The Trump Conundrum

Then why do you bother to comment at all?

Because.. fuck you!

We are not going to sit here as Conservative Republican voters and be totally disrespected daily by a bunch of total jerks who have sold out their principles and convictions to support some half-baked celebrity like a bunch of little teenage girls!

So get used to it, bucko! We're not going away and we're not shutting up. We're going to be in your grill from now until the election... and beyond, if Bozo happens to pull a win out the jaws of defeat somehow.

Hey... here's an idea, instead of seeing how utterly nasty and mean you can be to us, how about maybe focusing some of that testosterone on Hillary Clinton so that we don't have to ridicule you for the next 4 years for losing one of the biggest cakewalks in political history to a crook?
Cruz lost, bitch. Get over it. He's a sleazeball just like you and all your butthurt little buddies. AND his career is OVER. He proved his word isn't worth a shit, and just like you, he acted like a bitch at the convention. Trump was gracious enough to let him speak and instead of being loyal to his party he whined like a fucking baby (just like you). Whether Trump wins or loses, one thing is for sure. Cruz will never be president and will most likely not even win the nomination for Senate next time. He's finished. Have a nice day, bitch.
I'm sorry but I'm not buying that for over 40 years, the Republican party has been obsessed with harassing poor little Hillary for no reason at all.

Even YOU aren't buying that.

I would say they haven't been doing it for 40 years, but they have certainly gone back that far to try and get her. It's pathetic. I note that you have not addressed the other points about how scrutinised she has been since Bill was in office. And yet, nada...
No one has been subjected to more Congressional investigations.
That should tell you something.

No charges
Of course not!

no evidence against of any kind
Mountains of evidence.

no one turning against her to testify.
They have this bad habit of dying on us!

Either she's the smartest corrupt person going, because no one can catch her or find evidence against her, or there's nothing to find.
I'll go with the first one... she's very good at getting away with being corrupt.
Cruz lost, bitch. Get over it. He's a sleazeball just like you and all your butthurt little buddies. AND his career is OVER. He proved his word isn't worth a shit, and just like you, he acted like a bitch at the convention. Trump was gracious enough to let him speak and instead of being loyal to his party he whined like a fucking baby (just like you). Whether Trump wins or loses, one thing is for sure. Cruz will never be president and will most likely not even win the nomination for Senate next time. He's finished. Have a nice day, bitch.

What does it say about the republicans that the two worst possible candidates were their best offers this year...
No one has been subjected to more Congressional investigations.
That should tell you something.

No charges
Of course not!

no evidence against of any kind
Mountains of evidence.

no one turning against her to testify.
They have this bad habit of dying on us!

Either she's the smartest corrupt person going, because no one can catch her or find evidence against her, or there's nothing to find.
I'll go with the first one... she's very good at getting away with being corrupt.

Once again. You have nothing....
Then why do you bother to comment at all?

Because.. fuck you!

We are not going to sit here as Conservative Republican voters and be totally disrespected daily by a bunch of total jerks who have sold out their principles and convictions to support some half-baked celebrity like a bunch of little teenage girls!

So get used to it, bucko! We're not going away and we're not shutting up. We're going to be in your grill from now until the election... and beyond, if Bozo happens to pull a win out the jaws of defeat somehow.

Hey... here's an idea, instead of seeing how utterly nasty and mean you can be to us, how about maybe focusing some of that testosterone on Hillary Clinton so that we don't have to ridicule you for the next 4 years for losing one of the biggest cakewalks in political history to a crook?
Cruz lost, bitch. Get over it. He's a sleazeball just like you and all your butthurt little buddies. AND his career is OVER. He proved his word isn't worth a shit, and just like you, he acted like a bitch at the convention. Trump was gracious enough to let him speak and instead of being loyal to his party he whined like a fucking baby (just like you). Whether Trump wins or loses, one thing is for sure. Cruz will never be president and will most likely not even win the nomination for Senate next time. He's finished. Have a nice day, bitch.

