The Trump Conundrum

Shit or get off the pot, Boss. You know damn good and well it's either Trump or Clinton. Take a stand.

There's a plane some of us reach where we no longer give a shit between that choice ...
You're either conservative about everything or fu
I ran into an outspoken Republican partisan on Twitter the other day.

He was going on and on bashing liberals he was engaging with.

I jump into the fray with my usual style, asking questions, I asked him, "Is Trump a conservative?"

I had to repeat it like 3 times before he finally caved, and his answer was basically "no."

Then he blocked me.

What does that tell you?


That tells me you have no honesty about the Hildabeast and she she means to you
Hillary is corrupt, but....

See now, that's where you lose me. If someone is corrupt... DISQUALIFIED.
End of discussion.

I understand, you're from Chicago and this is probably not a big deal to you. For me, it's a deal breaker. IF I found out Ted Cruz was corrupt... and I don't mean some tabloid gossip or twisted distorted rhetoric... but a legitimate, dead-to-rights corruption... that would be it for my supporting him. I think that is THE number one requirement any politician should be held to.
All politicians are corrupt dude.

I call BS.
You're either conservative about everything or fu
I ran into an outspoken Republican partisan on Twitter the other day.

He was going on and on bashing liberals he was engaging with.

I jump into the fray with my usual style, asking questions, I asked him, "Is Trump a conservative?"

I had to repeat it like 3 times before he finally caved, and his answer was basically "no."

Then he blocked me.

What does that tell you?


That tells me you have no honesty about the Hildabeast and she she means to you
Well that's odd. How'd you come to that conclusion? Please expound.
As you said, this not the first time Americans are faced with choosing the lesser of two evils. The logical thing to do is forget about all campaign bluster and picture each candidate in office. How well will each candidate be able to work with congress, our allies, and our enemies? Which candidate has the experience and knowledge to perform well in a time of crisis?

Neither Trump nor Clinton is going to accomplish anything even close to what they promise.

I don't think we've ever had two worse choices. Honestly.

Your suggestion isn't helping me decide. I can't imagine either candidate in office.. they both scare the shit out of me. I'm smart enough to know it's going to be one of them... and you're right, most of their campaign promises will never happen. People talk about Supreme Court justices... again... neither candidate gives me any confidence in appointing good justices. To make things worse, I don't hold much confidence in Congress holding them in check.

I've tried to think about this in terms of what's best for the Conservative movement... is it better for Hillary to win and maybe in 4 years we can run a solid conservative against her? Or maybe it's better for Trump to win and he'll be as great as he thinks he is? Again... it's a toss up for me. I don't know if we can make it through 4 years of Hillary... I don't think Trump is going to be great... It might come down to the fact that maybe we can survive 4 years of Trump? But it's only going to be because Hillary is such a bad choice.

Like the OP says, it's a real conundrum.
Although I can think of better choices for president than Hillary Clinton, I really don't see why she is such a bad choice particular when compared to Trump. Once you get around the lying crooked Hillary nonsense, she has the knowledge, the experience, and the temperament for the job. I doubt there is anyone in Washington who has as many personal contacts with heads of state as Hillary, no one who has been involved in the solution of so many crises, and there is no politician that understands better the complex geopolitical landscape of the world. She may not make America great again, whatever that means, but she will keep the country afloat and turn it over to the next president no worse off than it its today and just maybe a bit better.
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Although I can think of better choices for president than Hillary Clinton, I really don't see why she is such a bad choice particular when compared to Trump. Once you get around the lying crooked Hillary nonsense, she has the knowledge, the experience, and the temperament for the job. I doubt there is anyone in Washington who has as many personal contacts with heads of state than Hillary, no one who been involved in the solution of so many crises, and there is no politician that understands better the complex geopolitical landscape of the world.

Everything this woman has touched in her public life is tainted with scandal, corruption and unethical behavior. You can't cite one thing in over 40 years that isn't shrouded in controversy. So this is not nonsense, this is a very legitimate complaint.

