old. Where is your line in the sand or are you fine with any sick and twisted perversity that comes down the road?
Okay Dale: how about a short list of liberal pals who think the age of consent should be 10 years old. Give me 5 names or admit you`re a fucking teabagging liar.

Are you done with defending Barrypuppet, the queer, you fucking pile of shit?????
5 names Dale. That`s all I asked for and you have ZERO. Lie much?
If you're happy that's well and good but sorry I don't recognize SSM as legitimate. My beef is with this transgender bathroom all pushed to far this time

You don't have to either. It doesn't make it a lick of difference one way or the other.

I am not pushing anything about bathrooms and trannies. I completely understand why some people are wary and freaked out.

I bet you will be on board with the normalization of pedophilia as is even giving a platform for these perverts. The normalization of it is on it's way. Even some of your liberal pals say that the age of consent should be lowered to 10 years old. Where is your line in the sand or are you fine with any sick and twisted perversity that comes down the road?
Okay Dale: how about a short list of liberal pals who think the age of consent should be 10 years old. Give me 5 names or admit you`re a fucking teabagging liar.

Are you done with defending Barrypuppet, the queer, you fucking pile of shit?????
5 names Dale. That`s all I asked for and you have ZERO. Lie much?

You didn't answer my question....are you DONE defending Barrypuppet, the's a yes or no question, dumb fuck......
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?
Yes. And you didn't win this issue democratically, you forced it with the courts, just like abortion. So it's not legitimate, and never will be.

Niether did interracial marriages and segregation. Why are you not whining about those issues forced by the courts? Doesn't fit the narrtive?

Nobody really cares if you think gay marriage is legitimate or not.
Not this shit again. That's not the same thing. Black men were treated differently than white men by government. That's why it was unconstitutional. There's nothing in the constitution that demands states ignore gender. That's why we've had men and women's rooms all along. This latest trans issue is just more erasing of the genders.

People didn't vote for those, actually voted against gay marriage in most cases but if a state wants gay marriage and no gender restrooms that's fine, it's the way it should be.
Or I can tell you to go fuck yourself, because I am no longer interested in trying to reason with you people.

No problem. It means we get to keep laughing at your pervy bathroom obsession. So be it. Works for us.
Just a fun fact to set everyone's legal fears at ease: Men-pretending-to-be-women are not actually women. See my signature for details.
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?
Yes. And you didn't win this issue democratically, you forced it with the courts, just like abortion. So it's not legitimate, and never will be.

The United States is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men; as men are incapable of ruling justly – measures prohibiting gay Americans from marrying and denying women their right to privacy in violation of the 14th Amendment are proof of that.

In our Constitutional Republic citizens’ rights and protected liberties are not subject to ‘popular vote,’ whether one has his inalienable right or not isn’t subject to ‘majority rule,’ the ‘majority’ has no authority whatsoever to decide who will or will not have his rights and protected liberties.

Citizens’ rights are immune from unwarranted attack by government, from unwarranted government interference, regardless what the ‘majority’ might want.

The American people are first and foremost citizens of the United States, residents of their states subordinate to that, where one does not forfeit his rights merely as a consequence of his state of residence, and where the states have no right to deny the American citizens residing in the states their protected liberties.

As a settled and accepted fact of Constitutional law the states were wrong to deny women their right to privacy, as a fact of settled and accepted Constitutional law the states were wrong to deny same-sex couples their right to equal protection of the law.

When the people err and enact measures repugnant to the Constitution, those wrongfully disadvantaged have the right to seek relief in Federal court, and have those measures invalidated because they are in fact un-Constitutional, such as compelling a woman to give birth against her will through force of law, and denying gay Americans access to marriage law they’re eligible to participate in for no other reason than who they are.
To be honest, my husband and I considered ourselves married long before the government recognized it as legal.

If you're happy that's well and good but sorry I don't recognize SSM as legitimate. My beef is with this transgender bathroom all pushed to far this time

You don't have to either. It doesn't make it a lick of difference one way or the other.

I am not pushing anything about bathrooms and trannies. I completely understand why some people are wary and freaked out.

