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The Tragedy of Zionism

Georgie: What are that blogger's credentials on the topic? All I see is, he's a musician......

Would you go to him to have your car repaired? I don't think so. And he's not any more qualified to KNOW anything about the situation just because he was raised in a 'Jewish' home - unless one imagines some vast conspiracy , LOL!

Those statements about 'Jews in Palestine' not wanting 'immigrants from the bowels of Europe' - what documentation is given for that?
TOTAL 5,818,000 100%
Mizrahi Jews and Sephardic Jews 2,721,000 50.2%
Morocco 800,000 15.2%
Iraq 204,000 7.7%
Yemen 295,000 4.9%
Iran 236,000 4.0%
Algeria/Tunisia 224,000 3.8%
Other Asia 150,000 2.5%
Turkey 147,000 2.5%
Libya 136,000 2.3%
Egypt 112,000 1.9%
Other Asia 200,000 1.7%
India/Pakistan 76,000 1.3%
South America 25,000 0.04%
Other Africa (Not South Africa) 3,000 0.05%
Beta Israel (Ethiopia) 130,000 2.2%
Ashkenazi Jews 2,767,000 47.5%
Russia 1,018,000 20.9%
Poland 400,000 8.3%
Romania 351,000 7.6%
Other Europe 168,000 3.7%
North America (Including 4,000 African American Black Hebrews) 165,000 2.8%
Germany/Austria 160,000 2.7%
Bulgaria/Greece 97,000 1.9%
South America 82,000 1.4%
Hungary 63,000 1.3%
Czechoslovakia 60,000 1.2%
South Africa 20,000 0.4%

Demographics of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One important note: Mizrachi and Sephardi Jews whose families fled to the US or France *before* coming to Israel may be listed as 'French' or 'American'. So that number and percentage is actually conservative..... Still, as one will note - the numbers of 'North American' Jews in Israel are quite small.
I love these fantasy threads these Israel haters create, where they start jerking each other off in mutual masturbation to the destruction of Israel, which they believe could be any day now.

There must be a special name for it, like a type of mental illness, because they do it almost everyday. Sometimes multiple times per day. It's almost like they wake up in the morning, and think "how can I come up a reason to jerk myself off to the destruction of Israel today?" Then they hit the Internet and pick up the garbage you see on this thread.

I gotta tall you, it's fucking hilarious.

Meanwhile Israel exists, and will continue to, and it gets stronger and more prosperous everyday.
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"'The tragedy of Zionism,' Walter
Laqueur wrote in his standard
history, 'was that it appeared on
the international scene when
there were no longer empty
spaces on the world map.'

is not quite right.

"Rather it was
no longer politically tenable to
create such spaces:
extermination had ceased to be
an option of conquest. (5)

"Basically the Zionist movement
could only choose between two
strategic options to achieve its
goal: what Benny Morris has
labeled 'the way of South Africa'
- 'the establishment of an
apartheid state, with a settler
minority lording it over a large,
exploited native majority' - or
the 'the way of transfer'- 'you
could create a homogenous Jewish
state or at least a state with an
overwhelming Jewish majority by moving or transferring all or
most of the Arabs out.'" (6)

Transfer is still the preferred option for all good Zionists; however, with nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea, an apartheid state modeled on White South Africa seems a more likely option.

"Israel confronted the same dilemma
after occupying the West Bank and
Gaza as at the dawn of the Zionist
movement: it wanted the land but
not the people.

"Expulsion, however,
was no longer a viable option. In the
aftermath of the brutal Nazi
experiments with and plans for
demographic engineering,
international public opinion
had ceased granting any
legitimacy to forced population

"The landmark Fourth
Geneva Convention, ratified in
1949, for the first time
'unequivocally prohibited
deportation' of civilians under
occupation (Articles 49, 147). (25)

"Accordingly Israel moved after the
June war to impose the second of its
two options mentioned above -

"This proved to be the
chief stumbling block to a
diplomatic settlement of the Israel
Palestine conflict.

5. Excerpt 2: ?An Introduction to the Israel Palestine Conflict? | michaellevinmusic | Michael Levin
Gobbletygook, George. Mumbo Jumbo.

