The tragedy in Charlottlesville was most likely avoidable

Most likely?

The riot was orchestrated by Progs.

Mayor of Charlottesville and governor of Virginia should be in prison. They murdered that girl for their own political interests
Last edited:
Most likely?

The riot was orchestrated by Progs.

Mayor of Charlottesville and governor of Virginia should be in prison. They murdered that girl for their own political interets.

murder no, but depraved indifference you might well have a case.
We've seen, over and over, left wing hate hoaxes from phone calls to Jewish Centers to fake graffiti to Charlottesville
Blog: Charlottesville whitewash appears to be underway

if it was avoidable the left wing nuts lose their narrative.....again.
Eagle with all respect, fuck you and everyone else who attempts to "whitewash" the Klan and White Seperatists. Yes, this was avoidable. The Klan could have chosen not to attend. The southern heritage nutter could have chosen not to ask for a parade permit. The crazy fed judge could not have prevented the City from requiring the Klan protest further from the town center and university. The Klan could have chosen to not ILLEGALLY march through the campus, past a synagogue chanting Nazi chants, and into the city center.

And the counter protestors could have chosen to also not obtain a permit, and move to the city center when the cops told them to disperse from the klan at the park with the statue of Massa Robert.
Blog: Charlottesville whitewash appears to be underway

if it was avoidable the left wing nuts lose their narrative.....again.
Eagle with all respect, fuck you and everyone else who attempts to "whitewash" the Klan and White Seperatists. Yes, this was avoidable. The Klan could have chosen not to attend. The southern heritage nutter could have chosen not to ask for a parade permit. The crazy fed judge could not have prevented the City from requiring the Klan protest further from the town center and university. The Klan could have chosen to not ILLEGALLY march through the campus, past a synagogue chanting Nazi chants, and into the city center.

And the counter protestors could have chosen to also not obtain a permit, and move to the city center when the cops told them to disperse from the klan at the park with the statue of Massa Robert.

In a macro sense benny I agree, but no one tried to stop this. There was a suit brought into local Charlottesville court to keep the groups in separate areas, but was thrown out.
The white trash was looking for a confrontation and left trash needed the politics to hammer the GOP, especially after the shooting of GOP congressmen a few months back. And some died because of it.
Someone should track down the star stuntman of the Charlottesville fiasco and ask him more about that stunt belt?

Blog: Charlottesville whitewash appears to be underway

if it was avoidable the left wing nuts lose their narrative.....again.
Eagle with all respect, fuck you and everyone else who attempts to "whitewash" the Klan and White Seperatists. Yes, this was avoidable. The Klan could have chosen not to attend. The southern heritage nutter could have chosen not to ask for a parade permit. The crazy fed judge could not have prevented the City from requiring the Klan protest further from the town center and university. The Klan could have chosen to not ILLEGALLY march through the campus, past a synagogue chanting Nazi chants, and into the city center.

And the counter protestors could have chosen to also not obtain a permit, and move to the city center when the cops told them to disperse from the klan at the park with the statue of Massa Robert.
Someone should tell the leftist progs they shouldn't try to play both ends of the racist cards as it makes them look like total idiots.
Good article by Daniel Greenfield....and he's exactly right.

Nail this Greenfield piece on the foreheads of leftists

Freedom of Assembly is the first and most important right of the Bill of Rights. Today it is being denied in cities like Berkeley and Portland where local left-wing governments have contrived to deny rally permits while giving the masked thugs of their leftist Antifa allies a blank check to assault those whose views they oppose.

In Berkley, Boston and San Francisco, the First Amendment doesn’t exist anymore.

The threat of violence that shut down the Patriot Prayer demonstration in San Francisco, an event scheduled to feature African American, Samoan and Latino speakers, is a case of fascism justifying itself by flying the false flag of “anti-fascism.” And it is the third such case this week – the others being Boston and Berkeley. The founder of Patriot Prayer, Joey Gibson, is a Japanese American who regards himself as a “person of color” and who had made it very clear that he opposes Neo-Nazis and white supremacists, and who has publicly stated that his goal is to promote “love” not hate.

This time the violence and hate were coming from one side, and one side only.

Nail this Greenfield piece on the foreheads of leftists
Good article by Daniel Greenfield....and he's exactly right.

