The True Difference Between Liberals and "PROGRESSIVES"


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Bill Maher, Bari Weiss, Jimmy Dore, the list goes on and on...

These are all old school Liberals who have not changed their positions on free speech and foreign policy, but are often to the Left of the MAGA movement when it comes to some social/fiscal issues.

As Liberals are.

It is the "PROGRESSIVE/WOKE" Left that they now deplore and find downright unrecognizable.

The COVID bullying, the endless wars, economic deprivation, sky high crime in blue cities - that now defines the Left.

Now, of course those at the top pulling the strings could care less about the puerile pawns like the people on this message board who truly buy the BS they're being sold by the Democrat Party. They're just in it for the $$$$. Just like the Establishment GOP.

But the Narrative they use to control has become hyper-militant. It's basically a combination of identity victim-hood politics and a reactionary crusade against any and all things Trump. This is what manipulates the weak little minions on the ground, and it screams of Leftist/Maoist thought control, because that's what it is.

That is why they use their rhetorical arsenal disbursed throughout the media, education and entertainment landscape to squeeze the Nation into helpless compliance. (At least that's the goal.)

Again, there is nothing Liberal about any of it, and the only reason they are able to get away with it is because the fools who follow them are blinded by the illusion of ORANGE MAN BAD and "We must defeat the White Patriarchy!/CLIMATE CHANGE WILL KILL US ALL IF WE DON'T GET RID OF TRUMP!" - all while the politicians at the top (Biden/Clinton/Obama etc.) laugh all the way to the Bank.

In short, Liberalism - whether one concurs with its ethos or not - requires critical thinking and the room for debate.

Leftism demands obedience.

Or else you're cast out of the tribe and must be destroyed as an enemy of the state.
When a "PROGRESSIVE!" laughs at a loquacious post, but then neglects to actually debate - it only further buttresses the point I'm making here.

"We have no real argument, but you must submit!"

If censorship isn't on the table, mindless derision will have to do.

Not very effective though.
Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Bill Maher, Bari Weiss, Jimmy Dore, the list goes on and on...

These are all old school Liberals who have not changed their positions on free speech and foreign policy, but are often to the Left of the MAGA movement when it comes to some social/fiscal issues.

As Liberals are.

It is the "PROGRESSIVE/WOKE" Left that they now deplore and find downright unrecognizable.

The COVID bullying, the endless wars, economic deprivation, sky high crime in blue cities - that now defines the Left.

Now, of course those at the top pulling the strings could care less about the puerile pawns like the people on this message board who truly buy the BS they're being sold by the Democrat Party. They're just in it for the $$$$. Just like the Establishment GOP.

But the Narrative they use to control has become hyper-militant. It's basically a combination of identity victim-hood politics and a reactionary crusade against any and all things Trump. This is what manipulates the weak little minions on the ground, and it screams of Leftist/Maoist thought control, because that's what it is.

That is why they use their rhetorical arsenal disbursed throughout the media, education and entertainment landscape to squeeze the Nation into helpless compliance. (At least that's the goal.)

Again, there is nothing Liberal about any of it, and the only reason they are able to get away with it is because the fools who follow them are blinded by the illusion of ORANGE MAN BAD and "We must defeat the White Patriarchy!/CLIMATE CHANGE WILL KILL US ALL IF WE DON'T GET RID OF TRUMP!" - all while the politicians at the top (Biden/Clinton/Obama etc.) laugh all the way to the Bank.

In short, Liberalism - whether one concurs with its ethos or not - requires critical thinking and the room for debate.

Leftism demands obedience.

Or else you're cast out of the tribe and must be destroyed as an enemy of the state.

Liberalism is not an authoritarian ideology and has all but disappeared from the left.

For starters, it is egalitarian in nature. So-called "progressives" assign privilege by group. Secondly, it acts to protect the individual from the tyranny of the elites. "Progressives" merely act as tools for the elites as they shut down small business to enrich the technocrats.

I can go on and on, but one thing I am sure of is not one single leftist "progressive" here has read so much as a single word by any of the great liberal political philosophers through history.
Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Bill Maher, Bari Weiss, Jimmy Dore, the list goes on and on...

These are all old school Liberals who have not changed their positions on free speech and foreign policy, but are often to the Left of the MAGA movement when it comes to some social/fiscal issues.

You lost me. By and large none of them are MAGA. They may defend things Trump does that Democrats attack him over but that in no way makes them MAGA in any way.

I've noted that I believe what Trump did with classified information is no worse than what Biden or Pence has done. But I believe they all should be prosecuted.
When a "PROGRESSIVE!" laughs at a loquacious post, but then neglects to actually debate - it only further buttresses the point I'm making here.

"We have no real argument, but you must submit!"

If censorship isn't on the table, mindless derision will have to do.

Not very effective though.

THE GATEWAY PUNDIT :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

When they have nothing they always try to attack the source.

They are dumb as a box of cat shit
Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Bill Maher, Bari Weiss, Jimmy Dore, the list goes on and on...

These are all old school Liberals who have not changed their positions on free speech and foreign policy, but are often to the Left of the MAGA movement when it comes to some social/fiscal issues.

As Liberals are.

It is the "PROGRESSIVE/WOKE" Left that they now deplore and find downright unrecognizable.

The COVID bullying, the endless wars, economic deprivation, sky high crime in blue cities - that now defines the Left.