I bet you will be on board with the normalization of pedophilia as is even giving a platform for these perverts. The normalization of it is on it's way. Even some of your liberal pals say that the age of consent should be lowered to 10 years old. Where is your line in the sand or are you fine with any sick and twisted perversity that comes down the road?

You would be terribly wrong about that bet as well.

Nah, the mainstream media would condition you and the liberals would browbeat you into compliance....guarantee ya that.

What a delightful hysterical crock of shit. What else are you going to make about me? I hope you make me taller in your next story. I hate having to get a step stool to reach the high cupboards. lol
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?

I didn't really care they can be pretend married....but a line was crossed with this bathroom shit. The OP is correct, the left can go fuck themselves

To be honest, my husband and I considered ourselves married long before the government recognized it as legal.
You can play "house" with another man, it doesn't matter, you're not married, even if the government says you are. The definition of marriage is established in
Genesis 2:24:

"For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh."

and Matthew 19:5-6:

Jesus answered, “Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female’ 5and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? 6So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”…

You don't get to decide for yourself what a marriage is, and if the government violates God's law on the issue, then the government's law is invalid.

Why are you not whining about divorce? That violates God's law as well. Are divorces now invalid as result of God's law? Of course not.

Here is extensive list of thing you can do about fags getting hitched:

1. Whining about it on the internet
2. Whining to your friends and family

Or I can tell you to go fuck yourself, because I am no longer interested in trying to reason with you people.

With that and five dollars you can get yourself a cup of coffee at Starbucks. :lol:
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?
Yes. And you didn't win this issue democratically, you forced it with the courts, just like abortion. So it's not legitimate, and never will be.

The United States is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men; as men are incapable of ruling justly – measures prohibiting gay Americans from marrying and denying women their right to privacy in violation of the 14th Amendment are proof of that.

In our Constitutional Republic citizens’ rights and protected liberties are not subject to ‘popular vote,’ whether one has his inalienable right or not isn’t subject to ‘majority rule,’ the ‘majority’ has no authority whatsoever to decide who will or will not have his rights and protected liberties.

Citizens’ rights are immune from unwarranted attack by government, from unwarranted government interference, regardless what the ‘majority’ might want.

The American people are first and foremost citizens of the United States, residents of their states subordinate to that, where one does not forfeit his rights merely as a consequence of his state of residence, and where the states have no right to deny the American citizens residing in the states their protected liberties.

As a settled and accepted fact of Constitutional law the states were wrong to deny women their right to privacy, as a fact of settled and accepted Constitutional law the states were wrong to deny same-sex couples their right to equal protection of the law.

When the people err and enact measures repugnant to the Constitution, those wrongfully disadvantaged have the right to seek relief in Federal court, and have those measures invalidated because they are in fact un-Constitutional, such as compelling a woman to give birth against her will through force of law, and denying gay Americans access to marriage law they’re eligible to participate in for no other reason than who they are.

Gawd just shut up already, you never defend a damn thing you spew
I didn't really care they can be pretend married....but a line was crossed with this bathroom shit. The OP is correct, the left can go fuck themselves

To be honest, my husband and I considered ourselves married long before the government recognized it as legal.
You can play "house" with another man, it doesn't matter, you're not married, even if the government says you are. The definition of marriage is established in
Genesis 2:24:

"For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh."

and Matthew 19:5-6:

Jesus answered, “Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female’ 5and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? 6So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”…

You don't get to decide for yourself what a marriage is, and if the government violates God's law on the issue, then the government's law is invalid.

Why are you not whining about divorce? That violates God's law as well. Are divorces now invalid as result of God's law? Of course not.

Here is extensive list of thing you can do about fags getting hitched:

1. Whining about it on the internet
2. Whining to your friends and family

Or I can tell you to go fuck yourself, because I am no longer interested in trying to reason with you people.

With that and five dollars you can get yourself a cup of coffee at Starbucks. :lol:

Actually you can get a cup of Starblech paint thinner for about $2.29
If you're happy that's well and good but sorry I don't recognize SSM as legitimate. My beef is with this transgender bathroom all pushed to far this time

You don't have to either. It doesn't make it a lick of difference one way or the other.