Arafat the fudgepacker was born in Egypt but claimed he was a Palestinian because he coveted the Israeli P.M's residence. And that is the reason the muslim land thieves want a one sided right of return.
The tragedy of Zionism is what it has now become. A safe haven for Palestinian terrrorists from their own Arab brothers. Peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the squatters can stay in Israel to kill Israeli citizens. Face it you Zionists, no surrounding Arab country, who know the Palestinianhs best, ever treated them like Israel does. History has proven that only king Hussein knew how to establish a lasting peace from Palestinians. When will those Zionists in Israel ever learn? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

"'The tragedy of Zionism,' Walter
Laqueur wrote in his standard
history, 'was that it appeared on
the international scene when
there were no longer empty
spaces on the world map.'

is not quite right.

"Rather it was
no longer politically tenable to
create such spaces:
extermination had ceased to be
an option of conquest. (5)

"Basically the Zionist movement
could only choose between two
strategic options to achieve its
goal: what Benny Morris has
labeled 'the way of South Africa'
- 'the establishment of an
apartheid state, with a settler
minority lording it over a large,
exploited native majority' - or
the 'the way of transfer'- 'you
could create a homogenous Jewish
state or at least a state with an
overwhelming Jewish majority by moving or transferring all or
most of the Arabs out.'" (6)

Transfer is still the preferred option for all good Zionists; however, with nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea, an apartheid state modeled on White South Africa seems a more likely option.

"Israel confronted the same dilemma
after occupying the West Bank and
Gaza as at the dawn of the Zionist
movement: it wanted the land but
not the people.

"Expulsion, however,
was no longer a viable option. In the
aftermath of the brutal Nazi
experiments with and plans for
demographic engineering,
international public opinion
had ceased granting any
legitimacy to forced population

"The landmark Fourth
Geneva Convention, ratified in
1949, for the first time
'unequivocally prohibited
deportation' of civilians under
occupation (Articles 49, 147). (25)

"Accordingly Israel moved after the
June war to impose the second of its
two options mentioned above -

"This proved to be the
chief stumbling block to a
diplomatic settlement of the Israel
Palestine conflict.

5. Excerpt 2: ?An Introduction to the Israel Palestine Conflict? | michaellevinmusic | Michael Levin
"The tragedy of Zionism is what it has now become. A safe haven for Palestinian terrrorists from their own Arab brothers. Peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the squatters can stay in Israel to kill Israeli citizens. Face it you Zionists, no surrounding Arab country, who know the Palestinianhs best, ever treated them like Israel does. History has proven that only king Hussein knew how to establish a lasting peace from Palestinians. When will those Zionists in Israel ever learn? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

In order for peace to come to Palestine we would first have to address the Jewish question:

"To resolve what was called the
'Jewish question' - i.e., the
reciprocal challenges of Gentile
repulsion or anti-Semitism and
Gentile attraction or assimilation
- the Zionist movement sought in
the late nineteenth century to
create an overwhelmingly, if not
homogeneously, Jewish state in
Palestine. (1)

"Once the Zionist
movement gained a foothold in
Palestine through Great Britain's
issuance of the Balfour
Declaration, (2) the main
obstacle to realizing its goal
was the indigenous Arab

"For, on the eve of
Zionist colonization,
Palestine was overwhelmingly
not Jewish but Muslim and
Christian Arab. (3)

Why are so many Jews arrogant enough to believe they are entitled to steal land and water from a pre-existing population?

5. Excerpt 2: ?An Introduction to the Israel Palestine Conflict? | michaellevinmusic | Michael Levin

How can you steal from yourself, the pre existing population was Jewish with a large number of itinerant muslim farm hands that moved all round the M.E.
If what were written in those Jewish religious writings was put in the proper perspective, taking into account God's progressive revelation of God to mankind, that culminates in Jesus, its actually not that objectionable. The way its written reminds me of John 1.

But when it elevates one people as above God, well you see how stealing land from other people can so easily be rationalized.

Why not take it one step further then sharia and make the claim that Mohamed the paedophile prophet was the one foretold by Jesus as the one to come. The one that will speak in gods name and do gods will and will lead all the people of the world into gods light.

