The trans thing has made me like LGBT less, not more

The trans thing has made me like LGBT less, not more​

The trick is ... and what we've been taught to strive for until a few years ago ... is to achieve a society where we don't like (or hate) any people based on their group identity.

We like, or hate, them based on their individual deeds, ideas, and actions.

Hating (or liking) someone just because they belong to a specific group is lazy.

If you don't have the initiative and drive to get to know someone before you like or hate them, then you have no business liking or hating.
Yeah, let's all live in the world that was 200 years ago.

You go by yourself then.

I'm OK with that. They had lovely fashions

What else?

Class society that intrigues you.

When did we stop having a class society?

Isn't the entire basis of Communist ideology perpetuating and exploiting the class society?

1. Pretending they can change sex is nuts. They can't.

2. Insisting they get to control how we talk about that is both dominating and attention-seeking. And I for one won't cooperate with that.

That's why they don't deserve respect and won't get it. At least not from anyone not on the far left.
Ohhh noooo!


Stamp THAT shit out!
The LGB part of it wanted same-sex marriage, which I opposed at first, but really there's no harm.

But the trans people want to go into women's bathrooms and ogle women and destroy competitive women's and girl's sports.

I think LGB needs to jettison the T because I'm sure I'm not the only one getting angry about this.
I’m sure the feeling is mutual.
The LGB part of it wanted same-sex marriage, which I opposed at first, but really there's no harm.

But the trans people want to go into women's bathrooms and ogle women and destroy competitive women's and girl's sports.

I think LGB needs to jettison the T because I'm sure I'm not the only one getting angry about this.
The left have turned batshit crazy.
All of these "movements" are classic Alinsky type tactics to divide. That you feel more strongly against "oppressed" group X after a constant barrage of the grievances of the day is by design.
If an adult man wants to play dress up and pretend he's a broad, that's his own affair. Its a free fucking country.

But the problems are when they expect me to affirm and indulge their fantasy and when they try and push children into having sex changes too.

I remember seeing "Christine" Jorgensen on TV as a kid chatting up Dave Susskind and Joe Pyne.

But that was different. Mr. Jorgensen was a grown man, a military veteran, when he decided to pull the old "switcheroo". He wasn't a 3 year old kid.
All of these "movements" are classic Alinsky type tactics to divide. That you feel more strongly against "oppressed" group X after a constant barrage of the grievances of the day is by design.
Like white men constantly complaining about losing their white privilege.

Hate those fuckers.
Like rogueal's previous post still complaining about how hard it is to be a white guy in a Merica.
The LGB part of it wanted same-sex marriage, which I opposed at first, but really there's no harm.

But the trans people want to go into women's bathrooms and ogle women and destroy competitive women's and girl's sports.

I think LGB needs to jettison the T because I'm sure I'm not the only one getting angry about this.

Anytime someone gets in my face and tell me I should give them special treatment, special attention, special consideration and that they deserve things just for being different. And parade around telling everyone how great they are all it does is make me automatically dislike them.

It's like how everyone has worked with that one person always talking about how nothing would get done without them, how they do everyone else's work, how everyone always is coming to them to get stuff done and so on. That's always the least liked person at work, the one everyone talks shit about when they aren't around. No one likes that person.

Over the years I've worked with some fags that never really talked about being gay, they weren't flamers that adopted some gay persona, never complained about how they are treated or anything and I liked them just fine because they acted like a person. They didn't act like a "gay person". Same things with trannies, if you want to be a tranny that's fine, but don't make it an issue or shove it in people's faces.

Fags and trannies we're ok when they were saying "don't label us, we're just people". But now all of them are saying "label us as tags and trannies" and soon as that happened I started to dislike them.

Same thing with blacks. I spent 40 years not being racist. But the way blacks have been behaving the past 5 or 6 years (especially the past 2 years) I find myself hating blacks as a whole and I am becoming racist.

Just be a person, that's all you have to do.
Anytime someone gets in my face and tell me I should give them special treatment, special attention, special consideration and that they deserve things just for being different. And parade around telling everyone how great they are all it does is make me automatically dislike them.

It's like how everyone has worked with that one person always talking about how nothing would get done without them, how they do everyone else's work, how everyone always is coming to them to get stuff done and so on. That's always the least liked person at work, the one everyone talks shit about when they aren't around. No one likes that person.

Over the years I've worked with some fags that never really talked about being gay, they weren't flamers that adopted some gay persona, never complained about how they are treated or anything and I liked them just fine because they acted like a person. They didn't act like a "gay person". Same things with trannies, if you want to be a tranny that's fine, but don't make it an issue or shove it in people's faces.

Fags and trannies we're ok when they were saying "don't label us, we're just people". But now all of them are saying "label us as tags and trannies" and soon as that happened I started to dislike them.

Same thing with blacks. I spent 40 years not being racist. But the way blacks have been behaving the past 5 or 6 years (especially the past 2 years) I find myself hating blacks as a whole and I am becoming racist.

Just be a person, that's all you have to do.
But you love trump who brags constantly about great he is and acts like a jerk in the office.

What you desire is for people who don’t act or look like your preference to be shut out of society.

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