I am not pushing anything about bathrooms and trannies. I completely understand why some people are wary and freaked out.

I bet you will be on board with the normalization of pedophilia as is even giving a platform for these perverts. The normalization of it is on it's way. Even some of your liberal pals say that the age of consent should be lowered to 10 years old. Where is your line in the sand or are you fine with any sick and twisted perversity that comes down the road?

You would be terribly wrong about that bet as well.

Nah, the mainstream media would condition you and the liberals would browbeat you into compliance....guarantee ya that.

What a delightful hysterical crock of shit. What else are you going to make about me? I hope you make me taller in your next story. I hate having to get a step stool to reach the high cupboards. lol

Because your kind are easily conditioned. You don't have critical thinking skills that are required to combat the programming. I am not insulting you...I am simply saying that the masses have been programmed like Pavlov's dogs. They know what buttons to push. I know of what I speak because this is all I do.
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?

I didn't really care they can be pretend married....but a line was crossed with this bathroom shit. The OP is correct, the left can go fuck themselves

To be honest, my husband and I considered ourselves married long before the government recognized it as legal.

If you're happy that's well and good but sorry I don't recognize SSM as legitimate. My beef is with this transgender bathroom all pushed to far this time
Whether you ‘recognize’ the right of same-sex couple to marry or not is thankfully irrelevant, your subjective bigotry and hate doesn’t ‘warrant’ denying gay Americans their right to due process and equal protection of the law.

And you exhibit your hate and stupidity with this ‘bathroom’ red herring fallacy, as it has nothing whatsoever to do with the rights of transgender Americans – ‘bathrooms’ is a moronic lie contrived by you and others on the reprehensible right to unlawfully disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law.

You failed in your efforts to harm gay Americans, and you’ll fail in your effort to harm those transgender as well.
To be honest, my husband and I considered ourselves married long before the government recognized it as legal.
You can play "house" with another man, it doesn't matter, you're not married, even if the government says you are. The definition of marriage is established in
Genesis 2:24:

"For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh."

and Matthew 19:5-6:

Jesus answered, “Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female’ 5and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? 6So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”…

You don't get to decide for yourself what a marriage is, and if the government violates God's law on the issue, then the government's law is invalid.

Why are you not whining about divorce? That violates God's law as well. Are divorces now invalid as result of God's law? Of course not.

Here is extensive list of thing you can do about fags getting hitched:

1. Whining about it on the internet
2. Whining to your friends and family

Or I can tell you to go fuck yourself, because I am no longer interested in trying to reason with you people.

With that and five dollars you can get yourself a cup of coffee at Starbucks. :lol:

Actually you can get a cup of Starblech paint thinner for about $2.29

I thought it was more expensive. I only went to Starbucks once and that was to ask for directions. lol
3. Go to church and listen to a Preacher, Priest or some other Cleric tell them how Gays are destroying our society and they ( the religious nuts ) must fight and turn America into their Christian version of Iran.

Go to any gay rights rally and listen to their Preachers. Note how they want to turn America into their Church of LGBT version of The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

You object to religions telling people in America how things will be. So then you object to the Church of LGBT doing the same. You can't play favorites in your campaign against religions influencing America.
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?

I didn't really care they can be pretend married....but a line was crossed with this bathroom shit. The OP is correct, the left can go fuck themselves

To be honest, my husband and I considered ourselves married long before the government recognized it as legal.

If you're happy that's well and good but sorry I don't recognize SSM as legitimate. My beef is with this transgender bathroom all pushed to far this time
Whether you ‘recognize’ the right of same-sex couple to marry or not is thankfully irrelevant, your subjective bigotry and hate doesn’t ‘warrant’ denying gay Americans their right to due process and equal protection of the law.

And you exhibit your hate and stupidity with this ‘bathroom’ red herring fallacy, as it has nothing whatsoever to do with the rights of transgender Americans – ‘bathrooms’ is a moronic lie contrived by you and others on the reprehensible right to unlawfully disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law.

