The time has finally come to tell the left to go fuck themselves.

Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?

Lesbian and gay can do whatever they want. But liberals pushed to far with this bathroom garbage. Obama is a communist piece of shit. Girls should not be forced to view a man's dick in the privacy of their restroom just so we can appease a very small percentage of the population. Transgenders need to use the bathroom their biology corresponds to or go fuck themselves.
And here’s an example of the ignorance, fear, stupidity, bigotry, and hate common to most on the right – the fearmongering and demagoguery – and the outright lies.

Again, this ‘bathroom’ nonsense is a contrivance of the right, a red herring fallacy invented by conservatives to engage in the unjustified demonization of transgender Americans for some perceived partisan gain.
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?
Yes. And you didn't win this issue democratically, you forced it with the courts, just like abortion. So it's not legitimate, and never will be.
The courts are appointed by democratically elected leaders. No one forced that; the majority chose it. It is legitimate; you are just being a sore looser. Not legitimate, my ass.

It's loser, not looser and that's quite a reach. The majority opposed it in many states
As already correctly noted, you don’t understand how our Republic works.

In our Constitutional Republic, the ‘majority’ in no way determines who will or will not have his rights.

Indeed, citizens’ rights are not subject to ‘majority rule,’ and what the ‘majority’ might ‘oppose’ is irrelevant if it conflicts with Constitutional jurisprudence.

Moreover, citizens have the fundamental right to move freely about the country, to live in whatever state and jurisdiction they so desire, where those fundamental rights move with them to whatever their state of residence might be.

So that the majority of residents in a given state might seek to deny the minority of their civil rights is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant and devoid of merit.
But the courts that made those rulings were appointed by leaders we DID elect democratically. The majority did choose the leaders who appointed those justices. Constitutional jurisprudence is just a fancy word for decisions made by justices appointed by a democratically elected leader, whether it be the President or Congress.
President Obama's demand that public schools force little girls to share their bathrooms with confused boys is the final straw. The time has finally come to tell the left to go fuck themselves.

We should no longer attempt to peacefully work out our differences with the left, or engage them in debate, or try to persuade them.

We must realize now that the left disrespects the democratic process, and cheats to win its victories, as they did with abortion in 1973, and same-sex marriage last year.

What we need to do now is figure out who's on our side, and meet with them in private homes and in churches and town halls and work out some sort of a plan to wrest power from the left. We need to purge their influence from the public schools, academia, media, and the government. It is not sufficient to win elections, we need to take away all their power to influence the public, especially children.

It's what you should have known all along.

All politics is has to do with obtaining power and crushing your opponents.
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?

Lesbian and gay can do whatever they want. But liberals pushed to far with this bathroom garbage. Obama is a communist piece of shit. Girls should not be forced to view a man's dick in the privacy of their restroom just so we can appease a very small percentage of the population. Transgenders need to use the bathroom their biology corresponds to or go fuck themselves.
TRANSGENDER MEN DO NOT PEE IN THE SINK. No one is going to see their dick in the women's room. Have you ever been in a women's room? If you have, you know better.

You're argument if flawed. Transgender men can relieve themselves just as easily in the men's room. In fact, on days they aren't wearing a skirt they can even stand at a urinal. Common sense rules. You should try it one day.
Not when they are dressed and are frequently hormonally and cosmetically altered to look like females, they're not. It would be highly dangerous for them to go in there, and it wouldn't surprise me if that is just what some bigots are waiting for. Transgender individuals do not change their gender orientation from day to day. You are thinking of tranvestites, which is a whole 'nother kettle of fish. Go to a site showing transgender male-to-female individuals, please, and educate yourself on what you are talking about.
3. Go to church and listen to a Preacher, Priest or some other Cleric tell them how Gays are destroying our society and they ( the religious nuts ) must fight and turn America into their Christian version of Iran.

You must really have worked hard to find such a church. I attend my Episcopal Church regularly and if I'm on a ride, I'll go to a Catholic church on Saturday. Never heard any preacher say gays are destroying out society.