Or is that taking things just a little too far for your islamonazi cell
Indeed, Israel has put itself in a lose-lose situation.

You have things mixed up. It is the Hostile Palestinians who have put themselves in a situation like that. They started off in a small hole, but now they have dug themselves so deep that it is almost impossible to come back out. The forgotten vicitms in this case are the many good Paleatinians who just wanted peace with Israel
Arab Muslims and Christians outnumbered Jews 10:1 in Palestine when a political movement called Zionism first lurched into existence during the last twenty five years of the 19th Century. Many Jews living in Palestine at that time wanted no part of a "Jewish homeland" populated by immigrants from the bowels of Europe. Indigenous Jews were well aware of Zionist designs and so were their Muslim and Christian neighbors:

"Across the mainstream Zionist
spectrum, it was understood
from the outset that Palestine's
indigenous Arab population
would not acquiesce in its

Would you?

5. Excerpt 2: ?An Introduction to the Israel Palestine Conflict? | michaellevinmusic | Michael Levin
With a 10 to 1 advantage, the Ayrabs could have run the Jews into the sea. What happened? Weak knees? Now it's too late.
Why are so many Jews arrogant enough to believe they are entitled to steal land and water from a pre-existing population?

Because they read history, perhaps?

The world almost without exception is comprised of nations that were founded on the bloody ground of aboriginal people who were moved, murdered or assimiliated by the nation states that exist, today.

Obviously the WESTERN HEMISPHERE is the best example of that reality.

So the question for Isreal is NOT, is this a moral STATE?

That's a preposterous question because ALL STATES are amoral.

The ONLY question that matters to Zionists is this: How long can Israel exist when a significant population both inside and outside of its borders do NOT support the existence of that state?

History tells us the answer is that a STATE occupation of formerly foreign land can be a long long time ESPECIALLY if the STATE has colonized it with its own people.

Northern Ireland is a pretty good example... it has been occupied by England for nearly 700 years .

OTOH, no EUROPEAN occupation of any land in the fertrile crescent has lasted more than about 200 years.
The Jewish State's timing also seems a little suspect.
The world's tolerance for forced displacement of indigenous populations waned noticeably post Hitler:

"In the
aftermath of the brutal Nazi
experiments with and plans for
demographic engineering,
international public opinion
had ceased granting any
legitimacy to forced population

"The landmark Fourth
Geneva Convention, ratified in
1949, for the first time
'unequivocally prohibited
deportation" of civilians under
occupation (Articles 49, 147). (25)'"

5. Excerpt 2: ?An Introduction to the Israel Palestine Conflict? | michaellevinmusic | Michael Levin

There are currently voices in the Knesset calling for expulsion of West Bank and Gaza Arabs into surrounding Muslim states.

There are voices in the Islamic world calling for the expulsion of all Jews in the M.E and not to another Jewish state but into the grave.

Because they read history, perhaps?

The world almost without exception is comprised of nations that were founded on the bloody ground of aboriginal people who were moved, murdered or assimiliated by the nation states that exist, today.

Obviously the WESTERN HEMISPHERE is the best example of that reality.

So the question for Isreal is NOT, is this a moral STATE?

That's a preposterous question because ALL STATES are amoral.

The ONLY question that matters to Zionists is this: How long can Israel exist when a significant population both inside and outside of its borders do NOT support the existence of that state?

History tells us the answer is that a STATE occupation of formerly foreign land can be a long long time ESPECIALLY if the STATE has colonized it with its own people.

Northern Ireland is a pretty good example... it has been occupied by England for nearly 700 years .

OTOH, no EUROPEAN occupation of any land in the fertrile crescent has lasted more than about 200 years.
The Jewish State's timing also seems a little suspect.
The world's tolerance for forced displacement of indigenous populations waned noticeably post Hitler:

"In the
aftermath of the brutal Nazi
experiments with and plans for
demographic engineering,
international public opinion
had ceased granting any
legitimacy to forced population

"The landmark Fourth
Geneva Convention, ratified in
1949, for the first time
'unequivocally prohibited
deportation" of civilians under
occupation (Articles 49, 147). (25)'"

5. Excerpt 2: ?An Introduction to the Israel Palestine Conflict? | michaellevinmusic | Michael Levin

There are currently voices in the Knesset calling for expulsion of West Bank and Gaza Arabs into surrounding Muslim states.