But it's not just her corruptness and crookedness that concerns me. She is a radical liberal ideologue, in many ways, worse than Barack Obama. Certainly, many times worse than her husband. In addition to that, she has proven to be totally incompetent in handling of foreign policy. The only possible thing that saves her from being the absolute worst Secretary of State in history is the current Secretary of State, John Kerry. Her "solution to crisis" is to ignore them. Fail to act. Wait until we're left to deal with the aftermath of this and then take the wrong side. Her incompetence has been proved on a level that is literally criminal. She has no business ever holding another public office.
Many of us are faced with a very vexing conundrum this election season. We seem to find ourselves with no suitable choices for the presidency of the United States. What's worse, the closer we get to November, the more our choices seem to be completely unacceptable. In the past, perhaps we've had to hold our proverbial noses and vote for the lesser of two evils but what do you do when the evils are equally bad?

I am a conservative who supported Ted Cruz. However, I never dismissed the possibility of voting for Donald Trump, should he prevail in winning the nomination. In fact, I vociferously defended some of his earlier statements regarding illegals being mostly criminals and Mexico paying for the wall. I even defended his remarks about McCain's war hero status insulating him from criticism over policy. My sentiments for Trump began to change after his attacks on Megyn Kelly, which I also dismissed as trivial nonsense. Trump began to attack people who hadn't really attacked him. First, it was Carly Fiorina with comments about her looks. Then it was Ben Carson with comments likening him to a child molester. He went on to attack Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. Not just attacks on policy but personal attacks, sleazy and lowdown gutter-level stuff.

Okay... So it's a political campaign and he's trying to win the nomination. The Democrats are going to be sleazy and nasty, so... maybe it's okay for Trump to run such a strategy in the primaries and maybe it's fair to say the candidates who couldn't withstand such attacks didn't deserve the win? I can live with that. I can find a way to dismiss all the smearing and sleazy underhanded lies and distortions because this is a rough game and maybe we need someone who can play it well like Trump? Rolling into the convention, I was willing to forgive all the crap he threw at Cruz for the sake of unifying the party so we could defeat Hillary Clinton. I think a lot of you were ready to do the same. Then came the set up of Cruz and the post-convention speech.

For the next several days, the bashing and smearing of Ted Cruz from the primaries was revived and Trump along with his supporters seemed to take great joy in trashing and bashing Cruz one more time. And this persisted until Trump turned his attention to bashing and trashing a Gold Star father who spoke at the Democratic Convention. So now, we've spent the last several days on that. Any bounce Trump may have gotten from his convention is gone. Hillary is back on top in all the polls and with the negative press Trump is now getting, look for her numbers to go up even more in the coming days. His supporters, undaunted, continue to try and explain, justify and turn the worm on the Gold Star father... completely oblivious to Hillary who is running away with the election.

The Hill reports that a recent poll conducted of the military vote, shows Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate leading both Trump and Clinton. This is shocking because the GOP historically wins this vote by a huge majority. Key Republican congressmen are now coming out in support of Hillary Clinton. Other Republicans are reluctant to endorse Trump or be seen campaigning with him. He continues to completely alienate the Conservative base and try to appeal to the Bernie Sanders voters. There is turmoil within his campaign staff... people abandoning ship left and right. And we all wait for the next bombastic and inflammatory comment to come spewing out of Trump's uncontrollable mouth.

What are we to do? It's a real conundrum for some of us. We can't vote for Hillary Clinton... but how the hell can we vote for someone like Donald Trump? This election should be a cakewalk for virtually ANY competent or half-way-competent republican. Instead, we seem to be stuck with someone who doesn't even seem to like most republicans and certainly doesn't seem to stand for very many conservative principles. He continues to pander to the left, change his positions from what he ran on in the primaries, and attack with viciousness, anyone who dares to disagree with him in any way. This is a mess and there are no signs that things are improving. His small and dwindling base of support seems content to continue defending his outrageous comments and bombastic remarks, they don't want to try and hold him accountable or pull him back. As awkward as it may be, they are out there jumping to his defense. Two weeks removed from the convention and still not focused on Hillary Clinton.

