The true living God

If you don’t know what created existence then you can’t know what didn’t create it. This should be fairly obvious.

What evidence of the supernatural were you expecting to find?
Another double negative, but true, I don't know = agnostic. However, I don't believe anyone can tell me that they know what I don't.

Any evidence would be, literally, cosmic in significance.
But you can’t claim you don’t know the source of existence and know what the source of existence isn’t. It does not compute.
You do.
No. I don’t claim I don’t know. I claim I do know. Try again.
You claim you know the source of existence and you claim that you don't understand god.
Warfare also appears to be hardwired. Did God hardwire us for both? What does that say about him and his creations?
Yes, what’s wrong with that?

It doesn’t say anything about him. It says you lack complete information and you believe life must be utopian for you to believe God exists.
It says everything about him. He has some need to be adored/feared/respected by men AND he created a world of endless brutality. Utopian no, logical, yes. I see no logic/intelligence in this world. This is exactly the kind of world natural forces would create, no God needed.
So you were lying when you claimed you weren’t making an argument that since everything isn’t perfect there can be no God?
Perfection has nothing to do with it. I'm unclear on what perfection you think I'm demanding. People tell me about God but I don't see evidence for him in the world around me, simple as that.
If you don’t know what created existence then you can’t know what didn’t create it. This should be fairly obvious.

What evidence of the supernatural were you expecting to find?
Another double negative, but true, I don't know = agnostic. However, I don't believe anyone can tell me that they know what I don't.

Any evidence would be, literally, cosmic in significance.
But you can’t claim you don’t know the source of existence and know what the source of existence isn’t. It does not compute.
You do.
No. I don’t claim I don’t know. I claim I do know. Try again.
You claim you know the source of existence and you claim that you don't understand god.
Not the same thing as saying you don’t know how existence was created but you know it wasn’t God.
That doesn’t sound like a plan for you.
God works in mysterious way, doesn't he?
That’s actually not in the Bible.

It’s only mysterious to those without complete information.
Like you, and I'm here to help.
You are here to help yourself.
No, I have a gf for that. Unlike you. :biggrin:
How does she ever get mirror time with you around?
Warfare also appears to be hardwired. Did God hardwire us for both? What does that say about him and his creations?
Yes, what’s wrong with that?

It doesn’t say anything about him. It says you lack complete information and you believe life must be utopian for you to believe God exists.
It says everything about him. He has some need to be adored/feared/respected by men AND he created a world of endless brutality. Utopian no, logical, yes. I see no logic/intelligence in this world. This is exactly the kind of world natural forces would create, no God needed.
So you were lying when you claimed you weren’t making an argument that since everything isn’t perfect there can be no God?
Perfection has nothing to do with it. I'm unclear on what perfection you think I'm demanding. People tell me about God but I don't see evidence for him in the world around me, simple as that.
You can parse and/or quibble all you want but you are making an argument that there can be no God because things aren’t the way you believe they should be. Which is an argument you claimed you didn’t agree with. Weird, huh?
If you don’t know what created existence then you can’t know what didn’t create it. This should be fairly obvious.

What evidence of the supernatural were you expecting to find?
Another double negative, but true, I don't know = agnostic. However, I don't believe anyone can tell me that they know what I don't.

Any evidence would be, literally, cosmic in significance.
But you can’t claim you don’t know the source of existence and know what the source of existence isn’t. It does not compute.
It is the evidence that does not compute. There is none for the source of existence.
If you don’t know what created existence then you can’t know what didn’t create it. This should be fairly obvious.

What evidence of the supernatural were you expecting to find?
Another double negative, but true, I don't know = agnostic. However, I don't believe anyone can tell me that they know what I don't.

Any evidence would be, literally, cosmic in significance.
But you can’t claim you don’t know the source of existence and know what the source of existence isn’t. It does not compute.
It is the evidence that does not compute. There is none for the source of existence.
What specific evidence are you talking about?
Warfare also appears to be hardwired. Did God hardwire us for both? What does that say about him and his creations?
Yes, what’s wrong with that?

It doesn’t say anything about him. It says you lack complete information and you believe life must be utopian for you to believe God exists.
It says everything about him. He has some need to be adored/feared/respected by men AND he created a world of endless brutality. Utopian no, logical, yes. I see no logic/intelligence in this world. This is exactly the kind of world natural forces would create, no God needed.
So you were lying when you claimed you weren’t making an argument that since everything isn’t perfect there can be no God?
Perfection has nothing to do with it. I'm unclear on what perfection you think I'm demanding. People tell me about God but I don't see evidence for him in the world around me, simple as that.
You can parse and/or quibble all you want but you are making an argument that there can be no God because things aren’t the way you believe they should be. Which is an argument you claimed you didn’t agree with. Weird, huh?
Ahhh. Your reference to perfection through me off since I never expected such.

I first believed there is no God because I could find no logic in a system where we're expected to recognize God and follow his teachings. All the while there being a seemingly infinite versions of his teachings to choose from. Many teachings were in direct contradiction to others. God certainly never revealed himself to me so it seemed I had to make any choice on my own with limited info. I didn't see an obvious first choice among the many religions out there so it obviously didn't matter to God to have a single religion, so logically religions were only a distraction. Since all we know of God came from religions, this was a classic case of circular reasoning. Viola: no God! I've never found any evidence to the contrary.
Another double negative, but true, I don't know = agnostic. However, I don't believe anyone can tell me that they know what I don't.