Nail this Greenfield piece on the foreheads of leftists

Freedom of Assembly is the first and most important right of the Bill of Rights. Today it is being denied in cities like Berkeley and Portland where local left-wing governments have contrived to deny rally permits while giving the masked thugs of their leftist Antifa allies a blank check to assault those whose views they oppose.

In Berkley, Boston and San Francisco, the First Amendment doesn’t exist anymore.

The threat of violence that shut down the Patriot Prayer demonstration in San Francisco, an event scheduled to feature African American, Samoan and Latino speakers, is a case of fascism justifying itself by flying the false flag of “anti-fascism.” And it is the third such case this week – the others being Boston and Berkeley. The founder of Patriot Prayer, Joey Gibson, is a Japanese American who regards himself as a “person of color” and who had made it very clear that he opposes Neo-Nazis and white supremacists, and who has publicly stated that his goal is to promote “love” not hate.

This time the violence and hate were coming from one side, and one side only.

Nail this Greenfield piece on the foreheads of leftists
There are elitist that would love to see people give that freedom to assemble up. If these so called leftist idiots can be kept stirred up long enough they may just get their wish. It will be a very sad day if too many allow themselves to be lead by the nose to get'r'done.
Most likely?

The riot was orchestrated by Progs.

Mayor of Charlottesville and governor of Virginia should be in prison. They murdered that girl for their own political interests
Never in history can you get socialism without violence. They need people intimidated to get their way. It's why in Berkeley they sent the socialist democrats and antifa in to cause riots at a no Marxism rally. They want Marxism and will kill you to get it.
Good article by Daniel Greenfield....and he's exactly right.

Nail this Greenfield piece on the foreheads of leftists

Freedom of Assembly is the first and most important right of the Bill of Rights. Today it is being denied in cities like Berkeley and Portland where local left-wing governments have contrived to deny rally permits while giving the masked thugs of their leftist Antifa allies a blank check to assault those whose views they oppose.

In Berkley, Boston and San Francisco, the First Amendment doesn’t exist anymore.

The threat of violence that shut down the Patriot Prayer demonstration in San Francisco, an event scheduled to feature African American, Samoan and Latino speakers, is a case of fascism justifying itself by flying the false flag of “anti-fascism.” And it is the third such case this week – the others being Boston and Berkeley. The founder of Patriot Prayer, Joey Gibson, is a Japanese American who regards himself as a “person of color” and who had made it very clear that he opposes Neo-Nazis and white supremacists, and who has publicly stated that his goal is to promote “love” not hate.

This time the violence and hate were coming from one side, and one side only.

Nail this Greenfield piece on the foreheads of leftists
There are elitist that would love to see people give that freedom to assemble up. If these so called leftist idiots can be kept stirred up long enough they may just get their wish. It will be a very sad day if too many allow themselves to be lead by the nose to get'r'done.

"....would love to see people give that freedom to assemble..."

And that's not all the Left wants Americans to give up...

"Antifa Chants At Berkeley: “No Trump, No Wall, No USA At All”
Antifa chants at Berkeley: "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all" - Hot Air
Good article by Daniel Greenfield....and he's exactly right.

Nail this Greenfield piece on the foreheads of leftists

Freedom of Assembly is the first and most important right of the Bill of Rights. Today it is being denied in cities like Berkeley and Portland where local left-wing governments have contrived to deny rally permits while giving the masked thugs of their leftist Antifa allies a blank check to assault those whose views they oppose.

In Berkley, Boston and San Francisco, the First Amendment doesn’t exist anymore.

The threat of violence that shut down the Patriot Prayer demonstration in San Francisco, an event scheduled to feature African American, Samoan and Latino speakers, is a case of fascism justifying itself by flying the false flag of “anti-fascism.” And it is the third such case this week – the others being Boston and Berkeley. The founder of Patriot Prayer, Joey Gibson, is a Japanese American who regards himself as a “person of color” and who had made it very clear that he opposes Neo-Nazis and white supremacists, and who has publicly stated that his goal is to promote “love” not hate.

This time the violence and hate were coming from one side, and one side only.

Nail this Greenfield piece on the foreheads of leftists
There are elitist that would love to see people give that freedom to assemble up. If these so called leftist idiots can be kept stirred up long enough they may just get their wish. It will be a very sad day if too many allow themselves to be lead by the nose to get'r'done.

"....would love to see people give that freedom to assemble..."