I've got news for you people, you're not helping Donald Trump. You're sure as hell not helping defeat Hillary Clinton. If this continues, perhaps you morons deserve to have Trump burn your party to the ground. It's just a shame that this nation is unfortunately going to have to endure another 8 years of progressive liberalism.. aka:Marxist Socialism at the hands of the most corrupt and crooked politician in history. I honestly don't know if we can survive that, but it's becoming more and more inevitable every day. Trump and his supporters simply don't act like they want to win this election.
A long post without one word about what either candidate will do about the important issues the US faces. Why bother to vote at all if you have no interest in what the candidates will do about the important issues?
Exactly what "important issues" are you talking about? What issues are the most important to you?
Although I can think of better choices for president than Hillary Clinton, I really don't see why she is such a bad choice particular when compared to Trump. Once you get around the lying crooked Hillary nonsense, she has the knowledge, the experience, and the temperament for the job. I doubt there is anyone in Washington who has as many personal contacts with heads of state than Hillary, no one who been involved in the solution of so many crises, and there is no politician that understands better the complex geopolitical landscape of the world.

Everything this woman has touched in her public life is tainted with scandal, corruption and unethical behavior. You can't cite one thing in over 40 years that isn't shrouded in controversy. So this is not nonsense, this is a very legitimate complaint.

But it's not just her corruptness and crookedness that concerns me. She is a radical liberal ideologue, in many ways, worse than Barack Obama. Certainly, many times worse than her husband. In addition to that, she has proven to be totally incompetent in handling of foreign policy. The only possible thing that saves her from being the absolute worst Secretary of State in history is the current Secretary of State, John Kerry. Her "solution to crisis" is to ignore them. Fail to act. Wait until we're left to deal with the aftermath of this and then take the wrong side. Her incompetence has been proved on a level that is literally criminal. She has no business ever holding another public office.
If you don't vote for Trump you are going to get Hillary. So quit trying to sabotage Trumps run.
Then why do you bother to comment at all?

Because.. fuck you!

We are not going to sit here as Conservative Republican voters and be totally disrespected daily by a bunch of total jerks who have sold out their principles and convictions to support some half-baked celebrity like a bunch of little teenage girls!

So get used to it, bucko! We're not going away and we're not shutting up. We're going to be in your grill from now until the election... and beyond, if Bozo happens to pull a win out the jaws of defeat somehow.

Hey... here's an idea, instead of seeing how utterly nasty and mean you can be to us, how about maybe focusing some of that testosterone on Hillary Clinton so that we don't have to ridicule you for the next 4 years for losing one of the biggest cakewalks in political history to a crook?
the problem is he has no issues. (tell me one thing he has stayed on message with). he has only twitter fights.
Building a wall, smarter trade deals, defeating ISIS, cracking down on domestic terrorism and violence against police, not dicking around in the middle east unless we have to, bringing jobs back, little things like that.

You are nothing but a lying smearing sack of pus.

Building a wall by making mexico pay for it. How? he has never explained how or why Mexico would pay for the wall.

Smarter trade deals. Like what ? So far he has been to busy looking at himself in mirrors and chasing reflected light on the wall to do much splainin'.

Cracking down on domestic terrorism. Like who and how? Would he keep all the NSA snooping programs?

Trump is like Obama. Peddling the same shit in a different wrapper. That is, unless he is to busy saying something stupid.
He explained it. We'd reduce the amount of charity we send them every year. And if that isn't enough we'll tax eft transfers to Mexico.

Simple enough, but then the illegals who arent stupid will just send cash, check or money order. Ant that is only a small part of the whole thing. Presidents dont hold the purse strings. He will need congress. There is also the secret New York times interview where its likely he may have softened his thoughts on the issue some.
If you don't vote for Trump you are going to get Hillary. So quit trying to sabotage Trumps run.