There are voices in the Islamic world calling for the expulsion of all Jews in the M.E and not to another Jewish state but into the grave.

I came here to post this, except I was going to be more specific and post about the voices in Gaza world
Indeed, Israel has put itself in a lose-lose situation.

You have things mixed up. It is the Hostile Palestinians who have put themselves in a situation like that. They started off in a small hole, but now they have dug themselves so deep that it is almost impossible to come back out. The forgotten vicitms in this case are the many good Paleatinians who just wanted peace with Israel
Arab Muslims and Christians outnumbered Jews 10:1 in Palestine when a political movement called Zionism first lurched into existence during the last twenty five years of the 19th Century. Many Jews living in Palestine at that time wanted no part of a "Jewish homeland" populated by immigrants from the bowels of Europe. Indigenous Jews were well aware of Zionist designs and so were their Muslim and Christian neighbors:

"Across the mainstream Zionist
spectrum, it was understood
from the outset that Palestine's
indigenous Arab population
would not acquiesce in its

Would you?

5. Excerpt 2: ?An Introduction to the Israel Palestine Conflict? | michaellevinmusic | Michael Levin

Very disingenuous to obliterate the rest of the Jews from the equation wasn't it. Did your forget about the 1 million Jews that were ethnically cleansed from muslim lands in 1948. Beaten, robbed, their females raped and many MASS MURDERED by butchers you now defend. Only little Israel was their saviour and took the survivors in, housed them, gave them medical treatment, found them employment and asked nothing of them in return. The indigenous Jews had been sickened by the constant abuse and atrocities given out by the muslim scum that they were cowed into agreeing with them over the formation of Israel. Once it was re-born every single Jew that could showed their alliegance and fought against the muslim murdering scum. After 1400 years of beatings, MASS MURDERS and atrocities there were quite a few old scores to settle and the Jews went to town. Now the NAZI'S and ISLAMONAZIS are hell bent on destroying Israel and finishing the job of ethnically cleansing the M.E of its Jewish presence.

Because they read history, perhaps?

The world almost without exception is comprised of nations that were founded on the bloody ground of aboriginal people who were moved, murdered or assimiliated by the nation states that exist, today.

Obviously the WESTERN HEMISPHERE is the best example of that reality.

So the question for Isreal is NOT, is this a moral STATE?

That's a preposterous question because ALL STATES are amoral.

The ONLY question that matters to Zionists is this: How long can Israel exist when a significant population both inside and outside of its borders do NOT support the existence of that state?

History tells us the answer is that a STATE occupation of formerly foreign land can be a long long time ESPECIALLY if the STATE has colonized it with its own people.

Northern Ireland is a pretty good example... it has been occupied by England for nearly 700 years .

OTOH, no EUROPEAN occupation of any land in the fertrile crescent has lasted more than about 200 years.

The Jews of Germany - about 1% of the German population ca 1933 - could attest to the fact that the Jews of Europe, Eastern or Western, were never considered by 'the average man' to be 'European'.

And as Leo Frank would join Mendel Beilis in explaining to you, Jewish citizens of America were not always accepted as "equals" either.

Let's be clear on this: EVERY Allied government knew about Hitler's genocide against the Jews - and not one actually *did* anything in terms of taking in the refugees they KNEW were going to be murdered otherwise......

Given that the LARGEST group of Israeli Jews (over half) are not of 'European' origin whatsoever, but the descendants of Jews ethnically cleansed from all the Arab League nations - it's disingenuous and inaccurate to misrepresent Israel as 'European'.
Prove it.