And that's not all the Left wants Americans to give up...

"Antifa Chants At Berkeley: “No Trump, No Wall, No USA At All”
Antifa chants at Berkeley: "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all" - Hot Air
Just read that one and watched the videos on it. I wonder how many of those idiots have any clue what they are trying to open the gate for?
Good article by Daniel Greenfield....and he's exactly right.

Nail this Greenfield piece on the foreheads of leftists

Freedom of Assembly is the first and most important right of the Bill of Rights. Today it is being denied in cities like Berkeley and Portland where local left-wing governments have contrived to deny rally permits while giving the masked thugs of their leftist Antifa allies a blank check to assault those whose views they oppose.

In Berkley, Boston and San Francisco, the First Amendment doesn’t exist anymore.

The threat of violence that shut down the Patriot Prayer demonstration in San Francisco, an event scheduled to feature African American, Samoan and Latino speakers, is a case of fascism justifying itself by flying the false flag of “anti-fascism.” And it is the third such case this week – the others being Boston and Berkeley. The founder of Patriot Prayer, Joey Gibson, is a Japanese American who regards himself as a “person of color” and who had made it very clear that he opposes Neo-Nazis and white supremacists, and who has publicly stated that his goal is to promote “love” not hate.

This time the violence and hate were coming from one side, and one side only.

Nail this Greenfield piece on the foreheads of leftists
There are elitist that would love to see people give that freedom to assemble up. If these so called leftist idiots can be kept stirred up long enough they may just get their wish. It will be a very sad day if too many allow themselves to be lead by the nose to get'r'done.

"....would love to see people give that freedom to assemble..."

And that's not all the Left wants Americans to give up...

"Antifa Chants At Berkeley: “No Trump, No Wall, No USA At All”
Antifa chants at Berkeley: "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all" - Hot Air
Just read that one and watched the videos on it. I wonder how many of those idiots have any clue what they are trying to open the gate for?

1. I believe they know full well.....the Left/Liberals/communists hate the United States and what it stands for.

2. This:
In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

3. The Communist/Progressive icon who ruined our school system, John Dewey, advanced the plan a century ago:
Dewey reveled in the thought that the war might force Americans to “give up much of our economic freedom…we shall have to lay by our good natured individualism and march in step.”
Good article by Daniel Greenfield....and he's exactly right.

Nail this Greenfield piece on the foreheads of leftists

Freedom of Assembly is the first and most important right of the Bill of Rights. Today it is being denied in cities like Berkeley and Portland where local left-wing governments have contrived to deny rally permits while giving the masked thugs of their leftist Antifa allies a blank check to assault those whose views they oppose.

In Berkley, Boston and San Francisco, the First Amendment doesn’t exist anymore.

The threat of violence that shut down the Patriot Prayer demonstration in San Francisco, an event scheduled to feature African American, Samoan and Latino speakers, is a case of fascism justifying itself by flying the false flag of “anti-fascism.” And it is the third such case this week – the others being Boston and Berkeley. The founder of Patriot Prayer, Joey Gibson, is a Japanese American who regards himself as a “person of color” and who had made it very clear that he opposes Neo-Nazis and white supremacists, and who has publicly stated that his goal is to promote “love” not hate.

This time the violence and hate were coming from one side, and one side only.

Nail this Greenfield piece on the foreheads of leftists
There are elitist that would love to see people give that freedom to assemble up. If these so called leftist idiots can be kept stirred up long enough they may just get their wish. It will be a very sad day if too many allow themselves to be lead by the nose to get'r'done.

"....would love to see people give that freedom to assemble..."

And that's not all the Left wants Americans to give up...

"Antifa Chants At Berkeley: “No Trump, No Wall, No USA At All”
Antifa chants at Berkeley: "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all" - Hot Air
Just read that one and watched the videos on it. I wonder how many of those idiots have any clue what they are trying to open the gate for?

1. I believe they know full well.....the Left/Liberals/communists hate the United States and what it stands for.

2. This:
In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

3. The Communist/Progressive icon who ruined our school system, John Dewey, advanced the plan a century ago:
Dewey reveled in the thought that the war might force Americans to “give up much of our economic freedom…we shall have to lay by our good natured individualism and march in step.”
The people helped the whole anti-movement in their own and collective choices in believing lies so it will also be up to the people to work towards getting it cleaned up.

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