If I don't vote for Trump it's because Trump didn't earn my vote... that's how that works. I'm not Trump's dick sucker. It's not MY job to blindly devote myself to your clown... it's HIS job to earn my vote.

If we end up with Hillary it's because you picked the wrong candidate. Fucking Jeb Bush could win this election... there's no excuse for losing it. A warm pile of shit could beat Hillary... so if you lose, that's a testament to how obnoxious and revolting you and your candidate were.
Although I can think of better choices for president than Hillary Clinton, I really don't see why she is such a bad choice particular when compared to Trump. Once you get around the lying crooked Hillary nonsense, she has the knowledge, the experience, and the temperament for the job. I doubt there is anyone in Washington who has as many personal contacts with heads of state than Hillary, no one who been involved in the solution of so many crises, and there is no politician that understands better the complex geopolitical landscape of the world.

Everything this woman has touched in her public life is tainted with scandal, corruption and unethical behavior. You can't cite one thing in over 40 years that isn't shrouded in controversy. So this is not nonsense, this is a very legitimate complaint.

But it's not just her corruptness and crookedness that concerns me. She is a radical liberal ideologue, in many ways, worse than Barack Obama. Certainly, many times worse than her husband. In addition to that, she has proven to be totally incompetent in handling of foreign policy. The only possible thing that saves her from being the absolute worst Secretary of State in history is the current Secretary of State, John Kerry. Her "solution to crisis" is to ignore them. Fail to act. Wait until we're left to deal with the aftermath of this and then take the wrong side. Her incompetence has been proved on a level that is literally criminal. She has no business ever holding another public office.

The reason everything Hillary has touched has ended up in controversy is the Republican Party starts rumours about anything the Clintons do, then get someone to investigate them on the basis of their rumours, and when nothing is found, Republicans claim they're lying and covering things up and hiding evidence.

Even the notion that Clinton is lying and dishonest comes from Republican lies and rumours about her, none of which is borne out by facts.

No one has been subjected to more Congressional investigations. No charges, no evidence against of any kind, no one turning against her to testify. Either she's the smartest corrupt person going, because no one can catch her or find evidence against her, or there's nothing to find. If there is something to find, why haven't Republicans found anything in any of their investigations of her? The have spent millions upon millions of taxpayer money on these investigations.

I'm not being facile here. The latest investigation is now being undertaken by the IRS based on Republican allegations that the Clinton Foundation was "pay for play". There is no evidence that this was the case, but some Republican group filed a letter of complaint against the Clinton Foundation, and the IRS is duty bound to investigate all such complaints, so here we go again.

I do strongly disagree with your assessment of her record as Secretary of State, because my view is just the opposite. One of the best Secretaries of State, ever. She prevented much loss of life when the Middle East unravelled post Bush's meddling. The ME is was and always shall be a mess. If the place was't awash with oil, no one would care.

But you are correct that she is a realio, trulio liberal, something that Obama has never been. Which gives me hope that she really will over turn Citizen's United and get the big PAC money out of politics.
Many of us are faced with a very vexing conundrum this election season. We seem to find ourselves with no suitable choices for the presidency of the United States. What's worse, the closer we get to November, the more our choices seem to be completely unacceptable. In the past, perhaps we've had to hold our proverbial noses and vote for the lesser of two evils but what do you do when the evils are equally bad?

I am a conservative who supported Ted Cruz. However, I never dismissed the possibility of voting for Donald Trump, should he prevail in winning the nomination. In fact, I vociferously defended some of his earlier statements regarding illegals being mostly criminals and Mexico paying for the wall. I even defended his remarks about McCain's war hero status insulating him from criticism over policy. My sentiments for Trump began to change after his attacks on Megyn Kelly, which I also dismissed as trivial nonsense. Trump began to attack people who hadn't really attacked him. First, it was Carly Fiorina with comments about her looks. Then it was Ben Carson with comments likening him to a child molester. He went on to attack Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. Not just attacks on policy but personal attacks, sleazy and lowdown gutter-level stuff.