But I'm not getting over anything big man. Like Cruz, I'm not kissing your guy's ass, and I'm sure not kissing your worthless ass. Cruz isn't going anywhere. You can throw this election away and let Hillary win trying to swat at him, but you're not going to get him. Even if you do, his Conservative supporters are still here standing whatchya gonna do, punk? Act like a liberal crybaby some more?
Cruz lost, bitch. Get over it. He's a sleazeball just like you and all your butthurt little buddies. AND his career is OVER. He proved his word isn't worth a shit, and just like you, he acted like a bitch at the convention. Trump was gracious enough to let him speak and instead of being loyal to his party he whined like a fucking baby (just like you). Whether Trump wins or loses, one thing is for sure. Cruz will never be president and will most likely not even win the nomination for Senate next time. He's finished. Have a nice day, bitch.

What does it say about the republicans that the two worst possible candidates were their best offers this year...
You're entitled to your opinion (as worthless as it is).
You're either conservative about everything or fu
I ran into an outspoken Republican partisan on Twitter the other day.

He was going on and on bashing liberals he was engaging with.

I jump into the fray with my usual style, asking questions, I asked him, "Is Trump a conservative?"

I had to repeat it like 3 times before he finally caved, and his answer was basically "no."

Then he blocked me.

What does that tell you?


That tells me you have no honesty about the Hildabeast and she she means to you
Well that's odd. How'd you come to that conclusion? Please expound.

Your usual style is to bash Republicans
You're either conservative about everything or fu
I ran into an outspoken Republican partisan on Twitter the other day.

He was going on and on bashing liberals he was engaging with.

I jump into the fray with my usual style, asking questions, I asked him, "Is Trump a conservative?"

I had to repeat it like 3 times before he finally caved, and his answer was basically "no."

Then he blocked me.

What does that tell you?


That tells me you have no honesty about the Hildabeast and she she means to you
Trumps losing by 15 points. Good luck stupid.

Trumps going birther! He's insane
The reason everything Hillary has touched has ended up in controversy is the Republican Party starts rumours about anything the Clintons do, then get someone to investigate them on the basis of their rumours, and when nothing is found, Republicans claim they're lying and covering things up and hiding evidence.
Translation = It's a vast right wing conspiracy.

Yes, the evil GOP minions made the FBI director say Hillary was careless and lied about her emails and server. Then the Benghazi hearings made Hillary make statements that didn't line up with the facts. They also made Hillary look responsible for the Libyan mess when all she was was Secretary of State making the decisions. They made Bill lie and perjure himself in a trial and on and on.

You are either completely brainwashed or very corrupt. Possibly both.
Although I can think of better choices for president than Hillary Clinton, I really don't see why she is such a bad choice particular when compared to Trump. Once you get around the lying crooked Hillary nonsense, she has the knowledge, the experience, and the temperament for the job. I doubt there is anyone in Washington who has as many personal contacts with heads of state than Hillary, no one who been involved in the solution of so many crises, and there is no politician that understands better the complex geopolitical landscape of the world.

Everything this woman has touched in her public life is tainted with scandal, corruption and unethical behavior. You can't cite one thing in over 40 years that isn't shrouded in controversy. So this is not nonsense, this is a very legitimate complaint.

But it's not just her corruptness and crookedness that concerns me. She is a radical liberal ideologue, in many ways, worse than Barack Obama. Certainly, many times worse than her husband. In addition to that, she has proven to be totally incompetent in handling of foreign policy. The only possible thing that saves her from being the absolute worst Secretary of State in history is the current Secretary of State, John Kerry. Her "solution to crisis" is to ignore them. Fail to act. Wait until we're left to deal with the aftermath of this and then take the wrong side. Her incompetence has been proved on a level that is literally criminal. She has no business ever holding another public office.
Yet she will win. She's up 48 to 33. Why aren't you seeing what everyone else sees?
See now, that's where you lose me. If someone is corrupt... DISQUALIFIED.
End of discussion.