We, however, are destroying it with an entitlement society and the collapse of all ethical and moral behavior.
Yes, and I suggest when he enters the men's room, he remove his makeup and put his hair back in a pony tail or something. Wear a polo shirt. Playing pretend in areas that aren't for pretend can get people hurt.
Who are you to tell anyone what to do. You are a stench. A belch. No one needs to pay attention to anything you say.

Now, go buy some teeth. Toothlessness is a sign of poor health.
3. Go to church and listen to a Preacher, Priest or some other Cleric tell them how Gays are destroying our society and they ( the religious nuts ) must fight and turn America into their Christian version of Iran.

You must really have worked hard to find such a church. I attend my Episcopal Church regularly and if I'm on a ride, I'll go to a Catholic church on Saturday. Never heard any preacher say gays are destroying out society.

We, however, are destroying it with an entitlement society and the collapse of all ethical and moral behavior.
Good point. A country who lies it`s way into deadly wars is definitely lacking in ethical and moral behavior. I wouldn`t expect that country`s citizens to behave any differently.
So here are the two thread titles: "The time has finally come to tell the left to go fuck themselves" and "The left is deliberately dialing up the level of hate in this country. Why?"

No disconnect there. None whatsoever.

Perhaps the OP's next thread title should be "WAAAAAAAHHHHH!"
You must really have worked hard to find such a church. I attend my Episcopal Church regularly and if I'm on a ride, I'll go to a Catholic church on Saturday. Never heard any preacher say gays are destroying out society.

We, however, are destroying it with an entitlement society and the collapse of all ethical and moral behavior.
Good point. A country who lies it`s way into deadly wars is definitely lacking in ethical and moral behavior. I wouldn`t expect that country`s citizens to behave any differently.

There were no lies that started the War on Terror.
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?

Lesbian and gay can do whatever they want. But liberals pushed to far with this bathroom garbage. Obama is a communist piece of shit. Girls should not be forced to view a man's dick in the privacy of their restroom just so we can appease a very small percentage of the population. Transgenders need to use the bathroom their biology corresponds to or go fuck themselves.
TRANSGENDER MEN DO NOT PEE IN THE SINK. No one is going to see their dick in the women's room. Have you ever been in a women's room? If you have, you know better.

You're argument if flawed. Transgender men can relieve themselves just as easily in the men's room. In fact, on days they aren't wearing a skirt they can even stand at a urinal. Common sense rules. You should try it one day.
Not when they are dressed and are frequently hormonally and cosmetically altered to look like females, they're not. It would be highly dangerous for them to go in there, and it wouldn't surprise me if that is just what some bigots are waiting for. Transgender individuals do not change their gender orientation from day to day. You are thinking of tranvestites, which is a whole 'nother kettle of fish. Go to a site showing transgender male-to-female individuals, please, and educate yourself on what you are talking about.

I know exactly what I am talking about. You need stop with this insane bullshit. You just don't get it do you? Had liberals not made such a big deal out of this the transgenders you speak of would just go in the women's room and no one would really know, right? I'm sure this is what they've always done. However, by trying to force a law down our throats and threatening to withhold funding and making everyone aware, Obama opened the door for perverts, pedophiles, rapist, etc. Should have just kept well enough alone. Trans could have used public restrooms of their choice. They would still be using the locker rooms their biology corresponds to in school. But hey, it's a very small percentage and not everyone can get what they want. Bottom line is Obama went to far with threatening to withhold money from schools. Even YOU have to admit that's complete bullshit and not the job of a President.
Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?

Lesbian and gay can do whatever they want. But liberals pushed to far with this bathroom garbage. Obama is a communist piece of shit. Girls should not be forced to view a man's dick in the privacy of their restroom just so we can appease a very small percentage of the population. Transgenders need to use the bathroom their biology corresponds to or go fuck themselves.
TRANSGENDER MEN DO NOT PEE IN THE SINK. No one is going to see their dick in the women's room. Have you ever been in a women's room? If you have, you know better.