Like this do you mean

Exodus from Arab Muslim countries:

Country 1948 vs 2011

Algeria (1948) 140,0000 – (2011) 0
Bahrain (1948) 550-600 – (20011) 37
Egypt (1948) 80,000 – (20011) 100 or less
Iraq (1948) 140,000 – (2011) 11
Lebanon (1948) 20,000 – (2011) 0
Libya (1948) 38,000 – (2011) 0
Morocco (1948) 300,000 – (2011) 3,000 or less
Syria (1948) 40,000 – (2011) 100 or less
Tunisia (1948) 105,000 – (2011) 500 or less
Yemen (1948) 80,000 – (2011) 350 or less
Jordan (1948) 10,000 – (2011) 0
Sudan (1948) 350 – (2011) 0

Total (1948) 953,950 (2011) 4,098 or less

Country 1948 vs 2011

Afghanistan (1948) 5,000 – (2011) 1
Iran (1948) 210, 000 – (2011) 35, 000 0r less
Kurdistan (1948) 120, 000 – (2011) 100 or less
Pakistan (1948) 2,500 – (2011) 100 or less
Turkey (1948) 115, 000 – (2011) 2,500

Total (1948) 452, 500 – (2011) 37, 701

Jewish Population in Arab and Muslim Countries | American Defense League (ADL)
I love these fantasy threads these Israel haters create, where they start jerking each other off in mutual masturbation to the destruction of Israel, which they believe could be any day now.

There must be a special name for it, like a type of mental illness, because they do it almost everyday. Sometimes multiple times per day. It's almost like they wake up in the morning, and think "how can I come up a reason to jerk myself off to the destruction of Israel today?" Then they hit the Internet and pick up the garbage you see on this thread.

I gotta tall you, it's fucking hilarious.

Meanwhile Israel exists, and will continue to, and it gets stronger and more prosperous everyday.

Yes it is called neo marxism were the leaders live like lords with their fast cars and fast women and the rest live as slaves to the state. A good example is Putin who lives the high life while demanding his people tighten their belts for the rough times ahead.
The Jewish State's timing also seems a little suspect.
The world's tolerance for forced displacement of indigenous populations waned noticeably post Hitler:

"In the
aftermath of the brutal Nazi
experiments with and plans for
demographic engineering,
international public opinion
had ceased granting any
legitimacy to forced population

"The landmark Fourth
Geneva Convention, ratified in
1949, for the first time
'unequivocally prohibited
deportation" of civilians under
occupation (Articles 49, 147). (25)'"

5. Excerpt 2: ?An Introduction to the Israel Palestine Conflict? | michaellevinmusic | Michael Levin

There are currently voices in the Knesset calling for expulsion of West Bank and Gaza Arabs into surrounding Muslim states.

There are voices in the Islamic world calling for the expulsion of all Jews in the M.E and not to another Jewish state but into the grave.

I came here to post this, except I was going to be more specific and post about the voices in Gaza world

They are just as loud and just as many in the rest of the Islamic world, we even hear them in the UK now with the socialist swelling the ranks of JEW HATERS
There are voices in the Islamic world calling for the expulsion of all Jews in the M.E and not to another Jewish state but into the grave.

I came here to post this, except I was going to be more specific and post about the voices in Gaza world

They are just as loud and just as many in the rest of the Islamic world, we even hear them in the UK now with the socialist swelling the ranks of JEW HATERS

"'The tragedy of Zionism,' Walter
Laqueur wrote in his standard
history, 'was that it appeared on
the international scene when
there were no longer empty
spaces on the world map.'

is not quite right.

"Rather it was
no longer politically tenable to
create such spaces:
extermination had ceased to be
an option of conquest. (5)

"Basically the Zionist movement
could only choose between two
strategic options to achieve its
goal: what Benny Morris has
labeled 'the way of South Africa'
- 'the establishment of an
apartheid state, with a settler
minority lording it over a large,
exploited native majority' - or
the 'the way of transfer'- 'you
could create a homogenous Jewish
state or at least a state with an
overwhelming Jewish majority by moving or transferring all or
most of the Arabs out.'" (6)

Transfer is still the preferred option for all good Zionists; however, with nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea, an apartheid state modeled on White South Africa seems a more likely option.

"Israel confronted the same dilemma
after occupying the West Bank and
Gaza as at the dawn of the Zionist
movement: it wanted the land but
not the people.