I understand, you're from Chicago and this is probably not a big deal to you. For me, it's a deal breaker. IF I found out Ted Cruz was corrupt... and I don't mean some tabloid gossip or twisted distorted rhetoric... but a legitimate, dead-to-rights corruption... that would be it for my supporting him. I think that is THE number one requirement any politician should be held to.

Well, except that Ted Cruz IS Corrupt as shit. You just ignore it and pretend he isn't.

Ted Cruz Failed To Disclose Ties To Caribbean Holding Company |

What Ted Cruz won't tell you about his days as a corporate lawyer

Ted Cruz’s Goldman Sachs Problem - The New Yorker

frankly, those things sound a LOT more serious to me than "She used the wrong e-mail address".

Here's the thing. THEY ARE ALL FUCKING CORRUPT. There isn't a "not corrupt" one out there. If you think otherwise, Chief Running Gag, you are delusional.

SO frankly, I balance "does their corruption effect me" vs. "does their policy positions benefit me".

Now, as i said, back in the 1990's, i used to be one of you Right Wing Assholes who talked about "Subornation of Perjury" like that was a real thing, and though Clinton lying about a blow job was the WORST THING EVER.

Then we got Bush in there... and two wars, two recessions, a major city wiped off the map, millions of jobs lost... I realize frankly, lying about a blow job is just not that big of a deal.
You're either conservative about everything or fu
I ran into an outspoken Republican partisan on Twitter the other day.

He was going on and on bashing liberals he was engaging with.

I jump into the fray with my usual style, asking questions, I asked him, "Is Trump a conservative?"

I had to repeat it like 3 times before he finally caved, and his answer was basically "no."

Then he blocked me.

What does that tell you?


That tells me you have no honesty about the Hildabeast and she she means to you
Well that's odd. How'd you come to that conclusion? Please expound.

Your usual style is to bash Republicans
What or who are you going to blame when hillary wins and Democrats take back the Senate?

Don't blame the media. All they did was point the camera and let trump talk.
What exactly was his "attack" on the Kahn family?

No, no one wants him to attack muslims, unless those muslims are supporters of sharia law and terrorism. They want him to stick to his promise of temporarily stopping immigration until those coming in can be properly vetted. Why? Because radical muslims are killing people all over the damn world and we don't want them doing that here. Temp stopping them coming in is a good idea.

Uh, not really. Hey, here's the thing. "Radical Muslims' who are killing people "all over the world", are usually killing people in the country they were born in.

Mateen, Farouk, Hasan -ALL BORN HERE. the same with the rash of crazy assholes in France... all born there. So I'm not sure how you are going to ban someone who might have a child who might have a mental illness in 30 years...

Nor do I see why Mateen shooting people because he hates the gays is scarier than Dylann Roof shooting people because he hates the blacks or James Holmes shooting people because he hates Batman.


It's not like you are going to do something incredibly rational like "Prevent Crazy people from being able to buy guns!"
Everything this woman has touched in her public life is tainted with scandal, corruption and unethical behavior. You can't cite one thing in over 40 years that isn't shrouded in controversy. So this is not nonsense, this is a very legitimate complaint.

well, no, it isn't. the thing is everything related to this woman has been investigated. they have spent millions of dollars investigating every Wingnut complaint against this woman and her husband. And usually, when all is said in done, at worst they find some minor thing that they did that most sensible people shrug their shoulders and say "So what".


Wingnut: "You see. you see. He got a blow job from that intern and lied about it!!! We have the Jizz-stained dress!!!!"

Normal person: "So what? The economy is awesome, we aren't at war with anyone, my 401K is flush and my job has never paid better!"

Flash forward-

Wingnut: "You see. you see. She used the wrong e-mail address and there might have been something on it that is classified!!!!"

