The true living God

We do. I can see how it works. You can’t.

The multiple religions argument is even dumber than the world isn’t just argument.

If anything multiple religions are proof of God’s existence.
We'll have to agree to disagree on what you see and what you wish you see. How are multiple religions proof of God’s existence?
Because it shows worship is hardwired into us.
Warfare also appears to be hardwired. Did God hardwire us for both? What does that say about him and his creations?
Yes, what’s wrong with that?

It doesn’t say anything about him. It says you lack complete information and you believe life must be utopian for you to believe God exists.
I doubt anyone knows God’s plan.
Yet every religion spells out that plan in great detail.
Then please tell me God’s plan in great detail.
You mean God's plans. Plural. Pick a religion and feel free to Google it.
You are the one who made the claim. I’m the one who doesn’t believe it.

Apparently you believe in something without any proof. Prove it.
Will of God
It’s the will of God for you believe that all religions teach the plan of God but all teach something different?

Like I said before no one knows the plan of God. You can’t even say what that plan is even though you are arguing all religions teach it.
Short form: I see no evidence of the supernatural or see any evidence of any divine intervention. Everything in this world can be explained by natural forces.
You said it was based upon logic of researched information? What researched information?
School, books, lectures, TV, You Tube.
So they claimed that space and time were not created from nothing?

What did they say created space and time?
They say what I say, we don't know.
That’s the heart of the debate. You claim you don’t know and claim you do know. Which is it?
Both. Some things I know, some things I don't know.
I don't know:
  • What came before the Big Bang
  • If there is an intelligence that set off the Big Bang
I do know:
  • I've never encountered the supernatural and have no reason to believe it exists.
  • Everything in this world can be explained by natural forces, therefore there is no evidence of a god or any need for one.
  • Religions are not static but dynamic. They evolve with the culture they are in. They also generate cults based on a single person; these cult either die with their creators or become churches. (Branch Davidians vs Mormons)
Warfare also appears to be hardwired. Did God hardwire us for both? What does that say about him and his creations?
Yes, what’s wrong with that?

It doesn’t say anything about him. It says you lack complete information and you believe life must be utopian for you to believe God exists.
It says everything about him. He has some need to be adored/feared/respected by men AND he created a world of endless brutality. Utopian no, logical, yes. I see no logic/intelligence in this world. This is exactly the kind of world natural forces would create, no God needed.
You said it was based upon logic of researched information? What researched information?
School, books, lectures, TV, You Tube.
So they claimed that space and time were not created from nothing?

What did they say created space and time?
They say what I say, we don't know.
That’s the heart of the debate. You claim you don’t know and claim you do know. Which is it?
Both. Some things I know, some things I don't know.
I don't know:
  • What came before the Big Bang
  • If there is an intelligence that set off the Big Bang
I do know:
  • I've never encountered the supernatural and have no reason to believe it exists.
  • Everything in this world can be explained by natural forces, therefore there is no evidence of a god or any need for one.
  • Religions are not static but dynamic. They evolve with the culture they are in. They also generate cults based on a single person; these cult either die with their creators or become churches. (Branch Davidians vs Mormons)
If you don’t know what created existence then you can’t know what didn’t create it. This should be fairly obvious.

What evidence of the supernatural were you expecting to find?
Warfare also appears to be hardwired. Did God hardwire us for both? What does that say about him and his creations?
Yes, what’s wrong with that?

It doesn’t say anything about him. It says you lack complete information and you believe life must be utopian for you to believe God exists.
It says everything about him. He has some need to be adored/feared/respected by men AND he created a world of endless brutality. Utopian no, logical, yes. I see no logic/intelligence in this world. This is exactly the kind of world natural forces would create, no God needed.
So you were lying when you claimed you weren’t making an argument that since everything isn’t perfect there can be no God?
Like I said before no one knows the plan of God.
Yet many claim they do know. Can you prove your claim?
It’s your claim to prove not mine.

Show me one of those supposed plans you say exists. I don’t believe you can.
The 10 commandments are part of god's plan, aren't they? He made a bunch of dumb shits who went off script and he had to lay down some rules of his plan.
Like I said before no one knows the plan of God.
Yet many claim they do know. Can you prove your claim?
It’s your claim to prove not mine.