Any evidence would be, literally, cosmic in significance.
But you can’t claim you don’t know the source of existence and know what the source of existence isn’t. It does not compute.
You do.
No. I don’t claim I don’t know. I claim I do know. Try again.
You claim you know the source of existence and you claim that you don't understand god.
Not the same thing as saying you don’t know how existence was created but you know it wasn’t God.
You're still saying contradictory things at once.
God works in mysterious way, doesn't he?
That’s actually not in the Bible.

It’s only mysterious to those without complete information.
Like you, and I'm here to help.
You are here to help yourself.
No, I have a gf for that. Unlike you. :biggrin:
How does she ever get mirror time with you around?
I don't need a mirror, I know what i look like.
Like I said before no one knows the plan of God.
Yet many claim they do know. Can you prove your claim?
It’s your claim to prove not mine.

Show me one of those supposed plans you say exists. I don’t believe you can.
I can to.
Can you thumbnail God’s plan for me. I didn’t get it from the link.
Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Why would God want us to suffer, some might ask? There are numerous verses in the Bible that talk about suffering. For example, Romans 5:3-5 says, "And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope: and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us." We should rejoice in suffering, because it sharpens and strengthens us into a stronger Christian. Not only that, but 1 Peter 5:10 says, "But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you." Although we may suffer in life, God lives within us and He can offer us a perfect peace.
If you don’t know what created existence then you can’t know what didn’t create it. This should be fairly obvious.

What evidence of the supernatural were you expecting to find?
Another double negative, but true, I don't know = agnostic. However, I don't believe anyone can tell me that they know what I don't.

Any evidence would be, literally, cosmic in significance.
But you can’t claim you don’t know the source of existence and know what the source of existence isn’t. It does not compute.
It is the evidence that does not compute. There is none for the source of existence.
What specific evidence are you talking about?
The complete lack of evidence for anything from before the BB.
Yes, what’s wrong with that?

It doesn’t say anything about him. It says you lack complete information and you believe life must be utopian for you to believe God exists.
It says everything about him. He has some need to be adored/feared/respected by men AND he created a world of endless brutality. Utopian no, logical, yes. I see no logic/intelligence in this world. This is exactly the kind of world natural forces would create, no God needed.
So you were lying when you claimed you weren’t making an argument that since everything isn’t perfect there can be no God?
Perfection has nothing to do with it. I'm unclear on what perfection you think I'm demanding. People tell me about God but I don't see evidence for him in the world around me, simple as that.
You can parse and/or quibble all you want but you are making an argument that there can be no God because things aren’t the way you believe they should be. Which is an argument you claimed you didn’t agree with. Weird, huh?
Ahhh. Your reference to perfection through me off since I never expected such.

I first believed there is no God because I could find no logic in a system where we're expected to recognize God and follow his teachings. All the while there being a seemingly infinite versions of his teachings to choose from. Many teachings were in direct contradiction to others. God certainly never revealed himself to me so it seemed I had to make any choice on my own with limited info. I didn't see an obvious first choice among the many religions out there so it obviously didn't matter to God to have a single religion, so logically religions were only a distraction. Since all we know of God came from religions, this was a classic case of circular reasoning. Viola: no God! I've never found any evidence to the contrary.
Maybe you didn’t understand what you were seeing or how it is all connected.

Maybe you didn’t understand what you were reading or made an honest attempt at understanding it.

The question has never been why doesn’t God reveal himself to us. The question has always been why haven’t we revealed ourselves to God.

God didn’t create religions, men did. Not finding the right religion is a piss poor excuse.
If you don’t know what created existence then you can’t know what didn’t create it. This should be fairly obvious.

What evidence of the supernatural were you expecting to find?
Another double negative, but true, I don't know = agnostic. However, I don't believe anyone can tell me that they know what I don't.

Any evidence would be, literally, cosmic in significance.
But you can’t claim you don’t know the source of existence and know what the source of existence isn’t. It does not compute.
It is the evidence that does not compute. There is none for the source of existence.
What specific evidence are you talking about?
The complete lack of evidence for anything from before the BB.
What evidence were you expecting to find?
Like I said before no one knows the plan of God.
Yet many claim they do know. Can you prove your claim?
It’s your claim to prove not mine.

Show me one of those supposed plans you say exists. I don’t believe you can.
I can to.
Can you thumbnail God’s plan for me. I didn’t get it from the link.
Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Why would God want us to suffer, some might ask? There are numerous verses in the Bible that talk about suffering. For example, Romans 5:3-5 says, "And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope: and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us." We should rejoice in suffering, because it sharpens and strengthens us into a stronger Christian. Not only that, but 1 Peter 5:10 says, "But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you." Although we may suffer in life, God lives within us and He can offer us a perfect peace.
Suffering brings about change. Good comes from suffering. But don’t think that God orchestrates suffering. We do that. He just uses it to produce good.

That’s not really a plan. It’s more of an outline or a summary. If I had argued that was a plan you’d be arguing against it.

But for the sake of argument, what’s wrong with that plan?

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