You're argument if flawed. Transgender men can relieve themselves just as easily in the men's room. In fact, on days they aren't wearing a skirt they can even stand at a urinal. Common sense rules. You should try it one day.
Not when they are dressed and are frequently hormonally and cosmetically altered to look like females, they're not. It would be highly dangerous for them to go in there, and it wouldn't surprise me if that is just what some bigots are waiting for. Transgender individuals do not change their gender orientation from day to day. You are thinking of tranvestites, which is a whole 'nother kettle of fish. Go to a site showing transgender male-to-female individuals, please, and educate yourself on what you are talking about.

I know exactly what I am talking about.

So how many hours a week do you spend lurking in women's restrooms?
And here’s an example of the ignorance, fear, stupidity, bigotry, and hate common to most on the right – the fearmongering and demagoguery – and the outright lies.

Again, this ‘bathroom’ nonsense is a contrivance of the right, a red herring fallacy invented by conservatives to engage in the unjustified demonization of transgender Americans for some perceived partisan gain.

Apparently you are getting all your news from the DailyKOS or The Nation.

It was Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who initiated this whole mess with his declaration that if all schools did not allow kids to use whatever bathroom, shower or water of the gender they FELT like, they would be clobbered with federal funds being withheld.
You must really have worked hard to find such a church. I attend my Episcopal Church regularly and if I'm on a ride, I'll go to a Catholic church on Saturday. Never heard any preacher say gays are destroying out society.

We, however, are destroying it with an entitlement society and the collapse of all ethical and moral behavior.
Good point. A country who lies it`s way into deadly wars is definitely lacking in ethical and moral behavior. I wouldn`t expect that country`s citizens to behave any differently.

There were no lies that started the War on Terror.
So you`ve seen those massive stockpiles of wmds found in Iraq? 935 lies produced 30,000 casualties.
In my opinion, this is one of the most outrageous moves by a president in history.

Does it not seem that he has no clue what in the heck to do with the expansion of terrorism, commercial airliners being blown out of the sky, the Middle East on fire, increasing terror attacks all over the world, an economy in the tank, a lower Labor Participation Rate than any time since the '70's.

When the fatal shooting took place at the White House this past week, Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama was safely on the golf course....

President Obama's actions can only be explained one way:

Does it really bother you that much that queers can legally marry?

Lesbian and gay can do whatever they want. But liberals pushed to far with this bathroom garbage. Obama is a communist piece of shit. Girls should not be forced to view a man's dick in the privacy of their restroom just so we can appease a very small percentage of the population. Transgenders need to use the bathroom their biology corresponds to or go fuck themselves.
TRANSGENDER MEN DO NOT PEE IN THE SINK. No one is going to see their dick in the women's room. Have you ever been in a women's room? If you have, you know better.

You're argument if flawed. Transgender men can relieve themselves just as easily in the men's room. In fact, on days they aren't wearing a skirt they can even stand at a urinal. Common sense rules. You should try it one day.
Not when they are dressed and are frequently hormonally and cosmetically altered to look like females, they're not. It would be highly dangerous for them to go in there, and it wouldn't surprise me if that is just what some bigots are waiting for. Transgender individuals do not change their gender orientation from day to day. You are thinking of tranvestites, which is a whole 'nother kettle of fish. Go to a site showing transgender male-to-female individuals, please, and educate yourself on what you are talking about.