Show me one of those supposed plans you say exists. I don’t believe you can.
The 10 commandments are part of god's plan, aren't they? He made a bunch of dumb shits who went off script and he had to lay done some rules of his plan.
That’s God’s plan? Anything else?
Like I said before no one knows the plan of God.
Yet many claim they do know. Can you prove your claim?
It’s your claim to prove not mine.

Show me one of those supposed plans you say exists. I don’t believe you can.
The 10 commandments are part of god's plan, aren't they? He made a bunch of dumb shits who went off script and he had to lay down some rules of his plan.
What’s God’s plan for you?
Like I said before no one knows the plan of God.
Yet many claim they do know. Can you prove your claim?
It’s your claim to prove not mine.

Show me one of those supposed plans you say exists. I don’t believe you can.
The 10 commandments are part of god's plan, aren't they? He made a bunch of dumb shits who went off script and he had to lay down some rules of his plan.
What’s God’s plan for you?
To put you all on the right path.
If you don’t know what created existence then you can’t know what didn’t create it. This should be fairly obvious.

What evidence of the supernatural were you expecting to find?
Another double negative, but true, I don't know = agnostic. However, I don't believe anyone can tell me that they know what I don't.

Any evidence would be, literally, cosmic in significance.
Like I said before no one knows the plan of God.
Yet many claim they do know. Can you prove your claim?
It’s your claim to prove not mine.

Show me one of those supposed plans you say exists. I don’t believe you can.
The 10 commandments are part of god's plan, aren't they? He made a bunch of dumb shits who went off script and he had to lay down some rules of his plan.
What’s God’s plan for you?
To put you all on the right path.
That doesn’t sound like a plan for you.
Yet many claim they do know. Can you prove your claim?
It’s your claim to prove not mine.

Show me one of those supposed plans you say exists. I don’t believe you can.
The 10 commandments are part of god's plan, aren't they? He made a bunch of dumb shits who went off script and he had to lay down some rules of his plan.
What’s God’s plan for you?
To put you all on the right path.
That doesn’t sound like a plan for you.
God works in mysterious way, doesn't he?
If you don’t know what created existence then you can’t know what didn’t create it. This should be fairly obvious.

What evidence of the supernatural were you expecting to find?
Another double negative, but true, I don't know = agnostic. However, I don't believe anyone can tell me that they know what I don't.

Any evidence would be, literally, cosmic in significance.
But you can’t claim you don’t know the source of existence and know what the source of existence isn’t. It does not compute.
It’s your claim to prove not mine.

Show me one of those supposed plans you say exists. I don’t believe you can.
The 10 commandments are part of god's plan, aren't they? He made a bunch of dumb shits who went off script and he had to lay down some rules of his plan.
What’s God’s plan for you?
To put you all on the right path.
That doesn’t sound like a plan for you.
God works in mysterious way, doesn't he?
That’s actually not in the Bible.

It’s only mysterious to those without complete information.
If you don’t know what created existence then you can’t know what didn’t create it. This should be fairly obvious.

What evidence of the supernatural were you expecting to find?
Another double negative, but true, I don't know = agnostic. However, I don't believe anyone can tell me that they know what I don't.

Any evidence would be, literally, cosmic in significance.
But you can’t claim you don’t know the source of existence and know what the source of existence isn’t. It does not compute.
You do.
The 10 commandments are part of god's plan, aren't they? He made a bunch of dumb shits who went off script and he had to lay down some rules of his plan.
What’s God’s plan for you?
To put you all on the right path.
That doesn’t sound like a plan for you.
God works in mysterious way, doesn't he?
That’s actually not in the Bible.

It’s only mysterious to those without complete information.
Like you, and I'm here to help.
If you don’t know what created existence then you can’t know what didn’t create it. This should be fairly obvious.

What evidence of the supernatural were you expecting to find?
Another double negative, but true, I don't know = agnostic. However, I don't believe anyone can tell me that they know what I don't.

Any evidence would be, literally, cosmic in significance.
But you can’t claim you don’t know the source of existence and know what the source of existence isn’t. It does not compute.
You do.
No. I don’t claim I don’t know. I claim I do know. Try again.

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