Now, of course those at the top pulling the strings could care less about the puerile pawns like the people on this message board who truly buy the BS they're being sold by the Democrat Party. They're just in it for the $$$$. Just like the Establishment GOP.

But the Narrative they use to control has become hyper-militant. It's basically a combination of identity victim-hood politics and a reactionary crusade against any and all things Trump. This is what manipulates the weak little minions on the ground, and it screams of Leftist/Maoist thought control, because that's what it is.

That is why they use their rhetorical arsenal disbursed throughout the media, education and entertainment landscape to squeeze the Nation into helpless compliance. (At least that's the goal.)

Again, there is nothing Liberal about any of it, and the only reason they are able to get away with it is because the fools who follow them are blinded by the illusion of ORANGE MAN BAD and "We must defeat the White Patriarchy!/CLIMATE CHANGE WILL KILL US ALL IF WE DON'T GET RID OF TRUMP!" - all while the politicians at the top (Biden/Clinton/Obama etc.) laugh all the way to the Bank.

In short, Liberalism - whether one concurs with its ethos or not - requires critical thinking and the room for debate.

Leftism demands obedience.

Or else you're cast out of the tribe and must be destroyed as an enemy of the state.
Good grief. Conservatism is a mental disease.
Nope.....Today's authoritarian loons are the natural end result of "liberalism".

I disagree, friend.

Liberals are anti-censorship, anti-war, believe in freedom of the individual.

Maoist "PROGRESSIVE!" Leftism contradicts all these notions.

In fact, these notions are anathema to its very existence as a movement.
Cool. A sore-loser wh
Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Bill Maher, Bari Weiss, Jimmy Dore, the list goes on and on...
Check out all the tankies, who tend to accept Russian money.

(Okay, Maher isn't a tankie. He's just a contrarian douche. He thinks it makes him an edgelord if he contradicts the intelligent people.)

It figures Rhody likes the tankies. Everyone else thinks tankies are traitor-trash.

Rhody, how does Moscow tell you to respond to that? Run and check. You know how much your Russian handlers hate it when you try to think independently.

Also? Keep on losing, loser. That's what happens when you embrace positions that most Americans think are dogshit.
I love me some Jimmy Dore.

Real Ass Dude

His pod is fantastic.

He is vax injured. Talks about what a piece of shit Fauci is all the time

Yeah, he was on Alex Stein the other night.

He's good people.

The Liberals are natural allies of free-thinking MAGA everywhere, even if we don't agree on one hundred percent - that's OK.

Only the "Woke" intolerant commie Left require 100% acquiescence to their cause - otherwise you're like racist or some such nonsense.
Yeah, he was on Alex Stein the other night.

He's good people.

The Liberals are natural allies of free-thinking MAGA everywhere, even if we don't agree on one hundred percent - that's OK.

Only the "Woke" intolerant commie Left require 100% acquiescence to their cause - otherwise you're like racist or some such nonsense.
Exactly. I don’t want Medicare for all and student loan forgiveness or a National minimum wage, but I agree with Jimmy on so much more. Definitely no war
Yeah, he was on Alex Stein the other night.

He's good people.

The Liberals are natural allies of free-thinking MAGA everywhere, even if we don't agree on one hundred percent - that's OK.

Only the "Woke" intolerant commie Left require 100% acquiescence to their cause - otherwise you're like racist or some such nonsense.
Liberals rely on principles to form their world view, whereas the so-called "progressives" don't. For them, it is merely lock-step conformity.

They are absolutely terrified at the thought of being an adult individual with views of their own, and find comfort through groupthink.
Deranged cat lady here is a classic example of a "PROGRESSIVE".

Let's go through her delusional mind bombs "thought" by "thought", shall we?

Check out all the tankies, who tend to accept Russian money.

Russia is everywhere. Putin lurks behind every corner.

And more importantly, any idea she happens to disagree with is a Russian psyop. (IE her media masters commanded her to disagree with, since critical thought has all but dissipated in the husk her brain once occupied.)

(Okay, Maher isn't a tankie. He's just a contrarian douche. He thinks it makes him an edgelord if he contradicts the intelligent people.)

Anyone who disagrees with her must not be intelligent.

Which is incredibly ironic, because nuance is often a sign of some degree of intelligence.

Maher, who I often disagree with for the record, possesses nuance in a healthy abundance.

Cat lady does not.


It figures Rhody likes the tankies. Everyone else thinks tankies are traitor-trash.

More name calling, ad-hominem mental fog makes itself known in the specimen, with no actual ideas or counter-veiling points to make, that add any substance to what is supposed to be a back and forth dialogue - but almost never is with the "PROGRESSIVE".

Often a sign of too many boosters.

In their false parlance it may be referred to as "Long COVID", which is - of course - unscientific tripe.

Rhody, how does Moscow tell you to respond to that?

If I disagree with her, but also point out I agree with Liberals on certain fundamentals of the human condition (even though they are not exactly in my political wheelhouse) - I must be an agent of Moscow.

It couldn't possibly be that she's a close-minded, media brainwashed zombie.

Critical thinking is the enemy.

Why, it's Russian Disinformation, I tell you.

Also? Keep on losing, lose

The specimen, clearly unhappy with her lot, and shedding mRNA detritus all over the place, finally ends with one last pathetic insult to add to her repertoire of thoughtless sputum.

Time to clean out that litterbox, Cat Lady. ;)
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