Okay... So it's a political campaign and he's trying to win the nomination. The Democrats are going to be sleazy and nasty, so... maybe it's okay for Trump to run such a strategy in the primaries and maybe it's fair to say the candidates who couldn't withstand such attacks didn't deserve the win? I can live with that. I can find a way to dismiss all the smearing and sleazy underhanded lies and distortions because this is a rough game and maybe we need someone who can play it well like Trump? Rolling into the convention, I was willing to forgive all the crap he threw at Cruz for the sake of unifying the party so we could defeat Hillary Clinton. I think a lot of you were ready to do the same. Then came the set up of Cruz and the post-convention speech.

For the next several days, the bashing and smearing of Ted Cruz from the primaries was revived and Trump along with his supporters seemed to take great joy in trashing and bashing Cruz one more time. And this persisted until Trump turned his attention to bashing and trashing a Gold Star father who spoke at the Democratic Convention. So now, we've spent the last several days on that. Any bounce Trump may have gotten from his convention is gone. Hillary is back on top in all the polls and with the negative press Trump is now getting, look for her numbers to go up even more in the coming days. His supporters, undaunted, continue to try and explain, justify and turn the worm on the Gold Star father... completely oblivious to Hillary who is running away with the election.

The Hill reports that a recent poll conducted of the military vote, shows Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate leading both Trump and Clinton. This is shocking because the GOP historically wins this vote by a huge majority. Key Republican congressmen are now coming out in support of Hillary Clinton. Other Republicans are reluctant to endorse Trump or be seen campaigning with him. He continues to completely alienate the Conservative base and try to appeal to the Bernie Sanders voters. There is turmoil within his campaign staff... people abandoning ship left and right. And we all wait for the next bombastic and inflammatory comment to come spewing out of Trump's uncontrollable mouth.

What are we to do? It's a real conundrum for some of us. We can't vote for Hillary Clinton... but how the hell can we vote for someone like Donald Trump? This election should be a cakewalk for virtually ANY competent or half-way-competent republican. Instead, we seem to be stuck with someone who doesn't even seem to like most republicans and certainly doesn't seem to stand for very many conservative principles. He continues to pander to the left, change his positions from what he ran on in the primaries, and attack with viciousness, anyone who dares to disagree with him in any way. This is a mess and there are no signs that things are improving. His small and dwindling base of support seems content to continue defending his outrageous comments and bombastic remarks, they don't want to try and hold him accountable or pull him back. As awkward as it may be, they are out there jumping to his defense. Two weeks removed from the convention and still not focused on Hillary Clinton.

I've got news for you people, you're not helping Donald Trump. You're sure as hell not helping defeat Hillary Clinton. If this continues, perhaps you morons deserve to have Trump burn your party to the ground. It's just a shame that this nation is unfortunately going to have to endure another 8 years of progressive liberalism.. aka:Marxist Socialism at the hands of the most corrupt and crooked politician in history. I honestly don't know if we can survive that, but it's becoming more and more inevitable every day. Trump and his supporters simply don't act like they want to win this election.
A long post without one word about what either candidate will do about the important issues the US faces. Why bother to vote at all if you have no interest in what the candidates will do about the important issues?
Exactly what "important issues" are you talking about? What issues are the most important to you?
Illegal immigration from Mexico that takes jobs away from Americans and keeps wages low by flooding the market with cheap undocumented workers

School vouchers that will allow the children of poor families to escape from failed, violent inner city schools to get a decent education.

Multinational trade pacts that leave the US government powerless to protect US jobs.

European deadbeats that don't pay their full dues to NATO or provide their fair share of the NATO military force.

A coherent foreign policy.

For starters.
The reason everything Hillary has touched has ended up in controversy is the Republican Party starts.....

I'm sorry but I'm not buying that for over 40 years, the Republican party has been obsessed with harassing poor little Hillary for no reason at all.

Even YOU aren't buying that.

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