You failed in your efforts to harm gay Americans, and you’ll fail in your effort to harm those transgender as well.

Clayton will be making the same statements with the push to normalize pediphilia by claiming that the age of consent is a arbitrary number and subject to change......mark my words.
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?

I didn't really care they can be pretend married....but a line was crossed with this bathroom shit. The OP is correct, the left can go fuck themselves

To be honest, my husband and I considered ourselves married long before the government recognized it as legal.

If you're happy that's well and good but sorry I don't recognize SSM as legitimate. My beef is with this transgender bathroom all pushed to far this time
Whether you ‘recognize’ the right of same-sex couple to marry or not is thankfully irrelevant, your subjective bigotry and hate doesn’t ‘warrant’ denying gay Americans their right to due process and equal protection of the law.

And you exhibit your hate and stupidity with this ‘bathroom’ red herring fallacy, as it has nothing whatsoever to do with the rights of transgender Americans – ‘bathrooms’ is a moronic lie contrived by you and others on the reprehensible right to unlawfully disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law.

You failed in your efforts to harm gay Americans, and you’ll fail in your effort to harm those transgender as well.

You'd be the first left loon I'd tell to go fuck them self. I take nothing you say serious, Mr Composition Fallacy
You don't have to either. It doesn't make it a lick of difference one way or the other.

I am not pushing anything about bathrooms and trannies. I completely understand why some people are wary and freaked out.

I bet you will be on board with the normalization of pedophilia as is even giving a platform for these perverts. The normalization of it is on it's way. Even some of your liberal pals say that the age of consent should be lowered to 10 years old. Where is your line in the sand or are you fine with any sick and twisted perversity that comes down the road?

You would be terribly wrong about that bet as well.

Nah, the mainstream media would condition you and the liberals would browbeat you into compliance....guarantee ya that.

What a delightful hysterical crock of shit. What else are you going to make about me? I hope you make me taller in your next story. I hate having to get a step stool to reach the high cupboards. lol

Because your kind are easily conditioned. You don't have critical thinking skills that are required to combat the programming. I am not insulting you...I am simply saying that the masses have been programmed like Pavlov's dogs. They know what buttons to push. I know of what I speak because this is all I do.

You do not know shit about shit about me. I thought told you to make me taller in your next story.
I bet you will be on board with the normalization of pedophilia as is even giving a platform for these perverts. The normalization of it is on it's way. Even some of your liberal pals say that the age of consent should be lowered to 10 years old. Where is your line in the sand or are you fine with any sick and twisted perversity that comes down the road?

You would be terribly wrong about that bet as well.

Nah, the mainstream media would condition you and the liberals would browbeat you into compliance....guarantee ya that.

What a delightful hysterical crock of shit. What else are you going to make about me? I hope you make me taller in your next story. I hate having to get a step stool to reach the high cupboards. lol

Because your kind are easily conditioned. You don't have critical thinking skills that are required to combat the programming. I am not insulting you...I am simply saying that the masses have been programmed like Pavlov's dogs. They know what buttons to push. I know of what I speak because this is all I do.

You do not know shit about shit about me. I thought told you to make me taller in your next story.

I know enough about you to see that you would be EASY prey to the "groupthink" mentality that would be pushed upon you.
You would be terribly wrong about that bet as well.

Nah, the mainstream media would condition you and the liberals would browbeat you into compliance....guarantee ya that.

What a delightful hysterical crock of shit. What else are you going to make about me? I hope you make me taller in your next story. I hate having to get a step stool to reach the high cupboards. lol

Because your kind are easily conditioned. You don't have critical thinking skills that are required to combat the programming. I am not insulting you...I am simply saying that the masses have been programmed like Pavlov's dogs. They know what buttons to push. I know of what I speak because this is all I do.

You do not know shit about shit about me. I thought told you to make me taller in your next story.

I know enough about you to see that you would be EASY prey to the "groupthink" mentality that would be pushed upon you.

I have to disagree with you on that, MDK comes across as more a live and let live type of person
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