"Expulsion, however,
was no longer a viable option. In the
aftermath of the brutal Nazi
experiments with and plans for
demographic engineering,
international public opinion
had ceased granting any
legitimacy to forced population

"The landmark Fourth
Geneva Convention, ratified in
1949, for the first time
'unequivocally prohibited
deportation' of civilians under
occupation (Articles 49, 147). (25)

"Accordingly Israel moved after the
June war to impose the second of its
two options mentioned above -

"This proved to be the
chief stumbling block to a
diplomatic settlement of the Israel
Palestine conflict.

5. Excerpt 2: ?An Introduction to the Israel Palestine Conflict? | michaellevinmusic | Michael Levin

I love these fantasy threads these Israel haters create, where they start jerking each other off in mutual masturbation to the destruction of Israel, which they believe could be any day now.

There must be a special name for it, like a type of mental illness, because they do it almost everyday. Sometimes multiple times per day. It's almost like they wake up in the morning, and think "how can I come up a reason to jerk myself off to the destruction of Israel today?" Then they hit the Internet and pick up the garbage you see on this thread.

I gotta tall you, it's fucking hilarious.

Meanwhile Israel exists, and will continue to, and it gets stronger and more prosperous everyday.

Yes it is called neo marxism were the leaders live like lords with their fast cars and fast women and the rest live as slaves to the state. A good example is Putin who lives the high life while demanding his people tighten their belts for the rough times ahead.
Yup, all you have to do is take a peek at the Muslim world. It's one shithole of barbarism, corruption, oppression and intolerance after another. The entire Muslim world is suffering, BECAUSE OF THEIR OWN DOING. Yet all that these mentally ill jerkoffs do is yap and bullshit all day about Israel.
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I came here to post this, except I was going to be more specific and post about the voices in Gaza world

They are just as loud and just as many in the rest of the Islamic world, we even hear them in the UK now with the socialist swelling the ranks of JEW HATERS

The Iranian revolution was actually planned and carried out by Marxist Islamists believe it or not. Once Khomeini took control, he started slaughtering them just as bad as the members of the previous regime.

In revolutions, its usually the most violent and barbaric that usually wins, not the "idealists". The Marxist Islamist Iranians are still around, but they are no longer Islamist. They carry the Shah's "lion and sun" emblem on their flag, and are hiding in Iraq. They are enemy no. 1 of Iran. In fact many of the assassinations and bombings of Iranian leaders that people believed to be the work of the Mossad, was actually these guys.

Reason I bring this up, is contrary to popular belief, Marxism and Islamism are not as incompatible as one would think.


The People's Mojahedin of Iran or the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK, also PMOI, MKO; Persian: سازمان مجاهدين خلق ايران sāzmān-e mojāhedin-e khalq-e irān) is an Iranian leftist revolutionary organization that participated in the 1979 Revolution that overthrew the Pahlavi Shah. Following the conflict with Ayatollah Khomeini MEK started an open war and most of its members fled abroad. It is now an opposition movement in exile, that advocates the overthrow of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Founded on September 5, 1965 by a group of left-leaning Muslim Iranian university students as an Islamic and Marxist political mass movement, the MEK was originally devoted to armed struggle against the Shah of Iran and its supporters.[6] In the immediate aftermath of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, the MEK and the Tudeh Party at first chose to side with the clerics led by Ayatollah Khomeini against the liberals, nationalists and other moderate forces within the revolution. A power struggle ensued, and by mid-1981, MEK was fighting street battles against the Islamic Revolutionary Guards. During the Iran–Iraq War, the group was given refuge by Saddam Hussein and mounted attacks on Iran from within Iraqi territory.
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Georgie: What are that blogger's credentials on the topic? All I see is, he's a musician......

Would you go to him to have your car repaired? I don't think so. And he's not any more qualified to KNOW anything about the situation just because he was raised in a 'Jewish' home - unless one imagines some vast conspiracy , LOL!

Those statements about 'Jews in Palestine' not wanting 'immigrants from the bowels of Europe' - what documentation is given for that?
Don't do much reading, do you Marg?

"An Introduction to the Israel
Palestine Conflict (Updated
September 2002)
Norman Finkelstein"

"The bowels of Europe" was my observation based on accounts I've read of urban Jews from Europe who found it beneath their "dignity" to work the land as farmers in Palestine.

5. Excerpt 2: ?An Introduction to the Israel Palestine Conflict? | michaellevinmusic | Michael Levin

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