I know exactly what I am talking about. You need stop with this insane bullshit. You just don't get it do you? Had liberals not made such a big deal out of this the transgenders you speak of would just go in the women's room and no one would really know, right? I'm sure this is what they've always done. However, by trying to force a law down our throats and threatening to withhold funding and making everyone aware, Obama opened the door for perverts, pedophiles, rapist, etc. Should have just kept well enough alone. Trans could have used public restrooms of their choice. They would still be using the locker rooms their biology corresponds to in school. But hey, it's a very small percentage and not everyone can get what they want. Bottom line is Obama went to far with threatening to withhold money from schools. Even YOU have to admit that's complete bullshit and not the job of a President.
I already admitted on this very thread that perhaps it is a decision which should have been left to the states. I live in a live-and-let-live state; I can't speak for any other. But it wasn't the President who passed whatever laws the DOJ is relying on to presumably sue NC and whomever else. I tried researching where all this began in the case law, and I couldn't figure it out (I'm no lawyer), but is sure wasn't an executive order.
I already admitted on this very thread that perhaps it is a decision which should have been left to the states. I live in a live-and-let-live state; I can't speak for any other. But it wasn't the President who passed whatever laws the DOJ is relying on to presumably sue NC and whomever else. I tried researching where all this began in the case law, and I couldn't figure it out (I'm no lawyer), but is sure wasn't an executive order.

It's very clear. The DOJ is lying to the courts saying there are rights for men-pretending-to-be-women, where none exist. And she quite likely may lose her job because of her contempt of court. See my signature link for details.
President Obama's demand that public schools force little girls to share their bathrooms with confused boys is the final straw. The time has finally come to tell the left to go fuck themselves.

We should no longer attempt to peacefully work out our differences with the left, or engage them in debate, or try to persuade them.

We must realize now that the left disrespects the democratic process, and cheats to win its victories, as they did with abortion in 1973, and same-sex marriage last year.

What we need to do now is figure out who's on our side, and meet with them in private homes and in churches and town halls and work out some sort of a plan to wrest power from the left. We need to purge their influence from the public schools, academia, media, and the government. It is not sufficient to win elections, we need to take away all their power to influence the public, especially children.
I'm way ahead of you, kemosabe.
Lesbian and gay can do whatever they want. But liberals pushed to far with this bathroom garbage. Obama is a communist piece of shit. Girls should not be forced to view a man's dick in the privacy of their restroom just so we can appease a very small percentage of the population. Transgenders need to use the bathroom their biology corresponds to or go fuck themselves.
TRANSGENDER MEN DO NOT PEE IN THE SINK. No one is going to see their dick in the women's room. Have you ever been in a women's room? If you have, you know better.

You're argument if flawed. Transgender men can relieve themselves just as easily in the men's room. In fact, on days they aren't wearing a skirt they can even stand at a urinal. Common sense rules. You should try it one day.
Not when they are dressed and are frequently hormonally and cosmetically altered to look like females, they're not. It would be highly dangerous for them to go in there, and it wouldn't surprise me if that is just what some bigots are waiting for. Transgender individuals do not change their gender orientation from day to day. You are thinking of tranvestites, which is a whole 'nother kettle of fish. Go to a site showing transgender male-to-female individuals, please, and educate yourself on what you are talking about.

I know exactly what I am talking about.

So how many hours a week do you spend lurking in women's restrooms?

Only when your mother goes in the rest room. It's a good time then!
3. Go to church and listen to a Preacher, Priest or some other Cleric tell them how Gays are destroying our society and they ( the religious nuts ) must fight and turn America into their Christian version of Iran.

You must really have worked hard to find such a church. I attend my Episcopal Church regularly and if I'm on a ride, I'll go to a Catholic church on Saturday. Never heard any preacher say gays are destroying out society.

We, however, are destroying it with an entitlement society and the collapse of all ethical and moral behavior.

Preacher calling to kill homosexuals - Bing

Gays destroying U.S. society - Bing

In those links you can search to see what idiots like the OP'er are saying daily. You have a Preacher calling for the murder of Gays to stop Aids, and others ( Not Preachers but I bet they claim to be good Christians ), so maybe your church does not do it yet but there are some that do it.

So please don't act like that some Preachers are not beating their damn bible while telling their flock that minorities are the mark of Cain, women should not have any rights and Gays are a blight on our society because there are some that do it, but of course you will play ignorant to this fact!

Curse and mark of Cain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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