Normal Person: "So what? The economy has finally recovered and your side has nominated a fucking Nazi who thinks using nukes is a viable option in a crisis."

You get it now, Chief Running Gag? Grown ups realize that politicians are going to be corrupt and going to play "Gotcha" over bullshit because that's easier to fool stupid people like you than it is to sit down and have grown up conversations about what to do about the debt and the unemployment and the crime.

Now, I already concede, electing Hillary will be four to eight more years of this petty ass scandal mongering. I fully expect we are going to have 'Tag-Gate", a multi-million dollar investigation about whether or not Hillary tore the tags off the couches in the White House.


But frankly, given the fact that everyone says four years of Trumpenfuhrer will give us possible wars and economic disaster, I think I can live with that.
Because.. fuck you!

We are not going to sit here as Conservative Republican voters and be totally disrespected daily by a bunch of total jerks who have sold out their principles and convictions to support some half-baked celebrity like a bunch of little teenage girls!

You see, guy. This is where you are deluded.

If you want to talk about Conservatism as policy- your boy Barry Goldwater ("Deep down, you know he's nuts") ran on pure "We don't need us no government" Conservatism in 1964.

He lost 44 states. If the South wasn't having a hissy over the Civil Rights Act, he'd have lost 49. He fucking lost UTAH!!! Even the Mormons couldn't get behind his crazy desire to go back to before the Progressive Era.

So the way that you made the bitter pill of 'Conservatism" pallatable to white working people was to wrap it in a nice juicy bacon of racism, sexism and homophobia. You didn't tell white people you were going to take away their social security and their medicare and their unemployment insurance. You told them you were going to save their paychecks from them shiftless negros who wanted to collect "welfare". (Forget that most people on welfare are in fact, white.)

All your boy Trump has done is abandon the shit no one believed in anyway and just went for a double dose of the nice juicy racist bacon!!! Just tell people a scary Negro or a Scary Mexican or a Scary Muslim is going to get them.

Trump has realized as long as the box looks nice, it really doesn't matter what is in the box.
No one has been subjected to more Congressional investigations.
That should tell you something.

No charges
Of course not!

no evidence against of any kind
Mountains of evidence.

no one turning against her to testify.
They have this bad habit of dying on us!

Either she's the smartest corrupt person going, because no one can catch her or find evidence against her, or there's nothing to find.
I'll go with the first one... she's very good at getting away with being corrupt.

So your argument is that Hillary is Professor Moriarty?
the sad part here is its not a case that hillarys is the best thing sense sliced cheese ... its Trump will be the worst thing that could happen to the american government ...
You miss the point entirely. The fact that he upsets liberals so much is a really good sign. Believe me.
keep telling yourself that, snookums
The fact that you hate him so much is more proof. I want him to win solely for the reason it will lower the life span of the extreme liberals. I want to see the veins popping out of their skulls, the foaming purple faced rants. It will be some long overdue entertainment. Snookums.
and we want to see the same happen to you when Hillary I elected
You'll be waiting a long time Billy. I'm semi retired now and if Hillary winds I will start demanding every goodie government will provide, which will be considerable, thanks to the taxes you will pay. If the country wants socialism I won't fight it. What I say here is not in my best interests.

I just find it amusing the younger generation is fucking themselves thinking it's in their best interest.

well, I'm fully retired ... I sit home in my garage working on restoring a 1957 chevy hard top .. all the money I to pay for it comes from corporations paying me ... not one penny of my money is wasting on anything thing I want... the corporations pay for it ... Plus I get Social security and medicare ... they pay for any thing I might want or need ... I fully fine with you getting every thing you wish for thats you are entitled to have ... thats they way it works ... thats why we pay taxes ... I guess you thought I would be enraged about you getting, how you guys call it??? oh yes ... Free bees !!! as for the youth, it is in their best interest ... the problem you have is you're too stupid to see it ...

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